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// ==UserScript== // @name Douban Follow // @namespace // @version 0.2.6 // @description 豆瓣首页(非个人首页)我的关注下会出现一个新的链接“未关注我的人”,点击即可加载。温馨提醒:一天不要使用超过1次 // @author Bruce // @match *:// // @require // @require // @grant none // @connect // @license MIT // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (() => { 'use strict'; const link = $("#friend>p").append("<br/><a href='javascript:void(0)'>> 未关注我的人</a><br/>"); let isLoading = false; let loading = null; => { /* const getUserId = callback => { let userId = window.crt_uid; if (typeof userId != 'undefined' && userId) { callback(userId); } else { axios.get('/mine/') .then(resp => callback(resp.request.responseURL.match(/\/people\/(.+?)\//)[1])) .catch(resp => showError(resp)); } }; getUserId(userId => console.log(userId)); return; */ if (isLoading) { return; } else { isLoading = true; loading && loading.remove(); loading = $('<p><span>正在载入</span></p>').insertAfter(link); } const numFollowers = $("#friend a[href]:contains('被'):contains('人关注')").text().replace(/[^0-9]/g,""); const pagesFollowers = Math.ceil(numFollowers/20); const numFollowings = $("#friend :contains('我的关注') a[href]:contains('成员')").text().replace(/[^0-9]/g,""); const pagesFollowings = Math.ceil(numFollowings/20); const followers = [], followings = []; const getProgressPercentage = () => Math.floor(Number(Number(followers.length) + Number(followings.length)) * 100 / Number(Number(numFollowers) + Number(numFollowings))); const getNoneFollowers = () => followings.filter(function(following){return !followers.some(function(follower){return ==;}); }); //progress event handler const progressevent = (onprogress, onsuccess) => { if (followers.length >= numFollowers && followings.length >= numFollowings) { onsuccess(getNoneFollowers()); } else { onprogress(getProgressPercentage()); } }; const showProgress = progress => { loading.html("<p><span>正在载入 " + progress + '%</span></p>'); }; const showResult = result => { loading.html(""); result.forEach(function(item){ loading.append($("<span>"+item.html.get(0).outerHTML+"</span>")); }); loading.append("<br/>"); }; const showError = error => { console.log(error); $('<p><span>载入失败</span></p>').insertAfter(loading); }; const sendRequest = (url, success, error) => axios.get(url).then(resp=>success(>error(resp)); const contacts = {followers: {pages: pagesFollowers, pageSize: 20, urlPrefix: '', elSel: 'ul.user-list>li'}, followings: {pages: pagesFollowings, pageSize: 20, urlPrefix: '', elSel: 'ul.user-list>li'}}; for (let key in contacts) { for (let i = 0; i < contacts[key].pages; i++) { setTimeout(() => axios.get(contacts[key].urlPrefix + i * contacts[key].pageSize).then(resp => { Array.prototype.push.apply(key == 'followers' ? followers : followings,$([key].elSel), item => ({id: $(item).attr("id"), html: $(item).find("a[title]")}))); progressevent(progress => { showProgress(progress); }, result => { showResult(result); isLoading = false; }); }).catch(error => { //TODO clearTimeOut for all jobs when one failed showError(error); }), i*500); } } }); })();