ptrharmonic / Datacamp Select Next Underscore


Version: 1.2+82ace6a updated

Copyright: 2023, ptrharmonic (

License: MIT

DataCamp Select Next Underscore

A lot of DataCamp assignments are "fill in the blank" where the blank is a set of four underscores, "____". Navigating, deleting, and entering in the correct value requires a lot of context switching with the hands, either to the arrow keys or mouse, and it should be unnecessary because the computer already knows what you have to enter next.

Once you are on a page with an editor, you can type CTRL+U and your cursor will automatically select the next four underscores. Type what it should be to replace it, then CTRL+U again to select the next. CTRL+SHIFT+U will go back to the previous set of underscores from your cursor.

This does have to use unsafeWindow in order to access the React and Monaco objects, sorry about that. The script is pretty short though so you can vet and see I'm not doing anything dangerous. But of course, this is random code on the internet provided without warranty, etc.

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