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// ==UserScript== // @name Hacker Experience Log Helper // @namespace // @version 0.4 // @description Adds a log database to help manage logs and some other little stuff // @author sakuzyo // @match *://* // @require // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== // ############### Log DB page stuffs if ('logdb') > 0) { $('#sidebar ul').attr('class',''); $('#sidebar ul').append('<li class="active"><a href="log?logdb"><i class="fa fa-inverse"></i> <span>Log Database</span></a></li>'); modLogDBPage(); } else { $('#sidebar ul').append('<li><a href="log?logdb"><i class="fa fa-inverse"></i> <span>Log Database</span></a></li>'); } function modLogDBPage(){ document.title = 'Log Database'; $('.nav.nav-tabs:first').html('<li class="link active" id="tablocal"><a href="#" id="locallog"><span class="icon-tab he16-internet_log"></span>Local Logs</a></li>'); $('.nav.nav-tabs:first').append('<li class="link" id="tabweb"><a href="#" id="weblog"><span class="icon-tab he16-internet_log"></span>Internet Logs</a></li>'); $('.label.label-info').remove(); $('#link0').attr('href','log?logdb'); $('#link0').html('LogDB'); $('#content-header h1').html('Log Database'); setupLogDbPage('local', 'Local'); loadLocalLogs(); } function setupLogDbPage(dbtype, dbname){ $('.widget-content').html('<div class="span12"><div class="span4"><div class="widget-box text-left">' + '<div class="widget-title"><span class="icon"><span class="he16-collect_info"></span></span><h5>Select ' + dbname + ' Log</h5></div>' + '<div class="widget-content ' + dbtype + 'logdb">' + '<div id="logdblist"></div>' + '</div></div></div>'+ '<div class="span8"><div class="widget-box text-left">' + '<div class="widget-title"><span class="icon"><span class="he16-collect_info"></span></span><h5>Log Data</h5></div>' + '<div class="widget-content">' + '<textarea name="log" class="logarea" id="logdatatext" rows="15" spellcheck="FALSE" style="width: 98%;height: 350px;resize: vertical;"></textarea>'+ '</div></div>' ); } $('#tablocal').click(function(){ $('#tablocal').attr('class','link active'); $('#tabweb').attr('class','link'); setupLogDbPage('local', 'Local'); loadLocalLogs(); }); $('#tabweb').click(function(){ $('#tabweb').attr('class','link active'); $('#tablocal').attr('class','link'); setupLogDbPage('web', 'Internet'); loadWebLogs(); }); // ############### Error/Success Message function logsuccess(message){ if (typeof(message)==='undefined' || typeof(message)==='object') message = ''; if($('.alert').length !== 0) { $('.alert').remove(); } $('.widget-box:first').before('<div class="alert alert-success"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">x</button><strong>Success!</strong> '+ message +' </div>'); } function logerror(message){ if (typeof(message)==='undefined' || typeof(message)==='object') message = ''; if($('.alert').length !== 0) { $('.alert').remove(); } $('.widget-box:first').before('<div class="alert alert-error"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">x</button><strong>Error!</strong> '+ message +' </div>'); } if ($('#link0[href=log]').length) { $('form.log input.btn').before('<input class="btn btn-inverse" id="backuplocallog" type="button" value="Backup" style="width: 80px;" title="Save Log to Database">'); $('#backuplocallog').after('<span> </span><input class="btn btn-inverse" id="clearlocallog" type="button" value="Clear" style="width: 80px;"><span> </span>'); } else if ($('').length) { $('form.log input.btn').before('<input class="btn btn-inverse" id="backupweblog" type="button" value="Backup" style="width: 80px;" title="Save Log to Database">'); $('#backupweblog').after('<span> </span><input class="btn btn-inverse" id="hidemeweb" type="button" value="Hide Me" style="width: 80px;" title="Clear only lines with your IP"><span> </span>'); } // ############### Local Log DB Function Stuff $('#backuplocallog').click(function(){ if ($('form.log').length) { var bckup = backupLocalLog(); if(bckup === 0){ logerror('Already saved.'); } else { logsuccess('Log saved to database.'); } } else { console.log('No log found'); } }); $('#clearlocallog').click(function(){ if ($('form.log').length) { $('form.log').find('.logarea').val(''); $('form.log').submit(); } else { console.log('No log found'); } }); function backupLocalLog() { var logArea = $('form.log').find('.logarea'); var logText = logArea.val(); var user = $('a[href=profile] span').text(); var bckText = GM_getValue('localhost.' + user); if (typeof(bckText)==='undefined' || typeof(bckText)==='object') bckText = ''; var newBckText = logText + bckText; var newLogArray = newBckText.split('\n'); newLogArray = newLogArray.filter(function(value, index, self){ return self.indexOf(value) === index; }); newBckText = newLogArray.join('\n'); if(newBckText !== bckText){ GM_setValue('localhost.' + user, newBckText); return 1; } else { logerror('This log is already saved.'); return 0; } } function loadLocalLogs(){ var localList = GM_listValues(); for (var i = 0; i < localList.length; i++) { var elem = localList[i]; if (elem.indexOf('localhost') >= 0){ elem = elem.split('.')[1]; $('#logdblist').append('<div id="'+ elem +'"><a href="#" id="loadlocal" name="' + elem + '">localhost ('+ elem +')</a> '+ '<a href="#" id="clearlocal" name="'+ elem +'">[clear]</a> '+ '<a href="#" id="deletelocal" name="'+ elem +'">[delete]</a>'+ '</br></div>' ); } } $('a[id=loadlocal]').click(function(){ var user = $(this).attr('name'); var logText = GM_getValue('localhost.' + user); $('#logdatatext').val(logText); }); $('a[id=clearlocal]').click(function(){ var user = $(this).attr('name'); GM_setValue('localhost.' + user,''); $('#logdatatext').val(''); if(GM_getValue('localhost.' + user) === '') { logsuccess('Backup successfully cleared.'); } }); $('a[id=deletelocal]').click(function(){ var user = $(this).attr('name'); GM_deleteValue('localhost.' + user); $('div[id="'+ user +'"]').remove(); $('#logdatatext').val(''); }); } // ############### Internet Log DB Function Stuff $('#hidemeweb').click(function() { if ($('form.log').length) { var logLines = $('form.log').find('.logarea').val().split('\n'); var newLines = []; $.each(logLines, function(i, el) { if (el.indexOf($('.header-ip-show').text()) === -1) newLines.push(el); }); $('form.log').find('.logarea').val(newLines.join('\n')); $('form.log').submit(); } else { console.log('No log found'); } }); function loadWebLogs(){ var ipList = GM_listValues(); for (var i = 0; i < ipList.length; i++) { var elem = ipList[i]; if (elem.indexOf('localhost') == -1){ $('#logdblist').append('<div id="'+ elem +'"><a href="#" id="loadweblog" name="' + elem + '">'+ elem +'</a> '+ '<a href="#" id="clearweblog" name="'+ elem +'">[clear]</a> '+ '<a href="#" id="deleteweblog" name="'+ elem +'">[delete]</a> '+ '<a href="internet?ip='+ elem +'">[open]</a>'+ '</br></div>' ); } } $('a[id=loadweblog]').click(function(){ var logIP = $(this).attr('name'); $('#logdatatext').val(GM_getValue(logIP)); }); $('a[id=clearweblog]').click(function(){ var logIP = $(this).attr('name'); GM_setValue(logIP,''); if(GM_getValue(logIP) === '') { $('#logdatatext').val(''); logsuccess('Backup successfully cleared.'); } }); $('a[id=deleteweblog]').click(function(){ var logIP = $(this).attr('name'); GM_deleteValue(logIP); $('div[id="'+ logIP +'"]').remove(); $('#logdatatext').val(''); }); } function backupWebLog() { var logArea = $('form.log').find('.logarea'); var logText = logArea.val(); var bckIP = $('#link1').text().slice(1); var bckText = GM_getValue(bckIP); if (typeof(bckText)==='undefined' || typeof(bckText)==='object') bckText = ''; var newBckText = logText + bckText; var newLogArray = newBckText.split('\n'); newLogArray = newLogArray.filter(function(value, index, self){ return self.indexOf(value) === index; }); newBckText = newLogArray.join('\n'); if(newBckText !== bckText){ GM_setValue(bckIP, newBckText); return 1; } else { logerror('This log is already saved.'); return 0; } } $('#backupweblog').click(function(){ if ($('form.log').length) { var bckup = backupWebLog(); if(bckup === 0){ logerror('Already saved.'); } else { logsuccess('Log saved to database.'); } } else { console.log('No log found'); } }); // ############### Bitcoin stuffs if ($('#link1').text() == '') { var btcobserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) { doBtcStuff(); }); }); var target = document.getElementById('modal'); btcobserver.observe(target, { attributes : true, childList: true, attributeFilter : ['style'] }); } function doBtcStuff() { if ($('.modal-header h3').text().match('Buy')) { $('#btc-submit').before('<input id="btc-submit-max" class="btn btn-info" value="Buy Max. BTC" style="width: 95px" title="Buys maximum BTC with all money from all accounts!">'); var maxmoney = $('span[title="Finances"]').text().replace(/[$,]/g, ''); var curbtcp = $(document).text().match(/1 BTC = \$([0-9]{1,})/)[1]; var maxbtc = maxmoney/curbtcp | 0; $('#btc-submit-max').click(function(){ $('#btc-amount').val(maxbtc + '.0 BTC'); document.getElementById('btc-submit').click(); }); $('input[name="btc-amount"]').keyup(function() { var inp = $('input[name="btc-amount"]').val().replace(/(.BTC)/,'').replace(/[,]/g,''); var newval = Math.round(inp*curbtcp).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); $('#btc-total').text(newval); }); var btcaccobserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.some(function(mutationRecord) { var elem =[1].firstChild.firstElementChild; if (elem.className == 'select2-chosen') { $('.select2-chosen').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function() { var curbtcp = $(document).text().match(/1 BTC = \$([0-9]{1,})/)[1]; var maxmon = $('.select2-chosen').text().match(/\(\$(.*)\)/) if(maxmon !== null){ var maxmon = maxmon[1].replace(/[,]/g,''); var maxbtc = maxmon/curbtcp | 0; $('#btc-amount').val(maxbtc + '.0 BTC'); } }); return true; } return false; }); }); var target = document.getElementById('desc-money'); btcaccobserver.observe(target, { attributes : true, childList: true }); } if ($('.modal-header h3').text().match('Sell')) { $('input[name="btc-amount"]').keyup(function() { var inp = $('input[name="btc-amount"]').val().replace(/(.BTC)/,'').replace(/[,]/g,''); var curbtcp = $(document).text().match(/1 BTC = \$([0-9]{1,4})/)[1]; var newval = Math.ceil(curbtcp*inp).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); $('#btc-total').text(newval); }); } }