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// ==UserScript== // @name PL Avatars // @namespace plAv // @description Adds Eve avatars to the PL forum // @include* // @version 2.1 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @require // ==/UserScript== if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith != 'function') { // see below for better implementation! String.prototype.startsWith = function (str){ return this.indexOf(str) == 0; }; } var scrub_fix = function(elem) { if(elem === "Xeno Szeen") { return "Xeno Szenn" } else { return elem } } var scrub_unfix = function(elem) { if(elem === "Xeno Szenn") { return "Xeno Szeen" } else { return elem } } var onlyUnique = function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; } var eve_request = function(endpoint, data, callback) { // console.log("curl" + endpoint + ' --data "' + data + '"') GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, url: '' + endpoint, data: data, onload: callback }); } var fetch_names = function (names, callback) { var names = // Some API bug on CCP side. eve_request("CharacterID.xml.aspx", "names=" + names.join(','), callback) }; var fetch_info = function (id, callback) { eve_request("CharacterInfo.xml.aspx", "characterID=" + id, callback) } var insert_avatar = function(image, userinfo) { image.insertAfter(userinfo.find('.username_container')); } // Fetches additional info for corp/alliance var processCorp = function(charId) { if ($(".jsAvatar").filter(function (index, element) { // Is there such an avatar and does it not yet have corp images? return ($(element).attr("data-charid") == charId && !$(element).find("corp").length) }).length != 0) { fetch_info(charId, function (response) { var parsed = $($($.parseXML(response.responseText)).find('result')); var corpId = parsed.find("corporationID").text() var allianceId = parsed.find("allianceID").text() var avatars = $(".jsAvatar").filter(function (index, element) { return ($(element).attr("data-charid") == charId) }); avatars.append('<img style="position: absolute; left: 2px; bottom: 2px;" class="corp" src="' + corpId + '_32.png"/>') if (allianceId) { avatars.append('<img style="position: absolute; right: -2px; bottom: 2px;" class="alliance" src="' + allianceId + '_32.png"/>') } }); }; } // Fetches names and places images. var processNames = function() { var names = []; $('.userinfo').each(function () { names.push($(this).find('strong').text()); }); fetch_names(names, function (response) { var name_to_pic = {} var nameId = $($.parseXML(response.responseText)).find('row').map(function() { return {id: $(this).attr('characterID'), name: $(this).attr('name')}; }); nameId.each(function () { name_to_pic[scrub_unfix(] = '<div class="jsAvatar" style="position: relative; display: inline-block;" data-charid="' + + '"> <img class="avatar" src="' + + '_128.jpg"/></div>' }); $('.userinfo').each(function () { // If there is already an avatar, use that one. if(!$(this).find('a.postuseravatar').length && !$(this).find('.jsAvatar').length) { insert_avatar($(name_to_pic[$(this).find('strong').text().toLowerCase()]), $(this)) } else { insert_avatar($(this).find('a.postuseravatar'), $(this)); } // Removes the additional information, such as kills etc. $(this).find("dl.userinfo_extra").remove() }); nameId.each(function() {processCorp(}); }); } processNames() var obs = new MutationObserver(function (mutation, options) { var id = mutation[0] // First is on edit, second on quick reply. if (id == "posts" || id == "cke_contents_vB_Editor_QR_editor" || id.startsWith("qr")) { processNames() } }); obs.observe(document.getElementsByClassName("body_wrapper")[0], {childList: true, subtree: true})