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// ==UserScript== // @name 直播吧助手 // @icon // @namespace // @version 3.0 // @description 直播吧使用助手,包括标题栏比分、新闻模块排序调整等 // @author purezhi // @license MIT // @match https://** // @require // @require // @resource CSS_notyf // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== /* 直播吧使用助手,目前包含特性: 1)在标题栏显示比赛实时比分。 2)新闻模块顺序调整,可以将喜欢球队板块置顶。 3)首页推荐模块顺序调整,可以将喜欢运动板块置顶。 // @license MIT */ var notyf = null; (function () { 'use strict'; const notyfCss = GM_getResourceText("CSS_notyf"); GM_addStyle(notyfCss); GM_addStyle(` .notyf__message { font-size: 14px; } .zb8-hlp-bar { position: absolute; right: 5px; top: 5px; padding: 5px 15px 0 0; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn { height: 26px; line-height: 22px; padding: 0 10px; border-radius: 13px; user-select: none; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; outline: none; cursor: pointer; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #D8D9DB 0%, #fff 80%, #FDFDFD 100%); border: 1px solid #8F9092; box-shadow: 0 4px 3px 1px #FCFCFC, 0 6px 8px #D6D7D9, 0 -4px 4px #CECFD1, 0 -6px 4px #FEFEFE, inset 0 0 3px 0 #CECFD1; transition: all 0.2s ease; font-size: 13px; color: #606060; text-shadow: 0 1px #fff; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn:hover:not([disabled]) { box-shadow: 0 3px 2px 1px #FCFCFC, 0 5px 7px #D6D7D9, 0 -3px 3px #CECFD1, 0 -5px 3px #FEFEFE, inset 0 0 2px 2px #CECFD1; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn:focus:not(:active) { animation: active 0.9s alternate infinite; outline: none; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn:active:not([disabled]) { box-shadow: 0 3px 2px 1px #FCFCFC, 0 5px 7px #D6D7D9, 0 -3px 3px #CECFD1, 0 -5px 3px #FEFEFE, inset 0 0 4px 2px #999, inset 0 0 15px #aaa; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn > * { transition: transform 0.2s ease; } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn:hover:not([disabled]) > * { transform: scale(0.975); } .zb8-hlp-bar .bbtn:active:not([disabled]) > * { transform: scale(0.95); } .zb8-hlp-tool { position: absolute; top: -26px; left: 0; right: 0; text-align: right; padding: 0; background: transparent; opacity: 0.15; } .zb8-hlp-tool a.opt { color: #0082ff; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px !important; margin-left: 5px; } #middle .video { margin-bottom: 25px; } #middle .www_page .video:nth-child(1), #middle .www_page .video:nth-child(2) { margin-top: 30px; } #middle .zb8-hlp-tool { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.7); backdrop-filter: blur(12px); } #middle .zb8-hlp-tool a.opt { font-size: 14px !important; } .vct-main .vct-left .recommend .zb8-hlp-tool { top: 0; right: 10px; } `); notyf = new Notyf({ position: { x: 'center', y: 'top' }, dismissible: true, duration: 2500 }); // 初始化比赛页面标题 initScoreTitle(); // 模块排序 const panelSort = new PanelSort(); panelSort.init(); })(); // 排序类型: home 首页,news 新闻视频 function PanelSort(sortTye) { = ''; this.container = null; this.formContainer = null; this.localStorageSaveKey = ''; // 配置项 const defaultOptions = { formSelector: '', containerSelector: '', moduleSelector: '', headSelector: '', titleSelector: '' }; // 首页排序配置 const homeOptions = { formSelector: '.menu .container', containerSelector: '.vct-main .vct-left .recommend', moduleSelector: '.vct-main .vct-left .recommend .vct-box', headSelector: '._header', titleSelector: '._title' }; // 新闻排序配置 const newsOptions = { formSelector: '.menu', containerSelector: '#middle .m_left', moduleSelector: '.video.v_change', headSelector: '.v_top', titleSelector: '.v_top>a:first-child' }; let _this = this; this.init = function () { // 首页 if (/^https?:\/\/www\.zhibo8\.cc\/?$/.test(location.href)) { = 'www_www'; this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, homeOptions); } else if (/^https?:\/\/www\.zhibo8\.cc\/nba\/?$/.test(location.href)) { // 篮球视频 = 'www_nba'; this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, newsOptions); } else if (/^https?:\/\/www\.zhibo8\.cc\/zuqiu\/?$/.test(location.href)) { // 足球视频 = 'www_zuqiu'; this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, newsOptions); } else if (/^https?:\/\/news\.zhibo8\.cc\/nba\/?$/.test(location.href)) { // 篮球资讯 = 'news_nba'; this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, newsOptions); } else if (/^https?:\/\/news\.zhibo8\.cc\/zuqiu\/?$/.test(location.href)) { // 足球资讯 = 'news_zuqiu'; this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, newsOptions); } if (! { // showError('本页面不适用'); return; } this.container = $(this.options.containerSelector); if ( === 'www_nba' || === 'www_zuqiu') { this.container.addClass('www_page'); } this.localStorageSaveKey = 'sorting_' +; this.formContainer = $(this.options.formSelector); console.error(this.formContainer.find('.zb8-hlp-bar').length); if (this.formContainer.find('.zb8-hlp-bar').length < 1) { this.formContainer.append(` <div class="zb8-hlp-bar"> <button mod-order-save class="bbtn">保存排序</button> <button mod-order-reset class="bbtn">重置排序</button> </div> `); $(document).on('click', '[mod-order-save]', function (event) { _this.saveSort(); }); $(document).on('click', '[mod-order-reset]', function (event) { if (localStorage.getItem(_this.localStorageSaveKey) != null) { localStorage.removeItem(_this.localStorageSaveKey); } location.reload(); }); } this.container.on('click', '[mod-top]', function (event) { let $el = $(this); let $mod = $el.closest(_this.options.moduleSelector); if ($mod.length <= 0 || $mod.prevAll(_this.options.moduleSelector).length <= 0) return; $mod.insertBefore($mod.prevAll(_this.options.moduleSelector).last()); }); this.container.on('click', '[mod-prev]', function (event) { let $el = $(this); let $mod = $el.closest(_this.options.moduleSelector); if ($mod.length <= 0 || $mod.prev(_this.options.moduleSelector).length <= 0) return; $mod.insertBefore($mod.prev(_this.options.moduleSelector)); }); this.container.on('click', '[mod-next]', function (event) { let $el = $(this); let $mod = $el.closest(_this.options.moduleSelector); if ($mod.length <= 0 || $ <= 0) return; $mod.insertAfter($; }); // 排序配置 let sortings = this.loadSort(); const modCount = $(this.options.moduleSelector).length; $(this.options.moduleSelector).each(function (idx, el) { let $head = $(el).find(_this.options.headSelector); if (!$head) { console.error(`module head not found: ${_this.options.headSelector}`); return; } let $titleEl = $(el).find(_this.options.titleSelector); if (!$titleEl) { console.error(`module title not found: ${_this.options.titleSelector}`); return; } // console.error($head); // console.error($titleEl); const title = $titleEl.html() || $titleEl.text(); if (!title) { console.error(`module title is empty: ${_this.options.titleSelector}`); return; } let sort = modCount - idx; if (sortings && sortings[title] != null) { sort = sortings[title]; } $(el).attr('mod-order', sort); $head.css('position', 'relative'); $head.append(` <div mod-sort class="zb8-hlp-tool"> <a class="opt" mod-top href="javascript:;">⬆️ 置顶</a> <a class="opt" mod-prev href="javascript:;">⬅️ 前移</a> <a class="opt" mod-next href="javascript:;">➡️️ 后移</a> </div> `); }); this.doSort(); $('[mod-sort]').on('mouseover', function (event) { $(this).css('opacity', '1'); }) $('[mod-sort]').on('mouseout', function (event) { $(this).css('opacity', '0.15'); }); } // 执行排序 this.doSort = function () { const modArr = [] let max = 0; $(this.options.moduleSelector).each(function (idx, el) { let sort = $(el).attr('mod-order'); if (!sort) { return; } sort = parseInt(sort) modArr[sort] = $(el); if (max < sort) max = parseInt(sort); }); for (let i = 0; i <= max; i++) { if (!modArr[i]) continue; modArr[i].insertBefore(this.options.moduleSelector + ':first-child'); } } // 加载排序配置 this.loadSort = function () { if (localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageSaveKey)) { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageSaveKey)); } return null; } // 保存排序 this.saveSort = function () { const sortings = {}; const modCount = $(this.options.moduleSelector).length; $(this.options.moduleSelector).each(function (idx, el) { let $head = $(el).find(_this.options.headSelector); if (!$head) { console.error(`module head not found: ${_this.options.headSelector}`); return; } let $titleEl = $(el).find(_this.options.titleSelector); if (!$titleEl) { console.error(`module title not found: ${_this.options.headSelector}`); return; } // console.error($head); // console.error($titleEl); const title = $titleEl.html(); if (!title) { console.error(`module title is empty: ${_this.options.headSelector}`); return; } sortings[title] = modCount - idx; }); localStorage.setItem(this.localStorageSaveKey, JSON.stringify(sortings)); console.error(`save ${this.localStorageSaveKey} key with value: ${JSON.stringify(sortings)}`); showSuccess('保存成功'); } } // 初始化比赛页面标题 function initScoreTitle() { if (!/https?:\/\/(www\.)?zhibo8\.cc\/zhibo\/nba\/([^\.]+?)\.htm/.test(location.href)) return; var ttlIntrvl = setInterval(function () { showScoreTitle(); }, 3000); showScoreTitle(); } // 解析比赛比分 function showScoreTitle() { const vtm = document.querySelectorAll('.bf_table .visit_team_name a'); if (vtm.length < 1) { console.warn("no visit team"); return; } const vsc = document.querySelectorAll('.bf_top .bf_box.tmtop .time_score .visit_score'); if (vtm.length < 1) { console.warn("no visit score"); return; } const htm = document.querySelectorAll('.bf_table .home_team_name a'); if (vtm.length < 1) { console.warn("no host team"); return; } const hsc = document.querySelectorAll('.bf_top .bf_box.tmtop .time_score .host_score'); if (vtm.length < 1) { console.warn("no host score"); return; } document.title = `${vtm[0].innerText} ${vsc[0].innerText} ➲ ${htm[0].innerText} ${hsc[0].innerText}`; } /* 辅助函数 */ function showError(msg) { showMsg(msg, 'error') } function showSuccess(msg) { showMsg(msg, 'success') } function showMsg(msg, typ) { if (notyf){ type: typ ? typ : 'info', message: msg }); else alert(msg); }