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// ==UserScript== // @name Bot finder - 2 // @namespace // @version 1.1 // @description Script to find bot in leagues // @include http://** // @copyright 2014+, PlayerX // ==/UserScript== console.debug("loaded botfinderv.2"); $(".thread_content").html(""); $(".thread_content").append("<div>Finding bots in lower divisions (5, 6 and 7) takes more time, so please be patient.</div><div><br></div>" + "<div>" + "<select id='divisionid'>" + "<option value='1'>Division 1</option>" + "<option value='2'>Division 2</option>" + "<option value='3'>Division 3</option>" + "<option value='4'>Division 4</option>" + "<option value='5'>Division 5</option>" + "<option value='6'>Division 6</option>" + "<option value='7'>Division 7</option>" + "</select>" + "<button id='findbots'>Find Bots</button>" + "<div class='loader' style='display: none;text-align:center;' align='center'><img src='/images/ajax-loader.gif'></div>" + "<br>" + "<div id='botinfo' style='font-size:18px;color:red;'></div>" + "</div>"); var divisions = ["I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII"]; var division; var totalLeagues; function startBotSearch() { $('#findbots').attr('disabled','disabled'); var currentLeague = 1; $("div#botinfo").html(""); division = $("#divisionid").val(); totalLeagues = Math.pow(4,division-1); console.debug($("#divisionid").val()); findBots(currentLeague); } function findBots(currentLeague) { console.debug("inside findBots"); $(".loader").show(); var url = "" ; var currentLeagueName = divisions[division-1] + "-" + currentLeague; var leagueUrl = url + currentLeagueName; console.debug("before request"); $.ajax({ url: leagueUrl, cache: false, beforeSend: function( xhr ) { $(".loader").show(); } }) .done(function( html ) { console.debug(currentLeagueName + ":" + $(html).find("a.bot_team_name").size()); var count = $(html).find("a.bot_team_name").size(); var disp = "<a href='" + leagueUrl + "'>Go to " + currentLeagueName + "</a>" + ": " + count + " bot(s)"; if(count > 0) { var ele = "<div>" + disp + "</div>"; $("div#botinfo").append(ele); } currentLeague++; if(currentLeague > totalLeagues) { $(".loader").hide(); $('#findbots').removeAttr('disabled'); return; } else { findBots(currentLeague); } }); } $("#findbots").click(function(event){ startBotSearch(); } );