##Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek

Helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable.
Composed of a user script «AakScript» written in javascript and a filter list «AakList» using the same syntax as lists AdBlock and AdBlock Plus, the two are complementary and unlock different website.
Making a donation is an act of generosity. Your support, however modest it might be, is necessary. Be it because you love or enjoy Anti-Adblock Killer. Your donations help to continue to support and improve this project!
Benefits: Your queries will be given the highest priority, and you will be credited in the source code as a generous donor.
Paypal: Donate
Flattr: Donate
Bitcoin: 35w5N6YBWgr1Y1Qj9YoY3amo7zCbXLEJsA
Dogecoin: AF6TrxBAcnfv74zZmyP7jsHzRptmPzZBGr
Litecoin: 3EuoNXue1Fm6Jypiiuf6aXVFvJxhZ5Gqou
Step 1: ScriptManager
Note: After installation (which requires restarting your browser), you are now ready to install userscripts.
Step 2: FilterList
Note: uBlock Origin, you must enable AakList in Options -> 3rd-party-filters and [Apply changes].
Step 3: UserScript
Step 4: Support Author
- Detect & Kill Anti-Adblockers
- Check if Anti-Adblock Killer list is installed
- Check & Notify updates
- More filters for Adblockers
- Settings
- Suggest features
- Check if you have only one Adblocker enabled. (Adblock, Adblock Plus or uBlock Origin)
- Check if the script manager is enabled (Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, NinjaKit, etc...).
- Check if you have installed the latest version of Anti-Adblock Killer Script (Step 3).
- Check if you have subscribed to Anti-Adblock Killer List (Step 2).
- Check if Anti-Adblock Killer Script is enabled.
- Check if Anti-Adblock Killer List is enabled.
- Try update or re-install Anti-Adblock Killer Script.
- Try update or re-subscribe Anti-Adblock Killer List.
- Check if you have another userscript that might interfere with Anti-Adblock Killer.
- Check if one of these extensions is problematic (Disable Anti-Adblock, Ghostery, Online Security Avast, Donotrackme, Privacy Badger, Disconnect, Blur, TrackerBlock, Kaspersky Anti-Banner, Freebox (Anti-pub), No Script, YesScript, HTTPS Everywhere).
- Check if, your JavaScript is enabled Test.
- Remove duplicates Anti-Adblock Killer (Script/List).
- Remove or disable personal filters.
- Enable only the filter lists you need, too many can make your browser unresponsive.
- Force an update Adblocker lists
- Force an update Script Manager
- Check if the site is in "Supported Sites" or in "Changelog".
- If the site is not in it, please report it here.
- If it exists, but the script does not work, it probably means that the antiadblocker has changed, please report it here
- Try with another Browser.
- Try with another Script Manager.
- How to disable the update check Settings
- How to disable the list check Settings
- How write Adblock filters here
- Where can report an advertisement here
- Consult Discussions or Issues
Supported Browsers
Firefox ✔
Chrome ✔
Opera ✔
Safari ✔
Supported Adblockers
- Adblock ✔
- Adblock Plus ✔
- uBlock Origin ✔
- Adguard AdBlocker ✔
Supported Sites
Plugins (Website)
- Antiblock.org V2 & V3
- AntiAdblock (ClemensConrads)
- AntiAdblock (ErikSwan)
- AntiAdblock (D3xt3r)
- RTK Anti Adblock
- Anti Ad Buster
- AADB Anti Ads Blocker
- AdUnBlock Free & Premium
- FuckAdBlock / BlockAdBlock (Sitexw)
- ABT - Ad Block Test
- Block Adblock (thepcspy.com)
- Remove Adblock (removeadblock.com)
- Adblock Detector
- StopAdBlock (stopadblock.org)
- No-Adblock (no-adblock.com)
- AdBuddy
- AdBlockConverter (adblockconverter.com)
- HowToRemoveAdblock (howtoremoveadblock.com)
- BlockAdblock (blockadblock.com)
- TryMask (trymask.com)
Plugins (Wordpress)
- AdBlock Blocker
- No Adblock (noadblock.com)
- AdBlock Alerter
- BlockAlyzer - Adblock counter
- Ad Blocking Detector
- AntiBlock (BukssaAyman)
- AdBlock Notify
- WPAdBlock
- Sorry AdBlocker
- FeatureBlock
- DeAdblocker
- NoAdblock Nice Message
- Ad Block Defender
- Ad Blocking Advisor
- Anti Adblock Killer
- Disable Anti Adblock
- Disable Anti Adblock Script
- Remove Anti Adblock
- Skip Anti Adblock
- Bypass Anti Adblock
- Stop Anti Adblock
- Allow Adblock
- Ad Block
- Ad Blocker
- Delete Anti Adblock Protection
- Anti Anti Adblock
- Kill Anti Adblock
- Hijack Anti Adblock
- Antiblock.org Script
- Counteract Anti Adblock
- Adblockblockblock
- Anti Adblock Script
- Anti Adblock Multiup
- Anti Adblock Uptobox
- Anti Adblock Wordpress
- Cancel Anti Adblock
- No Anti Adblock
- Anti Anti Adblock
- How Remove Anti Adblock
- Removes Ad Blocking Protections
- Adblock Plus
- Adblock
- Disables AdBlock Protection
- AntiAdblockKiller
Tags (World)
- remove anti adblock protection
- supprimer protection anti adblock
- entfernen anti adblock Schutz
- eliminar la protección contra Adblock
- rimuovere la protezione contro AdBlock
- remover proteção anti adblock
- ta bort anti adblock skydd
- αφαίρεση αντι Adblock προστασία
- Anti adblock koruması kaldırmak
- Verwijder de anti adblock bescherming
- удалить Антивирус Adblock защиты
- видалити Антивірус Adblock захисту
- elimina Anti Adblock protecție
- menghapus anti adblock perlindungan
- loại bỏ chống adblock bảo vệ
- ลบป้องกัน adblock การป้องกัน
- hiqni anti adblock mbrojtje
- выдаліць Антывірус Adblock абароны
- ukloniti Anti AdBlock zaštitu
- унищожаване на противопехотни Adblock защита
- fjerne anti adblock beskyttelse
- eemaldada Anti adblock kaitse
- poistaa anti adblock suojaa
- уклоните Анти Адблоцк заштиту
- ამოიღონ ანტი adblock დაცვის
- להסיר אנטי Adblock הגנה
- eltávolítása anti adblock védelem
- bain frith Adblock cosaint
- Fjarlægja Anti AdBlocK vernd
- noņemt anti Adblock aizsardzību
- pašalinti anti Adblock apsauga
- Отстрани Анти AdBlock заштита
- usunąć zabezpieczenie anty adblock
- विरोधी एडब्लॉक सुरक्षा हटा
- 删除反Adblock的保护
- 안티 애드 블록 보호를 제거
- 抗AdBlockを保護を解除
- تعطيل مضادات آدبلوك