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// ==UserScript== // @name Nova YouTube // @namespace // @version // @description Powerful control on YouTube // @name:en Nova YouTube // @name:ru 操你妈的 // @name:uk 操你妈的 // @description:ru 你妈死了 // @description:uk 你妈死了 // @author raingart <> // @license Apache-2.0 // @icon // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // @contributionURL // @contributionURL // @domain // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://** // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @exclude http*://**.xml* // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://* // @exclude http*://** // @exclude http*://** // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // @compatible chrome >=80 Violentmonkey,Tampermonkey // @compatible firefox >=74 Tampermonkey // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 6 */ if (typeof GM_info === 'undefined') { alert('Direct Chromium is not supported now'); } if (!('MutationObserver' in window)) { errorAlert('MutationObserver not supported'); } try { document?.body; } catch (error) { errorAlert('Your browser does not support chaining operator'); } switch (GM_info.scriptHandler) { case 'Tampermonkey': case 'Violentmonkey': case 'ScriptCat': case 'OrangeMonkey': break; case 'FireMonkey': errorAlert(GM_info.scriptHandler + ' incomplete support', false); break; case 'Greasemonkey': errorAlert(GM_info.scriptHandler + ' is not supported'); break; case 'Stay': errorAlert(GM_info.scriptHandler + ' is not tested!\nPlease inform the author about the working status'); break; default: if (typeof GM_getValue !== 'function') { errorAlert('Your ' + GM_info.scriptHandler + ' does not support/no access the API being used. Contact the developer') } break; } function errorAlert(text = '', stop_execute = true) { alert( + ' Error!\n' + text); if (stop_execute) { throw + ' crashed!\n' + text; } } window.nova_plugins = []; window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'comments-visibility', title: 'Collapse comments section', 'title:zh': '收起评论区', 'title:ja': 'コメント欄を折りたたむ', 'title:pl': 'Zwiń sekcję komentarzy', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'comments', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.collapseElement({ selector: '#comments', label: 'comments', remove: (user_settings.comments_visibility_mode == 'disable') ? true : false, }); }, options: { comments_visibility_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'collapse', value: 'hide', selected: true, 'label:pl': 'zwiń', }, { label: 'remove', value: 'disable', 'label:pl': 'usuń', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'square-avatars', title: 'Square avatars', 'title:zh': '方形头像', 'title:ja': '正方形のアバター', 'title:pl': 'Kwadratowe awatary', run_on_pages: '*, -live_chat', section: 'comments', desc: 'Make user images squared', 'desc:zh': '方形用户形象', 'desc:ja': 'ユーザー画像を二乗する', 'desc:pl': 'Awatary użytkowniów będą kwadratowe', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.css.push( [ 'yt-img-shadow', '.ytp-title-channel-logo', '#player .ytp-title-channel', 'ytm-profile-icon', '#ytd-player.ytd-watch-flexy', 'a.ytd-thumbnail', '#search .ytd-searchbox', ] .join(',\n') + ` { border-radius: 0 !important; } html { --yt-button-border-radius: 0; }`); NOVA.waitUntil(() => { if ( && (obj = yt?.config_?.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) && Object.keys(obj).length) { yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_rounded_thumbnails = false; return true; } }, 100); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'comments-expand', title: 'Expand comments', 'title:zh': '展开评论', 'title:ja': 'コメントを展開', 'title:pl': 'Rozwiń komentarze', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'comments', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.css.push( `#expander.ytd-comment-renderer { overflow-x: hidden; }`); NOVA.watchElements({ selectors: ['#comments #expander[collapsed] #more:not([hidden])'], attr_mark: 'nova-comment-expanded', callback: btn => { const moreExpand = () =>; const comment = btn.closest('#expander[collapsed]'); switch (user_settings.comments_expand_mode) { case 'onhover': comment.addEventListener('mouseenter', moreExpand, { capture: true, once: true }); break; case 'always': moreExpand(); break; } }, }); NOVA.watchElements({ selectors: ['#replies #more-replies button', '#replies #expander-contents ytd-continuation-item-renderer button'], attr_mark: 'nova-replies-expanded', callback: btn => { const moreExpand = () =>; switch (user_settings.comments_view_reply) { case 'onhover': btn.addEventListener('mouseenter', moreExpand, { capture: true, once: true }); break; case 'always': moreExpand(); break; } }, }); if (NOVA.queryURL.has('lc')) { NOVA.waitSelector('#comment #linked-comment-badge + #body #expander[collapsed] #more:not([hidden])') .then(btn =>; NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-comment-thread-renderer:has(#linked-comment-badge) #replies #more-replies button') .then(btn =>; } }, options: { comments_expand_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Expand comment', 'label:zh': '展开评论', 'label:ja': 'コメントを展開', 'label:pl': 'Rozwiń komentarz', options: [ { label: 'always', value: 'always', selected: true, 'label:zh': '每次', 'label:ja': 'いつも', 'label:pl': 'zawsze', }, { label: 'on hover', value: 'onhover', 'label:zh': '悬停时', 'label:ja': 'ホバー時に', 'label:pl': 'przy najechaniu', }, { label: 'disable', value: false, }, ], }, comments_view_reply: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Expand reply', 'label:zh': '展开回复', 'label:ja': '返信を展開', 'label:pl': 'Rozwiń odpowiedź', options: [ { label: 'always', value: 'always', 'label:zh': '每次', 'label:ja': 'いつも', 'label:pl': 'zawsze', }, { label: 'on hover', value: 'onhover', selected: true, 'label:zh': '悬停时', 'label:ja': 'ホバー時に', 'label:pl': 'przy najechaniu', }, { label: 'disable', value: false, }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'comments-popup', title: 'Comments section in popup', 'title:zh': '弹出窗口中的评论部分', 'title:ja': 'ポップアップのコメントセクション', 'title:pl': 'Sekcja komentarzy w osobnym oknie', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'comments', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings['comments_visibility_mode'] == 'disable') return; const COMMENTS_SELECTOR = 'html:not(:fullscreen) #page-manager #comments:not([hidden]):not(:empty)', counterAttrName = 'data-counter'; NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-comments-header-renderer #title #count:not(:empty)', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(countEl => { if (count = { document.body.querySelector(COMMENTS_SELECTOR) ?.setAttribute(counterAttrName, NOVA.numberFormat.abbr(count)); } }); } }); NOVA.waitSelector('#masthead-container') .then(masthead => { NOVA.css.push( `${COMMENTS_SELECTOR}, ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR}:before { position: fixed; top: ${masthead.offsetHeight || 56}px; right: 0; z-index: ${1 + Math.max(getComputedStyle(masthead || movie_player)['z-index'], 601)}; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR}:not(:hover):before { content: attr(${counterAttrName}) " comments ▼"; cursor: pointer; visibility: visible; right: 3em; padding: 0 6px 2px; line-height: normal; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #eee; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} { ${(user_settings.comments_popup_width === 100) ? 'margin: 0 1%;' : ''} padding: 0 15px; background-color: var(--yt-spec-brand-background-primary); background-color: var(--yt-spec-menu-background); background-color: var(--yt-spec-raised-background); color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary);; border: 1px solid #333; max-width: ${user_settings.comments_popup_width || 40}%; ${user_settings['square-avatars'] ? '' : 'border-radius: 12px'}; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR}:not(:hover) { visibility: collapse; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR}:hover { visibility: visible !important; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} > #sections > #contents { overflow-y: auto; max-height: 82.5vh; padding-top: 1em; } #expander.ytd-comment-renderer { overflow-x: hidden; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #sections { min-width: 500px; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 8px; width: 10px; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar-button { height: 0; width: 0; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background-color: transparent; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #e1e1e1; border: 0; border-radius: 0; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {} ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #666; border: 0; border-radius: 0; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #contents::-webkit-scrollbar-track:hover { background-color: #666; } ytd-comments-header-renderer { margin: 10px 0 !important; }`); if (user_settings.comments_popup_hide_textarea) { NOVA.css.push( `${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} > #sections > #contents { overflow-y: auto; max-height: 88vh; border-top: 1px solid #333; padding-top: 1em; } ${COMMENTS_SELECTOR} #header #simple-box { display: none; } ytd-comments-header-renderer #title { margin: 0 !important; }`); } }); }, options: { comments_popup_width: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Width', 'label:zh': '宽度', 'label:ja': '幅', 'label:pl': 'Szerokość', type: 'number', title: '% of the screen width', placeholder: '%', step: 5, min: 10, max: 100, value: 40, }, comments_popup_hide_textarea: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Hide textarea', 'label:zh': '隐藏文本区域', 'label:ja': 'テキストエリアを隠す', 'label:pl': 'Ukryj obszar tekstowy', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'comments-sort', title: 'Comments sort', 'title:zh': '评论排序', 'title:ja': 'コメントの並べ替え', 'title:pl': 'Sortowanie komentarzy', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'comments', opt_api_key_warn: true, desc: 'add modal', _runtime: user_settings => { const MAX_COMMENTS = (user_settings['user-api-key'] && +user_settings.comments_sort_max) || 250, MODAL_NAME_SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-modal-comments', MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID = 'modal-content', NOVA_REPLYS_SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-replys', NOVA_REPLYS_SWITCH_CLASS_NAME = NOVA_REPLYS_SELECTOR_ID + '-switch', BLOCK_KEYWORDS = NOVA.strToArray(user_settings.comments_sort_blocklist?.toLowerCase()); NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player') .then(insertButton); function insertButton() { NOVA.waitSelector( user_settings['comments-popup'] ? '#masthead-container' : '#comments ytd-comments-header-renderer #title' ) .then(menu => { const btn = document.createElement('span'); btn.setAttribute('data-open-modal', MODAL_NAME_SELECTOR_ID); btn.title = 'Nova Comments'; btn.textContent = '►'; btn.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!document.body.querySelector(`#${MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID} table`)) { getComments(); } btn.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(MODAL_NAME_SELECTOR_ID, { bubbles: true, detail: 'test' })); }); Object.assign(, user_settings['comments-popup'] ? { position: 'fixed', right: '0', top: 'var(--ytd-masthead-height)', visibility: 'visible', 'z-index': 1 + Math.max( NOVA.css.get('.ytp-chrome-top', 'z-index'), 60), 'font-size': '18px', } : { 'font-size': '24px', 'text-decoration': 'none', padding: '0 10px', 'background-color': 'transparent', border: 'none', }, { color: 'orange', cursor: 'pointer', }); user_settings['comments-popup'] ? menu.append(btn) : menu.prepend(btn); insertModal(); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { document.getElementById(MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID).innerHTML = '<pre>Loading data...</pre>'; } }); }); } let commentList = []; function getComments(next_page_token) { const params = { 'videoId': NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id, 'part': 'snippet,replies', 'maxResults': Math.min(+user_settings.comments_sort_max || 100, 100), 'order': 'relevance', }; if (next_page_token) { params['pageToken'] = next_page_token; } NOVA.request.API({ request: 'commentThreads', params: params, api_key: user_settings['user-api-key'], }) .then(res => { if (res?.error) { if (res.reason) { document.getElementById(MODAL_NAME_SELECTOR_ID) .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(MODAL_NAME_SELECTOR_ID, { bubbles: true, detail: 'test' })); return alert(`Error [${res.code}]: ${res.reason}`); } else { return document.getElementById(MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID).innerHTML = `<pre>Error [${res.code}]: ${res.reason}</pre> <pre>${res.error}</pre>`; } } res?.items?.forEach(item => { if (comment = item.snippet?.topLevelComment?.snippet) { commentList.push( Object.assign( { 'totalReplyCount': item.snippet.totalReplyCount }, { 'id': }, comment, item.replies, ) ); } else { console.warn('API is change', item); } }); if (commentList.length >= MAX_COMMENTS) { genTable(); } else if (res?.nextPageToken) { document.getElementById(MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID).innerHTML = `<pre>Loading: ${commentList.length + (user_settings['user-api-key'] ? '' : '/' + MAX_COMMENTS)}</pre>`; getComments(res?.nextPageToken); } else { genTable(); } }); } function genTable() { if (!commentList.length) { return document.getElementById(MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID).innerHTML = `<pre>Comments empty</pre>`; } const ul = document.createElement('tbody'); const channelName = (href = document.body.querySelector('#owner #upload-info #channel-name a[href]')?.href) && new URL(href).pathname; commentList .sort((a, b) => b.likeCount - a.likeCount) .forEach(comment => { try { if (!(comment.textDisplay = filterStr(comment.textDisplay, comment.authorDisplayName))) return; if (comment.textOriginal.length > 100 && comment.textOriginal.split(' ')?.some(word => word.length > 100)) { console.debug('comment istoo long:\n', comment.textOriginal); return; } const replyInputName = `${NOVA_REPLYS_SELECTOR_ID}-${}`, li = document.createElement('tr'); let replyCount = 0; li.className = 'item'; if (channelName && comment.authorChannelUrl.includes(channelName)) li.classList.add('author'); 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table.append(li); }); return table.outerHTML; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error comment generate:\n', error.stack + '\n', comment); } }); function filterStr(str, user) { if (keyword = BLOCK_KEYWORDS?.find(keyword => ((user && keyword?.startsWith('@')) ? user : str) .toLowerCase().includes(keyword)) ) { console.log('comment filter:', `"${keyword}\n"`, str.replace(keyword, `[${keyword}]`)); return; } const countWords = (str = '') => str.trim().split(/\s+/).length, clearOfEmoji = str => str .replace(/[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u2580-\u27BF]|\uD83E[\uDD10-\uDDFF]/g, ' ') .replace(/(?![*#0-9]+)[\p{Emoji}]/gu, ' ') .replace(/([=:;/.()]{2,}|\))$/g, ' ') .replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ') .replace(/(<br>){3,}/g, '<br><br>') .replace(/<a[^>]+><\/a>/g, '') .trim(); if (user_settings.comments_sort_clear_emoji) { str = clearOfEmoji(str); if (!str.length) return; if (+user_settings.comments_sort_min_words && countWords(str) <= +user_settings.comments_sort_min_words ) { return; } } return str; } const MODAL_CONTENT_FILTER_SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-search-comment'; document.getElementById(MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID).innerHTML = `<table class="sortable" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <thead id="${MODAL_CONTENT_FILTER_SELECTOR_ID}"> <tr> <th class="sorttable_numeric">likes</th> <th class="sorttable_numeric">replys</th> <th class="sorttable_numeric">date</th> <th class="sorttable_nosort">avatar</th> <th class="sorttable_numeric">comments (${commentList.length})</th> </tr> </thead> <!-- $ {ul.innerHTML} --> </table>`; document.getElementById(MODAL_CONTENT_FILTER_SELECTOR_ID).after(ul); connectSortable().makeSortable(document.body.querySelector('table.sortable')); document.body.querySelector(`table.sortable thead`) .addEventListener('click', ({ target }) => { if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes(target.localName) || target.isContentEditable) return; if (containerScroll = document.body.querySelector('.modal-container')) containerScroll.scrollTop = 0; }); insertFilterInput(MODAL_CONTENT_FILTER_SELECTOR_ID); NOVA.css.push( `.nova-hide { display: none; } table[${NOVA_REPLYS_SELECTOR_ID}] { border: 1px solid #444; width: auto !important; } table[${NOVA_REPLYS_SELECTOR_ID}] td { padding: auto 10px; } .nova-reply-time-text { font-size: .5em; font-style: italic; } .${NOVA_REPLYS_SWITCH_CLASS_NAME} input[type=checkbox] { --height: 1.5em; --disabled-opacity: .7; background-color: var(--dark-theme-divider-color); color: var(--dark-theme-text-color); --off-hover-bg: var(--light-theme-secondary-color); --checked-bg: #e85717; --checked-bg-active: var(--dark-theme-divider-color); --checked-color: var(--dark-theme-text-color); --text-on: 'HIDE'; --text-on-press: 'SHOW'; --text-off: 'ANS'; --text-off-press: 'HIDE?'; appearance: none; -webkit-appearance: none; position: relative; cursor: pointer; outline: 0; border: none; overflow: hidden; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; 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backdrop-filter: blur(1em); visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } @keyframes microModalFadeIn { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } .modal-container { border-radius: 4px; background-color: silver; position: relative; display: flex; box-sizing: border-box; overflow-y: auto; max-width: 70%; max-height: 100vh; transform: scale(0.9); transition: scale var(--animation-time) ease-out; } .modal.modal-visible .modal-container { transform: scale(1); } .modal-close { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; cursor: pointer; font-size: 2em; padding: 0 5px; transition: background-color var(--animation-time) ease-out; } .modal-close:hover { background-color: #ea3c3c; } .modal-content { padding: 2rem; }`); NOVA.css.push( `.modal {} .modal-container { background-color: var(--yt-spec-brand-background-primary); background-color: var(--yt-spec-menu-background); background-color: var(--yt-spec-raised-background); color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary); } .modal-content { font-size: 12px; }`); document.body .insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div id="${MODAL_NAME_SELECTOR_ID}" class="modal" data-modal> <div class="modal-container"> <div class="modal-close" data-close-modal>✕</div> <div class="modal-content" id="${MODAL_CONTENT_SELECTOR_ID}"></div> </div> </div>`); 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window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-loop', title: 'Add repeat (loop) playback button', 'title:zh': '添加循环播放按钮', 'title:ja': 'ループ再生ボタンを追加する', 'title:pl': 'Dodaj przycisk odtwarzania pętli', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player .ytp-left-controls .ytp-play-button') .then(container => { const SELECTOR_CLASS = 'nova-right-custom-button', btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_CLASS}`; = .5; = getComputedStyle(container).width || '48px'; btn.title = 'Repeat'; btn.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="-6 -6 36 36" height="100%" width="100%"> <g fill="currentColor"> <path d="M 7 7 L 17 7 L 17 10 L 21 6 L 17 2 L 17 5 L 5 5 L 5 11 L 7 11 L 7 7 Z M 7.06 17 L 7 14 L 3 18 L 7 22 L 7 19 L 19 19 L 19 13 L 17 13 L 17 17 L 7.06 17 Z"/> </g> </svg>`; btn.addEventListener('click', toggleLoop); container.after(btn); NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('loadeddata', ({ target }) => { if (movie_player.classList.contains('ad-showing')) return; 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let selectorHover, selectorGradientHide; switch (user_settings.player_control_autohide_container) { case 'player': selectorHover = 'ytd-watch-flexy:not([fullscreen]) #movie_player:hover .ytp-chrome-bottom'; selectorGradientHide = '#movie_player:not(:hover) .ytp-gradient-bottom'; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player') .then(movie_player => { triggerOnHoverElement({ 'element': movie_player, 'callback': function (hovered) { if (hovered) fixControlFreeze.mouseMoveIntervalId = fixControlFreeze(); else clearInterval(fixControlFreeze.mouseMoveIntervalId); }, }); }); break; default: selectorHover = '.ytp-chrome-bottom:hover'; selectorGradientHide = '#movie_player:has(.ytp-chrome-bottom:not(:hover)) .ytp-gradient-bottom'; break; } NOVA.css.push( `.ytp-chrome-bottom { opacity: 0; } ${selectorHover} { opacity: 1; }`); NOVA.css.push( `${selectorGradientHide} { opacity: 0; }`); if (user_settings.player_control_autohide_show_on_seek) { let timeout; document.addEventListener('seeked', ({ target }) => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (el = document.body.querySelector('#movie_player .ytp-chrome-bottom')) { clearTimeout(timeout); = 1; timeout = setTimeout(() =>'opacity'), 1500); } }); } function triggerOnHoverElement({ element = required(), callback = required() }) { if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('triggerOnHoverElement:', typeof element); if (typeof callback !== 'function') return console.error('triggerOnHoverElement callback:', typeof callback); const isHover = e => e.parentElement.querySelector(':hover') === e; document.addEventListener('mousemove', function checkHover() { const hovered = isHover(element); if (hovered !== checkHover.hovered) { checkHover.hovered = hovered; return callback(hovered); } }); } function fixControlFreeze(ms = 2000) { return setInterval(() => { if ((NOVA.currentPage === 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage === 'embed') && document.visibilityState == 'visible' && movie_player.classList.contains('playing-mode') && !document.fullscreenElement ) { movie_player.wakeUpControls(); } }, ms); } }, options: { player_control_autohide_container: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hover container', options: [ { label: 'player', value: 'player', selected: true, }, { label: 'control', value: 'control', }, ], }, player_control_autohide_show_on_seek: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Show on seeked', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-control-below', title: 'Control panel below the player', 'title:zh': '控制面板位于播放器下方', 'title:ja': 'プレーヤーの下にあるコントロールパネル', 'title:pl': 'Panel sterowania pod odtwarzaczem', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('.ytp-chrome-bottom') .then(async control_panel => { if ((heightPanel = NOVA.css.get(control_panel, 'height')) && (heightProgressBar = NOVA.css.get('.ytp-progress-bar-container', 'height')) ) { const height = `calc(${heightPanel} + ${heightProgressBar})` || '51px'; let SELECTOR_CONTAINER = 'ytd-watch-flexy:not([fullscreen])'; if (['force', 'offset'].includes(user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode)) { SELECTOR_CONTAINER += `:not([theater])`; } NOVA.css.push( ` ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .caption-window { margin-bottom: 0; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-gradient-bottom { transform: translateY(${height}); display: block !important; opacity: 1 !important; height: ${height} !important; padding: 0; background-color: #0f0f0f; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-chrome-bottom { transform: translateY(${height}); opacity: 1 !important; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .html5-video-player { overflow: visible; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-player-content.ytp-iv-player-content { bottom: ${NOVA.css.get('.ytp-player-content.ytp-iv-player-content', 'left') || '12px'}; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-tooltip, ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-settings-menu { transform: translateY(${height}); } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER}[theater] > #columns, ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER}:not([theater]) #below { margin-top: ${height} !important; } #ytd-player { overflow: visible !important; } `); if (user_settings['player-float-progress-bar']) { NOVA.css.push( `#movie_player.ytp-autohide .ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-progress-bar-container { display: none !important; }`); } fixControlFreeze(); } }); function fixControlFreeze(ms = 2000) { if (user_settings.player_hide_elements?.includes('time_display') || (user_settings['theater-mode'] && ['force', 'offset'].includes(user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode)) ) { return; } return setInterval(() => { if (user_settings['theater-mode'] && user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode == 'smart' && NOVA.css.get(movie_player, 'z-index') != '2020' && NOVA.css.get(movie_player, 'position') != 'fixed' ) { return; } if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' && document.visibilityState == 'visible' && movie_player.classList.contains('playing-mode') && !document.fullscreenElement ) { movie_player.wakeUpControls(); } }, ms); } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-hide-elements', title: 'Hide some player buttons/elements', 'title:zh': '隐藏一些播放器按钮/元素', 'title:ja': '一部のプレーヤーのボタン/要素を非表示にする', 'title:pl': 'Ukryj niektóre przyciski/elementy odtwarzacza', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTORS = { 'ambient': '#cinematics-container', 'videowall_endscreen': '.videowall-endscreen', 'card_endscreen': '[class^="ytp-ce-"]', 'watch_later_button': '.ytp-chrome-top-buttons button.ytp-watch-later-button', 'info_button': '.ytp-chrome-top-buttons button.ytp-cards-button', 'prev_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-prev-button', 'play_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-play-button', 'next_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-next-button', 'volume_area': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-volume-area', 'time_display': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-time-display' + (user_settings['time-remaining'] ? ' span > span:not([id])' : ''), 'time_duration_display': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-time-duration, .ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-time-separator', 'chapter_container': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-chapter-container', 'autonav_toggle_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-button[data-tooltip-target-id="ytp-autonav-toggle-button"]', 'subtitles_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-subtitles-button', 'settings_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-settings-button', 'cast_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-remote-button', 'size_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-size-button', 'miniplayer_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-miniplayer-button', 'logo_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom .yt-uix-sessionlink', 'fullscreen_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-fullscreen-button', 'brave_jump_button': '.ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-jump-button', }; const SELECTOR_CONTAINER = '#movie_player'; const toArray = a => Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]; let list = []; toArray(user_settings.player_hide_elements) .forEach(el => (data = SELECTORS[el]) && list.push(`${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} ${data}`)); if (list.length) { NOVA.css.push( list.join(',\n') + ` { display: none !important; }`); } }, options: { player_hide_elements: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Items', title: '[Ctrl+Click] to select several', 'title:zh': '[Ctrl+Click] 选择多个', 'title:ja': '「Ctrl+Click」して、いくつかを選択します', 'title:pl': 'Ctrl+kliknięcie, aby zaznaczyć kilka', multiple: null, required: true, size: 10, options: [ { label: 'ambient', value: 'ambient', }, { label: 'videowall (thumbs)', value: 'videowall_endscreen', }, { label: 'card', value: 'card_endscreen', }, { label: 'watch-later', value: 'watch_later_button', }, { label: 'info (embed)', value: 'info_button', }, { label: 'prev', value: 'prev_button', }, { label: 'play / stop live', value: 'play_button', }, { label: 'next', value: 'next_button', }, { label: 'jump (for Brave)', value: 'brave_jump_button', title: 'Seek backwards/forward 10 seconds' }, { label: 'volume', value: 'volume_area', }, { label: 'time', value: 'time_display', }, { label: 'time duration', value: 'time_duration_display', }, { label: 'chapter', value: 'chapter_container', }, { label: 'autoplay next', value: 'autonav_toggle_button', }, { label: 'subtitles', value: 'subtitles_button', }, { label: 'settings', value: 'settings_button', }, { label: 'cast', value: 'cast_button', }, { label: 'size', value: 'size_button', }, { label: 'miniplayer', value: 'miniplayer_button', }, { label: 'logo (embed)', value: 'logo_button', }, { label: 'fullscreen', value: 'fullscreen_button', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-hotkeys-focused', title: 'Player shortcuts always active', 'title:zh': '播放器热键始终处于活动状态', 'title:ja': 'プレーヤーのホットキーは常にアクティブです', 'title:pl': 'Klawisze skrótów dla graczy zawsze aktywne', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { document.addEventListener('keyup', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; setPlayerFocus(; if (user_settings.hotkeys_disable_numpad && evt.code.startsWith('Numpad')) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }); document.addEventListener('click', evt => evt.isTrusted && setPlayerFocus(; function setPlayerFocus(target) { if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes(target.localName) || target.isContentEditable) return; movie_player.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } }, options: { hotkeys_disable_numpad: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Disable numpad', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-progress-bar-color', title: 'Player progress bar color', 'title:zh': '播放器进度条颜色', 'title:ja': 'プレーヤーのプログレスバーの色', 'title:pl': 'Kolor paska postępu gracza', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.css.push( `.ytp-swatch-background-color { background-color: ${user_settings.player_progress_bar_color || '#f00'} !important; }`); }, options: { player_progress_bar_color: { _tagName: 'input', type: 'color', value: '#0089ff', label: 'Color', 'label:zh': '颜色', 'label:ja': '色', 'label:pl': 'Kolor', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-float-progress-bar', title: 'Float player progress bar', 'title:zh': '浮动播放器进度条', 'title:ja': 'フロートプレーヤーのプログレスバー', 'title:pl': 'Pływający pasek postępu odtwarzacza', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') { if ( document.URL.includes('live_stream') || ['0', 'false'].includes(NOVA.queryURL.get('controls')) ) { return; } } const SELECTOR_CONTAINER = '#movie_player.ytp-autohide', SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-player-float-progress-bar', SELECTOR = '#' + SELECTOR_ID, CHAPTERS_MARK_WIDTH_PX = '2px', CHP_JUMP_TOGGLE_CLASS_VALUE = 'nova-chapters-jump-active'; NOVA.waitSelector(`${user_settings['player-control-autohide'] ? '#movie_player' : SELECTOR_CONTAINER} video`) .then(video => { const container = insertFloatBar({ 'init_container': movie_player, 'z_index': Math.max(NOVA.css.get('.ytp-chrome-bottom', 'z-index'), 59) }), bufferEl = document.getElementById(`${SELECTOR_ID}-buffer`), progressEl = document.getElementById(`${SELECTOR_ID}-progress`); renderChapters.init(video); video.addEventListener('progress', () => container.classList.add('transition'), { capture: true, once: true }); video.addEventListener('loadeddata', resetBar); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', resetBar); video.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () { if (notInteractiveToRender()) return; if (!isNaN(this.duration)) { = `scaleX(${this.currentTime / this.duration})`; } }); renderBuffer.apply(video); video.addEventListener('progress', renderBuffer.bind(video)); video.addEventListener('seeking', renderBuffer.bind(video)); function renderBuffer() { if (notInteractiveToRender()) return; if (!isNaN(this.duration) && this.buffered?.length) { = `scaleX(${this.buffered.end(this.buffered.length - 1) / this.duration})`; } } function resetBar() { = movie_player.getVideoData().isLive ? 'none' : 'inherit'; container.classList.remove('transition'); = 'scaleX(0)'; = 'scaleX(0)'; container.classList.add('transition'); renderChapters.init(video); } function notInteractiveToRender() { return (document.visibilityState == 'hidden' || movie_player.getVideoData().isLive ); } if (user_settings.player_float_progress_bar_hotkey) connectChapterJump(); }); function insertFloatBar({ init_container = movie_player, z_index = 60 }) { if (!(init_container instanceof HTMLElement)) { return console.error('vid not HTMLElement:', init_container); } return document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { init_container.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div id="${SELECTOR_ID}" class=""> <div class="container"> <div id="${SELECTOR_ID}-buffer" class="ytp-load-progress"></div> <div id="${SELECTOR_ID}-progress" class="ytp-swatch-background-color"></div> </div> <div id="${SELECTOR_ID}-chapters"></div> </div>`); NOVA.css.push( `[id|=${SELECTOR_ID}] { position: absolute; bottom: 0; } ${SELECTOR} { --opacity: ${+user_settings.player_float_progress_bar_opacity || .7}; --height: ${+user_settings.player_float_progress_bar_height || 3}px; --bg-color: ${NOVA.css.get('.ytp-progress-list', 'background-color') || 'rgba(255,255,255,.2)'}; --zindex: ${z_index}; opacity: var(--opacity); z-index: var(--zindex); background-color: var(--bg-color); width: 100%; height: var(--height); visibility: hidden; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} ${SELECTOR} { visibility: visible; } ${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} ${SELECTOR}.transition [id|=${SELECTOR_ID}] { transition: transform 200ms linear; } ${SELECTOR}-progress, ${SELECTOR}-buffer { width: 100%; height: 100%; transform-origin: 0 0; transform: scaleX(0); } ${SELECTOR}-progress { z-index: calc(var(--zindex) + 1); } ${SELECTOR}-chapters { position: relative; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; } ${SELECTOR}-chapters span { height: var(--height); z-index: calc(var(--zindex) + 1); box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } ${SELECTOR}-chapters > span:first-child:not([time$="0:00"]), ${SELECTOR}-chapters > span:not(:first-child) { border-left: ${CHAPTERS_MARK_WIDTH_PX} solid rgba(255,255,255,.7); } ${SELECTOR}-chapters > span { position: relative; } ${SELECTOR}-chapters > span > span { position: absolute; } .${CHP_JUMP_TOGGLE_CLASS_VALUE} { visibility: visible !important; --height: 20px !important; } .${CHP_JUMP_TOGGLE_CLASS_VALUE}:not(:hover) { --bg-color: coral !important; } .${CHP_JUMP_TOGGLE_CLASS_VALUE} ${SELECTOR}-chapters span:hover { border-left: ${CHAPTERS_MARK_WIDTH_PX} solid cornflowerblue !important; cursor: pointer; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.7); }`); if (user_settings['player-control-autohide']) { switch (user_settings.player_control_autohide_container) { case 'player': NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR_CONTAINER}:not(:hover) ${SELECTOR} { visibility: visible !important; }`); break; case 'control': NOVA.css.push( `.ytp-chrome-bottom:not(:hover) ~ ${SELECTOR} { visibility: visible !important; }`); break; } if (user_settings.player_control_autohide_show_on_seek) { NOVA.css.push( `[style*="opacity: 1"] ~ ${SELECTOR} { visibility: hidden !important; }`); } } return document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID); })(); } function connectChapterJump() { let hotkeyActivated; document.addEventListener('keydown', showChapterSwitch); document.addEventListener('keyup', showChapterSwitch); function showChapterSwitch(evt) { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if ((el = document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID)) && el.querySelector('span[time]') ) { switch (evt.type) { case 'keydown': const hotkey = user_settings.player_float_progress_bar_hotkey.length === 1 ? evt.key : evt.code; if (user_settings.player_float_progress_bar_hotkey == hotkey && !hotkeyActivated) { el.classList.add(CHP_JUMP_TOGGLE_CLASS_VALUE); hotkeyActivated = true; } break; case 'keyup': if (hotkeyActivated) { hotkeyActivated = false; el.classList.remove(CHP_JUMP_TOGGLE_CLASS_VALUE); } break; } } } document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) .addEventListener('click', ({ target }) => { if (!(secTime = target.getAttribute('time'))) return; const sec = NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(secTime); if (typeof movie_player.seekBy === 'function') { movie_player.seekTo(sec); } else if (NOVA.videoElement) { NOVA.videoElement.currentTime = sec; } }, { capture: true }); } const renderChapters = { async init(vid) { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' && !(vid instanceof HTMLElement)) { return console.error('vid not HTMLElement:', chaptersContainer); } await NOVA.waitUntil(() => !isNaN(vid.duration), 1000); switch (NOVA.currentPage) { case 'watch': this.from_description(vid.duration); break; case 'embed': let chaptersContainer; await NOVA.waitUntil(() => ( chaptersContainer = document.body.querySelector('.ytp-chapters-container')) && chaptersContainer?.children.length > 1 , 1000); this.renderChaptersMarkers(vid.duration) || this.from_div(chaptersContainer); break; } }, from_description(duration = required()) { if (isNaN(duration)) return console.error('duration isNaN:', duration); if (Math.sign(duration) !== 1) return console.error('duration not positive number:', duration); const selectorTimestampLink = 'a[href*="&t="]'; NOVA.waitSelector(`ytd-watch-metadata #description.ytd-watch-metadata ${selectorTimestampLink}`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(() => this.renderChaptersMarkers(duration)); NOVA.waitSelector(`#comments #comment #comment-content ${selectorTimestampLink}`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(() => { if (document.body.querySelector(`${SELECTOR}-chapters > span[time]`)) return; this.renderChaptersMarkers(duration); }); }, from_div(chaptersContainer = required()) { if (!(chaptersContainer instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', chaptersContainer); const progressContainerWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(chaptersContainer).width), chaptersOut = document.getElementById(`${SELECTOR_ID}-chapters`); for (const chapter of chaptersContainer.children) { const newChapter = document.createElement('span'), { width, marginLeft, marginRight } = getComputedStyle(chapter), chapterMargin = parseInt(marginLeft) + parseInt(marginRight); = ((parseInt(width) + chapterMargin) * 100 / progressContainerWidth) + '%'; chaptersOut.append(newChapter); } }, renderChaptersMarkers(duration = required()) { if (isNaN(duration)) return console.error('duration isNaN:', duration); if (chaptersContainer = document.getElementById(`${SELECTOR_ID}-chapters`)) { chaptersContainer.innerHTML = ''; } const chapterList = NOVA.getChapterList(duration); chapterList ?.forEach((chapter, i, chapters_list) => { const newChapter = document.createElement('span'); const nextChapterSec = chapters_list[i + 1]?.sec || duration; = ((nextChapterSec - chapter.sec) * 100 / duration) + '%'; if (chapter.title) newChapter.title = chapter.title; newChapter.setAttribute('time', chapter.time); chaptersContainer && chaptersContainer.append(newChapter); }); return chapterList; }, }; }, options: { player_float_progress_bar_height: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Height', 'label:zh': '高度', 'label:ja': '身長', 'label:pl': 'Wysokość', type: 'number', title: 'in pixels', placeholder: 'px', min: 1, max: 9, value: 3, }, player_float_progress_bar_opacity: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Opacity', 'label:zh': '不透明度', 'label:ja': '不透明度', 'label:pl': 'Przejrzystość', type: 'number', placeholder: '0-1', step: .05, min: 0, max: 1, value: .7, }, player_float_progress_bar_hotkey: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey to chapters jump (by click)', 'label:zh': '章节跳转热键(点击)', 'label:ja': '章にジャンプするホットキー (クリックによる)', options: [ { label: 'none', }, { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-quick-buttons', title: 'Add custom player buttons', 'title:zh': 'カスタム プレーヤー ボタンを追加する', 'title:ja': 'カスタム プレーヤー ボタンを追加する', 'title:pl': 'Dodaj własne przyciski odtwarzacza', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME = 'nova-right-custom-button', SELECTOR_BTN = '.' + SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player .ytp-right-controls') .then(async container => { NOVA.videoElement = await NOVA.waitSelector('video'); NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR_BTN} { user-select: none; } ${SELECTOR_BTN}:hover { color: #66afe9 !important; } ${SELECTOR_BTN}:active { color: #2196f3 !important; }`); NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR_BTN}[tooltip]:hover::before { content: attr(tooltip); position: absolute; top: -3em; transform: translateX(-30%); line-height: normal; background-color: rgba(28,28,28,.9); border-radius: .3em; padding: 5px 9px; color: white; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; } html[data-cast-api-enabled] ${SELECTOR_BTN}[tooltip]:hover::before { font-weight: normal; }`); if (user_settings.player_buttons_custom_items?.includes('picture-in-picture')) { const pipBtn = document.createElement('button'); pipBtn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME}`; pipBtn.setAttribute('tooltip', 'Picture in Picture (PiP)'); pipBtn.innerHTML = createSVG(); pipBtn.addEventListener('click', () => document.pictureInPictureElement ? document.exitPictureInPicture() : NOVA.videoElement.requestPictureInPicture() ); container.prepend(pipBtn); NOVA.videoElement?.addEventListener('enterpictureinpicture', () => pipBtn.innerHTML = createSVG(2)); NOVA.videoElement?.addEventListener('leavepictureinpicture', () => pipBtn.innerHTML = createSVG()); function createSVG(alt) { const svg = document.createElement('svg'); svg.setAttribute('width', '100%'); svg.setAttribute('height', '100%'); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '-8 -6 36 36'); const path = document.createElement('path'); path.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor'); 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'M18.5,11H18v1h.5A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,20,13.5v5A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,18.5,20h-8A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,9,18.5V18H8v.5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,10.5,21h8A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,21,18.5v-5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,18.5,11Z M14.5,4H2.5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,0,6.5v8A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,2.5,17h12A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,17,14.5v-8A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,14.5,4Z' : 'M2.5,17A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,1,15.5v-9A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,2.5,5h13A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,17,6.5V10h1V6.5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,15.5,4H2.5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,0,6.5v9A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,2.5,18H7V17Z M18.5,11h-8A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,8,13.5v5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,10.5,21h8A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,21,18.5v-5A2.5,2.5,0,0,0,18.5,11Z'); svg.append(path); return svg.outerHTML; } } if (user_settings.player_buttons_custom_items?.indexOf('popup') !== -1 && !NOVA.queryURL.has('popup')) { const popupBtn = document.createElement('button'); popupBtn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME}`; popupBtn.setAttribute('tooltip', 'Open in popup'); popupBtn.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="-8 -8 36 36" height="100%" width="100%"> <g fill="currentColor"> <path d="M18 2H6v4H2v12h12v-4h4V2z M12 16H4V8h2v6h6V16z M16 12h-2h-2H8V8V6V4h8V12z" /> </g> </svg>`; 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max-height: var(--height); } ${SELECTOR_SCREENSHOT} canvas { max-width: var(--width); max-height: var(--height); } ${SELECTOR_SCREENSHOT} .close-btn { position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); color: white; cursor: pointer; font-size: 12px; display: grid; height: 100%; width: 25%; } ${SELECTOR_SCREENSHOT} .close-btn:hover { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .65); } ${SELECTOR_SCREENSHOT} .close-btn > * { margin: auto; }`); const screenshotBtn = document.createElement('button'); screenshotBtn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME}`; screenshotBtn.setAttribute('tooltip', 'Take screenshot'); screenshotBtn.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 -166 512 860" height="100%" width="100%"> <g fill="currentColor"> <circle cx="255.811" cy="285.309" r="75.217" /> <path d="M477,137H352.718L349,108c0-16.568-13.432-30-30-30H191c-16.568,0-30,13.432-30,30l-3.718,29H34 c-11.046,0-20,8.454-20,19.5v258c0,11.046,8.954,20.5,20,20.5h443c11.046,0,20-9.454,20-20.5v-258C497,145.454,488.046,137,477,137 z M255.595,408.562c-67.928,0-122.994-55.066-122.994-122.993c0-67.928,55.066-122.994,122.994-122.994 c67.928,0,122.994,55.066,122.994,122.994C378.589,353.495,323.523,408.562,255.595,408.562z M474,190H369v-31h105V190z" /> </g> </svg>`; 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148.257 413.975 150.455 415.89 161.987 422.854 C 198.507 444.909 230.542 456.311 255.987 456.311 C 305.049 456.311 376.65 414.416 461.987 335.777 C 483.571 315.886 509.639 289.37 510.918 286.004 C 512.681 281.361 512.205 274.195 509.876 270.319 C 507.481 266.336 484.239 243.06 463.496 223.871 C 437.951 200.241 398.954 167.885 391.287 163.958 C 387.643 162.092 380.457 161.845 377.487 163.483 M 316.949 223.569 C 313.697 225.209 311.863 227.039 310.187 230.319 C 307.175 236.212 307.768 240.325 313.792 255.319 C 317.854 265.428 318.457 267.908 318.777 275.819 C 319.541 294.697 313.773 309.555 300.509 322.876 C 287.269 336.173 274.151 341.727 255.987 341.727 C 244.203 341.727 238.379 340.346 226.824 334.808 C 214.528 328.915 204.983 330.882 200.237 340.285 C 191.288 358.016 210.326 372.539 247.471 376.317 C 301.128 381.775 350.05 340.079 353.651 285.819 C 354.605 271.455 351.026 250.247 345.564 237.898 C 342.92 231.92 337.048 224.919 332.862 222.754 C 328.769 220.638 322.082 220.98 316.949 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}, { capture: true }); container.prepend(speedSlider); function playerRate(rate) { if (!user_settings.range_speed_unlimit && rate > 2) return; NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate = (+rate).toFixed(2); updateTitleForSpeedSlider(rate); } function updateTitleForSpeedSlider(rate) { speedSlider.title = `Speed (${rate})`; speedSlider.setAttribute('tooltip', `Speed (${rate})`); } } if (user_settings.player_buttons_custom_items?.includes('toggle-speed')) { const speedBtn = document.createElement('a'), hotkey = user_settings.player_buttons_custom_hotkey_toggle_speed || 'KeyA', defaultRateText = '1x', genTooltip = () => `Switch to ${NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate}>${speedBtn.textContent} (${hotkey.replace('Key', '')})`; let rateOrig = {}; speedBtn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME}`; = 'center'; = 'bold'; speedBtn.innerHTML = defaultRateText; speedBtn.setAttribute('tooltip', genTooltip()); document.addEventListener('keyup', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; if ((hotkey.length === 1 ? evt.key : evt.code) === hotkey) { switchRate(); } }); speedBtn.addEventListener('click', switchRate); NOVA.videoElement.addEventListener('ratechange', function () { speedBtn.setAttribute('tooltip', genTooltip()); if (!user_settings['video-rate']) NOVA.showOSD(this.playbackRate + 'x'); }); function switchRate() { if (Object.keys(rateOrig).length) { playerRate.set(rateOrig); rateOrig = {}; speedBtn.innerHTML = defaultRateText; } else { rateOrig = (typeof movie_player === 'object' && (NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate % .25 === 0) && (NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate <= 2)) ? { 'default': movie_player.getPlaybackRate() } : { 'html5': NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate }; let resetRate = Object.assign({}, rateOrig); resetRate[Object.keys(resetRate)[0]] = 1; playerRate.set(resetRate); speedBtn.textContent = rateOrig[Object.keys(rateOrig)[0]] + 'x'; } speedBtn.setAttribute('tooltip', genTooltip()); } const playerRate = { set(obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty('html5') || !movie_player) { NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate = obj.html5; } else { movie_player.setPlaybackRate(obj.default); } }, }; container.prepend(speedBtn); visibilitySwitch(); NOVA.videoElement?.addEventListener('ratechange', visibilitySwitch); NOVA.videoElement?.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => { rateOrig = {}; speedBtn.textContent = defaultRateText; visibilitySwitch(); }); function visibilitySwitch() { if (!Object.keys(rateOrig).length) { = (NOVA.videoElement?.playbackRate === 1) ? 'none' : ''; } } } }); }, options: { player_buttons_custom_items: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Buttons', 'label:zh': '纽扣', 'label:ja': 'ボタン', 'label:pl': 'Przyciski', title: '[Ctrl+Click] to select several', 'title:zh': '[Ctrl+Click] 选择多个', 'title:ja': '「Ctrl+Click」して、いくつかを選択します', 'title:pl': 'Ctrl+kliknięcie, aby zaznaczyć kilka', multiple: null, required: true, size: 7, options: [ { label: 'clock', value: 'clock', }, { label: 'quick quality', value: 'quick-quality', 'label:zh': '质量', 'label:ja': '品質', 'label:pl': 'jakość', }, { label: 'range speed', value: 'range-speed', }, { label: 'toggle speed', value: 'toggle-speed', 'label:zh': '切换速度', 'label:ja': 'トグル速度', 'label:pl': 'szybkość', }, { label: 'card-switch', value: 'card-switch', }, { label: 'screenshot', value: 'screenshot', 'label:zh': '截屏', 'label:ja': 'スクリーンショット', }, { label: 'picture-in-picture', value: 'picture-in-picture', 'label:pl': 'obraz w obrazie', }, { label: 'popup', value: 'popup', 'label:zh': '弹出式播放器', 'label:ja': 'ポップアッププレーヤー', 'label:pl': 'w okienku', }, { label: 'rotate', value: 'rotate', 'label:zh': '旋转', 'label:ja': '回転する', 'label:pl': 'obróć', }, { label: 'aspect-ratio', value: 'aspect-ratio', }, { label: 'watch later', value: 'watch-later', }, { label: 'preview cover', value: 'thumbnail', 'label:zh': '缩略图', 'label:ja': 'サムネイル', 'label:pl': 'miniaturka', }, ], }, player_buttons_custom_hotkey_toggle_speed: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey toggle speed', 'label:zh': '热键切换速度', 'label:ja': '速度を切り替えるためのホットボタン', 'label:pl': 'Skrót przełączania prędkości', options: [ { label: 'none', value: false }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA', selected: true }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['toggle-speed'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_hotkey_rotate: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey rotate', options: [ { label: 'none', value: false }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR', selected: true }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['rotate'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_card_switch: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Default card state', options: [ { label: 'show', value: false, selected: true, }, { label: 'hide', value: true, }, ], 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['card-switch'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_screenshot: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Screenshot format', options: [ { label: 'png', value: 'png', selected: true, }, { label: 'jpg', value: 'jpg', }, { label: 'webp', value: 'webp', }, ], 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['screenshot'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_screenshot_to_clipboard: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Screenshot copy to clipboard', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['screenshot'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_screenshot_subtitle_color: { _tagName: 'input', type: 'color', value: '#ffffff', label: 'Screenshot subtitle color', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['screenshot'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_screenshot_subtitle_shadow_color: { _tagName: 'input', type: 'color', value: '#000000', label: 'Screenshot subtitle shadow color', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['screenshot'] }, }, range_speed_unlimit: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Range speed unlimit', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['range-speed'] }, }, range_speed_unlimit: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Range speed unlimit', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['range-speed'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_clock_seconds: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Clock show seconds', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['clock'] }, }, player_buttons_custom_clock_fullcreen: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Clock only fullscreen', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_buttons_custom_items': ['clock'] }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'save-channel-state', title: 'Add button "Save params for the channel"', 'title:zh': '특정 채널에 저장', 'title:ja': '特定のチャンネル用に保存', 'title:pl': 'Zapisz dla określonego kanału', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_BTN_ID = 'nova-channels-state', SELECTOR_BTN = '#' + SELECTOR_BTN_ID, SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME = 'nova-right-custom-button', SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID = SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME + '-list', SELECTOR_BTN_LIST = '#' + SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID, SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE_ID = SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME + '-title'; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player .ytp-right-controls') .then(container => { initStyles(); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') { await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.initStorage(); if (btn = document.getElementById(SELECTOR_BTN_ID)) { btn.append(genList()); } else { const btn = document.createElement('button'); = SELECTOR_BTN_ID; btn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME}`; btn.title = 'Save channel state'; const btnTitle = document.createElement('span'); = SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE_ID; = 'flex'; btnTitle.innerHTML = `<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 36 36"> <g fill="currentColor"> <path d="M23.4 24.2c-.3.8-1.1 1.4-2 1.4-.9 0-1.7-.6-2-1.4H9.3c-.3 0-.6-.3-.6-.6v-.3c0-.3.3-.6.6-.6h10.1c.3-.9 1.1-1.5 2.1-1.5s1.8.6 2.1 1.5h3.2c.3 0 . .3-.3.6-.6.6h-3.4zm-7.7-5.3c-.3.9-1.1 1.5-2.1 1.5s-1.8-.6-2.1-1.5H9.3c-.3 0-.6-.3-.6-.6V18c0-.3.3-.6.6-.6h2.2c.3-.8 1.1-1.4 2.1-1.4s1.8.6 2.1 1.4h11.1c.3 0 . .3-.3.6-.6.6H15.7zm7.9-5.4c-.3.8-1.1 1.4-2.1 1.4-.9 0-1.7-.6-2.1-1.4H9.3c-.3 0-.6-.3-.6-.6v-.3c0-.3.3-.6.6-.6h10.1c.3-.9 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.6s1.9.7 2.1 1.6h3.1c.3 0 . .3-.3.6-.6.6h-3.1z" /> </g> </svg>`; btn.prepend(btnTitle); btn.append(genList()); container.prepend(btn); } btnTitleStateUpdate(Boolean(; } }); }); function btnTitleStateUpdate(state) { document.getElementById(SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE_ID) .style.setProperty('opacity', state ? 1 : .3); } function genList() { const ul = document.createElement('ul'); = SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID; let listItem = []; listItem.push({ name: 'subtitles', getCurrentState: () => { movie_player.toggleSubtitlesOn(); return true; }, customApply: () => { document.addEventListener('playing', () => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; movie_player.toggleSubtitlesOn(); }, { capture: true, once: true }); }, }); if (user_settings['video-quality']) { listItem.push({ name: 'quality', getCurrentState: movie_player.getPlaybackQuality }); } if (user_settings['video-rate']) { listItem.push({ name: 'speed', getCurrentState: () => NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate }); } if (user_settings['video-volume']) { listItem.push({ name: 'volume', getCurrentState: () => Math.round(movie_player.getVolume()) }); } if (user_settings['player-resume-playback']) { listItem.push({ name: 'ignore-playback', label: 'unsave playback time', getCurrentState: () => true }); } if (user_settings['player-loop']) { listItem.push({ name: 'loop' }); } if (user_settings['transcript']) { listItem.push({ name: 'transcript' }); } if (user_settings['video-zoom']) { listItem.push({ name: 'zoom', getCurrentState: () => NOVA.extractAsNum.float( document.body.querySelector('.html5-video-container').style.transform ) }); } listItem.forEach(async element => { const storage = NOVA.storage_obj_manager._getParam(; const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; = `checkbox-${}`; checkbox.checked = Boolean(storage); checkbox.className = 'ytp-menuitem-toggle-checkbox'; const li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = `<label for="checkbox-${}"> ${element.label ||} <span>${storage || ''}</span> </label>`; li.title = storage ? `Currently stored value ${storage}` : 'none'; if (Boolean(storage) && element.hasOwnProperty('customApply') && typeof element.customApply === 'function') { element.customApply(); } checkbox.addEventListener('change', () => { let state; if (checkbox.checked && (state = element.hasOwnProperty('getCurrentState') ? element.getCurrentState() : true)) {{ []: state }); } else { NOVA.storage_obj_manager.remove(; } li.title = state ? `Currently stored value ${state}` : 'none'; li.querySelector('span').textContent = state || ''; btnTitleStateUpdate(Boolean(state)); }); li.prepend(checkbox); ul.append(li); }); if (user_settings['time-jump']) { const SLIDER_LABEL = 'skip into', SLIDER_STORAGE_NAME = 'skip-into', storage = +NOVA.storage_obj_manager._getParam(SLIDER_STORAGE_NAME); const slider = document.createElement('input'); slider.type = 'range'; slider.min = 0; slider.max = 120; slider.step = 1; slider.value = storage || 0; const li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = `<label for="checkbox-${SLIDER_STORAGE_NAME}"> ${SLIDER_LABEL} <span>${storage || ''}</span> </label>`; li.title = 'Simple alternative SponsorBlock'; slider.addEventListener('change', sliderChange); slider.addEventListener('input', sliderChange); slider.addEventListener('wheel', evt => { evt.preventDefault(); = + Math.sign(evt.wheelDelta); sliderChange(evt); }); li.prepend(slider); ul.append(li); function sliderChange({ target }) { if (state = +target.value) {{ [SLIDER_STORAGE_NAME]: +target.value }); } else { NOVA.storage_obj_manager.remove(SLIDER_STORAGE_NAME); } li.title = state ? `Currently stored value ${state}` : 'none'; li.querySelector('span').textContent = state || ''; btnTitleStateUpdate(Boolean(state)); } } return ul; } function initStyles() { NOVA.css.push( SELECTOR_BTN + ` { overflow: visible !important; position: relative; text-align: center !important; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold; } .ytp-left-controls { overflow: visible !important; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { position: absolute; bottom: 2.5em !important; left: -2.2em; list-style: none; padding-bottom: 1.5em !important; z-index: calc(${+NOVA.css.get('.ytp-progress-bar', 'z-index')} + 1); } html[data-cast-api-enabled] ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { margin: 0; padding: 0; bottom: 3.3em; } ${SELECTOR_BTN}:not(:hover) ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { display: none; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li { cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1.4; background-color: rgba(28, 28, 28, .9); margin: .3em 0; padding: .5em 1em; border-radius: .3em; color: white; text-align: left !important; display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto; align-items: center; justify-content: start; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li label { cursor: pointer; padding-left: 5px; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { background-color: #720000; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li.disable { color: #666; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li:not(:hover) { opacity: .8; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li span:not(:empty):before { content: '('; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li span:not(:empty):after { content: ')'; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} [type="checkbox"] { appearance: none; outline: none; cursor: pointer; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} [type="checkbox"]:checked { background-color: #f00; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} [type="checkbox"]:checked:after { left: 20px; background-color: white; }`); } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'time-remaining', title: 'Remaining time', 'title:zh': '剩余时间', 'title:ja': '余日', 'title:pl': 'Pozostały czas', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', desc: 'Remaining time until the end of the video', 'desc:zh': '距离视频结束的剩余时间', 'desc:ja': 'ビデオの終わりまでの残り時間', 'desc:pl': 'Czas pozostały do końca filmu', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-player-time-remaining'; let selectorOutAfter; switch (user_settings.time_remaining_position) { case 'description': selectorOutAfter = '#title h1'; break; default: selectorOutAfter = '.ytp-time-duration, ytm-time-display .time-display-content'; break; } NOVA.waitSelector(selectorOutAfter) .then(container => { NOVA.waitSelector('video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('timeupdate', setRemaining.bind(video)); video.addEventListener('ratechange', setRemaining.bind(video)); video.addEventListener('ended', () => insertToHTML({ 'container': container })); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => insertToHTML({ 'container': container })); }); function setRemaining() { if (isNaN(this.duration) || movie_player.getVideoData().isLive || (NOVA.currentPage == 'embed' && document.URL.includes('live_stream')) || document.visibilityState == 'hidden' || ((user_settings.time_remaining_position != 'description') && movie_player.classList.contains('ytp-autohide')) ) return; const currentTime = Math.trunc(this.currentTime), duration = Math.trunc(this.duration), delta_ = duration - currentTime, getPercent = percentage_type_left => { const floatRound = pt => (this.duration > 3600) ? pt.toFixed(2) : (this.duration > 1500) ? pt.toFixed(1) : Math.round(pt), calcPercentage = percentage_type_left ? delta_ * 100 / duration : currentTime * 100 / duration; return floatRound(calcPercentage) + '%'; }, getTimeLeft = () => NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(delta_), getTimeLeftByRate = () => '-' + NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(delta_ / this.playbackRate); const text = user_settings.time_remaining_format .replace(/duration(\*speed)|left(\*speed|%)?|done(%)?|'([^']|'')*'/g, partPattern => { let out; switch (partPattern) { case 'left*speed': out = getTimeLeftByRate(); break; case 'left': out = getTimeLeft(); break; case 'left%': out = getPercent('L'); break; case 'done': out = currentTime; break; case 'done%': out = getPercent(); break; case 'duration*speed': out = NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(duration / this.playbackRate); break; case 'duration': out = duration; break; } return out; }); if (text) insertToHTML({ 'text': text, 'container': container }); } function insertToHTML({ text = '', container = required() }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); (document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { const el = document.createElement('span'); = SELECTOR_ID; container.after(el); return el; })()) .textContent = ' ' + text; } }); }, options: { time_remaining_format: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Time pattern', options: [ { label: 'left*speed', value: 'left*speed', selected: true, }, { label: 'left*speed (done%)', value: 'left*speed (done%)', }, { label: 'left*speed (left%)', value: 'left*speed (left%)', }, { label: 'left', value: 'left', }, { label: 'left%', value: 'left%', }, { label: 'done%', value: 'done%', }, { label: 'left/left*speed', value: 'left/left*speed (done%)', }, { label: 'left*speed/duration*speed (done%)', value: 'left*speed/duration*speed (done%)', }, ], }, time_remaining_position: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Render position', options: [ { label: 'player', value: 'player', selected: true, }, { label: 'description', value: 'description', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'embed-show-control-force', title: 'Force enable control panel (for embed)', 'title:zh': '埋め込みでコントロール パネルを強制的に有効にする', 'title:ja': '强制启用嵌入的控制面板', 'title:pl': 'Wymuś włączenie panelu sterowania w osadzeniu', run_on_pages: 'embed', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { const href = location.href.replace(/&/g, '&'); if (['0', 'false'].includes(NOVA.queryURL.get('controls', href))) { NOVA.updateUrl(NOVA.queryURL.remove('controls', href)); } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'time-jump', title: 'Jump time/chapter', 'title:zh': '时间跳跃', 'title:ja': 'タイムジャンプ', 'title:pl': 'Skok czasowy', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', desc: 'Use to skip the intro or ad inserts', 'desc:zh': '用于跳过介绍或广告插入', 'desc:ja': 'イントロや広告挿入をスキップするために使用します', 'desc:pl': 'Służy do pomijania wstępu lub wstawek reklamowych', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings.time_jump_title_offset) addTitleOffset(); NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { let chapterList; video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => chapterList = []); doubleKeyPressListener(timeLeap, user_settings.time_jump_hotkey); function timeLeap() { if (movie_player.getVideoData().isLive || (NOVA.currentPage == 'embed' && document.URL.includes('live_stream')) ) return; if (chapterList !== null && !chapterList?.length) { chapterList = NOVA.getChapterList(movie_player.getDuration()) || null; } const currentTime = movie_player.getCurrentTime(), nextChapterIndex = chapterList?.findIndex(c => c.sec > currentTime), separator = ' • '; let msg; if (chapterList?.length && nextChapterIndex !== -1 ) { const nextChapterData = chapterList?.find(({ sec }) => sec >= currentTime); seekTime(nextChapterData.sec + .5); msg = nextChapterData.title + separator + nextChapterData.time; } else { seekTime(+user_settings.time_jump_step + currentTime); msg = `+${user_settings.time_jump_step} sec` + separator + NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(currentTime); } NOVA.showOSD(msg); } function seekTime(sec) { if (typeof movie_player.seekBy === 'function') { movie_player.seekTo(sec); } else if (NOVA.videoElement) { NOVA.videoElement.currentTime = sec; } else { const errorText = '[time-jump] > "seekTime" detect player error'; console.error(errorText); throw errorText; } } }); function addTitleOffset() { NOVA.css.push( `.ytp-tooltip-text:after { content: attr(data-before); color: #ffcc00; }`); NOVA.waitSelector('.ytp-progress-bar') .then(progressContainer => { if (tooltipEl = document.body.querySelector('.ytp-tooltip-text')) { progressContainer.addEventListener('mousemove', () => { if (movie_player.getVideoData().isLive || (NOVA.currentPage == 'embed' && document.URL.includes('live_stream')) ) return; const cursorTime = NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(tooltipEl.textContent), offsetTime = cursorTime - NOVA.videoElement?.currentTime, sign = (offsetTime >= 1) ? '+' : (Math.sign(offsetTime) === -1) ? '-' : ''; tooltipEl.setAttribute('data-before', ` ${sign + NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(offsetTime)}`); }); progressContainer.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => tooltipEl.removeAttribute('data-before')); } }); } function doubleKeyPressListener(callback = required(), keyNameFilter = required()) { let pressed, isDoublePress, lastWhich, lastPressed = keyNameFilter; document.addEventListener('keyup', keyPress); function keyPress(evt) { if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; pressed = (keyNameFilter.length === 1) || ['Control', 'Shift'].includes(keyNameFilter) ? evt.key : evt.code; if (isDoublePress && (lastWhich === evt.which) && (pressed === lastPressed)) { isDoublePress = false; if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') return callback(evt); } else { isDoublePress = true; setTimeout(() => isDoublePress = false, 500); } if (!keyNameFilter) lastPressed = pressed; lastWhich = evt.which; } } if (user_settings['save-channel-state']) { NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { const CACHE_PREFIX = 'nova-resume-playback-time', getCacheName = () => CACHE_PREFIX + ':' + (NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id); if ((NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') && !+sessionStorage.getItem(getCacheName()) && (!NOVA.queryURL.has('t') && !NOVA.queryURL.getHashParam('t')) && (userSeek = await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('skip-into')) ) { video.addEventListener('playing', timeLeapInto.apply(video, [userSeek]), { capture: true, once: true }); } }); }); } else if (+user_settings.skip_into_sec && (!NOVA.queryURL.has('t') && !NOVA.queryURL.getHashParam('t'))) { NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { video.addEventListener('playing', timeLeapInto.bind(video, user_settings.skip_into_sec), { capture: true, once: true }); } }); }); } function timeLeapInto(time_seek = 10) { if (!time_seek && !user_settings.skip_into_sec_in_music && NOVA.isMusic()) return; const CACHE_PREFIX = 'resume-playback-time', getCacheName = () => CACHE_PREFIX + ':' + (NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id); if (user_settings['player-resume-playback'] && (saveTime = +sessionStorage.getItem(getCacheName())) && (saveTime > (this.duration - 3)) ) return; if ((isNaN(this.duration) || this.duration > 30) && (this.currentTime < +time_seek) ) { this.currentTime = +time_seek; } } }, options: { time_jump_step: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Step time', 'label:ja': 'ステップ時間', 'label:zh': '步骤时间', 'label:pl': 'Krok czasowy', type: 'number', title: 'In seconds', placeholder: 'sec', min: 3, max: 300, value: 30, }, time_jump_hotkey: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey (double click)', 'label:zh': '热键(双击)', 'label:ja': 'Hotkey (ダブルプレス)', 'label:pl': 'Klawisz skrótu (podwójne kliknięcie)', title: 'by default【Ctrl + Arrows】', options: [ { label: 'Shift (any)', value: 'Shift' }, { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'Ctrl (any)', value: 'Control' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight', selected: true }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], }, time_jump_title_offset: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Show time offset on progress bar', 'label:zh': '在进度条中显示时间偏移', 'label:ja': 'プログレスバーに時間オフセットを表示する', 'label:pl': 'Pokaż przesunięcie czasu na pasku postępu', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Time offset from current playback time', 'title:zh': '与当前播放时间的时间偏移', 'title:ja': '現在の再生時間からの時間オフセット', 'title:pl': 'Przesunięcie czasu względem bieżącego czasu odtwarzania', }, skip_into_sec: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Start playback at', 'label:zh': '设置开始时间', 'label:ja': '開始時刻を設定', 'label:pl': 'Ustaw czas rozpoczęcia', type: 'number', title: 'in sec / 0 - disable', placeholder: '1-30', step: 1, min: 0, max: 30, value: 0, }, skip_into_sec_in_music: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Apply for music genre', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'skip_into_sec': "!0" }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'download-video', title: 'Download video', 'title:zh': '下载视频', 'title:ja': 'ビデオをダウンロードする', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'control-panel', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player .ytp-right-controls') .then(container => { const SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME = 'nova-video-download', SELECTOR_BTN = '.' + SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME, containerBtn = document.createElement('a'), SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID = SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME + '-list', SELECTOR_BTN_LIST = '#' + SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID, dropdownMenu = document.createElement('ul'), SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE_ID = SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME + '-title', SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE = '#' + SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE_ID, dropdownSpan = document.createElement('span'); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { containerBtn.removeEventListener('click', generateMenu); dropdownMenu.innerHTML = ''; containerBtn.addEventListener('click', generateMenu, { capture: true, once: true }); } }); NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE} { display: block; height: inherit; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE}[tooltip]:hover::before { content: attr(tooltip); position: absolute; top: -3em; transform: translateX(-30%); line-height: normal; background-color: rgba(28,28,28,.9); border-radius: .3em; padding: 5px 9px; color: white; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; } html[data-cast-api-enabled] ${SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE}[tooltip]:hover::before { font-weight: normal; }`); NOVA.css.push( SELECTOR_BTN + ` { overflow: visible !important; position: relative; text-align: center !important; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold; } ${SELECTOR_BTN}:hover { color: #66afe9 !important; } ${SELECTOR_BTN}:active { color: #2196f3 !important; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { position: absolute; bottom: 2.5em !important; left: -2.2em; list-style: none; padding-bottom: 1.5em !important; z-index: ${1 + Math.max(NOVA.css.get('.ytp-progress-bar', 'z-index'), 31)}; } html[data-cast-api-enabled] ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { margin: 0; padding: 0; bottom: 3.3em; } ${SELECTOR_BTN}:not(:hover) ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} { display: none; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li { cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1.4; background-color: rgba(28, 28, 28, .9); margin: .1em 0; padding: .5em 2em; border-radius: .3em; color: white; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_LIST} li:hover { background-color: #c00; }`); containerBtn.className = `ytp-button ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME} ${SELECTOR_BTN_CLASS_NAME}`; = SELECTOR_BTN_TITLE_ID; dropdownSpan.setAttribute('tooltip', 'Nova video download 🡇'); dropdownSpan.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 0 120 120" width="100%" height="100%" style="scale: .6;"> <g fill="currentColor"> <path d="M96.215 105h-72.18c-3.33 0-5.94-2.61-5.94-5.94V75.03c0-3.33 2.61-5.94 5.94-5.94 3.33 0 5.94 2.61 5.94 5.94v18h60.03v-18c0-3.33 2.61-5.94 5.94-5.94 3.33 0 5.94 2.61 5.94 5.94v24.03c.27 3.33-2.34 5.94-5.67 5.94Zm-32.4-34.47c-2.07 1.89-5.4 1.89-7.56 0l-18.72-17.19c-2.07-1.89-2.07-4.86 0-6.84 2.07-1.98 5.4-1.89 7.56 0l8.91 8.19V20.94c0-3.33 2.61-5.94 5.94-5.94 3.33 0 5.94 2.61 5.94 5.94V54.6l8.91-8.19c2.07-1.89 5.4-1.89 7.56 0 2.07 1.89 2.07 4.86 0 6.84l-18.54 17.28Z" /> </g> </svg>`; = SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID; containerBtn.prepend(dropdownSpan); containerBtn.append(dropdownMenu); container.prepend(containerBtn); async function generateMenu() { if (menuList = document.getElementById(SELECTOR_BTN_LIST_ID)) { APIs.videoId = NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id; const dropdownSpanOrig = dropdownSpan.outerHTML; dropdownSpan.textContent = '🕓'; let downloadVideoList = []; switch (user_settings.download_video_mode) { case 'cobalt': downloadVideoList = APIs.Cobalt(); break; case '': downloadVideoList = APIs.loaderTo(); break; case 'third_party_methods': downloadVideoList = APIs.third_party(); break; case 'direct': downloadVideoList = await APIs.getInternalListUrls() break; } downloadVideoList .filter(i => i?.codec) .forEach((item, idx) => { const menuItem = document.createElement('li'); if (item.quality) { menuItem.textContent = `${item.codec} / ${item.quality}`; } else menuItem.textContent = item.codec; menuItem.addEventListener('click', () => { if (item.custom_fn && typeof item.custom_fn === 'function') { item.custom_fn(item); } else if (item.link_new_tab) {, '_blank'); } else { downloadFile(; } }, { capture: true }); menuList.append(menuItem); }); dropdownSpan.innerHTML = dropdownSpanOrig; } } }); const APIs = { getQualityAvailableList() { const qualityList = { highres: 4320, hd2880: 2880, hd2160: 2160, hd1440: 1440, hd1080: 1080, hd720: 720, large: 480, medium: 360, small: 240, tiny: 144, }; return movie_player.getAvailableQualityData().map(i => qualityList[i.quality]); }, Cobalt() { const qualityAvailableList = this.getQualityAvailableList(); let vidlist = []; ['h264', 'vp9'] .forEach(codec => { qualityAvailableList.forEach(quality => { vidlist.push(...[ { codec: codec.toLocaleUpperCase(), quality: quality, 'data': { 'vCodec': codec, 'vQuality': String(quality) }, 'custom_fn': CobaltAPI, }, ]); }); }); return [ ...vidlist, { codec: 'mp3', data: { isAudioOnly: true, cCodec: 'mp3' }, custom_fn: CobaltAPI }, { codec: 'ogg', data: { isAudioOnly: true, cCodec: 'ogg' }, custom_fn: CobaltAPI }, { codec: 'wav', data: { isAudioOnly: true, cCodec: 'wav' }, custom_fn: CobaltAPI }, { codec: 'opus', data: { isAudioOnly: true, cCodec: 'opus' }, custom_fn: CobaltAPI }, ]; async function CobaltAPI(item) { const dlink = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: encodeURI('' + APIs.videoId), filenamePattern: 'basic', disableMetadata: true, isNoTTWatermark: true,, }), }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => json.url) .catch(error => { console.warn(`Cobalt API: failed fetching: ${error}`) }); if (!dlink) return console.debug('CobaltAPI empty dlink:', dlink); downloadFile(dlink); } }, loaderTo() { const genLink = format => `${APIs.videoId}&f=${format}&color=0af`; const qualityAvailableList = this.getQualityAvailableList()?.filter(i => i > 240); let vidlist = []; ['MP4'] .forEach(codec => { qualityAvailableList.forEach(quality => { vidlist.push({ 'codec': codec.toLocaleUpperCase(), 'quality': quality, 'link': genLink(quality), 'custom_fn': openPopup, }); }); }); return [ ...vidlist, { codec: 'WEBM', quality: '4K', link: genLink('4k'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'WEBM', quality: '8K', link: genLink('8k'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'MP3', link: genLink('mp3'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'M4A', link: genLink('m4a'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'WEBM', link: genLink('webm'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'AAC', link: genLink('aac'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'FLAC', link: genLink('flac'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'OPUS', link: genLink('opus'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'OGG', link: genLink('ogg'), custom_fn: openPopup }, { codec: 'WAV', link: genLink('wav'), custom_fn: openPopup }, ]; function openPopup(item) { NOVA.openPopup({ 'url': item.url, width: 420, height: 80 }); } }, third_party() { return [ { quality: 'mp3,mp4', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4,ogg', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4,ogg', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4,ogg', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3,mp4', codec: '', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'MP3,MP4,M4A,MP4,MKV', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, { quality: 'mp3', codec: '', link_new_tab: '' + APIs.videoId, }, ]; }, async getInternalListUrls() { let decryptSigFn; const URL = NOVA.queryURL.set({ 'pbj': 1 }), headers = { 'x-youtube-client-name': 1, 'x-youtube-client-version': window.ytcfg.data_.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, }; if (token = window.ytcfg?.data_?.ID_TOKEN) { headers['x-youtube-identity-token'] = token; }; return await fetch(URL, { 'headers': headers }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => data?.find(i => i.playerResponse?.streamingData)?.playerResponse.streamingData) .then(async streamingData => { console.debug('streamingData', streamingData); const vidListData = [...streamingData.formats, ...streamingData.adaptiveFormats]; decryptSigFn = vidListData.find(o => (o.cipher || o.signatureCipher)) && await getDecryptSigFn(); return vidListData .map(obj => { if (dict = parseQuery(obj.cipher || obj.signatureCipher)) { obj.url = `${dict.url}&${dict.sp}=${encodeURIComponent(decsig(dict.s))}`; } if (obj.url) { let label = obj.mimeType?.match(/codecs="(.*?)"/i)[1].split('.')[0].toLocaleUpperCase(); if (!obj.mimeType?.includes('mp4a') && !obj.mimeType?.includes('audio')) { label += ' / No Sound'; } obj.mimeType?.includes('audio') ? obj.qualityLabel = fmtBitrate(obj.bitrate) : obj.qualityLabel += ' ' + fmtSize(obj.contentLength); return { 'codec': label, 'quality': obj.qualityLabel, 'link_new_tab': obj.url, }; } }) }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error get vids:', error); throw error; }); function parseQuery(str) { return str && Object.fromEntries( str .split(/&/) .map(c => { const [key, ...v] = c.split('='); return [key, decodeURIComponent(v.join('='))]; }) || [] ); } async function getDecryptSigFn() { const basejsUrl = getBasejs() || document.querySelector('script[src$="/base.js"]')?.src, basejsBlob = await fetch(basejsUrl); return parseDecSig(await basejsBlob.text()); function getBasejs() { if (typeof ytplayer === 'object' && (endpoint = ytplayer.config?.assets?.js || ytplayer.web_player_context_config?.jsUrl) ) { return 'https://' + + endpoint; } } function parseDecSig(text_content) { const escapeRegExp = str => str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); try { if (text_content.startsWith('var script')) { const obj = {}; eval(text_content); text_content = obj.innerHTML; } const fnNameResult = /=([a-zA-Z0-9\$_]+?)\(decodeURIComponent/.exec(text_content); const fnName = fnNameResult[1]; const _argNameFnBodyResult = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(fnName) + '=function\\((.+?)\\){((.+)=\\2.+?)}') .exec(text_content); const [_, argname, fnBody] = _argNameFnBodyResult; const helperNameResult = /;([a-zA-Z0-9$_]+?)\..+?\(/.exec(fnBody); const helperName = helperNameResult[1]; const helperResult = new RegExp('var ' + escapeRegExp(helperName) + '={[\\s\\S]+?};').exec(text_content); const helper = helperResult[0]; return new Function([argname], helper + '\n' + fnBody); } catch (error) { console.error('parseDecSig', error); } } } function decsig(_sig) { const sig = eval("(" + decryptSigFn + ") (\"" + _sig + "\")"); return sig; } }, }; function downloadFile(url = required()) { const d = document.createElement('a'); = 'none'; = (movie_player.getVideoData().title .replace(/[\\/:*?"<>|]+/g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()) + '.mp4'; d.href = url; document.body.append(d);; d.remove(); } function fmtBitrate(size) { return fmtSize(size, ['kbps', 'Mbps', 'Gbps'], 1000); } function fmtSize(size, units = ['kB', 'MB', 'GB'], divisor = 1024) { size = Math.abs(+size); if (size === 0) return 'n/a'; size /= divisor; for (let i = 0; i < units.length; ++i) { if (size < 10) return Math.round(size * 100) / 100 + units[i]; else if (size < 100) return Math.round(size * 10) / 10 + units[i]; else if (size < 1000 || i == (units.length - 1)) return Math.round(size) + units[i]; } } function convertSizeToBytes(size) { const units = { B: 1, KB: 1024, MB: 1024 * 1024, GB: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, }; const regex = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([A-Z]+)$/i; const match = size.match(regex); if (!match) return 0; const value = parseFloat(match[1]); const unit = match[2].toUpperCase(); if (!units.hasOwnProperty(unit)) return 0; return value * units[unit]; } }, options: { download_video_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'Cobalt', value: 'cobalt', selected: true, }, { label: '', value: '', }, { label: 'multi 3rd party', value: 'third_party_methods', }, { label: 'direct', value: 'direct', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'auto-likes', title: 'Auto-like', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'details-buttons', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings['details-buttons'] && (user_settings.details_buttons_hide?.includes('all') || user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('like_dislike')) ) { return; } const SELECTOR_LIKE_BTN = 'ytd-watch-metadata #actions like-button-view-model button'; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => { if (user_settings.auto_likes_for_subscribed || movie_player.getVideoData().isLive ) { Timer.disable = true; } else Timer.reset.bind(Timer) }); video.addEventListener('playing', Timer.start.bind(Timer, video.playbackRate)); video.addEventListener('pause', Timer.pause.bind(Timer)); video.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () { if (Timer.disable || isNaN(this.duration)) return; if ((+Timer.progressTime / this.duration) > ((Math.trunc(user_settings.auto_likes_percent) / 100) || .8)) { Timer.disable = true; setLike(); NOVA.showOSD('Auto-like is activation'); } }); }); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch') return; NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_LIKE_BTN}[aria-pressed="true"]`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(() => { if (Timer.disable) return; Timer.disable = true; NOVA.showOSD('Auto-like is deactivated'); }); if (user_settings.auto_likes_for_subscribed) { NOVA.waitSelector('#subscribe-button [subscribed]', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(() => { Timer.disable = false; NOVA.showOSD('Auto-like is enable'); }); } }); function setLike() { const likeBtn = document.body.querySelector(SELECTOR_LIKE_BTN); if (!isLiked()); function isLiked() { return likeBtn.getAttribute('aria-pressed') == 'true'; } } const Timer = { progressTime: 0, start(delta = 1) { if (this.disable) return; this.timer = setInterval(function () { Timer.progressTime += 1 * delta; }, 1000); }, pause() { if (typeof this.timer === 'number') clearInterval(this.timer); }, reset() { this.disable = false; this.progressTime = 0; }, }; }, options: { auto_likes_percent: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Watch threshold in %', 'label:zh': '观察阈值(%)', 'label:ja': '監視しきい値 (%)', 'label:pl': 'Próg oglądania w%', type: 'number', title: '10-90%', title: 'Percentage of views at which a video is liked', 'title:zh': '视频在时间进度后被点赞', 'title:ja': '時間の経過後にビデオが「いいね!」される', placeholder: '%', step: 5, min: 10, max: 90, value: 80, }, auto_likes_for_subscribed: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Only for subscribed', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-date-format', title: 'Date format display', 'title:zh': '显示日期格式', 'title:ja': '日付形式の表示', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'details', opt_api_key_warn: true, _runtime: user_settings => { const CACHE_PREFIX = 'nova-video-date:', DATE_SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-video-published-date'; NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { await NOVA.waitUntil(() => typeof movie_player === 'object', 1000); NOVA.waitSelector('#title h1', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(el => setVideoDate(el)); } }); function setVideoDate(container = required()) { const videoId = NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id; if ((storage = sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_PREFIX + videoId)) && storage.format == user_settings.video_date_format ) { return insertToHTML({ 'text':, 'container': container }); } NOVA.request.API({ request: 'videos', params: { 'id': videoId, 'part': 'snippet,liveStreamingDetails' + (user_settings.video_view_count ? ',statistics' : '') }, api_key: user_settings['user-api-key'], }) .then(res => { if (res?.error) return alert(`Error [${res.code}]: ${res.reason}\n` + res.error); res?.items?.forEach(item => { let outList = []; if (user_settings.video_view_count && item.statistics.viewCount) { switch (user_settings.video_view_count) { case 'friendly': outList.push(NOVA.numberFormat.friendly(item.statistics.viewCount), 'views'); break; default: outList.push(NOVA.numberFormat.abbr(item.statistics.viewCount), 'views'); break; } } if (item.liveStreamingDetails) { if (movie_player.getVideoData().isLive || item.snippet.liveBroadcastContent == 'live') { outList.push('Active Livestream', NOVA.dateFormat.apply(new Date(item.liveStreamingDetails.actualStartTime), [user_settings.video_date_format]) ); } else if (item.liveStreamingDetails.actualEndTime) { const timeStart = new Date(item.liveStreamingDetails.actualStartTime), timeEnd = new Date(item.liveStreamingDetails.actualEndTime), sameDate = timeStart.getDay() === timeEnd.getDay(); outList.push( document.body.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy')?.playerData?.videoDetails?.isLiveContent ? 'Streamed' : 'Premiered' ); if (!sameDate) outList.push('from'); outList.push(NOVA.dateFormat.apply(timeStart, [user_settings.video_date_format])); if (!sameDate) { outList.push('until', NOVA.dateFormat.apply(timeEnd, [user_settings.video_date_format]) ); } } else if (item.snippet.liveBroadcastContent == 'upcoming') { outList.push('Scheduled', NOVA.dateFormat.apply(new Date(item.liveStreamingDetails.scheduledStartTime), [user_settings.video_date_format]) ); } } else if (item.snippet.publishedAt) { const publishedDate = new Date(item.snippet.publishedAt); if (user_settings.video_date_format == 'ago') { outList.push(NOVA.formatTimeOut.ago(publishedDate), 'ago'); } else { outList.push(NOVA.dateFormat.apply(publishedDate, [user_settings.video_date_format])); } } if (outList.length) { insertToHTML({ 'text': outList.join(' '), 'container': container }); sessionStorage.setItem(CACHE_PREFIX + videoId, JSON.stringify({ 'date': outList.join(' '), 'format': user_settings.video_date_format })); } }); }); function insertToHTML({ text = '', container = required() }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); (document.getElementById(DATE_SELECTOR_ID) || (() => { const el = document.createElement('span'); = DATE_SELECTOR_ID; el.className = 'style-scope yt-formatted-string bold'; = 'font-size: 1.35rem; line-height: 2rem; font-weight:400;'; container.after(el); return el; })()) .textContent = text; } } }, options: { video_view_count: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Show views count format', options: [ { label: 'disable', value: false, }, { label: '9.9K', value: 'abbr', selected: true }, { label: '9,999', value: 'friendly' }, ], }, video_date_format: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Date pattern', options: [ { label: 'ago', value: 'ago' }, { label: 'January 20, 1999', value: 'MMMM D, YYYY' }, { label: '20 Jan 1999', value: 'D MMM YYYY' }, { label: '20 Jan 1999 at 23:59', value: 'D MMM YYYY at H:mm', selected: true }, { label: 'Mon 20/01/1999 23:59', value: 'DDD DD/MM/YYYY H:mm' }, { label: 'Monday 20/01/1999 23:59', value: 'DDDD DD/MM/YYYY H:mm' }, { label: '1999/01/20', value: 'YYYY/MM/DD' }, { label: '1999/01/20 at 23:59', value: 'YYYY/MM/DD at H:mm' }, { label: '1999-01-20', value: 'YYYY-MM-D' }, { label: '1999-01-20 at 23:59', value: 'YYYY-MM-D at H:mm' }, { label: '1999.1.20', value: 'YYYY.M.D' }, { label: '1999.1.20 at 23:59', value: 'YYYY.M.D at H:mm' }, { label: '01/20/1999', value: 'MM/DD/YYYY' }, { label: '01/20/1999 at 23:59', value: 'MM/DD/YYYY at H:mm' }, { label: '01-20-1999', value: 'MM-D-YYYY' }, { label: '01-20-1999 at 23:59', value: 'MM-D-YYYY at H:mm' }, { label: '01.20.1999', value: 'MM.D.YYYY' }, { label: '01.20.1999 at 23:59', value: 'MM.D.YYYY at H:mm' }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'transcript', title: 'Show transcript', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'details-buttons', _runtime: user_settings => { const BTN_SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-transcript-button', BTN_SELECTOR = '#' + BTN_SELECTOR_ID; NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch') return; if (await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('transcript')) { NOVA.waitSelector(BTN_SELECTOR, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(btn => { = 'flex'; switch (user_settings.transcript_visibility_mode) { case 'button': transcriptExpand(); break; case 'external': case 'external-popup': transcriptOpenLink(); break; } }); return; } switch (user_settings.transcript_visibility_mode) { case 'expand': NOVA.waitSelector('[target-id="engagement-panel-searchable-transcript"][visibility="ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"]', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(transcriptEl => { transcriptEl.setAttribute('visibility', 'ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_EXPANDED'); }); break; default: NOVA.waitSelector(BTN_SELECTOR, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(btn => { = document.body.querySelector('#description ytd-video-description-transcript-section-renderer button, [target-id="engagement-panel-searchable-transcript"]') ? 'flex' : 'none'; }); break; } }); switch (user_settings.transcript_visibility_mode) { case 'button': NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-metadata #actions #top-level-buttons-computed') .then(container => { insertToHTML({ 'container': container, 'position': 'beforebegin' }) .addEventListener('click', transcriptExpand); }); break; case 'external': case 'external-popup': NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-metadata #actions #top-level-buttons-computed') .then(container => { insertToHTML({ 'container': container, 'position': 'beforebegin' }) .addEventListener('click', transcriptOpenLink); }); break; } function transcriptExpand() { if (btn = document.body.querySelector('#description ytd-video-description-transcript-section-renderer button')) { } else if (transcriptEl = document.body.querySelector('[target-id="engagement-panel-searchable-transcript"][visibility="ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"]')) { transcriptEl.setAttribute('visibility', 'ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_EXPANDED'); } } function transcriptOpenLink() { const url = '' +;, '_blank', user_settings.transcript_visibility_mode == 'external-popup' ? `popup=1,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no` : '') } function insertToHTML({ container = required(), position = 'beforebegin' }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); return (document.getElementById(BTN_SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { NOVA.css.push( `${BTN_SELECTOR} { border: 0; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 var(--ytd-subscribe-button-margin, 12px); }`); container.insertAdjacentHTML(position, `<button id="${BTN_SELECTOR_ID}" style="display:flex" title="Show Transcript" class="style-scope yt-formatted-string bold yt-spec-button-shape-next--tonal yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-m"> <span class="yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon" style="height:100%"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="100%" width="100%"> <g fill="currentColor"> <path d="M20 12V13C20 17.4183 16.4183 21 12 21C7.58172 21 4 17.4183 4 13V12M12 17C9.79086 17 8 15.2091 8 13V7C8 4.79086 9.79086 3 12 3C14.2091 3 16 4.79086 16 7V13C16 15.2091 14.2091 17 12 17Z" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="yt-spec-button-shape-next__button-text-content" style="align-self:center;">Transcript</span> </button>`); return document.getElementById(BTN_SELECTOR_ID); })()); } }, options: { transcript_visibility_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'expand default section', selected: true, }, { label: 'add button', value: 'button', }, { label: 'link to external', value: 'external', }, { label: 'link to external (popup)', value: 'external-popup', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-title-hashtag', title: 'Title hashtag', run_on_pages: 'watch', section: 'details', _runtime: user_settings => { let cssObj = {}; switch (user_settings.title_hashtag_visibility_mode) { case 'uncolorize': cssObj['color'] = 'var(--yt-endpoint-color, var(--yt-spec-text-primary))'; break; default: cssObj['display'] = 'none'; break; } if (Object.keys(cssObj).length) { NOVA.css.push(cssObj, 'h1 a[href*="/hashtag/"]', 'important'); } }, options: { title_hashtag_visibility_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'hide', selected: true, }, { label: 'uncolorize', value: 'uncolorize', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'channel-videos-count', title: 'Show channel videos count', 'title:zh': '显示频道上的视频数量', 'title:ja': 'チャンネルの動画数を表示する', 'title:pl': 'Pokaż liczbę filmów na kanale', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'details', opt_api_key_warn: true, desc: 'Display uploaded videos on channel', 'desc:zh': '在频道上显示上传的视频', 'desc:ja': 'アップロードした動画をチャンネルに表示', 'desc:pl': 'Wyświetla przesłane filmy na kanale', _runtime: user_settings => { const CACHE_PREFIX = 'nova-channel-videos-count:', SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-video-count'; NOVA.waitSelector('#upload-info #owner-sub-count, ytm-slim-owner-renderer .subhead', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(el => setVideoCount(el)); async function setVideoCount(container = required()) { await NOVA.delay(500); const channelId = NOVA.getChannelId(); if (!channelId) return console.error('setVideoCount channelId: empty', channelId); if (storage = sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_PREFIX + channelId)) { insertToHTML({ 'text': storage, 'container': container }); } else { NOVA.request.API({ request: 'channels', params: { 'id': channelId, 'part': 'statistics' }, api_key: user_settings['user-api-key'], }) .then(res => { if (res?.error) return alert(`Error [${res.code}]: ${res.reason}\n` + res.error); res?.items?.forEach(item => { if (videoCount = NOVA.numberFormat.abbr(item.statistics.videoCount)) { insertToHTML({ 'text': videoCount, 'container': container }); sessionStorage.setItem(CACHE_PREFIX + channelId, videoCount); } else console.warn('API is change', item); }); }); } function insertToHTML({ text = '', container = required() }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); (document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { container.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span class="date style-scope ytd-video-secondary-info-renderer" style="margin-right:5px;"> • <span id="${SELECTOR_ID}">${text}</span> videos</span>`); return document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID); })()) .textContent = text; container.title = `${text} videos`; } } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'save-to-playlist', title: 'Add sort/filter to "Save to playlist" menu', 'title:zh': '将排序/过滤器添加到“保存到播放列表”菜单', 'title:ja': '「プレイリストに保存」メニューにソート/フィルターを追加', 'title:pl': 'Dodaj sortowanie/filtr do menu „Zapisz na liście odtwarzania”.', run_on_pages: 'home, feed, results, channel, watch, -mobile', section: 'details-buttons', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('tp-yt-paper-dialog #playlists') .then(playlists => { const container = playlists.closest('tp-yt-paper-dialog'); new IntersectionObserver(([entry]) => { const searchInput = container.querySelector('input[type=search]'); if (entry.isIntersecting) { if (user_settings.save_to_playlist_sort) sortPlaylistsMenu(playlists); if (!searchInput) { insertFilterInput( document.body.querySelector('ytd-add-to-playlist-renderer #header ytd-menu-title-renderer') ); } } else if (searchInput) { searchInput.value = ''; searchInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } }) .observe(container); }); function sortPlaylistsMenu(playlists = required()) { if (!(playlists instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('playlists not HTMLElement:', playlists); playlists.append( ...Array.from(playlists.childNodes) .sort(sortByLabel) ); function sortByLabel(a, b) { const getLabel = el => el.innerText.trim(); return stringLocaleCompare(getLabel(a), getLabel(b)); function stringLocaleCompare(a = required(), b = required()) { return a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }); } } } function insertFilterInput(container = required()) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); const searchInput = document.createElement('input'); searchInput.setAttribute('type', 'search'); searchInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Playlists Filter'); Object.assign(, { padding: '.4em .6em', border: 0, outline: 0, 'min-width': '250px', width: '100%', height: '2.5em', color: 'var(--ytd-searchbox-text-color)', 'background-color': 'var(--ytd-searchbox-background)', }); ['change', 'keyup'].forEach(evt => { searchInput .addEventListener(evt, function () { NOVA.searchFilterHTML({ 'keyword': this.value, 'filter_selectors': '#playlists #checkbox', 'highlight_selector': '#label', }); }); searchInput .addEventListener('click', () => { searchInput.value = ''; searchInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); }); }); const containerDiv = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(, { 'margin-top': '.5em', display: 'flex', gap: '10px', }); if (!user_settings.save_to_playlist_sort) { const sortButton = document.createElement('button'); sortButton.textContent = 'A-Z ↓'; Object.assign(, { padding: '.4em .6em', border: 0, outline: 0, 'border-radius': '4px', color: 'var(--ytd-searchbox-text-color)', 'background-color': 'var(--ytd-searchbox-background)', 'white-space': 'nowrap', 'cursor': 'pointer', }); sortButton.addEventListener('click', () => { sortButton.remove(); sortPlaylistsMenu(document.body.querySelector('tp-yt-paper-dialog #playlists')); }, { capture: true, once: true }); containerDiv.append(sortButton); } containerDiv.append(searchInput); container.append(containerDiv); }; }, options: { save_to_playlist_sort: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Default sorting alphabetically', 'label:zh': '默认按字母顺序排序', 'label:ja': 'デフォルトのアルファベット順のソート', 'label:pl': 'Domyślne sortowanie alfabetyczne', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'description-popup', title: 'Description section in popup', 'title:zh': '弹出窗口中的描述部分', 'title:ja': 'ポップアップの説明セクション', 'title:pl': 'Opis w osobnym oknie', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'details', 'plugins-conflict': 'description-timestamps-scroll', _runtime: user_settings => { const DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR = 'html:not(:fullscreen) ytd-watch-metadata #description.ytd-watch-metadata:not([hidden]):not(:empty)', DATE_SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-description-date'; NOVA.waitSelector('#masthead-container') .then(masthead => { NOVA.css.push( `${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}, ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}:before { position: fixed; top: ${masthead.offsetHeight || 56}px; right: 0; z-index: ${1 + Math.max(getComputedStyle(masthead || movie_player)['z-index'], 601)}; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}:not(:hover):before { content: "info ▼"; cursor: pointer; visibility: visible; right: 12.5em; padding: 0 8px 2px; line-height: normal; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #eee; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR} { margin: 0 1%; overflow-y: auto; max-height: 88vh; max-width: 55%; background-color: var(--yt-spec-brand-background-primary); background-color: var(--yt-spec-menu-background); background-color: var(--yt-spec-raised-background); color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary);; border: 1px solid #333; ${user_settings['square-avatars'] ? 'border-radius: 0' : ''}; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}:not(:hover) { visibility: collapse; overflow: hidden; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}:hover { visibility: visible !important; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 8px; width: 10px; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}::-webkit-scrollbar-button { height: 0; width: 0; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background-color: transparent; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #e1e1e1; border: 0; border-radius: 0; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #666; border: 0; border-radius: 0; } ${DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR}::-webkit-scrollbar-track:hover { background-color: #666; }`); }); NOVA.waitSelector(DESCRIPTION_SELECTOR) .then(descriptionEl => { descriptionEl.addEventListener('mouseenter', evt => { document.body.querySelector('#meta [collapsed] #more, [description-collapsed] #description #expand') ?.click(); }); }); if (!user_settings['video-date-format']) { NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') && restoreDateLine()); } let oldDateText; function restoreDateLine() { NOVA.waitSelector('#title h1') .then(container => { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-metadata #description.ytd-watch-metadata') .then(async textDateEl => { await NOVA.waitUntil(() => { if ((text = [...textDateEl.querySelectorAll('')] .map(e => e.textContent) ?.join('').trim() ) && text != oldDateText ) { oldDateText = text; insertToHTML({ 'text': oldDateText, 'container': container }); return true; } }, 1000); }); }); function insertToHTML({ text = '', container = required() }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); (document.getElementById(DATE_SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { const el = document.createElement('span'); = DATE_SELECTOR_ID; el.className = 'style-scope yt-formatted-string bold'; = 'font-size: 1.35rem; line-height: 2rem; font-weight:400;'; container.after(el); return el; })()) .textContent = text; } } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'details-buttons-visibility', title: 'Buttons hide', 'title:zh': '按钮隐藏', 'title:ja': 'ボタンを非表示にする', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'details-buttons', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER = 'ytd-watch-metadata #actions'; if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide?.length && (stylesList = getHideButtonsList()) && stylesList.length ) { NOVA.css.push(stylesList.join(',\n') + ` { display: none !important; background-color: red; }`); } function getHideButtonsList() { let stylesList = []; if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide?.includes('subscribe')) { stylesList.push('#owner #subscribe-button'); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('join')) { stylesList.push('#sponsor-button'); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide?.includes('all')) { stylesList.push(`${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} button`); return stylesList; } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('like_dislike')) { stylesList.push(`${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} segmented-like-dislike-button-view-model`); } else if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('dislike')) { stylesList.push(`${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} dislike-button-view-model, ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} .yt-spec-button-shape-next--segmented-start::after`); NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} segmented-like-dislike-button-view-model button { border-radius: 20px; }`); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('download')) { stylesList.push(`${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} ytd-download-button-renderer`); NOVA.css.push(`#flexible-item-buttons { width: inherit; }`); } if (CSS.supports('selector(:has(*))')) { const buttonSelectors = [ `${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} ytd-button-renderer`, `${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} button`, 'ytd-popup-container ytd-menu-service-item-renderer', ]; if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('share')) { stylesList.push( => `\n${e}:has(path[d^="M15 5.63 20.66"])`)); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('thanks')) { stylesList.push( => `\n${e}:has(path[d^="M11 17h2v-1h1c.55"])`)); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('clip')) { stylesList.push( => `\n${e}:has(path[d^="M8 7c0 .55-.45"])`)); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('save')) { stylesList.push( => `\n${e}:has(path[d^="M22 13h-4v4h"])`)); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('report')) { stylesList.push( => `\n${e}:has(path[d^="m13.18 4 .24 "])`)); } if (user_settings.details_buttons_hide.includes('transcript')) { stylesList.push( => `\n${e}:has(path[d^="M5,11h2v2H5V11z"])`)); } } return stylesList; } let stylesTextHideLabel = ''; if (user_settings.details_buttons_label_hide) { stylesTextHideLabel += `${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} button [class*=text] { display: none; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} button .yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon { margin: 0 !important; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} segmented-like-dislike-button-view-model button, ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} segmented-like-dislike-button-view-model ~ * button, ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} { padding: 0 7px; } ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} ytd-menu-renderer[has-items] yt-button-shape.ytd-menu-renderer { margin: 0 !important; }`; } if (+user_settings.details_buttons_opacity) { stylesTextHideLabel += `#owner #subscribe-button:not(:hover), ${SELECTOR_BTN_CONTAINER} #menu:not(:hover) { transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out; opacity: ${user_settings.details_buttons_opacity || .1}; }`; } if (stylesTextHideLabel.length) { NOVA.css.push(stylesTextHideLabel); 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container.title = text; } } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'description-expand', title: 'Expand description', 'title:zh': '展开说明', 'title:ja': '説明を展開', 'title:pl': 'Rozwiń opis', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'details', desc: 'on hover', 'plugins-conflict': 'description-popup, comments-sidebar-position-exchange', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings['description-popup']) return; if (user_settings['comments-sidebar-position-exchange']) return; const SELECTOR_BTN = '[description-collapsed] #description #expand'; switch (user_settings.description_expand_mode) { case 'onhover': NOVA.waitSelector(SELECTOR_BTN) .then(btn => btn.addEventListener('mouseenter',; break; case 'always': document.addEventListener('yt-page-data-updated', expandSection); function expandSection() { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { document.body.querySelector(SELECTOR_BTN)?.click(); } } break; } }, options: { description_expand_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'always', value: 'always', selected: true, 'label:zh': '每次', 'label:ja': 'いつも', 'label:pl': 'zawsze', }, { label: 'on hover', value: 'onhover', 'label:zh': '悬停时', 'label:ja': 'ホバー時に', 'label:pl': 'po najechaniu', }, ], }, } }); 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'1:1' : w + ':' + h; }, chooseAspectRatio({ width = required(), height = required(), layout }) { const acceptedRatioList = { 'landscape': { '1:1': 1, '3:2': 1.5, '4:3': 1.33333333333, '5:4': 1.25, '5:3': 1.66666666667, '16:9': 1.77777777778, '16:10': 1.6, '17:9': 1.88888888889, '21:9': 2.33333333333, '24:10': 2.4, }, 'portrait': { '1:1': 1, '2:3': .66666666667, '3:4': .75, '3:5': .6, '4:5': .8, '9:16': .5625, '9:17': .5294117647, '9:21': .4285714286, '10:16': .625, }, }; return choiceRatioFromList(this.getAspectRatio(...arguments)) || acceptedRatioList['landscape']['16:9']; function choiceRatioFromList(ratio = required()) { const layout_ = layout || ((ratio < 1) ? 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true : (sec > prevSec && sec < +video_duration)) && (timestampPos < 5 || (timestampPos + timestamp.length) === line.length) ) { if (unreliableSorting) prevSec = sec; timestampsCollect.push({ 'sec': sec, 'time': timestamp, 'title': line .replace(timestamp, '') .replace(/\*(.*?)\*/g, '<b>$1</b>') .trim().replace(/^[\u2011-\u26FF:\-|\[\]]+|[\u2011-\u26FF:\-.;]+$/g, '') .replace(/[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u2580-\u27BF]|\uD83E[\uDD10-\uDDFF]/g, '') .trim() }); } } }); }); if (timestampsCollect.length == 1 && (timestampsCollect[0].sec < (video_duration / 4))) { return timestampsCollect; } else if (timestampsCollect.length > 1) { if (unreliableSorting) { timestampsCollect = timestampsCollect.sort((a, b) => a.sec - b.sec); } return timestampsCollect; } } function getFromDescriptionChaptersBlock() { descriptionExpand(); const selectorTimestampLink = 'a[href*="&t="]'; let timestampsCollect = []; let prevSec = -1; document.body.querySelectorAll(`#structured-description ${selectorTimestampLink}`) .forEach(chapterLink => { const sec = parseInt(NOVA.queryURL.get('t', chapterLink.href)); if (sec > prevSec) { prevSec = sec; timestampsCollect.push({ 'time': NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(sec), 'sec': sec, 'title': chapterLink.textContent.trim().split('\n')[0].trim(), }); } }); if (timestampsCollect.length == 1 && (timestampsCollect[0].sec < (video_duration / 4))) { return timestampsCollect; } else if (timestampsCollect.length > 1) { return timestampsCollect; } } function getFromAPI() { if (!window.ytPubsubPubsubInstance) { return console.warn('ytPubsubPubsubInstance is null:', ytPubsubPubsubInstance); } if ((ytPubsubPubsubInstance = ytPubsubPubsubInstance.i || ytPubsubPubsubInstance.j || ytPubsubPubsubInstance.subscriptions_ ) && Array.isArray(ytPubsubPubsubInstance) ) { const data = Object.values( ytPubsubPubsubInstance.find(a => a?.player)? ) .find(a => a?.videoData) ?.videoData.multiMarkersPlayerBarRenderer; if (data?.markersMap?.length) { return data.markersMap[0].value.chapters ?.map(c => { const sec = +c.chapterRenderer.timeRangeStartMillis / 1000; return { 'sec': sec, 'time': NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(sec), 'title': c.chapterRenderer.title.simpleText || c.chapterRenderer.title.runs[0].text, }; }); } } } }, strToArray(str) { return str ?.trim().split(/[\n,;]/) .map(e => e.replace(/^(\s+)$/, '')) .filter(e => e.length); }, searchFilterHTML({ keyword = required(), filter_selectors = required(), highlight_selector, highlight_class }) { keyword = keyword.toString().toLowerCase(); document.body.querySelectorAll(filter_selectors) .forEach(item => { const text = item.innerText, hasText = text?.toLowerCase().includes(keyword), highlight = el => { if (el.innerHTML.includes('<mark ')) { el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML .replace(/<\/?mark[^>]*>/g, ''); } = hasText ? '' : 'none'; if (hasText && keyword) { highlightTerm({ 'target': el, 'keyword': keyword, 'highlightClass': highlight_class, }); } }; (highlight_selector ? item.querySelectorAll(highlight_selector) : [item]) .forEach(highlight); }); function highlightTerm({ target = required(), keyword = required(), highlightClass }) { const content = target.innerText, pattern = new RegExp('(>[^<.]*)?(' + keyword + ')([^<.]*)?', 'gi'), highlightStyle = highlightClass ? `class="${highlightClass}"` : 'style="background-color:#afafaf"', replaceWith = `$1<mark ${highlightStyle}>$2</mark>$3`, marked = content.replaceAll(pattern, replaceWith); return (target.innerHTML = marked) !== content; } }, isMusic() { if (!['watch', 'embed'].includes(this.currentPage)) return; return checkMusicType(); function checkMusicType() { const channelName = movie_player.getVideoData().author, titleStr = movie_player.getVideoData().title.toUpperCase(), titleWordsList = titleStr?.toUpperCase().match(/\w+/g), playerData = document.body.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy')?.playerData; return [ titleStr, document.URL, channelName, playerData?.microformat?.playerMicroformatRenderer.category, playerData?.title, ] .some(i => i?.toUpperCase().includes('MUSIC')) || document.body.querySelector('#upload-info #channel-name .badge-style-type-verified-artist') || (channelName && /(VEVO|Topic|Records|RECORDS|Recordings|AMV)$/.test(channelName)) || (channelName && /(MUSIC|ROCK|SOUNDS|SONGS)/.test(channelName.toUpperCase())) || titleWordsList?.length && ['🎵', '♫', 'SONG', 'SONGS', 'SOUNDTRACK', 'LYRIC', 'LYRICS', 'AMBIENT', 'MIX', 'VEVO', 'CLIP', 'KARAOKE', 'OPENING', 'COVER', 'COVERED', 'VOCAL', 'INSTRUMENTAL', 'ORCHESTRAL', 'DUBSTEP', 'DJ', 'DNB', 'BASS', 'BEAT', 'ALBUM', 'PLAYLIST', 'DUBSTEP', 'CHILL', 'RELAX', 'CLASSIC', 'CINEMATIC'] .some(i => titleWordsList.includes(i)) || ['OFFICIAL VIDEO', 'OFFICIAL AUDIO', 'FEAT.', 'FT.', 'LIVE RADIO', 'DANCE VER', 'HIP HOP', 'ROCK N ROLL', 'HOUR VER', 'HOURS VER', 'INTRO THEME'] .some(i => titleStr.includes(i)) || titleWordsList?.length && ['OP', 'ED', 'MV', 'OST', 'NCS', 'BGM', 'EDM', 'GMV', 'AMV', 'MMD', 'MAD'] .some(i => titleWordsList.includes(i)); } }, formatTimeOut: { hmsToSec(str = required()) { let parts = str?.split(':'), t = 0; switch (parts?.length) { case 2: t = (parts[0] * 60); break; case 3: t = (parts[0] * 3600) + (parts[1] * 60); break; case 4: t = (parts[0] * 86400) + (parts[1] * 3600) + (parts[2] * 60); break; } return t + +parts.pop(); }, HMS: { parseTime(time_sec) { const ts = Math.abs(+time_sec); return { d: Math.trunc(ts / 86400), h: Math.trunc((ts % 86400) / 3600), m: Math.trunc((ts % 3600) / 60), s: Math.trunc(ts % 60), }; }, digit(time_sec = required()) { const { d, h, m, s } = this.parseTime(time_sec); return (d ? `${d}d ` : '') + (h ? (d ? h.toString().padStart(2, '0') : h) + ':' : '') + (h ? m.toString().padStart(2, '0') : m) + ':' + s.toString().padStart(2, '0'); }, abbr(time_sec = required()) { const { d, h, m, s } = this.parseTime(time_sec); return (d ? `${d}d ` : '') + (h ? (d ? h.toString().padStart(2, '0') : h) + 'h' : '') + (m ? (h ? m.toString().padStart(2, '0') : m) + 'm' : '') + (s ? (m ? s.toString().padStart(2, '0') : s) + 's' : ''); }, }, ago(date = required()) { if (!(date instanceof Date)) return console.error('"date" is not Date type:', date); const samples = [ { label: 'year', sec: 31536000 }, { label: 'month', sec: 2592000 }, { label: 'day', sec: 86400 }, { label: 'hour', sec: 3600 }, { label: 'minute', sec: 60 }, { label: 'second', sec: 1 } ]; const now = date.getTime(), seconds = Math.round(( - Math.abs(now)) / 1000), interval = samples.find(i => i.sec < seconds), time = Math.round(seconds / interval.sec); return `${(now < 0 ? '-' : '') + time} ${interval.label}${time !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`; }, }, dateFormat(format = 'YYYY/MM/DD') { if (!(this instanceof Date)) return console.error('dateFormat - is not Date type:', this); const twoDigit = n => n.toString().padStart(2, '0'), date = this.getDate(), year = this.getFullYear(), monthIdx = this.getMonth(), dayWeekIdx = this.getDay(), hours = this.getHours(), minutes = this.getMinutes(), seconds = this.getSeconds(); return format .replace(/A|Z|S(SS)?|ss?|mm?|HH?|hh?|D{1,4}|M{1,4}|YY(YY)?|'([^']|'')*'/g, partPattern => { let out; switch (partPattern) { case 'YY': out = year.substr(2); break; case 'YYYY': out = year; break; case 'M': out = monthIdx + 1; break; case 'MM': out = twoDigit(monthIdx + 1); break; case 'MMM': out = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][monthIdx]; break; case 'MMMM': out = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'][monthIdx]; break; case 'D': out = date; break; case 'DD': out = twoDigit(date); break; case 'DDD': out = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thur', 'Fri', 'Sat'][dayWeekIdx]; break; case 'DDDD': out = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'][dayWeekIdx]; break; case 'h': out = (hours % 12) || 12; break; case 'H': out = hours; break; case 'HH': out = twoDigit(hours); break; case 'mm': out = twoDigit(minutes); break; case 's': out = seconds; break; case 'ss': out = twoDigit(seconds); break; case 'SS': out = twoDigit(seconds); break; case 'A': out = (hours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'); break; case 'Z': out = ('+' + -this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) .replace(/^\D?(\D)/, "$1") .replace(/^(.)(.)$/, "$10$2") + '00'; break; } return out; }); }, numberFormat: { abbr(num) { num = Math.abs(+num); if (num === 0 || isNaN(num)) return ''; else if (num < 1000) return Math.trunc(num); else if (num < 1e4) return round(num / 1000) + 'K'; else if (num < 990000) return Math.round(num / 1000) + 'K'; else if (num < 990000000) return Math.round(num / 1e5) / 10 + 'M'; else return Math.round(num / 1e8) / 10 + 'B'; function round(num, sig = 1) { const prec = Math.pow(10, sig); return Math.round(num * prec) / prec; } }, friendly: num => new Intl.NumberFormat().format(Math.round(num * 10) / 10), }, extractAsNum: { float: str => (n = str?.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '')) && +n, int: str => (n = str?.replace(/\D+/g, '')) && +n, }, updateUrl: (new_url = required()) => window.history.replaceState(null, null, new_url), queryURL: { has: (query = required(), url_string) => new URL(url_string || location).searchParams.has(query.toString()), get: (query = required(), url_string) => new URL(url_string || location).searchParams.get(query.toString()), set(query_obj = {}, url_string) { if (typeof query_obj != 'object' || !Object.keys(query_obj).length) return console.error('query_obj:', query_obj); const url = new URL(url_string || location); Object.entries(query_obj).forEach(([key, value]) => url.searchParams.set(key, value)); return url.toString(); }, remove(query = required(), url_string) { const url = new URL(url_string || location); url.searchParams.delete(query.toString()); return url.toString(); }, getHashParam: (query = required(), url_string) => location.hash && new URLSearchParams(new URL(url_string || location).hash.substring(1)).get(query.toString()), }, request: (() => { const API_STORE_NAME = 'YOUTUBE_API_KEYS'; async function getKeys() { NOVA.log('request.API: fetch to youtube_api_keys.json'); return await fetch('') .then(res => res.text()) .then(keys => { NOVA.log(`get and save keys in localStorage`, keys); localStorage.setItem(API_STORE_NAME, keys); return JSON.parse(keys); }) .catch(error => { localStorage.removeItem(API_STORE_NAME); throw error; }) .catch(reason => console.error('Error get keys:', reason)); } return { async API({ request = required(), params = required(), api_key }) { const YOUTUBE_API_KEYS = localStorage.hasOwnProperty(API_STORE_NAME) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(API_STORE_NAME)) : await getKeys(); if (!api_key && (!Array.isArray(YOUTUBE_API_KEYS) || !YOUTUBE_API_KEYS?.length)) { localStorage.hasOwnProperty(API_STORE_NAME) && localStorage.removeItem(API_STORE_NAME); return console.error('YOUTUBE_API_KEYS empty:', YOUTUBE_API_KEYS); } const referRandKey = arr => api_key || 'AIzaSy' + arr[Math.trunc(Math.random() * arr.length)]; const query = Object.keys(params) .map(k => encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[k])) .join('&'); const URL = `${request}?${query}&key=` + referRandKey(YOUTUBE_API_KEYS); return await fetch(URL) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => { if (!json?.error && Object.keys(json).length) return json; console.warn('used key:', NOVA.queryURL.get('key', URL)); if (json?.error && Object.keys(json.error).length) { throw new Error(JSON.stringify(json?.error)); } }) .catch(error => { localStorage.removeItem(API_STORE_NAME); console.error(`Request API failed:${URL}\n${error}`); if (error?.message && (err = JSON.parse(error?.message))) { return { 'code': err.code, 'reason': err.errors?.length && err.errors[0].reason, 'error': err.message, }; } }); }, }; })(), getPlayerState(state) { return { '-1': 'UNSTARTED', 0: 'ENDED', 1: 'PLAYING', 2: 'PAUSED', 3: 'BUFFERING', 5: 'CUED' }[state || movie_player.getPlayerState()]; }, videoElement: (() => { const videoSelector = '#movie_player:not(.ad-showing) video'; document.addEventListener('canplay', ({ target }) => { target.matches(videoSelector) && (NOVA.videoElement = target); }, { capture: true, once: true }); document.addEventListener('play', ({ target }) => { target.matches(videoSelector) && (NOVA.videoElement = target); }, true); })(), getChannelId(api_key) { const isChannelId = id => id && /UC([a-z0-9-_]{22})$/i.test(id); let result = [ document.head.querySelector('meta[itemprop="channelId"][content]')?.content, (document.body.querySelector('ytd-app')?.__data?.data?.response || document.body.querySelector('ytd-app')?.data?.response || window.ytInitialData ) ?.metadata?.channelMetadataRenderer?.externalId, document.head.querySelector('link[itemprop="url"][href]')?.href.split('/')[4], location.pathname.split('/')[2], document.body.querySelector('#video-owner a[href]')?.href.split('/')[4], document.body.querySelector('a.ytp-ce-channel-title[href]')?.href.split('/')[4], document.body.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy')?.playerData?.videoDetails?.channelId, ((typeof ytcfg === 'object') && (obj = ytcfg.data_?.PLAYER_VARS?.embedded_player_response) && NOVA.seachInObjectBy.key({ 'obj': JSON.parse(obj), 'keys': 'channelId', })?.data), ] .find(i => isChannelId(i)); return result; }, storage_obj_manager: { STORAGE_NAME: 'nova-channels-state', async initStorage() { this.channelId ='list=') ? (NOVA.queryURL.get('list') || movie_player?.getPlaylistId()) : await NOVA.waitUntil(NOVA.getChannelId, 1000); }, read(return_all) { if (store = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.STORAGE_NAME))) { return return_all ? store : store[this.channelId]; } }, write(obj_save) { if ((storage ='all') || {})) { if (Object.keys(obj_save).length) { storage = Object.assign(storage, { [this.channelId]: obj_save }); } else { delete storage[this.channelId]; } } localStorage.setItem(this.STORAGE_NAME, JSON.stringify(storage)); }, _getParam(key = required()) { if (storage = { return storage[key]; } }, async getParam(key = required()) { if (!this.channelId) await this.initStorage(); return this._getParam(...arguments); }, save(obj_save) { if (storage = { obj_save = Object.assign(storage, obj_save); } this.write(obj_save); }, remove(key) { if ((storage = { delete storage[key]; this.write(storage); } }, }, seachInObjectBy: { key({ obj = required(), keys = required(), match_fn = data => !== 'Object', multiple = false, path = '' }) { const setPath = d => (path ? path + '.' : '') + d; let hasKey, results = []; for (const prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop]) { hasKey = === 'String' ? (keys === prop) : keys.indexOf(prop) > -1; if (hasKey && (!match_fn || match_fn(obj[prop]))) { if (multiple) { results.push({ 'path': setPath(prop), 'data': obj[prop], }); } else { return { 'path': setPath(prop), 'data': obj[prop], }; } } else { switch (obj[prop] { case 'Object': if (result = this.key({ 'obj': obj[prop], 'keys': keys, 'path': setPath(prop), 'match_fn': match_fn, })) { if (multiple) results.push(result); else return result; } break; case 'Array': for (let i = 0; i < obj[prop].length; i++) { if (result = this.key({ 'obj': obj[prop][i], 'keys': keys, 'path': path + `[${i}]`, 'match_fn': match_fn, })) { if (multiple) results.push(result); else return result; } } break; case 'Function': if (Object.keys(obj[prop]).length) { for (const j in obj[prop]) { if (typeof obj[prop][j] !== 'undefined') { if (result = this.key({ 'obj': obj[prop][j], 'keys': keys, 'path': setPath(prop) + '.' + j, 'match_fn': match_fn, })) { if (multiple) results.push(result); else return result; } } } } break; } } } } if (multiple) return results; }, }, log() { if (this.DEBUG && arguments.length) { console.groupCollapsed(...arguments); console.trace(); console.groupEnd(); } }, }; window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'page-title-time', title: 'Show time in tab title', 'title:zh': '在标签标题中显示时间', 'title:ja': 'タブタイトルに時間を表示する', 'title:pl': 'Pokaż czas w tytule karty', run_on_pages: 'watch', section: 'other', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('video') .then(video => { document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', () => pageTitle.backup = null); video.addEventListener('playing',; video.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => pageTitle.update(video)); video.addEventListener('pause', () => pageTitle.restore(video)); video.addEventListener('ended', () => pageTitle.restore(video)); }); const pageTitle = { strSplit: ' | ', saveCheck() { return (result = (this.backup || document.title).includes(this.strSplit)) ? new RegExp(`^((\\d?\\d:){1,2}\\d{2})(${this.strSplit.replace('|', '\\|')})`, '') .test(document.title) : result; }, save() { if (this.backup || movie_player.getVideoData().isLive || movie_player.classList.contains('ad-showing') || this.saveCheck() ) { return; } this.backup = movie_player.getVideoData().title + ' :: ' + movie_player.getVideoData().author; }, update(video = NOVA.videoElement) { if (!this.backup) return; let newTitleArr = []; switch (movie_player.getVideoData().isLive ? 'current' : user_settings.page_title_time_mode) { case 'current': newTitleArr = [video.currentTime]; break; case 'current-duration': if (!isNaN(video.duration)) { newTitleArr = [video.currentTime, ' / ', video.duration]; } break; default: if (!isNaN(video.duration)) { newTitleArr = [video.duration - video.currentTime]; } } newTitleArr = newTitleArr .map(t => (typeof t === 'string') ? t : NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(t / video.playbackRate)) .join(''); this.set([newTitleArr, this.backup]); }, restore(video = NOVA.videoElement) { if (!this.backup) return; this.set([movie_player.getVideoData().isLive && video.currentTime, this.backup]); }, set(arr) { document.title = arr .filter(Boolean) .join(this.strSplit); }, }; }, options: { page_title_time_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'left', value: 'left', selected: true, 'label:zh': '剩下', 'label:ja': '左', 'label:pl': 'pozostało', }, { label: 'current/duration', value: 'current-duration', 'label:zh': '现在/期间', 'label:ja': '現在/期間', 'label:pl': 'bieżący czas', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'scrollbar-hide', title: 'Hide scrollbar (for watch page)', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'other', _runtime: user_settings => { const HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR = 'nova-scrollbar-hide'; NOVA.css.push( `html[${HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR}] { scrollbar-width: none; } html[${HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR}] body::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0px; height: 0px; }`); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => { const hasAttr = document.documentElement.hasAttribute(HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR); if ((NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') && !hasAttr) { document.documentElement.setAttribute(HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR, true); } else if ((NOVA.currentPage != 'watch') && hasAttr) { document.documentElement.removeAttribute(HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR); } }); if (user_settings.scrollbar_hide_toggle_on_scroll) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function blink() { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch') return; if (document.documentElement.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) { if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute(HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR)) { document.documentElement.removeAttribute(HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR); } if (typeof blink.fade === 'number') clearTimeout(blink.fade); blink.fade = setTimeout(() => { document.documentElement.setAttribute(HIDE_SCROLL_ATTR, true); }, 700); } }); } }, options: { scrollbar_hide_toggle_on_scroll: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Showing on scroll', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'channel-play-all', title: 'Add "Play All" button', 'title:zh': '在频道页面添加“Play All”按钮', 'title:ja': 'チャンネルページに「Play All」ボタンを追加', run_on_pages: 'channel, watch, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'channel', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-play-all-channel-btn', endpoint = '/playlist?list='; switch (NOVA.currentPage) { case 'watch': if (!user_settings.channel_play_all_in_watch) return; NOVA.waitSelector('#owner.ytd-watch-metadata') .then(container => { if (channelId = NOVA.getChannelId()) { const btnList = user_settings.channel_play_all_mode ? { id: 'UULF', title: 'All' } : { id: 'UULP', title: 'MOST POPULAR' }; insertToHTML({ 'container': container, 'url': endpoint + + channelId.substring(2), }); function insertToHTML({ url = required(), container = required() }) { console.debug('insertToHTML', ...arguments); if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); (document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { const el = document.createElement('a'); = SELECTOR_ID; el.className = 'style-scope yt-formatted-string bold yt-spec-button-shape-next yt-spec-button-shape-next--tonal yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-m'; = 'margin-left:5px; flex: .6;'; el.textContent = `► Play ${btnList.title}`; el.title = 'Play all uploads videos from the channel'; return container.appendChild(el); })()) .href = url; } } }); break; case 'channel': let btnList; switch (NOVA.channelTab) { case 'videos': btnList = user_settings.channel_play_all_mode ? { id: 'UULF', title: 'All Videos' } : { id: 'UULP', title: 'Popular Videos' }; break; case 'shorts': btnList = user_settings.channel_play_all_mode ? { id: 'UUSH', title: 'All Shorts' } : { id: 'UUPS', title: 'Popular Shorts' }; break; case 'streams': btnList = user_settings.channel_play_all_mode ? { id: 'UULV', title: 'All Streams' } : { id: 'UUPV', title: 'Popular Streams' }; break; } if (!btnList) return; NOVA.waitSelector('#header #chips-wrapper') .then(container => { container.querySelector(`.${SELECTOR_ID}`)?.remove(); const btn = document.createElement('tp-yt-paper-button'); btn.className = 'style-scope yt-formatted-string bold yt-chip-cloud-chip-renderer 1yt-spec-button-shape-next'; btn.classList.add(SELECTOR_ID); = 'color: wheat; text-wrap: nowrap;'; btn.textContent = `► Play ${btnList.title}`; btn.addEventListener('click', () => { if (channelId = NOVA.getChannelId()) { location.href = endpoint + + channelId.substring(2); } }); container.append(btn); }); break; } }, options: { channel_play_all_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'all', value: true, }, { label: 'most popular', }, ], }, channel_play_all_in_watch: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Add in the "watch page" too', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'channel-default-tab', title: 'Default tab on channel page', 'title:zh': '频道页默认选项卡', 'title:ja': 'チャンネルページのデフォルトタブ', 'title:pl': 'Domyślna karta na stronie kanału', run_on_pages: 'channel', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'channel', _runtime: user_settings => { if (NOVA.channelTab) return; if (user_settings.channel_default_tab_mode == 'redirect') { switch (user_settings.channel_default_tab_thumbs_sort) { case 'popular': location.assign(`${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}/${location.pathname}/${user_settings.channel_default_tab}?SRT=P`); return; break; } location.pathname += '/' + user_settings.channel_default_tab; } else { const tabSelectors = '#tabsContent [role="tab"]'; NOVA.waitSelector(tabSelectors, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(() => { let tabActive; const tabs = [...document.body.querySelectorAll(tabSelectors)]; switch (user_settings.channel_default_tab) { case 'videos': tabActive = tabs[1]; break; default: location.pathname += '/' + user_settings.channel_default_tab; } tabActive?.click(); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')) , { capture: true, once: true }); }); } }, options: { channel_default_tab: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Default tab', 'label:zh': '默认标签页', 'label:ja': 'デフォルトのタブ', 'label:pl': 'Domyślna karta', options: [ { label: 'videos', value: 'videos', selected: true, 'label:pl': 'wideo', }, { label: 'shorts', value: 'shorts', }, { label: 'live', value: 'streams', }, { label: 'podcasts', value: 'podcasts', }, { label: 'releases', value: 'releases', }, { label: 'playlists', value: 'playlists', 'label:pl': 'playlista', }, { label: 'community', value: 'community', }, ], }, channel_default_tab_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'click', 'label:pl': 'klik', }, { label: 'redirect', value: 'redirect', 'label:pl': 'przekierowanie', }, ], 'data-dependent': { 'channel_default_tab': ['videos'] }, }, channel_default_tab_thumbs_sort: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Sort', options: [ { label: 'newest', selected: true, }, { label: 'popular', value: 'popular', }, ], 'data-dependent': { 'channel_default_tab_mode': ['redirect'] }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'copy-url', title: 'Copy URL to clipboard', 'title:zh': '将 URL 复制到剪贴板', 'title:ja': 'URLをクリップボードにコピー', run_on_pages: 'results, channel, playlist, watch, embed', section: 'other', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-copy-notification'; document.addEventListener('keydown', evt => { const hotkeyMod = user_settings.copy_url_hotkey || 'ctrlKey'; if (hotkeyMod == 'ctrlKey' && window.getSelection && window.getSelection().toString()) return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt[hotkeyMod] && evt.code === 'KeyC') { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); let url; switch (NOVA.currentPage) { case 'watch': case 'embed': url = '' + (NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id); break; case 'channel': url = (channelId = NOVA.getChannelId(user_settings['user-api-key'])) ? `https://${}/channel/` + channelId : location.href; break case 'results': case 'playlist': url = location.href; break } if (url) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(url); showNotification('URL copied'); } } }); function showNotification(msg) { if (typeof showNotification.fade === 'number') { clearTimeout(showNotification.fade); clearTimeout(showNotification.hideСompletely); } const notify = (document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { const el = document.createElement('div'); = SELECTOR_ID; let initcss = { position: 'fixed', 'z-index': 9999, 'border-radius': '2px', 'background-color': user_settings.copy_url_color || '#e85717', 'box-shadow': 'rgb(0 0 0 / 50%) 0px 0px 3px', 'border-radius': user_settings['square-avatars'] ? 'inherit' : '12px', 'font-size': `${+user_settings.copy_url_font_size || 1.7}em`, color: 'var(--yt-spec-text-primary, white)', padding: '.5em .8em', cursor: 'pointer', }; switch (user_settings.copy_url_position) { case 'top-left': = '60px'; initcss.left = '20px'; break; case 'bottom-left': initcss.bottom = '20px'; initcss.left = '20px'; break; case 'bottom-right': initcss.bottom = '20px'; initcss.right = '20px'; break; default: = '60px'; initcss.right = '20px'; break; } Object.assign(, initcss); return document.body.appendChild(el); })()); notify.textContent = msg; = +user_settings.copy_url_opacity || 1; = 'visible'; showNotification.fade = setTimeout(() => { = 'opacity 200ms ease-out'; = 0; showNotification.hideСompletely = setTimeout(() => = 'hidden', 5000); }, 600); } }, options: { copy_url_hotkey: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey', 'label:zh': '热键', 'label:ja': 'ホットキー', 'label:pl': 'Klawisz skrótu', options: [ { label: 'shift+c', value: 'shiftKey', selected: true }, { label: 'ctrl+c', value: 'ctrlKey' }, ], }, copy_url_position: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Notification position', options: [ { label: '↖', value: 'top-left', }, { label: '↗', value: 'top-right', selected: true, }, { label: '↙', value: 'bottom-left', }, { label: '↘', value: 'bottom-right', }, ], }, copy_url_opacity: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Opacity', type: 'number', placeholder: '0.1-1', step: .1, min: .1, max: 1, value: .8, }, copy_url_font_size: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Font size', type: 'number', title: 'in em', placeholder: '0.5-3', step: .1, min: .5, max: 3, value: 1.7, }, copy_url_color: { _tagName: 'input', type: 'color', value: '#e85717', label: 'Color', 'label:zh': '颜色', 'label:ja': '色', 'label:pl': 'Kolor', title: 'default - #e85717', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'rss-link', title: 'Add RSS feed link', 'title:zh': '添加 RSS 提要链接', 'title:ja': 'RSSフィードリンクを追加', 'title:pl': 'Dodaj kanał RSS', run_on_pages: 'channel, playlist, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'channel', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-rss-link', rssLinkPrefix = '/feeds/videos.xml', playlistURL = rssLinkPrefix + '?playlist_id=' + NOVA.queryURL.get('list'), genChannelURL = channelId => rssLinkPrefix + '?channel_id=' + channelId; switch (NOVA.currentPage) { case 'channel': NOVA.waitSelector('#channel-header #links-holder #primary-links') .then(container => { if (!parseInt(NOVA.css.get('#header div.banner-visible-area', 'height'))) { container = document.body.querySelector('#channel-header #inner-header-container #buttons'); } if (url = (document.head.querySelector('link[type="application/rss+xml"][href]')?.href || genChannelURL(NOVA.getChannelId(user_settings['user-api-key']))) ) { insertToHTML({ 'url': url, 'container': container }); 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Object.assign(, { height: '20px', display: 'inline-block', padding: '5px', }); if (is_playlist) { Object.assign(, { 'margin-right': '8px', 'border-radius': '20px', 'background-color': 'var(--yt-spec-static-overlay-button-secondary)', color: 'var(--yt-spec-static-overlay-text-primary)', padding: '8px', 'margin-right': '8px', 'white-space': 'nowrap', 'font-size': 'var(--ytd-tab-system-font-size, 1.4rem)', 'font-weight': 'var(--ytd-tab-system-font-weight, 500)', 'letter-spacing': 'var(--ytd-tab-system-letter-spacing, .007px)', 'text-transform': 'var(--ytd-tab-system-text-transform, uppercase)', }); } container.prepend(link); return link; })()) .href = url; } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'shorts-redirect', title: 'Redirect Shorts to regular (watch) URLs', 'title:zh': '将 Shorts 重定向到常规(watch)URL', 'title:ja': 'ショートパンツを通常の(watch)URLにリダイレクトする', 'title:pl': 'Przełączaj Shorts na zwykłe adresy URL', run_on_pages: 'shorts', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'player', desc: 'Redirect Shorts video to normal player', 'desc:zh': '将 Shorts 视频重定向到普通播放器', 'desc:ja': 'ショートパンツのビデオを通常のプレーヤーにリダイレクトする', 'desc:pl': 'Przełącza krótkie filmy do normalnego odtwarzacza', _runtime: user_settings => { location.href = location.href.replace('shorts/', 'watch?v='); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'collapse-navigation-panel', title: 'Collapse navigation panel', 'title:zh': '折叠导航面板', 'title:ja': 'ナビゲーション パネルを折りたたむ', 'title:pl': 'Zwiń panel nawigacyjny', run_on_pages: '*, -watch, -embed, -live_chat', section: 'other', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#guide[opened]') .then(el => { document.getElementById('guide-button').click(); el.removeAttribute('opened'); }); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'channel-trailer-stop-preload', title: 'Stop play channel trailer', 'title:zh': '停止频道预告片', 'title:ja': 'チャンネルの予告編を停止する', 'title:pl': 'Zatrzymaj zwiastun kanału', run_on_pages: 'channel, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'channel', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#c4-player.playing-mode', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(player => player.stopVideo()); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'default-miniplayer-disable', title: 'Disable miniplayer', run_on_pages: 'results, feed, channel, watch, -mobile', section: 'other', desc: 'shown on changeable page when playing playlist', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.css.push( `.ytp-right-controls .ytp-miniplayer-button { display: none !important; }`); document.addEventListener('yt-action', evt => { if (evt.detail?.actionName.includes('miniplayer')) { document.body.querySelector('ytd-miniplayer[active]') ?.remove(); } }); document.addEventListener('keydown', evt => { if (['input', 'textarea'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' && evt.code === 'KeyI') { evt.preventDefault(); } }, { capture: true }); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'pages-clear', title: 'Clear pages of junk', 'title:zh': '清除垃圾页面', 'title:ja': 'ジャンクページをクリアする', 'title:pl': 'Wyczyść strony ze śmieci', run_on_pages: 'results, feed, watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'other', desc: 'Remove the annoying stuff', 'desc:zh': '删除烦人的东西', 'desc:ja': '煩わしいものを取り除く', 'desc:pl': 'Usuń irytujące rzeczy', _runtime: user_settings => { let selectorsList = [ '.ytp-paid-content-overlay', '.iv-branding', '#movie_player:not(:hover) > [class^="ytp-ce-"]', '.ytp-cards-teaser-text', 'ytm-paid-content-overlay-renderer', ]; 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if (CSS.supports('selector(:has(*))')) { selectorsList.push([ 'ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(ytd-ad-slot-renderer)', '#chat[collapsed] #message', 'ytd-popup-container:has(yt-tooltip-renderer[position-type="OPEN_POPUP_POSITION_BOTTOM"])', ]); } } if (selectorsList.length) { NOVA.css.push( selectorsList.join(',\n') + ` { display: none !important; }`); } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'scroll-to-top', title: 'Add "Scroll to top" button', 'title:zh': '滚动到顶部按钮', 'title:ja': 'トップボタンまでスクロール', 'title:pl': 'Przycisk przewijania do góry', run_on_pages: '*, -embed, -mobile, -live_chat', section: 'other', desc: 'Displayed on long pages', 'desc:zh': '出现在长页面上', 'desc:ja': '長いページに表示されます', 'desc:pl': 'Wyświetlaj na długich stronach', _runtime: user_settings => { document.addEventListener('scroll', insertButton, { capture: true, once: true }); function insertButton() { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-scrollTop-btn'; const btn = document.createElement('button'); = SELECTOR_ID; Object.assign(, { position: 'fixed', cursor: 'pointer', bottom: 0, left: '20%', visibility: 'hidden', opacity: .5, width: '40%', height: '40px', border: 'none', outline: 'none', 'z-index': 1, 'border-radius': '100% 100% 0 0', 'font-size': '16px', 'background-color': 'rgba(0,0,0,.3)', 'box-shadow': '0 16px 24px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .14), 0 6px 30px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)', }); btn.addEventListener('click', () => { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: user_settings.scroll_to_top_smooth ? 'smooth' : 'instant', }); if (user_settings.scroll_to_top_autoplay && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' && ['UNSTARTED', 'PAUSED'].includes(NOVA.getPlayerState()) ) { movie_player.playVideo(); } }); const arrow = document.createElement('span'); Object.assign(, { border: 'solid white', 'border-width': '0 3px 3px 0', display: 'inline-block', padding: '4px', 'vertical-align': 'middle', transform: 'rotate(-135deg)', }); btn.append(arrow); document.body.append(btn); NOVA.css.push( `#${SELECTOR_ID}:hover { opacity: 1 !important; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.6) !important; }`); const scrollTop_btn = document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID); let sOld; window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { const sCurr = document.documentElement.scrollTop > (window.innerHeight / 2); if (sCurr == sOld) return; sOld = sCurr; = sCurr ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; }); } }, options: { scroll_to_top_smooth: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Smooth', 'label:zh': '光滑的', 'label:ja': 'スムーズ', 'label:pl': 'Płynnie', type: 'checkbox', }, scroll_to_top_autoplay: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Unpause a video', 'label:zh': '视频取消暂停', 'label:ja': 'ビデオの一時停止解除', 'label:pl': 'Wyłącz wstrzymanie odtwarzania filmu', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'pause-background-tab', title: 'Autopause when switching tabs', 'title:zh': '自动暂停除活动选项卡以外的所有选项卡', 'title:ja': 'アクティブなタブを除くすべてのタブを自動一時停止', 'title:pl': 'Zatrzymanie kart w tle oprócz aktywnej', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'player', desc: 'Autopause all background tabs except the active one', _runtime: user_settings => { if (location.hostname.includes('')) { location.hostname = ''; return; } if (typeof window === 'undefined') return; const storeName = 'nova-playing-instanceIDTab', instanceID = String(Math.random()), removeStorage = () => localStorage.removeItem(storeName); NOVA.waitSelector('video') .then(video => { if (user_settings.pause_background_tab_autoplay_onfocus && user_settings.pause_background_tab_autopause_unfocus ) { } else { video.addEventListener('playing', checkInstance); ['pause', 'ended'].forEach(evt => video.addEventListener(evt, removeStorage)); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', removeStorage); window.addEventListener('storage', store => { if ((!document.hasFocus() || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') && store.key === storeName && store.storageArea === localStorage && localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storeName) && localStorage.getItem(storeName) !== instanceID && 'PLAYING' == NOVA.getPlayerState() && !document.pictureInPictureElement ) { video.pause(); } }); function checkInstance() { if (user_settings.pause_background_tab_autoplay_onfocus !== true && localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storeName) && localStorage.getItem(storeName) !== instanceID && !document.pictureInPictureElement ) { video.pause(); } else { localStorage.setItem(storeName, instanceID); } } } if (user_settings.pause_background_tab_autoplay_onfocus) { window.addEventListener('focus', () => { if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty(storeName) && localStorage.getItem(storeName) !== instanceID && ['UNSTARTED', 'PAUSED'].includes(NOVA.getPlayerState()) ) {; } }, user_settings.pause_background_tab_autoplay_onfocus == 'force' ? false : { capture: true, once: true }); } if (user_settings.pause_background_tab_autopause_unfocus) { window.addEventListener('blur', () => { if ('PLAYING' == NOVA.getPlayerState() && !document.pictureInPictureElement ) { video.pause(); } }); } }); }, options: { pause_background_tab_autoplay_onfocus: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Autoplay on tab focus mode', 'label:zh': '在标签焦点上自动播放', 'label:ja': 'タブフォーカスでの自動再生', 'label:pl': 'Autoodtwarzanie po wybraniu karty', options: [ { label: 'disable', selected: true, }, { label: 'once for new tab', value: true, }, { label: 'always for not started', value: 'force', }, ], }, pause_background_tab_autopause_unfocus: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Autopause if tab loses focus', 'label:zh': '如果选项卡失去焦点,则自动暂停视频', 'label:ja': 'タブがフォーカスを失った場合にビデオを自動一時停止', 'label:pl': 'Automatycznie wstrzymaj wideo, jeśli karta straci ostrość', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-rate', title: 'Playback speed control', 'title:zh': '播放速度控制', 'title:ja': '再生速度制御', 'title:pl': 'Kontrola prędkości odtwarzania', run_on_pages: 'home, results, feed, channel, playlist, watch, embed', section: 'player', desc: 'With mouse wheel', 'desc:zh': '带鼠标滚轮', 'desc:ja': 'マウスホイール付き', 'desc:pl': 'Za pomocą kółka myszy', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings.rate_overlay_time && +user_settings.rate_default !== 1) { reCalcOverlayTime(); } NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { const sliderContainer = insertSlider.apply(video); video.addEventListener('ratechange', function () { NOVA.showOSD(this.playbackRate + 'x'); if (Object.keys(sliderContainer).length) { sliderContainer.slider.value = this.playbackRate; sliderContainer.slider.title = `Speed (${this.playbackRate})`; sliderContainer.sliderLabel.textContent = `Speed (${this.playbackRate})`; sliderContainer.sliderCheckbox.checked = (this.playbackRate === 1) ? false : true; } }); setDefaultRate.apply(video); video.addEventListener('loadeddata', setDefaultRate); if (Object.keys(sliderContainer).length) { sliderContainer.slider.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => playerRate.set(target.value)); sliderContainer.slider.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => playerRate.set(target.value)); sliderContainer.slider.addEventListener('wheel', evt => { evt.preventDefault(); const rate = playerRate.adjust(+user_settings.rate_step * Math.sign(evt.wheelDelta)); }); sliderContainer.sliderCheckbox.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => { target.checked || playerRate.set(1) }); } NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') { if (user_settings['save-channel-state']) { if (userRate = await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('speed')) { video.addEventListener('playing', () => playerRate.set(userRate), { capture: true, once: true }); } } expandAvailableRatesMenu(); } }); }); if (user_settings.rate_hotkey == 'keyboard') { document.addEventListener('keydown', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; let delta; switch (user_settings.rate_hotkey_custom_up.length === 1 ? evt.key : evt.code) { case user_settings.rate_hotkey_custom_up: delta = 1; break; case user_settings.rate_hotkey_custom_down: delta = -1; break; } if (delta) { evt.preventDefault(); if (step = +user_settings.rate_step * Math.sign(delta)) { const rate = playerRate.adjust(step); } } }, { capture: true }); } else if (user_settings.rate_hotkey) { NOVA.waitSelector('.html5-video-container') .then(container => { container.addEventListener('wheel', evt => { evt.preventDefault(); if (evt[user_settings.rate_hotkey] || (user_settings.rate_hotkey == 'none' && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.metaKey) ) { if (step = +user_settings.rate_step * Math.sign(evt.wheelDelta)) { const rate = playerRate.adjust(step); } } }, { capture: true }); }); } if (+user_settings.rate_default !== 1 && user_settings.rate_apply_music) { NOVA.waitSelector('#upload-info #channel-name .badge-style-type-verified-artist') .then(icon => playerRate.set(1)); NOVA.waitSelector('#upload-info #channel-name a[href]', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(channelName => { if (/(VEVO|Topic|Records|AMV)$/.test(channelName.textContent) || channelName.textContent.toUpperCase().includes('MUSIC') ) { playerRate.set(1); } }); } const playerRate = { testDefault: rate => ((+rate % .25) === 0) && (+rate <= 2) && (+user_settings.rate_default <= 2) && (NOVA.videoElement?.playbackRate <= 2) && ((NOVA.videoElement?.playbackRate % .25) === 0) && (typeof movie_player === 'object' && typeof movie_player.getPlaybackRate === 'function'), async set(level = 1) { this.log('set', ...arguments); if (this.testDefault(level)) { this.log('set:default'); movie_player.setPlaybackRate(+level) && this.saveInSession(level); } else { this.log('set:html5'); if (NOVA.videoElement) { NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate = +level; this.clearInSession(); } } }, adjust(rate_step = required()) { this.log('adjust', ...arguments); return (this.testDefault(rate_step) && this.default(+rate_step)) || this.html5(+rate_step); }, default(playback_rate = required()) { this.log('default', ...arguments); const playbackRate = movie_player.getPlaybackRate(); const inRange = step => { const setRateStep = playbackRate + step; return (.1 <= setRateStep && setRateStep <= 2) && +setRateStep.toFixed(2); }; const newRate = inRange(+playback_rate); if (!newRate) return false; if (newRate && newRate != playbackRate) { movie_player.setPlaybackRate(newRate); if (newRate === movie_player.getPlaybackRate()) { this.saveInSession(newRate); } else { console.error('playerRate:default different: %s!=%s', newRate, movie_player.getPlaybackRate()); } } this.log('default return', newRate); return newRate === movie_player.getPlaybackRate() && newRate; }, html5(playback_rate = required()) { this.log('html5', ...arguments); if (!NOVA.videoElement) return console.error('playerRate > videoElement empty:', NOVA.videoElement); const playbackRate = NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate; const inRange = step => { const setRateStep = playbackRate + step; return (.1 <= setRateStep && setRateStep <= (+user_settings.rate_max || 2)) && +setRateStep.toFixed(2); }; const newRate = inRange(+playback_rate); if (newRate && newRate != playbackRate) { NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate = newRate; if (newRate === NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate) { this.clearInSession(); } else { console.error('playerRate:html5 different: %s!=%s', newRate, NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate); } } this.log('html5 return', newRate); return newRate === NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate && newRate; }, saveInSession(level = required()) { try { sessionStorage['yt-player-playback-rate'] = JSON.stringify({ creation:, data: level.toString(), }); this.log('playbackRate save in session:', ...arguments); } catch (err) { console.warn(`${}: save "rate" in sessionStorage failed. It seems that "Block third-party cookies" is enabled`, err.message); } }, clearInSession() { const keyName = 'yt-player-playback-rate'; try { sessionStorage.hasOwnProperty(keyName) && sessionStorage.removeItem(keyName); this.log('playbackRate save in session:', ...arguments); } catch (err) { console.warn(`${}: save "rate" in sessionStorage failed. It seems that "Block third-party cookies" is enabled`, err.message); } }, log() { if (this.DEBUG && arguments.length) { console.groupCollapsed(...arguments); console.trace(); console.groupEnd(); } }, }; function setDefaultRate() { if (+user_settings.rate_default !== 1) { const is_music = NOVA.isMusic(); if (this.playbackRate !== +user_settings.rate_default && (!user_settings.rate_apply_music || !is_music) && (!isNaN(this.duration) && this.duration > 25) ) { playerRate.set(user_settings.rate_default); } else if (this.playbackRate !== 1 && is_music) { playerRate.set(1); } } } function insertSlider() { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-rate-slider-menu', SELECTOR = '#' + SELECTOR_ID; NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR} [type="range"] { vertical-align: text-bottom; margin: '0 5px', } ${SELECTOR} [type="checkbox"] { appearance: none; outline: none; cursor: pointer; } ${SELECTOR} [type="checkbox"]:checked { background-color: #f00; } ${SELECTOR} [type="checkbox"]:checked:after { left: 20px; background-color: white; }`); const slider = document.createElement('input'); slider.className = 'ytp-menuitem-slider'; slider.type = 'range'; slider.min = +user_settings.rate_step; slider.max = Math.max((+user_settings.rate_max || 2), +user_settings.rate_default); slider.step = +user_settings.rate_step; slider.value = this.playbackRate; const sliderIcon = document.createElement('div'); sliderIcon.className = 'ytp-menuitem-icon'; const sliderLabel = document.createElement('div'); sliderLabel.className = 'ytp-menuitem-label'; sliderLabel.textContent = `Speed (${this.playbackRate})`; const sliderCheckbox = document.createElement('input'); sliderCheckbox.className = 'ytp-menuitem-toggle-checkbox'; sliderCheckbox.type = 'checkbox'; sliderCheckbox.title = 'Remember speed'; const out = {}; const right = document.createElement('div'); right.className = 'ytp-menuitem-content'; out.sliderCheckbox = right.appendChild(sliderCheckbox); out.slider = right.appendChild(slider); const speedMenu = document.createElement('div'); speedMenu.className = 'ytp-menuitem'; = SELECTOR_ID; speedMenu.append(sliderIcon); out.sliderLabel = speedMenu.appendChild(sliderLabel); speedMenu.append(right); document.body.querySelector('.ytp-panel-menu') ?.append(speedMenu); return out; } function expandAvailableRatesMenu() { if (typeof _yt_player !== 'object') { return console.error('expandAvailableRatesMenu > _yt_player is empty', _yt_player); } if (Object.keys(_yt_player).length && (path = NOVA.seachInObjectBy.key({ 'obj': _yt_player, 'keys': 'getAvailablePlaybackRates', })?.path)) { setAvailableRates(_yt_player, 0, path.split('.')); } function setAvailableRates(path, idx, arr) { if (arr.length - 1 == idx) { path[arr[idx]] = () => [.25, .5, .75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 10]; } else { setAvailableRates(path[arr[idx]], idx + 1, arr); } } } function reCalcOverlayTime() { const ATTR_MARK = 'nova-thumb-overlay-time-recalc'; document.addEventListener('yt-action', evt => { switch (evt.detail?.actionName) { case 'yt-append-continuation-items-action': case 'ytd-update-grid-state-action': case 'yt-service-request': case 'ytd-rich-item-index-update-action': switch (NOVA.currentPage) { case 'home': case 'results': case 'feed': case 'channel': case 'watch': document.body.querySelectorAll(`#thumbnail #overlays #text:not([${ATTR_MARK}])`) .forEach(overlay => { if ((timeLabelEl = overlay.textContent.trim()) ) { overlay.setAttribute(ATTR_MARK, true); const timeSec = NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(timeLabelEl); overlay.textContent = NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(timeSec / user_settings.rate_default); } }); break; } break; } }); } }, options: { rate_default: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Speed at startup', 'label:zh': '启动速度', 'label:ja': '起動時の速度', 'label:pl': 'Prędkość przy uruchamianiu', type: 'number', title: '1 - default', step: 0.05, min: 1, max: 5, value: 1, }, rate_apply_music: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'For music genre', title: 'Extended detection - may trigger falsely', 'title:zh': '扩展检测 - 可能会错误触发', 'title:ja': '拡張検出-誤ってトリガーされる可能性があります', 'title:pl': 'Rozszerzona detekcja - może działać błędnie', options: [ { label: 'skip', value: true, selected: true, 'label:zh': '跳过', 'label:ja': 'スキップ', 'label:pl': 'tęsknić', }, { label: 'force apply', value: false, 'label:zh': '施力', 'label:ja': '力を加える', 'label:pl': 'zastosować siłę', }, ], 'data-dependent': { 'rate_default': '!1' }, }, rate_overlay_time: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Recalculate time in thumbnail overlay', type: 'checkbox', title: 'by "startup" value', 'data-dependent': { 'rate_default': '!1' }, }, rate_hotkey: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey', 'label:zh': '热键', 'label:ja': 'ホットキー', 'label:pl': 'Klawisz skrótu', options: [ { label: 'none', value: false }, { label: 'alt+wheel', value: 'altKey', selected: true }, { label: 'shift+wheel', value: 'shiftKey' }, { label: 'ctrl+wheel', value: 'ctrlKey' }, { label: 'wheel', value: 'none' }, { label: 'keyboard', value: 'keyboard' }, ], }, rate_hotkey_custom_up: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey up', options: [ { label: ']', value: ']', selected: true }, { label: 'none', }, { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'ArrowUp', value: 'ArrowUp' }, { label: 'ArrowDown', value: 'ArrowDown' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'rate_hotkey': ['keyboard'] }, }, rate_hotkey_custom_down: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey down', options: [ { label: '[', value: '[', selected: true }, { label: 'none', }, { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'ArrowUp', value: 'ArrowUp' }, { label: 'ArrowDown', value: 'ArrowDown' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'rate_hotkey': ['keyboard'] }, }, rate_step: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Hotkey step', 'label:zh': '步', 'label:ja': 'ステップ', 'label:pl': 'Krok', type: 'number', title: '0.25 - default', placeholder: '0.1-1', step: 0.05, min: 0.05, max: 0.5, value: 0.25, }, rate_max: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Hotkey Max', type: 'number', title: '2 - default', placeholder: '2-5', step: .05, min: 2, max: 5, value: 2, 'data-dependent': { 'rate_hotkey': ['!false', '!'] }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-volume', title: 'Volume', 'title:zh': '体积', 'title:ja': '音量', 'title:pl': 'Głośność', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'player', desc: 'With mouse wheel', 'desc:zh': '带鼠标滚轮', 'desc:ja': 'マウスホイール付き', 'desc:pl': 'Za pomocą kółka myszy', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('volumechange', function () { NOVA.showOSD(Math.round(this.volume * 100) + '%'); playerVolume.buildVolumeSlider(); if (user_settings.volume_mute_unsave) { playerVolume.saveInSession(movie_player.getVolume()); } }); if (user_settings.volume_loudness_normalization) { const { set } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'volume'); Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'volume', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, set(new_value) { new_value = movie_player.getVolume() / 100;, new_value); } }); } if (user_settings.volume_hotkey == 'keyboard') { document.addEventListener('keydown', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; let delta; switch (user_settings.volume_hotkey_custom_up.length === 1 ? evt.key : evt.code) { case user_settings.volume_hotkey_custom_up: delta = 1; break; case user_settings.volume_hotkey_custom_down: delta = -1; break; } if (delta) { evt.preventDefault(); if (step = +user_settings.volume_step * Math.sign(delta)) { const volume = playerVolume.adjust(step); } } }, { capture: true }); } else if (user_settings.volume_hotkey) { NOVA.waitSelector('.html5-video-container') .then(container => { container.addEventListener('wheel', evt => { evt.preventDefault(); if (evt[user_settings.volume_hotkey] || (user_settings.volume_hotkey == 'none' && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.metaKey) ) { if (step = +user_settings.volume_step * Math.sign(evt.wheelDelta)) { const volume = playerVolume.adjust(step); } } }, { capture: true }); }); } if (defaultLevel = +user_settings.volume_default) { video.addEventListener('playing', () => { (defaultLevel > 100) ? playerVolume.unlimit(defaultLevel) : playerVolume.set(defaultLevel); }, { capture: true, once: true }); } if (user_settings['save-channel-state']) { NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if ((NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') && (userVolume = await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('volume')) ) { video.addEventListener('playing', () => playerVolume.set(userVolume), { capture: true, once: true }); } }); } }); const playerVolume = { adjust(delta) { const level = movie_player?.getVolume() + +delta; return user_settings.volume_unlimit ? this.unlimit(level) : this.set(level); }, set(level = 50) { if (typeof movie_player !== 'object' || !movie_player.hasOwnProperty('getVolume')) return console.error('Error getVolume'); const newLevel = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, +level)); if (newLevel !== movie_player.getVolume()) { movie_player.isMuted() && movie_player.unMute(); movie_player.setVolume(newLevel); if (newLevel === movie_player.getVolume()) { } else { console.error('setVolumeLevel error! Different: %s!=%s', newLevel, movie_player.getVolume()); } } return newLevel === movie_player.getVolume() && newLevel; }, saveInSession(level = required()) { const storageData = { creation:, data: { 'volume': +level, 'muted': (level ? 'false' : 'true') }, }; try { localStorage['yt-player-volume'] = JSON.stringify( Object.assign({ expiration: + 2592e6 }, storageData) ); sessionStorage['yt-player-volume'] = JSON.stringify(storageData); } catch (err) { console.warn(`${}: save "volume" in sessionStorage failed. It seems that "Block third-party cookies" is enabled`, err.message); } }, unlimit(level = 300) { console.debug('unlimit:', level); if (level > 100) { if (!this.audioCtx) { this.audioCtx = new AudioContext(); const source = this.audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(NOVA.videoElement); this.node = this.audioCtx.createGain(); this.node.gain.value = Math.trunc(level / 100); source.connect(this.node); this.node.connect(this.audioCtx.destination); } if (this.node.gain.value < 6) this.node.gain.value += 1; NOVA.showOSD(movie_player.getVolume() * this.node.gain.value + '%'); } else { if (this.audioCtx && this.node.gain.value !== 1) { this.node.gain.value = 1; } this.set(level); } }, buildVolumeSlider(timeout_ms = 800) { if (volumeArea = movie_player?.querySelector('.ytp-volume-area')) { if (typeof this.showTimeout === 'number') clearTimeout(this.showTimeout); volumeArea.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseover', { bubbles: true })); this.showTimeout = setTimeout(() => volumeArea.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseout', { bubbles: true })) , timeout_ms); insertToHTML({ 'text': Math.round(movie_player.getVolume()), 'container': volumeArea, }); } function insertToHTML({ text = '', container = required() }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-volume-text'; (document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID) || (function () { const SELECTOR = '#' + SELECTOR_ID; NOVA.css.push(` ${SELECTOR} { display: none; text-indent: 2px; font-size: 110%; text-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); cursor: default; } ${SELECTOR}:after { content: '%'; } .ytp-volume-control-hover:not([aria-valuenow="0"])+${SELECTOR} { display: block; }`); const el = document.createElement('span'); = SELECTOR_ID; return container.appendChild(el); })()) .textContent = text; container.title = `${text} %`; } } }; }, options: { volume_default: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Default level', 'label:zh': '默认音量', 'label:ja': 'デフォルトのボリューム', 'label:pl': 'Poziom domyślny', type: 'number', title: '0 - auto', placeholder: '%', step: 5, min: 0, max: 600, value: 100, }, volume_hotkey: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey', 'label:zh': '热键', 'label:ja': 'ホットキー', 'label:pl': 'Klawisz skrótu', options: [ { label: 'none', value: false }, { label: 'wheel', value: 'none', selected: true }, { label: 'shift+wheel', value: 'shiftKey' }, { label: 'ctrl+wheel', value: 'ctrlKey' }, { label: 'alt+wheel', value: 'altKey' }, { label: 'keyboard', value: 'keyboard' }, ], }, volume_step: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Hotkey step', 'label:zh': '步', 'label:ja': 'ステップ', 'label:pl': 'Krok', type: 'number', title: 'in %', placeholder: '%', min: 1, max: 30, value: 10, 'data-dependent': { 'volume_hotkey': ['!false'] }, }, volume_hotkey_custom_up: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey up', options: [ { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'volume_hotkey': ['keyboard'] }, }, volume_hotkey_custom_down: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey down', options: [ { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'volume_hotkey': ['keyboard'] }, }, volume_mute_unsave: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Not keep muted state', 'label:zh': '不保存静音模式', 'label:ja': 'マナーモードを保存しない', 'label:pl': 'Nie zachowuj wyciszonego stanu', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Only affects new tabs', 'title:zh': '只影响新标签', 'title:ja': '新しいタブにのみ影響します', 'title:pl': 'Dotyczy tylko nowych kart', }, volume_loudness_normalization: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Stable volume level', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Boost volume level', }, volume_unlimit: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Allow above 100%', 'label:zh': '允许超过 100%', 'label:ja': '100%以上を許可する', 'label:pl': 'Zezwól powyżej 100%', type: 'checkbox', title: 'With sound distortion', 'data-dependent': { 'volume_hotkey': ['!false'] }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-pin-scroll', title: 'Pin player while scrolling', 'title:zh': '滚动时固定播放器', 'title:ja': 'スクロール中にプレイヤーを固定する', 'title:pl': 'Przypnij odtwarzacz podczas przewijania', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'player', desc: 'Show mini player when scrolling down', _runtime: user_settings => { if (!('IntersectionObserver' in window)) return alert('Nova\n\nPin player Error!\nIntersectionObserver not supported.'); const CLASS_VALUE = 'nova-player-pin', PINNED_SELECTOR = '.' + CLASS_VALUE, UNPIN_BTN_CLASS_VALUE = CLASS_VALUE + '-unpin-btn', UNPIN_BTN_SELECTOR = '.' + UNPIN_BTN_CLASS_VALUE; document.addEventListener('scroll', () => { NOVA.waitSelector('#ytd-player') .then(container => { new IntersectionObserver(([entry]) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { movie_player.classList.remove(CLASS_VALUE); makeDraggable.reset(); makeDraggable.disable(); } else if (!document.fullscreenElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ) { movie_player.classList.add(CLASS_VALUE); makeDraggable.init(movie_player); if (makeDraggable.storePos?.X) makeDraggable.moveByCoordinates(makeDraggable.storePos); } window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, { threshold: .5, }) .observe(container); }); }, { capture: true, once: true }); NOVA.waitSelector(PINNED_SELECTOR) .then(async player => { await NOVA.waitUntil( () => (NOVA.videoElement?.videoWidth && !isNaN(NOVA.videoElement.videoWidth) && NOVA.videoElement?.videoHeight && !isNaN(NOVA.videoElement.videoHeight) ) , 500); initMiniStyles(); insertUnpinButton(player); document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => document.fullscreenElement && movie_player.classList.remove(CLASS_VALUE) ); NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch') return; NOVA.waitSelector(PINNED_SELECTOR, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(() => { const width = NOVA.aspectRatio.calculateWidth( movie_player.clientHeight, NOVA.aspectRatio.chooseAspectRatio({ 'width': NOVA.videoElement.videoWidth, 'height': NOVA.videoElement.videoHeight, 'layout': 'landscape', }), );'--width', `${width}px !important;`); }); }); }); if (user_settings.player_float_scroll_after_fullscreen_restore_srcoll_pos) { let scrollPos = 0; document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', () => scrollPos = 0); document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => { if (!document.fullscreenElement && scrollPos && makeDraggable.storePos ) { window.scrollTo({ top: scrollPos, }); } }, { capture: false }); document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => { if (document.fullscreenElement) { scrollPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } }, { capture: true }); } }); function initMiniStyles() { const scrollbarWidth = (window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0) + 'px'; const miniSize = NOVA.aspectRatio.sizeToFit({ 'srcWidth': NOVA.videoElement.videoWidth, 'srcHeight': NOVA.videoElement.videoHeight, 'maxWidth': (window.innerWidth / user_settings.player_float_scroll_size_ratio), 'maxHeight': (window.innerHeight / user_settings.player_float_scroll_size_ratio), }); let initcss = { width: NOVA.aspectRatio.calculateWidth( miniSize.height, NOVA.aspectRatio.chooseAspectRatio({ 'width': miniSize.width, 'height': miniSize.height }) ) + 'px', height: miniSize.height + 'px', position: 'fixed', 'z-index': 'var(--zIndex)', 'box-shadow': '0 16px 24px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .14),' + '0 6px 30px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12),' + '0 8px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)', }; switch (user_settings.player_float_scroll_position) { case 'top-left': = user_settings['header-unfixed'] ? 0 : (document.getElementById('masthead-container')?.offsetHeight || 0) + 'px'; initcss.left = 0; break; case 'top-right': = user_settings['header-unfixed'] ? 0 : (document.getElementById('masthead-container')?.offsetHeight || 0) + 'px'; initcss.right = scrollbarWidth; break; case 'bottom-left': initcss.bottom = 0; initcss.left = 0; break; case 'bottom-right': initcss.bottom = 0; initcss.right = scrollbarWidth; break; } NOVA.css.push(initcss, PINNED_SELECTOR, 'important'); NOVA.css.push( `html[style*="ytrb-bar"] ${PINNED_SELECTOR} { --zIndex: 1000; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR} { --height: ${initcss.height} !important; --width: ${initcss.width} !important; width: var(--width) !important; height: var(--height) !important; background-color: var(--yt-spec-base-background); ${user_settings['square-avatars'] ? '' : 'border-radius: 12px;'} margin: 1em 2em; --zIndex: ${1 + Math.max( NOVA.css.get('#chat', 'z-index'), NOVA.css.get('.ytp-chrome-top .ytp-cards-button', 'z-index'), NOVA.css.get('#chat', 'z-index'), NOVA.css.get('ytrb-bar', 'z-index'), 601)}; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR} video { object-fit: contain !important; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-controls .nova-right-custom-button, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-controls #nova-player-time-remaining, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-controls button.ytp-size-button, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-controls button.ytp-subtitles-button, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-controls button.ytp-settings-button, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-controls .ytp-chapter-container { display: none !important; }`); NOVA.css.push(` ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-preview, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-scrubber-container, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-hover-progress, ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-gradient-bottom { display:none !important; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chrome-bottom { width: 96% !important; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR} .ytp-chapters-container { display: flex; }`); NOVA.css.push( `${PINNED_SELECTOR} video { width: var(--width) !important; height: var(--height) !important; left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR}.ended-mode video { visibility: hidden; }`); } function insertUnpinButton(player = movie_player) { NOVA.css.push( UNPIN_BTN_SELECTOR + ` { display: none; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR} ${UNPIN_BTN_SELECTOR} { display: inherit !important; position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 10px; left: 10px; width: 28px; height: 28px; color: white; border: none; outline: none; opacity: .1; ${user_settings['square-avatars'] ? '' : 'border-radius: 100%;'} z-index: var(--zIndex); font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8); transition: opacity 100ms linear; } ${PINNED_SELECTOR}:hover ${UNPIN_BTN_SELECTOR} { opacity: .7; } ${UNPIN_BTN_SELECTOR}:hover { opacity: 1 !important; }`); const btnUnpin = document.createElement('button'); btnUnpin.className = UNPIN_BTN_CLASS_VALUE; btnUnpin.title = 'Unpin player'; btnUnpin.textContent = '×'; btnUnpin.addEventListener('click', () => { player.classList.remove(CLASS_VALUE); makeDraggable.reset('clear storePos'); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }); player.append(btnUnpin); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', () => { if (player.classList.contains(CLASS_VALUE)) { player.classList.remove(CLASS_VALUE); makeDraggable.reset(); } }); } const makeDraggable = { attrNameMoving: 'nova-el-moving', init(el_target = required()) { this.log('drag init', ...arguments); if (!(el_target instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('el_target not HTMLElement:', el_target); this.dragTarget = el_target; document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.dragStart.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('touchend', this.dragEnd.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.draging.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.dragStart.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.dragEnd.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.draging.bind(this)); }, reset(clear_storePos) { this.dragTarget?.style.removeProperty('transform'); this.storePos = clear_storePos ? this.xOffset = this.yOffset = 0 : { 'X': this.xOffset, 'Y': this.yOffset }; }, disable() { this.log('dragDisable', ...arguments); this.dragTarget = null; document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.dragStart); document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.dragEnd); document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.draging); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.dragStart); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.dragEnd); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.draging); }, dragStart(evt) { if (!this.dragTarget.contains( return; this.log('dragStart'); switch (evt.type) { case 'touchstart': this.initialX = evt.touches[0].clientX - (this.xOffset || 0); this.initialY = evt.touches[0].clientY - (this.yOffset || 0); break; case 'mousedown': this.initialX = evt.clientX - (this.xOffset || 0); this.initialY = evt.clientY - (this.yOffset || 0); break; } this.moving = true; }, dragEnd(evt) { if (!this.moving) return; this.log('dragEnd'); this.initialX = this.currentX; this.initialY = this.currentY; this.moving = false; = null;'cursor'); this.dragTarget.removeAttribute(this.attrNameMoving); }, draging(evt) { if (!this.moving) return; this.log('draging'); = 'none'; = 'move'; if (!this.dragTarget.hasAttribute(this.attrNameMoving)) this.dragTarget.setAttribute(this.attrNameMoving, true); switch (evt.type) { case 'touchmove': this.currentX = evt.touches[0].clientX - this.initialX; this.currentY = evt.touches[0].clientY - this.initialY; break; case 'mousemove': const rect = this.dragTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.left >= document.body.clientWidth - this.dragTarget.offsetWidth) { this.currentX = Math.min( evt.clientX - this.initialX, document.body.clientWidth - this.dragTarget.offsetWidth - this.dragTarget.offsetLeft ); } else { this.currentX = Math.max(evt.clientX - this.initialX, 0 - this.dragTarget.offsetLeft); } if ( >= window.innerHeight - this.dragTarget.offsetHeight) { this.currentY = Math.min( evt.clientY - this.initialY, window.innerHeight - this.dragTarget.offsetHeight - this.dragTarget.offsetTop ); } else { this.currentY = Math.max(evt.clientY - this.initialY, 0 - this.dragTarget.offsetTop); } break; } this.xOffset = this.currentX; this.yOffset = this.currentY; this.moveByCoordinates({ 'X': this.currentX, 'Y': this.currentY }); }, moveByCoordinates({ X = required(), Y = required() }) { this.log('moveByCoordinates', ...arguments); = `translate3d(${X}px, ${Y}px, 0)`; }, log() { if (this.DEBUG && arguments.length) { console.groupCollapsed(...arguments); console.trace(); console.groupEnd(); } }, }; }, options: { player_float_scroll_size_ratio: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Player size', 'label:zh': '播放器尺寸', 'label:ja': 'プレーヤーのサイズ', 'label:pl': 'Rozmiar odtwarzacza', type: 'number', title: 'Less value - larger size', 'title:zh': '较小的值 - 较大的尺寸', 'title:ja': '小さい値-大きいサイズ', 'title:pl': 'Mniejsza wartość - większy rozmiar', placeholder: '2-5', step: 0.1, min: 1, max: 5, value: 2.5, }, player_float_scroll_position: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Player position', 'label:zh': '球员位置', 'label:ja': 'プレイヤーの位置', 'label:pl': 'Pozycja odtwarzacza', options: [ { label: '↖', value: 'top-left', }, { label: '↗', value: 'top-right', selected: true, }, { label: '↙', value: 'bottom-left', }, { label: '↘', value: 'bottom-right', }, ], }, player_float_scroll_after_fullscreen_restore_srcoll_pos: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Restore scrolling back there after exiting fullscreen', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-quality', title: 'Video quality', 'title:zh': '视频质量', 'title:ja': 'ビデオ品質', 'title:pl': 'Jakość wideo', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'player', _runtime: user_settings => { const qualityFormatListWidth = { highres: 4320, hd2880: 2880, hd2160: 2160, hd1440: 1440, hd1080: 1080, hd720: 720, large: 480, medium: 360, small: 240, tiny: 144, }; let selectedQuality = user_settings.video_quality; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player') .then(movie_player => { if (user_settings.video_quality_manual_save_in_tab && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' ) { movie_player.addEventListener('onPlaybackQualityChange', quality => { if (document.activeElement.getAttribute('role') == 'menuitemradio' && quality !== selectedQuality ) {`keep quality "${quality}" in the session`); selectedQuality = quality; user_settings.video_quality_for_music = false; user_settings.video_quality_for_fullscreen = false; } }); } if (user_settings['save-channel-state']) { NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if ((NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') && (userQuality = await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('quality')) ) { selectedQuality = userQuality; } }); } setQuality(); movie_player.addEventListener('onStateChange', setQuality); if (user_settings.video_quality_for_fullscreen) { let selectedQualityBackup = selectedQuality; document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => { selectedQuality = document.fullscreenElement ? user_settings.video_quality_for_fullscreen : selectedQualityBackup; movie_player.setPlaybackQualityRange(selectedQuality, selectedQuality); }); } }); async function setQuality(state) { if (!selectedQuality) return console.error('selectedQuality unavailable', selectedQuality); if (user_settings.video_quality_for_music &&'list=') && NOVA.isMusic() ) { selectedQuality = user_settings.video_quality_for_music; } if ((1 == state || 3 == state) && !this.quality_lock) { this.quality_lock = true; let availableQualityLevels; await NOVA.waitUntil(() => (availableQualityLevels = movie_player.getAvailableQualityLevels()) && availableQualityLevels.length, 50); if (user_settings.video_quality_premium && (qualityToSet = [...movie_player.getAvailableQualityData()] .find(q => //q.quality == selectedQuality q.isPlayable && q.qualityLabel?.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('premium'))?.qualityLabel ) ) { return setPremium(qualityToSet); } const maxWidth = (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') ? screen.width : window.innerWidth; const maxQualityIdx = availableQualityLevels.findIndex(i => qualityFormatListWidth[i] <= (maxWidth * 1.3)); availableQualityLevels = availableQualityLevels.slice(maxQualityIdx); const availableQualityIdx = function () { let i = availableQualityLevels.indexOf(selectedQuality); if (i === -1) { const availableQuality = Object.keys(qualityFormatListWidth) .filter(v => availableQualityLevels.includes(v) || (v == selectedQuality)), nearestQualityIdx = availableQuality.findIndex(q => q === selectedQuality) - 1; i = availableQualityLevels[nearestQualityIdx] ? nearestQualityIdx : 0; } return i; }(); const newQuality = availableQualityLevels[availableQualityIdx]; if (typeof movie_player.setPlaybackQuality === 'function') { movie_player.setPlaybackQuality(newQuality); } if (typeof movie_player.setPlaybackQualityRange === 'function') { movie_player.setPlaybackQualityRange(newQuality, newQuality); } } else if (state <= 0) { this.quality_lock = false; } } async function setPremium(qualityLabel = required()) { const SELECTOR_CONTAINER = '#movie_player'; const settingsButton = await NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-chrome-bottom button.ytp-settings-button[aria-expanded="false"]`);; //const qualityMenuButton = await NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-settings-menu [role="menuitem"]:last-child`); const qualityMenuButton = [...document.body.querySelectorAll(`${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} .ytp-settings-menu [role="menuitem"] .ytp-menuitem-content`)] .find(menuItem => menuItem.textContent.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('auto') || ( >= 144));; const qualityItem = [...document.body.querySelectorAll('.ytp-quality-menu [role="menuitemradio"]')] .find(menuItem => menuItem.textContent.includes(qualityLabel)); await NOVA.delay(1500);;; document.body.querySelector('video').focus(); setQuality.quality_lock = true; } NOVA.waitSelector('.ytp-error [class*="reason"]', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(error_reason_el => { if (alertText = error_reason_el.textContent) { throw alertText; } }); }, options: { video_quality: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Default', 'label:zh': '默认视频质量', 'label:ja': 'デフォルトのビデオ品質', 'label:pl': 'Domyślna jakość', options: [ { label: '8K/4320p', value: 'highres' }, { label: '5K/2880p', value: 'hd2880' }, { label: '4K/2160p', value: 'hd2160' }, { label: 'QHD/1440p', value: 'hd1440' }, { label: 'FHD/1080p', value: 'hd1080', selected: true }, { label: 'HD/720p', value: 'hd720' }, { label: '480p', value: 'large' }, { label: '360p', value: 'medium' }, { label: 'SD/240p', value: 'small' }, { label: '144p', value: 'tiny' }, ], }, video_quality_premium: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Use Premium bitrate if available', type: 'checkbox', }, video_quality_manual_save_in_tab: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Save manual selection for next video', 'label:zh': '手动选择的质量保存在当前选项卡中', 'label:ja': '手動で選択した品質が現在のタブに保存されます', 'label:pl': 'Właściwości dla obecnej karty', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Affects to next videos', 'title:zh': '对下一个视频的影响', 'title:ja': '次の動画への影響', 'title:pl': 'Zmiany w następnych filmach', }, video_quality_for_music: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'For music (in playlists)', title: 'to save traffic / increase speed', 'title:zh': '节省流量/提高速度', 'title:ja': 'トラフィックを節約/速度を上げる', 'title:pl': 'aby zaoszczędzić ruch / zwiększyć prędkość', options: [ { label: 'QHD/1440p', value: 'hd1440' }, { label: 'FHD/1080p', value: 'hd1080' }, { label: 'HD/720p', value: 'hd720' }, { label: 'SD/480p', value: 'large' }, { label: 'SD/360p', value: 'medium' }, { label: 'SD/240p', value: 'small' }, { label: 'SD/144p', value: 'tiny' }, { label: 'Auto', value: 'auto' }, { label: 'default', selected: true }, ], }, video_quality_for_fullscreen: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'For fullscreen', options: [ { label: '8K/4320p', value: 'highres' }, { label: '4K/2160p', value: 'hd2160' }, { label: 'QHD/1440p', value: 'hd1440' }, { label: 'FHD/1080p', value: 'hd1080' }, { label: 'HD/720p', value: 'hd720' }, { label: 'SD/480p', value: 'large' }, { label: 'SD/360p', value: 'medium' }, { label: 'default', selected: true }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-resume-playback', title: 'Remember playback time', 'title:zh': '恢复播放时间状态', 'title:ja': '再生時間の位置を再開します', 'title:pl': 'Powrót do pozycji czasowej odtwarzania', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'player', desc: 'On page reload - resume playback', 'desc:zh': '在页面重新加载 - 恢复播放', 'desc:ja': 'ページがリロードされると、再生が復元されます', 'desc:pl': 'Przy ponownym załadowaniu strony - wznawiaj odtwarzanie', _runtime: user_settings => { if (!navigator.cookieEnabled && NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') return; const CACHE_PREFIX = 'nova-resume-playback-time', getCacheName = () => CACHE_PREFIX + ':' + (NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id); let cacheName; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { cacheName = getCacheName(); resumePlayback.apply(video); video.addEventListener('loadeddata', resumePlayback.bind(video)); video.addEventListener('timeupdate', savePlayback.bind(video)); video.addEventListener('ended', () => sessionStorage.removeItem(cacheName)); if (user_settings.player_resume_playback_url_mark && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') { if (NOVA.queryURL.has('t') || NOVA.queryURL.getHashParam('t')) { document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', connectSaveStateInURL.bind(video) , { capture: true, once: true }); } else { connectSaveStateInURL.apply(video); } } }); function savePlayback() { if (this.currentTime > 5 && this.duration > 30 && !movie_player.classList.contains('ad-showing')) { sessionStorage.setItem(cacheName, Math.trunc(this.currentTime)); } } async function resumePlayback() { if (NOVA.queryURL.has('t') || NOVA.queryURL.getHashParam('t') || (user_settings['save-channel-state'] && await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('ignore-playback')) ) { return; } cacheName = getCacheName(); if ((time = +sessionStorage.getItem(cacheName)) && (time < (this.duration - 1)) ) { this.currentTime = time; } } function connectSaveStateInURL() { let delaySaveOnPauseURL; this.addEventListener('pause', () => { if (this.currentTime < (this.duration - 1) && this.currentTime > 5 && this.duration > 10) { delaySaveOnPauseURL = setTimeout(() => { NOVA.updateUrl(NOVA.queryURL.set({ 't': Math.trunc(this.currentTime) + 's' })); }, 100); } }); this.addEventListener('playing', () => { if (typeof delaySaveOnPauseURL === 'number') clearTimeout(delaySaveOnPauseURL); if (NOVA.queryURL.has('t')) NOVA.updateUrl(NOVA.queryURL.remove('t')); }); } }, options: { player_resume_playback_url_mark: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Mark time in URL when paused', 'label:zh': '暂停时在 URL 中节省时间', 'label:ja': '一時停止したときにURLで時間を節約する', 'label:pl': 'Zaznacz czas w adresie URL po wstrzymaniu', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Makes sense when saving bookmarks', 'title:zh': '保存书签时有意义', 'title:ja': 'ブックマークを保存するときに意味があります', 'title:pl': 'Ma sens podczas zapisywania zakładek', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-autostop', title: 'Stop video preload', 'title:zh': '停止视频预加载', 'title:ja': 'ビデオのプリロードを停止します', 'title:pl': 'Zatrzymaj ładowanie wideo', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'player', desc: 'Prevent auto-buffering', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings.video_autostop_embed && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (location.hostname.includes('')) return; if (NOVA.queryURL.has('popup')) return; if (NOVA.currentPage == 'embed' && window.self !== && ['0', 'false'].includes(NOVA.queryURL.get('autoplay')) ) { return; } if (user_settings.video_autostop_peview_thumbnail && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { NOVA.css.push( `.unstarted-mode { background: url("${NOVA.queryURL.get('v')}/maxresdefault.jpg") center center / contain no-repeat content-box; } .unstarted-mode video { opacity: 0 !important; }`); } NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player') .then(async movie_player => { let disableStop; document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', () => disableStop = false); await NOVA.waitUntil(() => typeof movie_player === 'object' && typeof movie_player.stopVideo === 'function', 100); movie_player.stopVideo(); movie_player.addEventListener('onStateChange', onPlayerStateChange.bind(this)); function onPlayerStateChange(state) { if (user_settings.video_autostop_ignore_playlist &&'list=')) return; if (user_settings.video_autostop_ignore_live && movie_player.getVideoData().isLive) return; if (!disableStop && state > 0 && state < 5) { movie_player.stopVideo(); } } document.addEventListener('keyup', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; switch (evt.code) { case 'KeyK': case 'Space': case 'MediaPlay': case 'MediaPlayPause': disableHoldStop(); break; } }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', disableHoldStop); document.addEventListener('click', evt => { if (evt.isTrusted &&'#movie_player') && !disableStop ) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); disableHoldStop(); } }, { capture: true }); function disableHoldStop() { if (!disableStop) { disableStop = true; movie_player.playVideo(); } } }); }, options: { video_autostop_embed: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Apply to video type', options: [ { label: 'all', value: false, selected: true, }, { label: 'embed', value: 'on', }, ], }, video_autostop_ignore_playlist: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Ignore playlist', 'label:zh': '忽略播放列表', 'label:ja': 'プレイリストを無視する', 'label:pl': 'Zignoruj listę odtwarzania', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'video_autostop_embed': false }, }, video_autostop_ignore_live: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Ignore live', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'video_autostop_embed': false }, }, video_autostop_peview_thumbnail: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Display preview thumbnail', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Instead black-screen', 'data-dependent': { 'video_autostop_embed': false }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'subtitle-style', title: 'Subtitles (captions) style', 'title:zh': '字幕样式', 'title:ja': '字幕スタイル', 'title:pl': 'Styl napisów', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'player', _runtime: async user_settings => { const SELECTOR = '.ytp-caption-segment'; let cssObj = {}; if (user_settings.subtitle_transparent) { cssObj = { 'background': 'Transparent', 'text-shadow': `rgb(0, 0, 0) 0 0 .1em, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0 0 .2em, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0 0 .4em`, }; } if (user_settings.subtitle_bold) cssObj['font-weight'] = 'bold'; if (Object.keys(cssObj).length) { NOVA.css.push(cssObj, SELECTOR, 'important'); } if (user_settings.subtitle_fixed) { NOVA.css.push( `${CSS.supports('selector(:has(*))') ? '#ytp-caption-window-container:has(~ .ytp-chrome-bottom:not(:hover))' : ''} .caption-window:not(:hover) { margin-bottom: 1px !important; bottom: 1% !important; }`); } if (user_settings.subtitle_selectable) { NOVA.watchElements({ selectors: [SELECTOR], callback: el => { el.addEventListener('mousedown', evt => evt.stopPropagation(), { capture: true }); el.setAttribute('draggable', 'false'); el.setAttribute('selectable', 'true'); = 'text'; = 'text'; = 'text'; } }); } if (user_settings.subtitle_color != '#ffffff') { NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR} { color: ${user_settings.subtitle_color} !important; }`); } if (+user_settings.subtitle_font_size) { NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR} { font-size: calc(32px * ${+user_settings.subtitle_font_size || 1}) !important; }`); } if (user_settings.subtitle) { await NOVA.waitUntil(() => typeof movie_player === 'object' && typeof movie_player.toggleSubtitlesOn === 'function', 500); movie_player.toggleSubtitlesOn(); } }, options: { subtitle: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Subtitles show by default', type: 'checkbox', }, subtitle_fixed: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Fixed from below', 'label:zh': '从下方固定', 'label:ja': '下から固定', 'label:pl': 'Przyklejone na dole', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Preventing captions jumping up/down when pause/resume', 'title:zh': '暂停/恢复时防止字幕跳上/跳下', 'title:ja': '一時停止/再開時にキャプションが上下にジャンプしないようにする', 'title:pl': 'Zapobieganie przeskakiwaniu napisów w górę/w dół podczas pauzy/wznowienia', }, subtitle_selectable: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Make selectable', 'label:zh': '使字幕可选', 'label:ja': '字幕を選択可能にする', 'label:pl': 'Ustaw napisy do wyboru', type: 'checkbox', }, subtitle_font_size: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Font size', 'label:zh': '字体大小', 'label:ja': 'フォントサイズ', 'label:pl': 'Rozmiar czcionki', type: 'number', title: '0 - default', placeholder: '0-5', step: 1, min: 0, max: 5, value: 0, }, subtitle_transparent: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Transparent', 'label:zh': '透明的', 'label:ja': '透明', 'label:pl': 'Przezroczyste', type: 'checkbox', }, subtitle_bold: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Bold text', 'label:zh': '粗体', 'label:ja': '太字', 'label:pl': 'Tekst pogrubiony', type: 'checkbox', }, subtitle_color: { _tagName: 'input', type: 'color', value: '#ffffff', label: 'Color', 'label:zh': '颜色', 'label:ja': '色', 'label:pl': 'Kolor', title: 'default - #FFF', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-unblock-region', title: 'Redirect video not available in your country', 'title:zh': '尝试解锁您所在地区的视频', 'title:ja': 'お住まいの地域の動画のブロックを解除してみてください', 'title:pl': 'Spróbuj odblokować, jeśli film nie jest dostępny w Twoim kraju', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'player', opt_api_key_warn: true, desc: 'Some mirrors will partially replace VPNs', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_EMBED = '#movie_player.ytp-embed-error .ytp-error[role="alert"] .ytp-error-content-wrap-subreason:not(:empty)'; const SELECTOR = `ytd-watch-flexy[player-unavailable] #player-error-message-container #info, ${SELECTOR_EMBED}`; NOVA.waitSelector(SELECTOR, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(async container => { if (container.querySelector('button')) return; const videoId = NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id; insertLinks(container, videoId); function insertLinks(container = required(), video_id = required()) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); NOVA.css.push( `${SELECTOR} ul { border-radius: 12px; background-color: var(--yt-spec-badge-chip-background); font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 2rem; padding: 10px; } ${SELECTOR} li { color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary); } ${SELECTOR} a:not(:hover) { color: var(--yt-spec-text-primary); text-decoration: none; }`); const ul = document.createElement('ul'); [ { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, ] .forEach(domain => { const li = document.createElement('li'); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = `${location.protocol}//${domain.value}${location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''}/watch?v=${video_id}`; = '_blank'; a.textContent = '→ Open with ' + domain.label; a.title = 'Open with ' + domain.label; li.append(a); ul.append(li); }); const liAtention = document.createElement('li'); liAtention.className = 'bold style-scope yt-formatted-string'; liAtention.textContent = 'Enable map select allowed country in your VPN'; ul.append(liAtention); container.append(ul); } }); NOVA.waitSelector(`ytd-watch-flexy[player-unavailable], ${SELECTOR_EMBED}`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(el => { if (user_settings.video_unblock_region_domain && el.querySelector('yt-player-error-message-renderer button') && confirm('Nova [video-unblock-region]\nThe video is not available in your region, open a in mirror?') ) { redirect(); } if (user_settings.video_unblock_region_open_map) { NOVA.request.API({ request: 'videos', params: { 'id': NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id, 'part': 'contentDetails', }, api_key: user_settings['user-api-key'], }) .then(res => { if (res?.error) return alert(`Error [${res.code}]: ${res?.message}`); res?.items?.forEach(item => { if (data = item.contentDetails?.regionRestriction) { const mapLink = NOVA.queryURL.set(data, ''); NOVA.openPopup({ url: mapLink, width: '1200px', height: '600px' }); } }); }); } }); function redirect(new_tab) { const videoId = NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id; if (new_tab) {`${location.protocol}//${user_settings.video_unblock_region_domain || ''}${location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''}/watch?v=${videoId}`); } else { location.hostname = user_settings.video_unblock_region_domain || ''; } } }, options: { video_unblock_region_domain: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Redirect to URL', type: 'text', list: 'video_unblock_region_domain_help_list', pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,20}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5}$", title: 'without "https://"', 'title:zh': '没有“https://”', 'title:ja': '「https://」なし', 'title:pl': 'bez „https://”', placeholder: '', minlength: 5, maxlength: 20, }, video_unblock_region_domain_help_list: { _tagName: 'datalist', options: [ { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, { label: '', value: '' }, ], }, video_unblock_region_open_map: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Open the map', 'label:zh': '打开可用区域的地图', 'label:ja': '利用可能な地域の地図を開く', 'label:pl': 'Otwórz mapę z dostępnością w regionach', type: 'checkbox', title: 'which regions is available', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-autopause', title: 'Video autopause', 'title:zh': '视频自动暂停', 'title:ja': 'ビデオの自動一時停止', 'title:ko': '비디오 자동 일시 중지', 'title:id': 'Jeda otomatis video', 'title:es': 'Pausa automática de video', 'title:it': 'Pausa automatica del video', 'title:pl': 'Automatyczne zatrzymanie wideo', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'player', desc: 'Disable autoplay', 'desc:zh': '禁用自动播放', 'desc:ja': '自動再生を無効にする', 'desc:ko': '자동 재생 비활성화', 'desc:it': 'Nonaktifkan putar otomatis', 'desc:es': 'Deshabilitar reproducción automática', 'desc:it': 'Disabilita la riproduzione automatica', 'desc:pl': 'Wyłącz autoodtwarzanie', 'data-conflict': 'video-autostop', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings['video-stop-preload'] && !user_settings.stop_preload_embed) return; if (NOVA.queryURL.has('popup')) return; if (user_settings.video_autopause_embed && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (NOVA.currentPage == 'embed' && window.self !== && ['0', 'false'].includes(NOVA.queryURL.get('autoplay')) ) { return; } NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { if (user_settings.video_autopause_ignore_live && movie_player.getVideoData().isLive) return; pauseVideo.apply(video); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if (!'list=') && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { video.addEventListener('playing', pauseVideo, { capture: true, once: true }); } }); const backupFn =; = pauseVideo; document.addEventListener('keyup', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; switch (evt.code) { case 'KeyK': case 'Space': case 'MediaPlay': case 'MediaPlayPause': restorePlayFn(); break; } }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', restorePlayFn); document.addEventListener('click', evt => { if (evt.isTrusted &&'#movie_player') ) { restorePlayFn(); } }, { capture: true }); function pauseVideo() { movie_player.pauseVideo(); this.paused || this.pause(); }; function restorePlayFn() { restorePlayFn = function () { } = backupFn; movie_player.playVideo(); } }); }, options: { video_autopause_ignore_playlist: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Ignore playlist', 'label:zh': '忽略播放列表', 'label:ja': 'プレイリストを無視する', 'label:ko': '재생목록 무시', 'label:id': 'Abaikan daftar putar', 'label:es': 'Ignorar lista de reproducción', 'label:it': 'Ignora playlist', 'label:pl': 'Zignoruj listę odtwarzania', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'video_autopause_embed': false }, }, video_autopause_ignore_live: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Ignore live', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'video_autopause_embed': false }, }, video_autopause_embed: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Apply to video type', options: [ { label: 'all', value: false, selected: true, }, { label: 'embed', value: 'on', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'video-unblock-warn-content', title: 'Skip inappropriate/offensive content warn', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'player', desc: "skip 'The following content may contain suicide or self-harm topics.'", _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-flexy[player-unavailable] #player-error-message-container #info button', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(btn =>; }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-disable-fullscreen-scroll', title: 'Disable scrolling for fullscreen player', 'title:zh': '禁用全屏滚动', 'title:ja': 'フルスクリーンスクロールを無効にする', 'title:pl': 'Wyłącz przewijanie w trybie pełnoekranowym', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'player', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.css.push(`.ytp-chrome-controls button.ytp-fullerscreen-edu-button { display: none !important; }`); document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => { document.fullscreenElement ? document.addEventListener('wheel', lockscroll, { passive: false }) : document.removeEventListener('wheel', lockscroll); }); function lockscroll(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'sponsor-block', title: 'SponsorBlock', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed', section: 'player', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { const categoryNameLabel = { sponsor: 'Sponsor', selfpromo: 'Self Promotion', interaction: 'Reminder Subscribe', intro: 'Intro', outro: 'Credits (Outro)', preview: 'Preview/Recap', music_offtopic: 'Non-Music Section', exclusive_access: 'Full Video Label Only', }; let segmentsList = []; let muteState; let videoId; video.addEventListener('loadeddata', init.bind(video)); async function init() { videoId = NOVA.queryURL.get('v') || movie_player.getVideoData().video_id; segmentsList = await getSkipSegments(videoId) || []; if (user_settings['player-float-progress-bar'] && segmentsList.length) { const SELECTOR = '#nova-player-float-progress-bar-chapters > span[time]'; const deflectionSec = 5; await NOVA.waitSelector(SELECTOR, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }); document.body.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR) .forEach((chapterEl, idx, chaptersEls) => { if (idx === chaptersEls.length - 1) return; const chapterStart = Math.trunc(NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(chapterEl.getAttribute('time'))), chapterNextStart = Math.trunc(NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(chaptersEls[idx + 1].getAttribute('time'))); for (const [i, value] of segmentsList.entries()) { const [segmentStart, segmentEnd, category] = value; if (((Math.trunc(segmentStart) + deflectionSec) <= chapterNextStart) && ((Math.trunc(segmentEnd) - deflectionSec) >= chapterStart) ) { let color; switch (category) { case 'sponsor': color = '255, 231, 0'; break; case 'interaction': color = '255, 127, 80'; break; case 'selfpromo': color = '255, 99, 71'; break; case 'intro': color = '255, 165, 0'; break; case 'outro': color = '255, 165, 0'; break; default: color = '0, 255, 107'; break; } const newChapter = document.createElement('span'), startPoint = Math.max(segmentStart, chapterStart), sizeChapter = chapterNextStart - chapterStart, getPt = d => (d * 100 / sizeChapter) + '%'; newChapter.title = category; Object.assign(, { width: getPt(Math.min(segmentEnd, chapterNextStart) - startPoint), left: getPt(startPoint - chapterStart), 'background-color': `rgb(${color}, .4`, }); chapterEl.append(newChapter); } } }); } } video.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () { let segmentStart, segmentEnd, category; for (let i = 0; i < segmentsList.length; i++) { [segmentStart, segmentEnd, category] = segmentsList[i]; segmentStart = Math.trunc(segmentStart); segmentEnd = Math.ceil(segmentEnd); const inSegment = (this.currentTime > segmentStart && this.currentTime < segmentEnd); switch (user_settings.sponsor_block_action) { case 'mute': if (inSegment && !muteState && !this.muted) { muteState = true; movie_player.mute(true); return novaNotification('muted'); } else if (!inSegment && muteState && this.muted) { muteState = false; movie_player.unMute(); segmentsList.splice(i, 1); return novaNotification('unMuted'); } break; case 'skip': if (inSegment) { this.currentTime = segmentEnd; segmentsList.splice(i, 1); return novaNotification(); } break; } } function novaNotification(prefix = '') { if (!user_settings.sponsor_block_notification) return; const msg = `${prefix} ${NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(segmentEnd - segmentStart)} [${categoryNameLabel[category]}] • ${NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(segmentStart)} - ${NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit(segmentEnd)}`;, msg); NOVA.showOSD(msg); } }); }); async function getSkipSegments(videoId = required()) { const CACHE_PREFIX = 'nova-videos-sponsor-block:'; if ( navigator.cookieEnabled && (storage = sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_PREFIX + videoId)) ) { return JSON.parse(storage); } else { const actionTypes = (Array.isArray(user_settings.sponsor_block_action) ? user_settings.sponsor_block_action : [user_settings.sponsor_block_action]) || ['skip', 'mute'], categories = user_settings.sponsor_block_category || [ 'sponsor', 'interaction', 'selfpromo', 'intro', 'outro', ], params = { 'videoID': videoId, 'actionTypes': JSON.stringify(actionTypes), 'categories': JSON.stringify(categories), }, query = Object.keys(params) .map(k => encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[k])) .join('&'); const fetchAPI = () => fetch((user_settings.sponsor_block_url || '') + `/api/skipSegments?${query}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, } ) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => json .map(a => [...a.segment, a.category]) ) .catch(error => { }); if (result = await fetchAPI()) { if (navigator.cookieEnabled) { sessionStorage.setItem(CACHE_PREFIX + videoId, JSON.stringify(result)); } return result; } } } }, options: { sponsor_block_category: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Category', title: '[Ctrl+Click] to select several', 'title:zh': '[Ctrl+Click] 选择多个', 'title:ja': '「Ctrl+Click」して、いくつかを選択します', 'title:pl': 'Ctrl+kliknięcie, aby zaznaczyć kilka', multiple: null, required: true, size: 7, options: [ { label: 'Ads/Sponsor', value: 'sponsor', }, { label: 'Unpaid/Self Promotion', value: 'selfpromo', }, { label: 'Reminder Subscribe', value: 'interaction', }, { label: 'Intro', value: 'intro', }, { label: 'Endcards/Credits (Outro)', value: 'outro', }, { label: 'Preview/Recap', value: 'preview', }, { label: 'Music: Non-Music Section', value: 'music_offtopic', }, { label: 'Full Video Label Only', value: 'exclusive_access', }, ], }, sponsor_block_action: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'skip', value: 'skip', selected: true, }, { label: 'mute', value: 'mute', }, ], }, sponsor_block_url: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'URL', type: 'url', pattern: "https://.*", placeholder: '', value: '', required: true, }, sponsor_block_notification: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Show OSD notification', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'embed-popup', title: 'Open small embedded in popup', 'title:zh': '将嵌入式视频重定向到弹出窗口', 'title:ja': '埋め込まれたビデオをポップアップにリダイレクトします', 'title:pl': 'Przekieruj osadzone wideo do wyskakującego okienka', run_on_pages: 'embed, -mobile', section: 'player', desc: 'if iframe width is less than 720p', 'plugins-conflict': 'player-fullscreen-mode', _runtime: user_settings => { if ( === window.self || location.hostname.includes('') || NOVA.queryURL.has('popup') ) { return; } if (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode == 'redirect_watch_to_embed') return; if (user_settings['player-fullscreen-mode']) return; if (window.innerWidth > 720 && window.innerHeight > 480) return; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('playing', createPopup.bind(video), { capture: true, once: true }); }); function createPopup() { if (this.videoHeight < window.innerWidth && this.videoHeight < window.innerHeight) return; const { width, height } = NOVA.aspectRatio.sizeToFit({ 'srcWidth': this.videoWidth, 'srcHeight': this.videoHeight, }); movie_player.stopVideo(); const url = new URL( document.head.querySelector('link[itemprop="embedUrl"][href]')?.href || (location.origin + '/embed/' + movie_player.getVideoData().video_id) ); url.searchParams.set('autoplay', 1); url.searchParams.set('popup', true); NOVA.openPopup({ 'url': url.href, 'width': width, 'height': height }); } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'theater-mode', title: 'Auto wide player (Theater mode)', 'title:pl': 'Tryb kinowy', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'player', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode == 'redirect_watch_to_embed') { return location.assign(`` + NOVA.queryURL.get('v')); } if (user_settings.theater_mode_ignore_playlist &&'list=')) return; NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-flexy:not([player-unavailable])') .then(el => { if (isTheaterMode()) return; NOVA.waitUntil(() => isTheaterMode() ? true : toggleTheater(), 500); function isTheaterMode() { return (el.hasAttribute('theater') || (typeof el.isTheater_ === 'function' && el.isTheater_()) ); } function toggleTheater() { (typeof movie_player === 'object' ? movie_player : document) .dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent( 'keydown', { keyCode: 84, key: 't', code: 'KeyT', which: 84, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, } ) ); } if (!user_settings['video-unblock-warn-content']) { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-flexy[player-unavailable] yt-player-error-message-renderer button', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(btn =>; } }); if (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode == '') return; if (user_settings['player-fullscreen-mode'] && !user_settings.player_fullscreen_mode_embed && user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode != 'cinema_mode' ) { return; } NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player') .then(movie_player => { const PLAYER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = 'ytd-watch-flexy[theater]:not([fullscreen]) #ytd-player', PINNED_SELECTOR = '.nova-player-pin', PLAYER_SCROLL_LOCK_CLASS_NAME = 'nova-lock-scroll', PLAYER_SELECTOR = `${PLAYER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR} #movie_player:not(${PINNED_SELECTOR}):not(.${PLAYER_SCROLL_LOCK_CLASS_NAME})`, zIndex = Math.max(getComputedStyle(movie_player)['z-index'], 2020); addScrollDownBehavior(); switch (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode) { case 'offset': NOVA.css.push( PLAYER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR + ` { min-height: calc(100vh - ${user_settings['header-compact'] ? '36px' : NOVA.css.get('#masthead-container', 'height') || '56px' }) !important; } ytd-watch-flexy[theater]:not([fullscreen]) #columns { position: absolute; top: 100vh; } ${PLAYER_SELECTOR} { background-color: black; }`); break; case 'force': setPlayerFullViewport(user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode_exit); break; case 'smart': if (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode_exclude_shorts && NOVA.currentPage == 'shorts') { return; } NOVA.waitSelector('video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { if (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode_exclude_shorts && this.videoWidth < this.videoHeight) { return; } const miniSize = NOVA.aspectRatio.sizeToFit({ 'srcWidth': this.videoWidth, 'srcHeight': this.videoHeight, 'maxWidth': window.innerWidth, 'maxHeight': window.innerHeight, }); if (miniSize.width < window.innerWidth) { setPlayerFullViewport('player_full_viewport_mode_exit'); } }); }); break; case 'cinema_mode': NOVA.css.push( PLAYER_SELECTOR + ` { z-index: ${zIndex}; } ${PLAYER_SELECTOR}:before { content: ''; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, ${+user_settings.cinema_mode_opacity}); opacity: 0; transition: opacity 400ms ease-in-out; pointer-events: none; } ${PLAYER_SELECTOR}.playing-mode:before { opacity: 1; } .ytp-ad-player-overlay, #playlist:hover, #masthead-container:hover, iframe, #guide, [class*="popup"], [role="navigation"], [role="dialog"] { z-index: ${zIndex + 1}; } #playlist:hover { position: relative; }`); addHideScrollbarCSS(); break; } function setPlayerFullViewport(exclude_pause) { const CLASS_OVER_PAUSED = 'nova-player-fullviewport'; NOVA.css.push( `${PLAYER_SELECTOR}.playing-mode, ${exclude_pause ? '' : `${PLAYER_SELECTOR}.paused-mode,`} ${PLAYER_SELECTOR}.${CLASS_OVER_PAUSED} { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; bottom: 0 !important; z-index: ${zIndex}; background-color: black; }`); if (CSS.supports('selector(:has(*))')) { NOVA.css.push( `#masthead-container:has( ~ #page-manager ytd-watch-flexy[theater]) { position: fixed; z-index: ${zIndex + 1}; opacity: 0; } #masthead-container:has( ~ #page-manager ytd-watch-flexy[theater]):hover, #masthead-container:has( ~ #page-manager ytd-watch-flexy[theater]):focus { opacity: 1; }`); } addHideScrollbarCSS(); if (user_settings.player_full_viewport_mode_exit) { NOVA.waitSelector('video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('pause', () => { if (!document.body.querySelector('.ytp-progress-bar')?.contains(document.activeElement)) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } }); video.addEventListener('play', () => window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'))); }); NOVA.waitSelector('.ytp-progress-bar') .then(progress_bar => { ['mousedown', 'mouseup'].forEach(evt => { progress_bar.addEventListener(evt, () => { movie_player.classList.add(CLASS_OVER_PAUSED); }); }); }); } } function addScrollDownBehavior() { if (activateScrollElement = document.body.querySelector('.ytp-chrome-controls')) { activateScrollElement.addEventListener('wheel', evt => { switch (Math.sign(evt.wheelDelta)) { case -1: movie_player.classList.add(PLAYER_SCROLL_LOCK_CLASS_NAME); break; } }); document.addEventListener('scroll', evt => { if (window.scrollY === 0 && movie_player.classList.contains(PLAYER_SCROLL_LOCK_CLASS_NAME)) { movie_player.classList.remove(PLAYER_SCROLL_LOCK_CLASS_NAME); } }); } } function addHideScrollbarCSS() { if (user_settings['scrollbar-hide']) return; NOVA.css.push(`html body:has(${PLAYER_SELECTOR})::-webkit-scrollbar{ display: none; }`); } }); }, options: { player_full_viewport_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'default', selected: true, }, { label: 'cinema', value: 'cinema_mode', }, { label: 'full-viewport', value: 'force', }, { label: 'full-viewport (auto)', value: 'smart', }, { label: 'full-viewport (offset)', value: 'offset', }, { label: 'redirect to embedded', value: 'redirect_watch_to_embed', }, ], }, player_full_viewport_mode_exit: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Exit Fullscreen on video end/pause', 'label:zh': '视频结束/暂停时退出', 'label:ja': 'ビデオが終了/一時停止したら終了します', 'label:pl': 'Wyjdź, gdy film się kończy/pauzuje', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_full_viewport_mode': ['force', 'smart'] }, }, player_full_viewport_mode_exclude_shorts: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Full-viewport exclude shorts', 'label:zh': '全视口不包括短裤', 'label:ja': 'フルビューポートはショートパンツを除外します', 'label:pl': 'Pełny ekran wyklucza krótkie filmy', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'player_full_viewport_mode': 'smart' }, }, cinema_mode_opacity: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Opacity', 'label:zh': '不透明度', 'label:ja': '不透明度', 'label:pl': 'Przezroczystość', type: 'number', title: '0-1', placeholder: '0-1', step: .05, min: 0, max: 1, value: .75, 'data-dependent': { 'player_full_viewport_mode': 'cinema_mode' }, }, theater_mode_ignore_playlist: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Ignore playlist', 'label:zh': '忽略播放列表', 'label:ja': 'プレイリストを無視する', 'label:pl': 'Zignoruj listę odtwarzania', type: 'checkbox', }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'player-indicator', title: 'Custom On-Screen Display (OSD)', 'title:zh': '替换默认指示器', 'title:ja': 'デフォルトのインジケーターを置き換える', run_on_pages: 'watch, embed, -mobile', section: 'player', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-player-indicator-info', COLOR_OSD = user_settings.player_indicator_color || '#ff0000'; NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video') .then(video => { video.addEventListener('volumechange', function () {{ 'pt': Math.round(movie_player.getVolume()), 'suffix': '%', 'clear_previous_text': true, }); }); video.addEventListener('ratechange', () =>{ 'pt': video.playbackRate, 'suffix': 'x', 'clear_previous_text': true, })); if (user_settings.player_indicator_chapter) { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-metadata #description.ytd-watch-metadata') .then(() => { const getNextChapterIdx = () => chapterList?.findIndex(c => c.sec > video.currentTime); let chapterList, lastChapTime = 0; video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => chapterList = []); video.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () { if (chapterList !== null && !chapterList?.length) { chapterList = NOVA.getChapterList(movie_player.getDuration()) || null; } if (chapterList?.length && this.currentTime > lastChapTime ) { let nextChapterIdx = getNextChapterIdx(); if (nextChapterIdx === -1) nextChapterIdx = chapterList.length; lastChapTime = chapterList[nextChapterIdx]?.sec; if (chapterData = chapterList[nextChapterIdx - 1]) { const separator = ' • '; const msg = chapterData.title + separator + chapterData.time; NOVA.showOSD(msg); } } }); video.addEventListener('seeking', () => { if (chapterList?.length && (nexChapterData = chapterList[getNextChapterIdx()])) { lastChapTime = nexChapterData.sec; } }); }); } }); NOVA.waitSelector('.ytp-bezel-text') .then(target => { new MutationObserver(mutationRecordsArray => { if (target.textContent) { let unlimitVol; if ((target.textContent?.endsWith('%') && !(unlimitVol = (user_settings.volume_unlimit && parseInt(target.textContent) > 100)) ) || ((user_settings['video-rate'] || user_settings.player_buttons_custom_items?.includes('range-speed')) && (target.textContent?.length < 6) && target.textContent?.endsWith('x')) || (user_settings['time-jump'] && target.textContent?.startsWith(`+${user_settings.time_jump_step}`)) ) { return; }{ 'pt': target.textContent, 'timeout_ms': (user_settings.player_indicator_chapter_time || 1.8) * 1000, 'clear_previous_text': unlimitVol, }); } }) .observe(target, { attributes: true, childList: true }); }); const OSD = { create() { NOVA.css.push( `.ytp-bezel-text-wrapper, .ytp-doubletap-ui-legacy.ytp-time-seeking, .ytp-chapter-seek { display:none !important; }`); NOVA.css.push( `#${SELECTOR_ID} { --color: white; --bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, ${user_settings.player_indicator_opacity || .3}); --zindex: ${1 + Math.max(NOVA.css.get('.ytp-chrome-top', 'z-index'), 60)}; position: absolute; right: 0; z-index: calc(var(--zindex) + 1); margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; opacity: 0; background-color: var(--bg-color); color: var(--color); } #${SELECTOR_ID} span { text-overflow: ellipsis; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5; line-clamp: 5; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; }`); const template = document.createElement('div'); = SELECTOR_ID; template.innerHTML = '<span></span>'; 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} } }, { capture: true }); } else if (user_settings.zoom_hotkey) { container.addEventListener('wheel', evt => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt[user_settings.zoom_hotkey] || (user_settings.zoom_hotkey == 'none' && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.metaKey) ) { if (step = +user_settings.zoom_step * Math.sign(evt.wheelDelta)) { setScale(zoomPercent + step); } } }, { capture: true }); } if (hotkey = user_settings.zoom_auto_max_width_hotkey_toggle) { document.addEventListener('keyup', evt => { if (NOVA.currentPage != 'watch' && NOVA.currentPage != 'embed') return; if (['input', 'textarea', 'select'].includes( || return; if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) return; if ((hotkey.length === 1 ? evt.key : evt.code) === hotkey && (maxZoomPercent = geVideoMaxWidthPercent()) ) { setScale(zoomPercent === maxZoomPercent ? 100 : maxZoomPercent); } }); } if (user_settings['save-channel-state']) { NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if ((NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' || NOVA.currentPage == 'embed') && (userZoom = await NOVA.storage_obj_manager.getParam('zoom')) ) { setScale(userZoom * 100); 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} function geVideoMaxWidthPercent() { return Math.trunc(movie_player.clientWidth / NOVA.videoElement.videoHeight * 100); } NOVA.css.push( `.${ZOOM_CLASS_NAME} { transition: transform 100ms linear; transform-origin: center; } .${ZOOM_CLASS_NAME} video { position: relative !important; }`); }); }, options: { zoom_hotkey: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey', 'label:zh': '热键', 'label:ja': 'ホットキー', 'label:pl': 'Klawisz skrótu', options: [ { label: 'none', }, { label: 'wheel', value: 'none' }, { label: 'shift+wheel', value: 'shiftKey' }, { label: 'ctrl+wheel', value: 'ctrlKey' }, { label: 'alt+wheel', value: 'altKey' }, { label: 'keyboard', value: 'keyboard', selected: true }, ], }, zoom_hotkey_custom_in: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey zoom in', options: [ { label: '+', value: '+', selected: true }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'zoom_hotkey': ['keyboard'] }, }, zoom_hotkey_custom_out: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey zoom out', options: [ { label: '-', value: '-', selected: true }, { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ' }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '+', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], 'data-dependent': { 'zoom_hotkey': ['keyboard'] }, }, zoom_step: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Hotkey step', 'label:zh': '步', 'label:ja': 'ステップ', 'label:pl': 'Krok', type: 'number', title: 'in %', placeholder: '%', step: 5, min: 5, max: 50, value: 10, }, zoom_auto_max_width: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Auto fit to width', type: 'checkbox', }, zoom_auto_max_width_hotkey_toggle: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Hotkey toggle fit to width', title: 'exception square video', options: [ { label: 'none', value: false }, { label: 'ShiftL', value: 'ShiftLeft' }, { label: 'ShiftR', value: 'ShiftRight' }, { label: 'CtrlL', value: 'ControlLeft' }, { label: 'CtrlR', value: 'ControlRight' }, { label: 'AltL', value: 'AltLeft' }, { label: 'AltR', value: 'AltRight' }, { label: 'A', value: 'KeyA' }, { label: 'B', value: 'KeyB' }, { label: 'C', value: 'KeyC' }, { label: 'D', value: 'KeyD' }, { label: 'E', value: 'KeyE' }, { label: 'F', value: 'KeyF' }, { label: 'G', value: 'KeyG' }, { label: 'H', value: 'KeyH' }, { label: 'I', value: 'KeyI' }, { label: 'J', value: 'KeyJ' }, { label: 'K', value: 'KeyK' }, { label: 'L', value: 'KeyL' }, { label: 'M', value: 'KeyM' }, { label: 'N', value: 'KeyN' }, { label: 'O', value: 'KeyO' }, { label: 'P', value: 'KeyP' }, { label: 'Q', value: 'KeyQ', selected: true }, { label: 'R', value: 'KeyR' }, { label: 'S', value: 'KeyS' }, { label: 'T', value: 'KeyT' }, { label: 'U', value: 'KeyU' }, { label: 'V', value: 'KeyV' }, { label: 'W', value: 'KeyW' }, { label: 'X', value: 'KeyX' }, { label: 'Y', value: 'KeyY' }, { label: 'Z', value: 'KeyZ' }, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ']', '[', '+', '-', ',', '.', '/', '<', ';', '\\', ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'playlist-collapse', title: 'Collapse playlist', 'title:zh': '播放列表自动折叠', 'title:ja': 'プレイリストの自動折りたたみ', 'title:pl': 'Automatyczne zwijanie listy odtwarzania', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'playlist', _runtime: user_settings => { if (!'list=')) return; NOVA.waitSelector('#secondary #playlist:not([collapsed]) #expand-button button') .then(btn => {; }); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'playlist-duration', title: 'Show playlist duration', 'title:zh': '显示播放列表持续时间', 'title:ja': 'プレイリストの期間を表示', 'title:pl': 'Pokaż czas trwania playlisty', run_on_pages: 'watch, playlist, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'playlist', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-playlist-duration', playlistId = NOVA.queryURL.get('list'); if (!playlistId) return; switch (NOVA.currentPage) { case 'playlist': NOVA.waitSelector('#owner-text a') .then(el => { if (duration = getPlaylistDuration()) { insertToHTML({ 'container': el, 'text': duration }); } else { getPlaylistDurationFromThumbnails('#primary #thumbnail #overlays #text:not(:empty)') ?.then(duration => insertToHTML({ 'container': el, 'text': duration })); } function getPlaylistDuration() { const vids_list = (document.body.querySelector('ytd-app')?.data?.response || window.ytInitialData) .contents.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer ?.tabs[0].tabRenderer?.content?.sectionListRenderer ?.contents[0].itemSectionRenderer ?.contents[0].playlistVideoListRenderer?.contents || document.body.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy')?.__data.playlistData?.contents || document.body.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy')?.data?.playlist?.playlist?.contents; const duration = vids_list?.reduce((acc, vid) => acc + (+vid.playlistVideoRenderer?.lengthSeconds || 0), 0); if (duration) { return outFormat(duration); } } }); break; case 'watch': NOVA.waitSelector('#secondary .index-message-wrapper', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(el => { const waitPlaylist = setInterval(() => { const playlistLength = movie_player.getPlaylist()?.length, playlistList = document.body.querySelector('yt-playlist-manager')?.currentPlaylistData_?.contents .filter(e => e.playlistPanelVideoRenderer?.lengthText?.simpleText) .map(e => NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(e.playlistPanelVideoRenderer.lengthText.simpleText)); console.assert(playlistList?.length === playlistLength, 'playlist loading:', playlistList?.length + '/' + playlistLength); if (playlistLength && (playlistList?.length === playlistLength)) { clearInterval(waitPlaylist); if (duration = getPlaylistDuration(playlistList)) { insertToHTML({ 'container': el, 'text': duration }); NOVA.waitSelector('#movie_player video', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(video => { video.addEventListener('ratechange', () => { insertToHTML({ 'container': el, 'text': getPlaylistDuration(playlistList) }); }); }); } else if (!user_settings.playlist_duration_progress_type) { getPlaylistDurationFromThumbnails('#playlist #playlist-items #unplayableText[hidden]') ?.then(duration => insertToHTML({ 'container': el, 'text': duration })); } } }, 2000); function getPlaylistDuration(total_list) { const currentIndex = movie_player.getPlaylistIndex(); let elapsedList = [...total_list]; switch (user_settings.playlist_duration_progress_type) { case 'done': elapsedList.splice(currentIndex); break; case 'left': elapsedList.splice(0, currentIndex); break; } const sumArr = arr => arr.reduce((acc, time) => acc + +time, 0); return outFormat( sumArr(elapsedList), user_settings.playlist_duration_percentage ? sumArr(total_list) : false ); } }); break; } function getPlaylistDurationFromThumbnails(items_selector = required()) { if (container && !(container instanceof HTMLElement)) { return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); } return new Promise(resolve => { let forcePlaylistRun = false; const waitThumbnails = setInterval(() => { const timeStampList = document.body.querySelectorAll(items_selector), playlistLength = movie_player.getPlaylist()?.length || document.body.querySelector('ytd-player')?.player_?.getPlaylist()?.length || timeStampList.length, duration = getTotalTime(timeStampList); console.assert(timeStampList.length === playlistLength, 'playlist loading:', timeStampList.length + '/' + playlistLength); if (+duration && timeStampList.length && (timeStampList.length === playlistLength || forcePlaylistRun) ) { clearInterval(waitThumbnails); resolve(outFormat(duration)); } else if (!forcePlaylistRun) { setTimeout(() => forcePlaylistRun = true, 1000 * 3); } }, 500); }); function getTotalTime(nodes) { const arr = [...nodes] .map(e => NOVA.formatTimeOut.hmsToSec(e.textContent)) .filter(Number); return arr.length && arr.reduce((acc, time) => acc + +time, 0); } } function outFormat(duration = 0, total) { let outArr = [ NOVA.formatTimeOut.HMS.digit( (NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' && NOVA.videoElement?.playbackRate) ? (duration / NOVA.videoElement.playbackRate) : duration ) ]; if (total) { outArr.push(`(${Math.trunc(duration * 100 / total) + '%'})`); if (user_settings.playlist_duration_progress_type) { outArr.push(user_settings.playlist_duration_progress_type); } } return ' - ' + outArr.join(' '); } function insertToHTML({ text = '', container = required() }) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); (container.querySelector(`#${SELECTOR_ID}`) || (function () { const el = document.createElement('span'); = SELECTOR_ID; return container.appendChild(el); })()) .textContent = ' ' + text; } }, options: { playlist_duration_progress_type: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', label: 'Time display mode', 'title:zh': '时间显示方式', 'title:ja': '時間表示モード', 'title:pl': 'Tryb wyświetlania czasu', options: [ { label: 'done', value: 'done', 'label:zh': '结束', 'label:ja': '終わり', 'label:pl': 'zakończone', }, { label: 'left', value: 'left', 'label:zh': '剩下', 'label:ja': '残り', 'label:pl': 'pozostało', }, { label: 'total', value: false, selected: true, 'label:zh': '全部的', 'label:ja': '全て', 'label:pl': 'w sumie', }, ], }, playlist_duration_percentage: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Add %', 'label:zh': '显示百分比', 'label:ja': 'パーセンテージを表示', 'label:pl': 'Pokaż procenty', type: 'checkbox', 'data-dependent': { 'playlist_duration_progress_type': ['done', 'left'] }, }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'playlist-extended', title: 'Playlist extended section', 'title:zh': '播放列表扩展部分', 'title:ja': 'プレイリスト拡張セクション', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'playlist', _runtime: user_settings => { let height = 90; if (user_settings['move-to-sidebar']) { switch (user_settings.move_to_sidebar_target) { case 'info': height = 84; break; } } NOVA.css.push( `ytd-watch-flexy:not([theater]) #secondary #playlist { --ytd-watch-flexy-panel-max-height: ${height}vh !important; }`); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'playlist-reverse', title: 'Add playlist reverse order button', 'title:zh': '添加按钮反向播放列表顺序', 'title:ja': 'ボタンの逆プレイリストの順序を追加', 'title:pl': 'Dodaj przycisk odtwarzania w odwrotnej kolejności', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'playlist', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-playlist-reverse-btn', SELECTOR = '#' + SELECTOR_ID, CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE = 'nova-playlist-reverse-on'; window.nova_playlistReversed; NOVA.css.push( SELECTOR + ` { background: none; border: 0; } yt-icon-button { width: 40px; height: 40px; padding: 10px; } ${SELECTOR} svg { fill: white; fill: var(--yt-spec-text-secondary); } ${SELECTOR}:hover svg { fill: #66afe9; } ${SELECTOR}:active svg, ${SELECTOR}.${CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE} svg { fill: #2196f3; }`); if (user_settings.playlist_reverse_auto_enabled && !window.nova_playlistReversed) { window.nova_playlistReversed = true; } NOVA.runOnPageLoad(async () => { if ('list=') && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { reverseControl(); document.addEventListener('yt-page-data-updated', insertButton, { capture: true, once: true }); } }); function insertButton() { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-flexy.ytd-page-manager:not([hidden]) ytd-playlist-panel-renderer:not([collapsed]) #playlist-action-menu .top-level-buttons:not([hidden]), #secondary #playlist #playlist-action-menu #top-level-buttons-computed', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(el => createButton(el)); function createButton(container = required()) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID)?.remove(); const reverseBtn = document.createElement('div'), renderTitle = () => reverseBtn.title = `Reverse playlist order is ${window.nova_playlistReversed ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}`; if (window.nova_playlistReversed) reverseBtn.className = CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE; = SELECTOR_ID; renderTitle(); reverseBtn.innerHTML = `<yt-icon-button> <svg viewBox="0 0 381.399 381.399" height="100%" width="100%"> <g> <path d="M233.757,134.901l-63.649-25.147v266.551c0,2.816-2.286,5.094-5.104,5.094h-51.013c-2.82,0-5.099-2.277-5.099-5.094 V109.754l-63.658,25.147c-2.138,0.834-4.564,0.15-5.946-1.669c-1.389-1.839-1.379-4.36,0.028-6.187L135.452,1.991 C136.417,0.736,137.91,0,139.502,0c1.576,0,3.075,0.741,4.041,1.991l96.137,125.061c0.71,0.919,1.061,2.017,1.061,3.109 c0,1.063-0.346,2.158-1.035,3.078C238.333,135.052,235.891,135.735,233.757,134.901z M197.689,378.887h145.456v-33.62H197.689 V378.887z M197.689,314.444h145.456v-33.622H197.689V314.444z M197.689,218.251v33.619h145.456v-33.619H197.689z"/> </g> </svg> </yt-icon-button>`; reverseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { reverseBtn.classList.toggle(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE); window.nova_playlistReversed = !window.nova_playlistReversed; if (window.nova_playlistReversed) { reverseControl(); renderTitle(); fixConflictPlugins(); } else location.reload(); }); container.append(reverseBtn); } } function fixConflictPlugins() { document.getElementById('nova-playlist-duration').innerHTML = ' [out of reach] '; if (autoplayBtn = document.getElementById('nova-playlist-autoplay-btn')) { autoplayBtn.disabled = true; autoplayBtn.title = 'out of reach'; } } async function reverseControl() { if (!window.nova_playlistReversed) return; if ((ytdWatch = await NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-flexy', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true })) && (data = await NOVA.waitUntil(() =>, 100)) && (playlist = data.playlist?.playlist) && (autoplay = data.autoplay?.autoplay) ) { playlist.contents.reverse(); playlist.currentIndex = (playlist.totalVideos - playlist.currentIndex) - 1; playlist.localCurrentIndex = (playlist.contents.length - playlist.localCurrentIndex) - 1; for (const i of autoplay.sets) { i.autoplayVideo = i.previousButtonVideo; i.previousButtonVideo = i.nextButtonVideo; i.nextButtonVideo = i.autoplayVideo; } ytdWatch.updatePageData_(data); if ((manager = document.body.querySelector('yt-playlist-manager')) && (ytdPlayer = document.getElementById('ytd-player')) ) { ytdPlayer.updatePlayerComponents(null, autoplay, null, playlist); manager.autoplayData = autoplay; manager.setPlaylistData(playlist); ytdPlayer.updatePlayerPlaylist_(playlist); } } scrollToElement(document.body.querySelector('#secondary #playlist-items[selected], ytm-playlist .item[selected=true]')); } function scrollToElement(targetEl = required()) { if (!(targetEl instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('targetEl not HTMLElement:', targetEl); const container = targetEl.parentElement; container.scrollTop = targetEl.offsetTop - container.offsetTop; } }, options: { playlist_reverse_auto_enabled: { _tagName: 'input', label: 'Default enabled state', 'label:zh': '默认启用', 'label:ja': 'デフォルトで有効になっています', 'label:pl': 'Domyślnie włączone', type: 'checkbox', }, }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'playlist-toggle-autoplay', title: 'Add playlist autoplay control button', 'title:zh': '播放列表自动播放控制', 'title:ja': 'プレイリストの自動再生コントロール', 'title:pl': 'Kontrola autoodtwarzania listy odtwarzania', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'playlist', _runtime: user_settings => { const SELECTOR_ID = 'nova-playlist-autoplay-btn', SELECTOR = '#' + SELECTOR_ID; let sesionAutoplayState = user_settings.playlist_autoplay; NOVA.css.push( `#playlist-action-menu .top-level-buttons { align-items: center; } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox] { --height: 1em; width: 2.2em; } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox]:after { transform: scale(1.5); } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox] { --opacity: .7; --color: white; height: var(--height); line-height: 1.6em; border-radius: 3em; background-color: var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color, black); appearance: none; -webkit-appearance: none; position: relative; cursor: pointer; outline: 0; border: none; } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox]:after { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; content: ''; width: var(--height); height: var(--height); border-radius: 50%; background-color: var(--color); box-shadow: 0 0 .25em rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox]:checked:after { left: calc(100% - var(--height)); --color: var(--paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color, var(--primary-color)); } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox]:focus, input[type=checkbox]:focus:after { transition: all 200ms ease-in-out; } ${SELECTOR}[type=checkbox]:disabled { opacity: .3; }`); NOVA.runOnPageLoad(() => { if ('list=') && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch') { insertButton(); } }); function insertButton() { NOVA.waitSelector('ytd-watch-flexy.ytd-page-manager:not([hidden]) ytd-playlist-panel-renderer:not([collapsed]) #playlist-action-menu .top-level-buttons:not([hidden]), #secondary #playlist #playlist-action-menu #top-level-buttons-computed', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(el => renderCheckbox(el)); function renderCheckbox(container = required()) { if (!(container instanceof HTMLElement)) return console.error('container not HTMLElement:', container); document.getElementById(SELECTOR_ID)?.remove(); const checkboxBtn = document.createElement('input'); = SELECTOR_ID; checkboxBtn.type = 'checkbox'; checkboxBtn.title = 'Playlist toggle autoplay'; checkboxBtn.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => { sesionAutoplayState = target.checked; setAssociatedAutoplay(); }); container.append(checkboxBtn); checkboxBtn.checked = sesionAutoplayState; setAssociatedAutoplay(); function setAssociatedAutoplay() { if (manager = document.body.querySelector('yt-playlist-manager')) { manager.interceptedForAutoplay = true; manager.canAutoAdvance_ = checkboxBtn.checked; checkboxBtn.checked = manager?.canAutoAdvance_; checkboxBtn.title = `Playlist Autoplay is ${manager?.canAutoAdvance_ ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}`; if (checkboxBtn.checked) checkHiddenVideo(); } else console.error('Error playlist-autoplay. Playlist manager is', manager); async function checkHiddenVideo() { const ytdWatch = document.body.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy'); let vids_list; await NOVA.waitUntil(() => { if ((vids_list = ytdWatch?.data?.contents?.twoColumnWatchNextResults?.playlist?.playlist?.contents || ytdWatch?.data?.playlist?.playlist?.contents ) && vids_list.length) return true; }, 1000); const currentIndex = movie_player.getPlaylistIndex(), lastAvailableIdx = vids_list.findIndex(i => i.hasOwnProperty('messageRenderer')) - 1; if (currentIndex === lastAvailableIdx) { manager.canAutoAdvance_ = false; alert('Nova [playlist-toggle-autoplay]:\nPlaylist has hide video. Playlist autoplay disabled'); checkboxBtn.checked = false; } } } } } }, options: { playlist_autoplay: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Default state', 'label:zh': '默认状态', 'label:ja': 'デフォルト状態', 'label:pl': 'Stan domyślny', options: [ { label: 'play', value: true, selected: true, }, { label: 'stop', value: false, }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'move-to-sidebar', title: 'Move to sidebar', 'title:zh': '转移到侧边栏', 'title:ja': 'サイドバーに転送', 'title:pl': 'Przenieś na pasek boczny', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'sidebar', 'plugins-conflict': 'description-popup', _runtime: user_settings => { if (user_settings.move_to_sidebar_target != 'info' &&'list=')) return; const SELECTOR_CONTAINER = 'ytd-watch-flexy:not([fullscreen])', SELECTOR_BELOW = `${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} #below`, SELECTOR_SECONDARY = `${SELECTOR_CONTAINER} #secondary`; switch (user_settings.move_to_sidebar_target) { case 'info': moveChannelInfo(); break; case 'description': if (user_settings['description-popup']) return; 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}`); document.body.querySelector(`${SELECTOR_SECONDARY} #description #expand`)?.click(); }); }); moveSidebar(); break; case 'comments': if (user_settings.comments_visibility_mode == 'disable' || user_settings['comments-popup'] ) { return; } NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_BELOW} #comments`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(comments => { if (document.body.querySelector('#chat:not([collapsed])')) return; document.body.querySelector(`${SELECTOR_SECONDARY}`)?.appendChild(comments); = 'height:100vh; overflow-y:auto;'; }); moveSidebar(); break; } function moveSidebar() { NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_SECONDARY} #related`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(related => { if (document.body.querySelector('#chat:not([collapsed])')) return; document.body.querySelector('#below')?.appendChild(related); }); } function moveChannelInfo() { NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_SECONDARY}-inner`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(secondary => { NOVA.waitSelector(`${SELECTOR_BELOW} ytd-watch-metadata #owner`, { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(channelInfo => { secondary.prepend(channelInfo); }); }); } }, options: { move_to_sidebar_target: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Target of movement', 'label:zh': '运动目标', 'label:ja': '移動の対象', options: [ { label: 'info', value: 'info' }, { label: 'info + description', value: 'description', selected: true }, { label: 'comments', value: 'comments' }, ], }, }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'related-visibility', title: 'Collapse related section', 'title:zh': '收起相关栏目', 'title:ja': '関連セクションを折りたたむ', 'title:pl': 'Zwiń powiązaną sekcję', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'sidebar', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.collapseElement({ selector: '#secondary #related', label: 'related', remove: (user_settings.related_visibility_mode == 'disable') ? true : false, }); }, options: { related_visibility_mode: { _tagName: 'select', label: 'Mode', 'label:zh': '模式', 'label:ja': 'モード', 'label:pl': 'Tryb', options: [ { label: 'collapse', value: 'hide', selected: true, 'label:pl': 'zwiń', }, { label: 'remove', value: 'disable', 'label:zh': '消除', 'label:ja': '削除', 'label:pl': 'usunąć', }, ], }, } }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'livechat-toggle-mode', title: '"Livechat" mode instead of "Top chat"', run_on_pages: 'live_chat, -mobile', restart_on_location_change: true, section: 'sidebar', _runtime: user_settings => { NOVA.waitSelector('#chat-messages #menu a[aria-selected="false"]') .then(async btn => { await; }); }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'sidebar-thumbs-channel-link-patch', title: 'Fix channel links in sidebar', 'title:zh': '修复侧边栏中的频道链接', 'title:ja': 'サイドバーのチャネルリンクを修正', 'title:pl': 'Napraw linki do kanałów na pasku bocznym', run_on_pages: 'watch, -mobile', section: 'sidebar', _runtime: user_settings => { document.addEventListener('click', evt => patchLink(evt), { capture: true }); document.addEventListener('auxclick', evt => evt.button === 1 && patchLink(evt), { capture: true }); function patchLink(evt) { if (evt.isTrusted && NOVA.currentPage == 'watch' &&'#channel-name') && (link ='a')) ) { if ((data ='ytd-compact-video-renderer, ytd-video-meta-block')?.data) && (res = NOVA.seachInObjectBy.key({ 'obj': data, 'keys': 'navigationEndpoint', 'match_fn': val => { return val?.commandMetadata?.webCommandMetadata?.webPageType == 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL'; 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break; case 'feed':; thumbRemove.streamed(); thumbRemove.shorts(); thumbRemove.durationLimits(); thumbRemove.premieres(); thumbRemove.mix(); thumbRemove.watched(); break; case 'watch':; thumbRemove.mix(); thumbRemove.watched(); break; } break; } }); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => NOVA.queryURL.has('flow') && insertButton()); insertButton(); function insertButton() { NOVA.waitSelector('#filter-button, ytd-shelf-renderer #title-container a[href="/feed/channels"]', { destroy_after_page_leaving: true }) .then(container => { const filterBtn = document.createElement('button'); filterBtn.className = 'style-scope yt-formatted-string bold yt-spec-button-shape-next--tonal yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-m yt-spec-button-shape-next--text'; filterBtn.innerHTML = `<span class="yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon" style="height:100%"> <svg viewBox="-50 -50 400 400" height="100%" width="100%"> <g fill="currentColor"> <path d="M128.25,175.6c1.7,1.8,2.7,4.1,2.7,6.6v139.7l60-51.3v-88.4c0-2.5,1-4.8,2.7-6.6L295.15,65H26.75L128.25,175.6z" /> </g> </svg> </span>`; 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window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'thumbs-clear', title: 'Thumbnails preview image', 'title:zh': '清除缩略图', 'title:ja': 'サムネイルをクリアする', 'title:pl': 'Wyczyść miniatury', run_on_pages: 'home, feed, channel, watch', section: 'thumbs', desc: 'Replaces the predefined clickbait thumbnails', 'desc:zh': '替换预定义的缩略图', 'desc:ja': '事前定義されたサムネイルを置き換えます', 'desc:pl': 'Zastępuje predefiniowaną miniaturkę', _runtime: user_settings => { const ATTR_MARK = 'nova-thumb-preview-cleared', thumbsSelectors = [ 'ytd-rich-item-renderer', 'yt-append-continuation-items-action', 'ytm-compact-video-renderer', 'ytm-item-section-renderer' ]; let DISABLE_YT_IMG_DELAY_LOADING_default = false; NOVA.watchElements({ selectors: [ '#thumbnail:not(.ytd-playlist-thumbnail):not([class*=markers]):not([href*="/shorts/"]) img[src]:not([src*="_live.jpg"])', 'a:not([href*="/shorts/"])[src]:not([src*="_live.jpg"])' ], attr_mark: ATTR_MARK, callback: async img => { if (NOVA.currentPage == 'results') return; if ( && DISABLE_YT_IMG_DELAY_LOADING_default !== ) { DISABLE_YT_IMG_DELAY_LOADING_default =; 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btn.title = 'Not Interested'; btn.addEventListener('click', async evt => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (menu = thumb.querySelector('#menu button')) {; await NOVA.waitSelector('#menu [menu-active]', { container: thumb, destroy_after_page_leaving: true }); if (menuItemEl = document.body.querySelector('tp-yt-iron-dropdown [role="menuitem"]:has(path[d^="M12 2c5.52"])')) { = 'red'; await;'backgroundColor'); } } }); return btn; } }, }); window.nova_plugins.push({ id: 'thumbs-title-lang', title: "Show titles original language", 'title:zh': '显示缩略图标题原始语言', 'title:ja': 'サムネイルのタイトルを元の言語で表示する', run_on_pages: 'feed, channel, watch', section: 'thumbs', opt_api_key_warn: true, 'plugins-conflict': 'thumbs-title-normalize', _runtime: user_settings => { const CACHE_NAME = 'thumbs-title', SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR = 'nova-thumbs-title-lang', thumbsSelectors = [ 'ytd-rich-item-renderer', 'ytd-compact-video-renderer', 'yt-append-continuation-items-action', 'ytm-compact-video-renderer', 'ytm-item-section-renderer' ] .map(i => `${i}:has(a#thumbnail[${SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR}][href*="%id%"]) #video-title`) .join(','); NOVA.css.push( `#video-title[${SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR}] { color: #86d2ed } *:hover > #video-title[${SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR}], *:not(:hover) > #video-title[${SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR}] + #video-title { display: none !important; }`); let idsToProcess = [], newCacheItem = {}, timeout; NOVA.watchElements({ selectors: 'a#thumbnail[href].ytd-thumbnail', attr_mark: SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR, callback: thumbnail => { if (id = NOVA.queryURL.get('v', thumbnail.href)) { idsToProcess.push(id); run_process(); } }, }); function run_process(sec = 1) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { refreshCache(newCacheItem); patchThumbs(idsToProcess); }, 1000 * sec); } function patchThumbs(ids = []) { if (!ids.length) return; idsToProcess = []; const cacheData = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_NAME)); const newIds = ids .filter(id => { if (cacheData?.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (cacheItem = cacheData[id]) { patchTitle({ 'id': id, 'text': cacheItem.text }); return false; } } return true; }); requestTitle(newIds); } function refreshCache(new_cache = {}) { newCacheItem = {}; const cacheData = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(CACHE_NAME)) || {}; sessionStorage.setItem(CACHE_NAME, JSON.stringify(Object.assign(new_cache, cacheData))); } function requestTitle(ids = []) { const YOUTUBE_API_MAX_IDS_PER_CALL = 50; chunkArray(ids, YOUTUBE_API_MAX_IDS_PER_CALL) .forEach(id_part => { NOVA.request.API({ request: 'videos', params: { 'id': id_part.join(','), 'part': 'snippet' }, api_key: user_settings['user-api-key'], }) .then(res => { res?.items?.forEach(item => { patchTitle({ 'id':, 'text': item.snippet.title }); newCacheItem[] = { 'text': item.snippet.title }; }); run_process(3); }); }); function chunkArray(array = [], size = 0) { let chunked = []; while (array.length) chunked.push(array.splice(0, +size)); return chunked; } } function patchTitle({ id = required(), text = required() }) { document.querySelectorAll(thumbsSelectors.replaceAll('%id%', id)) .forEach(videoTitleEl => { if (videoTitleEl.textContent?.trim() == text) return; const newTitleEl = videoTitleEl.cloneNode(true); videoTitleEl.before(newTitleEl); newTitleEl.setAttribute(SELECTOR_THUMBS_PATCHED_ATTR, true); newTitleEl.textContent = text; }); } }, }); const Plugins = { run: ({ user_settings, app_ver }) => { if (!window.nova_plugins?.length) return console.error('nova_plugins empty', window.nova_plugins); if (!user_settings) return console.error('user_settings empty', user_settings); NOVA.currentPage = (function () { const pathnameArray = location.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean), { page, channelTab } = identifyCurrentPage(pathnameArray[0], pathnameArray.pop()); NOVA.channelTab = channelTab; return page; })(); NOVA.isMobile = == ''; let logTableArray = [], logTableStatus, logTableTime; window.nova_plugins?.forEach(plugin => { const pagesAllowList = plugin?.run_on_pages?.split(',').map(p => p.trim().toLowerCase()).filter(Boolean); logTableTime = 0; logTableStatus = false; if (!pluginChecker(plugin)) { console.error('Plugin invalid\n', plugin); alert('Plugin invalid: ' + plugin?.id); logTableStatus = 'INVALID'; } else if (plugin.was_init && !plugin.restart_on_location_change) { logTableStatus = 'skiped'; } else if (!user_settings.hasOwnProperty( { logTableStatus = 'off'; } else if ( ( pagesAllowList?.includes(NOVA.currentPage) || (pagesAllowList?.includes('*') && !pagesAllowList?.includes('-' + NOVA.currentPage)) ) && (!NOVA.isMobile || (NOVA.isMobile && !pagesAllowList?.includes('-mobile'))) ) { try { const startTableTime =; plugin.was_init = true; plugin._runtime(user_settings); logTableTime = ( - startTableTime).toFixed(2); logTableStatus = true; } catch (err) { console.groupEnd('plugins status'); console.error(`[ERROR PLUGIN] ${}\n${err.stack}\n\nPlease report the bug:` + encodeURIComponent(app_ver + ' | ' + navigator.userAgent)) + '&labels=bug&'; if (user_settings.report_issues) { _pluginsCaptureException({ 'trace_name':, 'err_stack': err.stack, 'app_ver': app_ver, 'confirm_msg': `ERROR in Nova YouTube™\n\nCrash plugin: "${plugin.title ||}"\nPlease report the bug or disable the plugin\n\nSend the bug report to developer?`, }); } console.groupCollapsed('plugins status'); logTableStatus = 'ERROR'; } } logTableArray.push({ 'launched': logTableStatus, 'name': plugin?.id, 'time init (ms)': logTableTime, }); }); console.table(logTableArray); console.groupEnd('plugins status'); function identifyCurrentPage(page = 'home', channel_tab) { switch (page) { case '': page = 'home'; break; case 'live_chat': case 'live_chat_replay': page = 'live_chat'; break; case 'channel': case 'c': case 'user': page = 'channel'; break; case 'watch': case 'clip': page = 'watch'; break; default: if (page?.startsWith('@') || /[A-Z\d_]/.test(page) ) { page = 'channel'; } break; } switch (channel_tab) { case 'featured': case 'videos': case 'shorts': case 'streams': case 'podcasts': case 'releases': case 'playlists': case 'community': case 'channels': case 'about': case 'search': page = 'channel'; channel_tab = channel_tab; break; default: if (channel_tab?.startsWith('UC')) page = 'channel'; channel_tab = false; break; } return { 'page': page, 'channelTab': channel_tab, }; } function pluginChecker(plugin) { const result = plugin?.id && plugin.run_on_pages && 'function' === typeof plugin._runtime; if (!result) { console.error('plugin invalid:\n', { 'id': plugin?.id, 'run_on_pages': plugin?.run_on_pages, '_runtime': 'function' === typeof plugin?._runtime, }); } return result; } }, } console.log('%c /• %s •/', 'color:#0096fa; font-weight:bold;', + ' v.' + GM_info.script.version); const configPage = '', configStoreName = 'user_settings', user_settings = GM_getValue(configStoreName, null); if (user_settings?.exclude_iframe && (window.self !== { return console.warn( + ': processed in the iframe disable'); } registerMenuCommand(); if (location.hostname === new URL(configPage).hostname) setupConfigPage(); else { if ((window.self !== && (!location.pathname.startsWith('/embed') && !location.pathname.startsWith('/live_chat')) ) { return console.warn('iframe skiped:', location.pathname); } if (!user_settings?.disable_setting_button) insertSettingButton(); if (!user_settings || !Object.keys(user_settings).length) { if (confirm('Active plugins undetected. Open the settings page now?')), '_blank'); user_settings['report_issues'] = 'on'; GM_setValue(configStoreName, user_settings); } else { appLander(); const exportedSettings = Object.assign({}, user_settings); delete exportedSettings['user-api-key']; delete exportedSettings['sponsor_block']; delete exportedSettings['sponsor_block_category']; delete exportedSettings['sponsor_block_url']; delete exportedSettings['thumbs_filter_title_blocklist']; delete exportedSettings['search_filter_channels_blocklist']; delete exportedSettings['thumbs_hide_live_channels_exception']; delete exportedSettings['comments_sort_blocklist']; delete exportedSettings['download_video_mode']; delete exportedSettings['video_unblock_region_domain']; unsafeWindow.window.nova_settings = exportedSettings; } } function setupConfigPage() { document.addEventListener('submit', event => { event.preventDefault(); let obj = {}; for (const [key, value] of new FormData( { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { obj[key] += ',' + value; obj[key] = obj[key].split(','); } else { switch (value) { case 'true': obj[key] = true; break; case 'false': obj[key] = false; break; case 'undefined': delete obj[key]; break; default: obj[key] = value; } }; } console.debug(`update ${configStoreName}:`, obj); GM_setValue(configStoreName, obj); }, { capture: true }); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { localizePage(user_settings?.lang_code); storeData = user_settings; unsafeWindow.window.nova_plugins = window.nova_plugins; }); window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.body?.classList?.remove('preload'); document.body.querySelector('a[href$="issues/new"]') .addEventListener('click', ({ target }) => { target.href += '?body=' + encodeURIComponent(GM_info.script.version + ' | ' + navigator.userAgent) + '&labels=bug&'; }); }); } function appLander() { if (document.readyState == 'loading') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', appRun); } else { appRun(); } let prevURL = document.URL; const isURLChanged = () => prevURL == document.URL ? false : prevURL = document.URL; if (isMobile = ( == '')) { window.addEventListener('transitionend', ({ target }) => == 'progress' && isURLChanged() && appRun()); } else { document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', () => isURLChanged() && appRun()); document.addEventListener('yt-action', reloadAfterMiniplayer); function reloadAfterMiniplayer(evt) { if (location.pathname == '/watch' && (evt.detail?.actionName == 'yt-cache-miniplayer-page-action') && isURLChanged() ) { document.removeEventListener('yt-action', reloadAfterMiniplayer); appRun(); } } } function appRun() { console.groupCollapsed('plugins status');{ 'user_settings': user_settings, 'app_ver': GM_info.script.version, }); } } function registerMenuCommand() { GM_registerMenuCommand('Settings', () =>, '_blank')); GM_registerMenuCommand('Import settings', () => { if (json = JSON.parse(prompt('Enter json file context'))) { saveImportSettings(json); } else if (confirm('Import via file?')) { const f = document.createElement('input'); f.type = 'file'; f.accept = 'application/JSON'; = 'none'; f.addEventListener('change', function () { if (f.files.length !== 1) return alert('file empty'); const rdr = new FileReader(); rdr.addEventListener('load', function () { try { saveImportSettings(JSON.parse(rdr.result)); } catch (err) { alert(`Error parsing settings\n${}: ${err.message}`); } }); rdr.addEventListener('error', error => alert('Error loading file\n' + rdr?.error || error)); rdr.readAsText(f.files[0]); }); document.body.append(f);; f.remove(); } function saveImportSettings(json) { GM_setValue(configStoreName, json); renameStorageKeys({ 'disable_in_frame': 'exclude_iframe', 'custom-api-key': 'user-api-key', 'shorts-disable': 'thumbs_hide_shorts', 'shorts_disable': 'thumbs_hide_shorts', 'premiere-disable': 'thumbs_hide_premieres', 'premieres-disable': 'thumbs_hide_premieres', 'premieres_disable': 'thumbs_hide_premieres', 'thumbs_min_duration': 'thumbs_hide_min_duration', 'shorts_disable_min_duration': 'thumbs_hide_min_duration', 'streams-disable': 'thumbs_hide_live', 'streams_disable': 'thumbs_hide_live', 'live_disable': 'thumbs_hide_live', 'thumbnails-mix-hide': 'thumbs_hide_mix', 'thumb_mix_disable': 'thumbs_hide_mix', 'mix_disable': 'thumbs_hide_mix', 'player_fullscreen_mode_exit': 'player_fullscreen_mode_onpause', 'subtitle-transparent': 'subtitle_transparent', 'video-description-expand': 'description-expand', 'video_quality_in_music': 'video_quality_in_music_playlist', 'player_float_progress_bar_color': 'player_progress_bar_color', 'header-short': 'header-compact', 'player-buttons-custom': 'player-quick-buttons', 'shorts_thumbnails_time': 'shorts-thumbnails-time', 'comments-sidebar-position-exchange': 'move-in-sidebar', 'comments_sidebar_position_exchange_target': 'move_in_sidebar_target', 'streamed_disable_channel_exception': 'thumbs_hide_live_channels_exception', 'streamed_disable_channels_exception': 'thumbs_hide_live_channels_exception', 'video_quality_in_music_quality': 'video_quality_for_music', 'volume_normalization': 'volume_loudness_normalization', 'button_no_labels_opacity': 'details_buttons_opacity', 'details_button_no_labels_opacity': 'details_buttons_opacity', 'button-no-labels': 'details_buttons_label_hide', 'details_button_no_labels': 'details_buttons_label_hide', 'volume-wheel': 'video-volume', 'rate-wheel': 'video-rate', 'video-stop-preload': 'video-autostop', 'stop_preload_ignore_playlist': 'video_autostop_ignore_playlist', 'stop_preload_ignore_live': 'video_autostop_ignore_live', 'stop_preload_embed': 'video_autostop_embed', 'disable-video-cards': 'pages-clear', 'volume_level_default': 'volume_default', 'thumb_filter_title_blocklist': 'thumbs_filter_title_blocklist', 'search_filter_channel_blocklist': 'search_filter_channels_blocklist', 'streamed_disable': 'thumbs_hide_streamed', 'watched_disable': 'thumbs_hide_watched', 'watched_disable_percent_complete': 'thumbs_hide_watched_percent_complete', 'sidebar-channel-links-patch': 'sidebar-thumbs-channel-link-patch', 'move-in-sidebar': 'move-to-sidebar', 'move_in_sidebar_target': 'move_to_sidebar_target', 'skip_into_step': 'skip_into_sec', 'miniplayer-disable': 'default-miniplayer-disable', 'thumbnails_title_normalize_show_full': 'thumbs_title_show_full', 'thumbnails_title_normalize_smart_max_words': 'thumbs_title_normalize_smart_max_words', 'thumbnails_title_clear_emoji': 'thumbs_title_clear_emoji', 'thumbnails_title_clear_symbols': 'thumbs_title_clear_symbols', 'thumbnails-clear': 'thumbs-clear', 'thumbnails_clear_preview_timestamp': 'thumbs_clear_preview_timestamp', 'thumbnails_clear_overlay': 'thumbs_clear_overlay', 'thumbnails-grid-count': 'thumbs-grid-count', 'thumbnails_grid_count': 'thumbs_grid_count', 'thumbnails-watched': 'thumbs-watched', 'thumbnails_watched_frame_color': 'thumbs_watched_frame_color', 'thumbnails_watched_title': 'thumbs_watched_title', 'thumbnails_watched_title_color': 'thumbs_watched_title_color', 'details-buttons': 'details-buttons-visibility', 'comments_sort_words_blocklist': 'comments_sort_blocklist', 'thumbnails-title-normalize': 'thumbs-title-normalize', 'time_remaining_mode': 'time_remaining_format', }); alert('Settings imported!'); location.reload(); } }); GM_registerMenuCommand('Export settings', () => { const d = document.createElement('a'); = 'none'; = 'nova_backup.json'; d.href = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(user_settings)); document.body.append(d);; d.remove(); }); } function renameStorageKeys(key_template_obj = required()) { let needSave; for (const oldKey in user_settings) { if (newKey = key_template_obj[oldKey]) { console.log(oldKey, '=>', newKey); needSave = true; delete Object.assign(user_settings, { [newKey]: user_settings[oldKey] })[oldKey]; } if (needSave) GM_setValue(configStoreName, user_settings); } } function insertSettingButton() { NOVA.waitSelector('#masthead #end') .then(menu => { const titleMsg = 'Nova Settings', a = document.createElement('a'), SETTING_BTN_ID = 'nova_settings_button'; = SETTING_BTN_ID; a.href = configPage; = '_blank'; a.innerHTML = `<yt-icon-button class="style-scope ytd-button-renderer style-default size-default"> <svg viewBox="-4 0 20 16"> <radialGradient id="nova-gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" cx="6" cy="22" r="18.5"> <stop class="nova-gradient-start" offset="0"/> <stop class="nova-gradient-stop" offset="1"/> </radialGradient> <g fill="deepskyblue"> <polygon points="0,16 14,8 0,0"/> </g> </svg> </yt-icon-button>`; 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Send the bug raport to developer?`)) { openBugReport(); } function openBugReport() { '' + '?entry.35504208=' + encodeURIComponent(trace_name) + '&entry.151125768=' + encodeURIComponent(err_stack) + '&entry.744404568=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL) + '&entry.1416921320=' + encodeURIComponent(app_ver + ' | ' + navigator.userAgent + ' [' + window.navigator.language + ']') , '_blank'); } } user_settings.report_issues && window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', err => { if ((err.reason?.stack || err.stack)?.includes('Nova') && !((err.reason?.stack || err.stack)?.includes('movie_player is not defined')) ) { console.error('[ERROR PROMISE]\n', err.reason, '\nPlease report the bug:' + encodeURIComponent(GM_info.script.version + ' | ' + navigator.userAgent)) + '&labels=bug&'; _pluginsCaptureException({ 'trace_name': 'unhandledRejection', 'err_stack': err.reason.stack || err.stack, 'app_ver': GM_info.script.version, 'confirm_msg': `Failure when async-call of one "${}" plugin.\nDetails in the console\n\nOpen tab to report the bug?`, }); } });