psychoticmeow / Something Awful Auspol Idiot Removal

// ==UserScript==
// @name			Something Awful Auspol Idiot Removal
// @namespace		SA
// @description		Replace the posts of idiots posting in the auspol threads with a random picture of a shitty LNP member.
// @version			1.0.0
// @grant			none
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

"use strict";

var Images = [
	// Bronwyn:

	// Christopher:

	// Clive:

	// Joe

	// John

	// Julie:

	// Tony:

var Users = [

if (0 <= document.title.indexOf('Auspol')) {
	var posts = document.querySelectorAll(''),
		quotes = document.querySelectorAll(' blockquote');

	// Find posts written by idiots:
	for (var index in posts) {
		var post = posts[index];

		if (!(post instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;

		var author = post.querySelector('td.userinfo'),
			imageId = Images[index % Images.length],
			image = document.createElement('img');

		image.setAttribute('src', '' + imageId + 'l.jpg');

		// Found a post written by an idiot:
		if (0 <= Users.indexOf(author.textContent)) {
			var postbody = post.querySelector('td.postbody');

			// Remove all content from the post:
			while (postbody.firstChild) {

			// Insert the image:

	// Find quotes of idiots:
	for (var index in quotes) {
		var quote = quotes[index];

		if (!(quote instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;

		var author = quote.parentNode.querySelector('h4 a.quote_link');

		if (!(author instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;

		var imageId = Images[index % Images.length],
			image = document.createElement('img');

		image.setAttribute('src', '' + imageId + 'l.jpg');

		if (0 <= Users.indexOf(author.textContent.replace(/ posted:/, ''))) {
			// Remove all content from the post:
			while (quote.firstChild) {

			// Insert the image: