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// ==UserScript== // @name Github :: issue history // @description Shows the history of an issue (i.e. closed/reopened/etc.) // @namespace // @icon // @author pravic // @version 0.8.2 // @license MIT // @match*/*/issues/* // @match*/*/pull/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author pravic // ==/OpenUserJS== (function () { 'use strict'; // The issue header with "$name opened this issue $age days ago", // here we're going to insert some more information. // `#partial-discussion-header > .gh-header-meta > div[2] >` let header = document.querySelector('#partial-discussion-header > .gh-header-meta').parentElement; // Some useful addition: let's count how many comments between particular events. let comments = 0; let changes = 0; // Let's iterate over the closed/reopened events. // `.js-discussion` - the root timeline board // `.js-discussion > .TimelineItem` - the main ticket description // `.js-discussion > .js-timeline-item > .TimelineItem` - pull request comments or ticket events // `.js-discussion > div > .js-timeline-item > .TimelineItem` - issue comments or ticket events // // example tickets: // * // * // * let root = document.querySelector('.js-discussion'); let timeline_events = root.querySelectorAll('.js-discussion .js-timeline-item > .TimelineItem'); timeline_events.forEach(function (latest) { let is_comment = latest.classList.contains("js-comment-container"); if (is_comment) { comments += 1; } else { let body = latest.querySelector('.TimelineItem-body'); let text = body.innerText; var closed = 'closed'; if (text.includes("closed this")) { closed = "closed"; } else if (text.includes("reopened this")) { closed = "reopened"; } else if (text.includes("merged commit")) { closed = "merged"; } else { return; } let author = body.querySelector('.author').outerHTML; let when = body.querySelector('relative-time').parentElement.outerHTML; let after = ""; if (comments > 0) { after = ` after ${comments} comments`; } let info = `<br/> ${author} ${closed} this issue ${when}${after}.`; header.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', info); comments = 0; changes += 1; } }); // And count some remaining (post-mortem) comments. if (changes > 0 && comments > 0) { let remain = `<br/> and yet ${comments} comments more.`; header.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', remain); } })();