ponsheng / Duolingo Hide Completed Skills


Version: 1.3+b8470e3 updated

Summary: A Duolingo userscripts that toggle hide/show completed skills

License: GPL-3.0-or-later; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt

Hide Doulingo Completed Skills

NOTE: Duolingo change the default layout. To use the legacy one, refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CImaob5uUmg. This script now only applies to https://preview.duolingo.com/learn

As a Duolingo learner liker me, are you tired of scrolling down to the next lesson?

This script supports hiding completed skills with a single button "HCS" ("Hide Completed Skills"), and toggle back.

  • NOTE: This script is only tested in Spanish course and I will update if the doulingo page layout changes.

Please feel free to create issue (https://github.com/ponsheng/UserScripts) or contact a7061120@gmail.com if you find any problem.

Lets have a great time learning languages.


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