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// ==UserScript== // @name ktdl // @namespace tny // @match* // @match* // @match* // @grant GM.getValue // @version 0.0.6 // @author tny // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // Polyfill for unsafeWindow window.unsafeWindow || ( unsafeWindow = (function() { var el = document.createElement('p'); el.setAttribute('onclick', 'return window;'); return el.onclick(); }()) ); unsafeWindow.kWidget.addReadyCallback((id) => { let kp = document.getElementById(id); kp.kBind("mediaReady", () => ready(kp).catch((e) => console.error(e))); }); async function modPlayer(ifp) { if (ifp.getElementById("ktdl-menu")) return; let kp = ifp.querySelector("#kplayer"); let srcs = ifp .querySelector("#kplayer") .getSources() .filter((x) => x.mimeType === "video/mp4") .map((x) => ({ id: x.assetid, size: parseInt(x.sizebytes), src: x.src, res: `${x.width}x${x.height}`, })); let ctr = ifp.createElement("div"); = "ktdl-menu"; ctr.classList.add("dropup", "comp", "pull-right", "display-high"); let desc = ifp.createElement("button"); desc.classList.add("btn"); desc.setAttribute("title", "Download Video"); desc.setAttribute("aria-label", "Download Video"); desc.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"); desc.setAttribute("data-show-tooltip", "true"); desc.setAttribute("tabindex", "2"); desc.innerHTML = `<i class="icon-download"></i>`; ctr.appendChild(desc); let opts = ifp.createElement("ul"); opts.classList.add("dropdown-menu"); opts.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); opts.setAttribute("role", "menu"); opts.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "Download Video"); // Toggle menu on click desc.addEventListener("click", () => { opts.classList.toggle("open"); }); for (const { id: fid, size, src, res } of srcs) { let opt = ifp.createElement("li"); let link = ifp.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("role", "menuitemcheckbox"); link.setAttribute("aria-checked", "false"); link.setAttribute("tabindex", "2.01"); let m = src.match("/p/([0-9]+).*/entryId/([^/]+)"); if (!m || m.length < 3) continue; let [, pid, eid] = m; let scheme = await GM.getValue("scheme", ""); link.href = `${scheme}${pid}/sp/${pid}00/serveFlavor/entryId/${eid}/flavorId/${fid}/fileName/${fid}_${res}.mp4`; link.innerText = `${res} (${(size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)}M)`; opt.appendChild(link); opts.appendChild(opt); } ctr.appendChild(opts); ifp.querySelector(".controlsContainer").appendChild(ctr); } async function ready(outerPlayer) { let ifps = Array.from(outerPlayer.querySelectorAll("iframe#kplayer_ifp")); for (let ifp of ifps) await modPlayer(ifp.contentDocument); }