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// ==UserScript== // @license MIT // @name Empornium Download Warned Link // @namespace plinkl // @description Adds a Download link for Warned/Marked for deletion torrents // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @version 1.1.0 // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== function init () { var download = window.jQuery('span.torrent_buttons').eq(1); var dl_re = new RegExp('DOWNLOAD TORRENT'); if (download.text().match(dl_re) === null) { var id_re = new RegExp('id=(\\d+)'); var id = download.html().match(id_re) [1]; var keys = findKeysB(download) if (keys !== false) { download = download.html('\n <a href="torrents.php?action=download&id=' + id + '&authkey=' + keys[0] + '&torrent_pass=' + keys[1] + '" class="button redButton" title="Download">DOWNLOAD WARNED TORRENT</a>' + download.html()) } } } function findKeysB(links) { var auth_re = new RegExp(/authkey=([\da-f]*)/); var pass_re = new RegExp(/torrent_pass=([\da-f]*)/); var authkey = ''; var passkey = ''; if (links.html().match(auth_re)) { authkey = links.html().match(auth_re)[1]; } if (links.html().match(pass_re)) { passkey = links.html().match(pass_re)[1]; } if (authkey !== '' && passkey != '') { return [authkey, passkey]; } return false; } setTimeout(function() { init(); }, 250);