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// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube OCD Sugoi Ratio // @namespace // @version 1.1 // @description Know in advance how much videos are appreciated! The result of each video is the ratio between its likes and unlikes (Update: fixed bugs. If a video can't be analyzed, you will find "1/1" instead of the real ratio.) // @author speep95 ( // @match* // @match* // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var rcmain = $('<div class="result-container result-main"><div class="ocd-spinner"></div></div>')[0]; var rcmainnew = $('<div class="result-container result-main-new"><div class="ocd-spinner"></div></div>')[0]; var rclat = $('<div class="result-container result-lat"><div class="ocd-spinner"></div></div>')[0]; var rclatplay = $('<div class="result-container result-lat-play"><div class="ocd-spinner"></div></div>')[0]; var rcchannel = $('<div class="result-container result-channel"><div class="ocd-spinner"></div></div>')[0]; var computer = { luratioCalc : function(a) { a.luratio = a.stats.likes / a.stats.dislikes; if (isNaN(a.luratio)) a.luratio = 1; //check if 0/0 else if (!isFinite(a.luratio)) a.luratio = a.stats.likes; //check if Infinite (3/0) return Math.floor(a.luratio*10)/10; }, luratio : function(videolist) { videolist.forEach(function(a) { a.result = computer.luratioCalc(a); }); return videolist; } }; function getParam(url, par) { if (!url.split('?')[1]) return; var parValue; url.split('?')[1].split('&').forEach(function(el) { if (el.split('=')[0] == par) { parValue = el.split('=')[1]; return;} }); return parValue; } function initVideoList(videos) { videolist = []; $(videos).each(function() { videolist.push( {element: this, url: getParam($(this).find('a')[0].href, 'v'), stats: {views: -1, likes: -1, dislikes: -1, pubDate: new Date(0)}} ); }); return videolist; } function getSetAPI(videolist) { var partlist = videolist.splice(0,40); // get first 40 ids var idlist = { return e.url; }); var url = ''; url += idlist.toString(); console.log('ocd - checking ' + idlist.length + ' elements..'); $.get(url , { key : 'AIzaSyCtO4m53m1gQzxJzJes_KiURc0xoTcwsbg', part : 'snippet,statistics' }, function(res) { partlist = setAPI(res.items, partlist); setRatios(partlist); if (videolist.length) getSetAPI(videolist); }); } function setAPI(res, videolist) { res.forEach(function(item, index) { if (!item.statistics) return console.log(item); videolist[index].stats.views = parseInt(item.statistics.viewCount || -1); videolist[index].stats.likes = parseInt(item.statistics.likeCount || -1); videolist[index].stats.dislikes = parseInt(item.statistics.dislikeCount || -1); videolist[index].stats.pubDate = new Date(item.snippet.publishedAt || new Date()); }); return videolist; } function setRatios(videolist) { videolist = computer.luratio(videolist); videolist.forEach(function(el) { $(el.element).find('.result-container').html(el.result+'/1'); luColor(el); }); } function luColor(el) { var v_ratio = el.result; var v_red = Math.max(0, 255 - Math.floor(v_ratio/1.5)); var v_green = Math.min(255, Math.floor(v_ratio*4)); var v_color= "rgb("+v_red+","+v_green+",30)"; $(el.element).find('.result-container').css('color', v_color); } function addRatiosTo(containersel, videosel, rc) { var container = $(containersel), videos = container.find(videosel).not('.ocd-checked'); if (!videos.length) return; var videolist = initVideoList(videos); var appendtomain = function(el) { $(el.element).addClass('ocd-checked').append(rc.cloneNode(true)); }; var appendtolat = function(el) { $(el.element).addClass('ocd-checked').find('.content-link, ytd-video-meta-block').append(rc.cloneNode(true)); }; var appendtolatplay = function(el) { $(el.element).addClass('ocd-checked').append(rc.cloneNode(true)); }; var appendtochannel = function(el) { $(el.element).addClass('ocd-checked').append(rc.cloneNode(true)); }; var appendtotarget = appendtomain; if ($(rc).hasClass('result-lat')) appendtotarget = appendtolat; else if ($(rc).hasClass('result-lat-play')) appendtotarget = appendtolatplay; else if ($(rc).hasClass('result-channel')) appendtotarget = appendtochannel; videolist.forEach(appendtotarget); getSetAPI(videolist); } function addRatiosToMain(containersel) { var rc = rcmain; var container = $(containersel); if (container.hasClass('ocd-checked')) return; var videolist = [{ element: container, url: getParam(, 'v'), stats: {views: -1, likes: -1, dislikes: -1, pubDate: new Date(0)} }]; var appendtomain = function(el) { $(el.element).addClass('ocd-checked').prepend(rc.cloneNode(true)); }; //old layout if ('#info')) { rc = rcmainnew; appendtomain = function(el) { $(el.element).addClass('ocd-checked').find('#flex').after(rc.cloneNode(true)); }; //new layout } videolist.forEach(appendtomain); getSetAPI(videolist); } function listener() { //triggered when document title is changed, so when another page is loaded. if (document.title.match('ocd-waiting')) return; // OLD LAYOUT // if ($('.section-list').length) addRatiosTo('.section-list', '.yt-lockup', rcmain); // index if ($('#watch-related').length) addRatiosTo('#watch-related', '', rclat); // related if ($('#channels-browse-content-grid').length) addRatiosTo('#channels-browse-content-grid', '.yt-lockup', rcchannel); // channel videos if ($('.yt-uix-shelfslider-list').length) addRatiosTo('.yt-uix-shelfslider-list,#browse-items-primary', '.yt-lockup', rcchannel); // channel homepage if ($('#watch8-sentiment-actions').length) addRatiosToMain('#watch8-sentiment-actions'); // main video // NEW LAYOUT // if ($('ytd-browse:visible').length) addRatiosTo('ytd-browse', 'ytd-grid-video-renderer:visible,ytd-video-renderer:visible', rcmain); // index if ($('#items.ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer:visible').length) addRatiosTo('#items.ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer:visible', 'ytd-compact-video-renderer:visible', rclat); // related if ($('.playlist-items:visible').length) addRatiosTo('.playlist-items:visible', 'ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible', rclatplay); // related playlist if ($('#info:visible').length) addRatiosToMain('#info:visible'); // main video } function resetOCD() { $('.result-container').remove(); $('.ocd-checked').removeClass('ocd-checked'); } !function main() { $('body').append('<style type="text/css"> .result-container {margin-top: 5px; display: inline-block; padding: 2px 3px; background-color: rgb(100,100,100); color: white; font-size:11px; border-radius: 3px;} .ocd-spinner { background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; width:23px; height:13px; background-position-y: -5px; } ' + ' .result-main { } .result-main-new { margin-right: 15px; } .result-lat { display: inline-table; } .result-lat-play { display: inline-table } .result-channel { } </style>'); // style var prevstate = ''; setInterval(function() { var thisstate = history.state; if (prevstate != thisstate) { console.log('changed'); resetOCD(); document.title += ' - ocd-waiting'; console.log('ocd-waiting'); prevstate = thisstate; } if (!document.title.match('ocd-checked')) { document.title = document.title.replace('- ocd-waiting', ''); document.title += ' - ocd-checked'; console.log('ocd-checked'); resetOCD(); } listener(); }, 1000); }();