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// ==UserScript== // @name Bi Enhance // @namespace // @version 2024-05-17 // @description 自动生成select*语句,自动进行时间戳转换,自动再where语句中增加一个时间范围查询组件判断条件 // @author qinzhanqiang // @match* // @icon  // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // select * 按钮 const selectAllBtn = createSelectAllBtn(); // 后续新增其他按钮可以在这里添加 const btnList = [selectAllBtn]; setTimeout( function(){ let beforeEle = document.querySelector("#app > div > div.sidebar-container > div > > div > div.router-view > div > div > div.mtd-tabs-content > div > div > div.control-buttons > div > span > button"); // 遍历按钮 for (const i in btnList){ const curBtn = btnList[i]; if(i === 0){ = 'display: inline-block;color:#fff;background:#0a70f5;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer;outline:0;text-align:center;font-weight:400;user-select:none;position:relative;transition:all.3s;border-radius:4px;min-width:32px;height:32px;font-size:14px;border-style:none;margin-right:10px;'; }else{'color: #0a70f5;border-color: transparent!important;background-color: #0000;font-size: 14px;font-weight: 400;cursor: pointer;'; } beforeEle.parentElement.insertBefore(curBtn,beforeEle); beforeEle=curBtn; } },3000); })(); /** * 代码格式化按钮 * */ const beautify = function(){ const matchingElement = document.querySelector("#app > div > div.sidebar-container > div > > div > div.router-view > div > div > div.mtd-tabs-content > div > div > div.sql-item-main > div.editor-controls > div.editor-control-button-groups > div.format-control.control-item > button"); }; /** * 获取选中的表名称 * */ const getTableName = function(){ return document.getElementsByClassName("table-line show-column")[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].title; }; /** * 获取到代码数据框 * */ const getCodeMirror = function(tag=0){ const cmList = document.getElementsByClassName("CodeMirror cm-s-ms-light CodeMirror-wrap"); if(tag === 0){ return cmList[0].CodeMirror; }else{ return cmList[cmList.length-1].CodeMirror; } }; /** * 获取表所有的行 * */ const getColsName = function(){ const tableCols = []; const table = document.getElementsByClassName("column-list")[0]; const rows = table.rows; for(let i=1; i < rows.length; i++){ const row = rows[i]; const colName = row.cells[0].title;//获取具体单元格 tableCols.push(colName); } return tableCols; }; /** * 创建select*按钮 * */ function createSelectAllBtn(){ let selectAllBtn=document.createElement("button"); selectAllBtn.innerText="select *"; selectAllBtn.className="BiEnhance" selectAllBtn.onclick=function(){ const cm = getCodeMirror(); const tableName = getTableName(); let colsName = getColsName(); let tableColsStr = getTableColsStr(colsName); let createTimeWhere = getCreateTimeWhereStr(colsName); // 拼写最终的sql const finalSql = "select " + tableColsStr + " from " + tableName + " where (1=1) " + createTimeWhere + "order by id desc limit 100"; cm.setValue(finalSql); beautify(); } return selectAllBtn; } /** * 获取表所有的行拼接成字符串,如果发现有"ctime", "utime", "optime", "create_time", "modify_time" 自动加一行转换成正常时间格式 * */ const getTableColsStr = function (tableCols) { let result = ""; for (let i=0;i<tableCols.length;i++){ if (result.length > 0){ result += ", "; } result += "`" + tableCols[i] + "`"; if (tableCols[i].includes("time")){ result += ", FROM_UNIXTIME(`" + tableCols[i] + "`/1000)"; } } return result; } /** * 获取创建时间where条件,如果字符中包含["ctime", "optime", "create_time"]字段自动加上根据这个字段组件查询条件 * */ const getCreateTimeWhereStr= function (tableCols) { let timeList = ["ctime", "optime", "create_time"]; for (let i=0;i<tableCols.length;i++){ if (timeList.includes(tableCols[i])){ return "and ("+ tableCols[i] +" BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP(\"$$begindate 00:00:00\") * 1000 and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(\"$$enddate 23:59:59\") * 1000)"; } } return ""; }