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// ==UserScript== // @name Rainforest Unified Script // @namespace // @version 0.50 // @description Functional RF UI // @author Paul Sweeney Jr., Alexis Ramirez S. and PedroSalvarezo // @match* // @require // @license MIT // @updateURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { // **************** CONFIGURE THE LOCATION AND SIZE OF THE INTERFASE: ****************// var sideColumn = true; // set to false for instruction at TOP (yes/no on bottom) var colSize = { instruction: "25%", terminal: "75%" }; // for sideColumn in percent (20% + 80% = 100%) var location = { instruction: "right", terminal: "left" }; // set location (left/right) var font = { family: "verdana", size: "20px" }; // your preferred font and size // *************** CONFIGURE THE FONT COLOR OF THE CLOCK: ***************// // **************** DEFAULT COLOR: BLACK ****************// // * change this value to true if you want the clock fonts to be white: // var font_white = false; //*************************************************************************// window.toggleUIState = false; var divForButtons = document.createElement('div'); = "fixed"; = 1000000; = 0; = 0; var uiButton = document.createElement('button'); uiButton.innerHTML = "UI"; var stepsNumberSpan = document.createElement('span'); = "lastStep"; = "#175617"; = "white"; divForButtons.appendChild(stepsNumberSpan); divForButtons.appendChild(uiButton); function updateUI(t) { var job = document.querySelector('div[class*="assignment_job"]'); var vm = document.querySelector('div[class*="terminal_mainWrapper"]'); var instruction = document.querySelector('div[class*="instructions_instructionsWrapper"]'); var steps = document.querySelector('div[class*="steps_steps"]'); if (sideColumn) { = t ? location.instruction : ""; = t ? colSize.instruction : ""; = t ? location.terminal : ""; = t ? colSize.terminal : ""; = t? "notflex" : ""; } = t? "notflex" : ""; var stepNumbers = document.querySelectorAll('div[class*="steps_stepHolder"] > div'); var lastNumber = stepNumbers[stepNumbers.length - 1].innerHTML; document.querySelector('#lastStep').innerHTML = "Last Step: " + lastNumber; } function switchUI(e) { window.toggleUIState = !window.toggleUIState; updateUI(window.toggleUIState); toolBar = document.querySelector("div.terminal_toolbar_3Z6dn"); var screenshotalive = document.querySelector('button[class*="Ssbtn"]'); if (toolBar && !screenshotalive) { StartScript() }; } // Startup default layout after 2 seconds setTimeout(function() { window.toggleUIState = !window.toggleUIState; updateUI(window.toggleUIState); document.body.appendChild(divForButtons); }, 2000); uiButton.onclick = switchUI; document.body.appendChild(divForButtons); var style = document.createElement('style'); // to break-word for url copy style.innerHTML = ` div[class*='instructions_main']{ word-wrap: break-word; } span[class*='clickToCopy_holder']{ word-wrap: break-word; width:100% font-family: ${}; font-size: ${font.size}; } div[class*="instructions_instructionsWrapper"]#notflex { display:block; font-family: ${}; font-size: ${font.size}; } div[class*="steps_steps"]#notflex { display:block; padding-left: 0px; } div[class*="ReactModal__Content ReactModal__Content--after-open"] { resize: both; overflow: auto; } .dots { position: absolute; background: yellow; width: 10px; height: 10px; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .overlay { margin: 0px; width: 0%; height: 100%; position: absolute; z-index: 2000000; right: 0; top: 0; overflow-x: hidden; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } .Cbtn { position: absolute; top: 0.5%; left: 0.5%; font-family: ${}; font-size: ${font.size}; } .misc_textarea_1yrFf { resize: both; overflow: auto; } /* The grid: Four equal columns that floats next to each other */ .column { display: inline-block; width: 8%; height: 8%; padding: 0px; } /* Style the images inside the grid */ .column img { width: 100%; opacity: 0.8; cursor: pointer; } .column img:hover { opacity: 1; } /* Clear floats after the columns */ .row:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } /* The expanding image container (positioning is needed to position the close button and the text) */ .container { width: 100%; float: ${location.terminal}; position: relative; } /* Expanding image text */ #imgtext { position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 20px; width: 100%; color: black; font-size: 20px; } /* Closable button inside the image */ .closebtn { position: absolute; top: 10px; ${location.instruction}: 10%; color: white; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; } .Ssbtn { position: absolute; top: 10px; ${location.instruction}: 13%; color: white; font-size: 14px; cursor: pointer; } .Soverlay { margin: 0px; width: 0%; height: 100%; position: absolute; z-index: 2000000; right: 0; top: 0; overflow-x: hidden; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } `; document.body.insertBefore(style, document.body.firstChild); //Draggable Report function dragElement(elmnt) { var pos1 = null, pos2 = null, pos3 = null, pos4 = null; if (document.querySelector('div[class*="reportModal_title_2EiTk"]')) { document.querySelector('div[class*="reportModal_title_2EiTk"]').onmousedown = dragMouseDown; = 'auto'; = 'auto'; } else { document.querySelector('small[class*="inlineScreenshot_hint_9kYtM"]').onmousedown = dragMouseDown; = 'initial'; = 'auto'; } function dragMouseDown(e) { e = e || window.event; // get the mouse cursor position at startup: pos3 = e.clientX; pos4 = e.screenY; document.onmouseup = closeDragElement; // call a function whenever the cursor moves: document.onmousemove = elementDrag; } function elementDrag(e) { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); // calculate the new cursor position: pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX; pos2 = pos4 - e.screenY; pos3 = e.clientX; pos4 = e.screenY; // set the element's new position: if (document.querySelector('div[class*="reportModal_title_2EiTk"]')) { = (elmnt.offsetTop + pos4 + 300)/2 + "px"; = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px"; } else if (document.querySelector('small[class*="inlineScreenshot_hint_9kYtM"]')) { = (elmnt.offsetTop + pos4 - 100)/2 + "px"; = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px"; } } function closeDragElement() { document.onmouseup = null; document.onmousemove = null; } } // Clock and CLick history var minG = 0; var segG = 0; var minL = 0; var segL = 0; var clickCount = 0; var counterM = 0 var tim; var tbox; var wObserver; var stpwrapper; var chronoG; var chronoL; var clickCounter; var clickOverlay; var closeBtn; var dots; var page; var instxt; var previnst = ''; var toolBar; var spacer function updateChrono(){ addStuff() if(minG == 80) = "red"; segG++; segL++; if(segG == 60){ minG++; segG = 0; } if(segL == 60){ minL++; segL = 0; } // Pop-ups and Overlays selection and modifications if(document.querySelector('div[class*="ReactModal__Content ReactModal__Content--after-open"]')){ var elment = document.querySelector('div[class*="ReactModal__Content ReactModal__Content--after-open"]') var overlay = document.querySelector('div[class*="ReactModal__Overlay ReactModal__Overlay--after-open"]') = "rgb(100 100 100 / 0%)" = "thick solid #3b3b3b" if(document.querySelector('div[class*="reportModal_title_2EiTk"]')){ var title = document.querySelector('div[class*="reportModal_title_2EiTk"]') = "#199ad9" } if(document.querySelector('small[class*="inlineScreenshot_hint_9kYtM"]')){ var title2 = document.querySelector('small[class*="inlineScreenshot_hint_9kYtM"]') = "#199ad9" } if ( == "10%") { = "35%"; } dragElement(elment) } chronoG.textContent = ' Test: ' + String(minG).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segG).padStart(2,'0'); chronoL.textContent = ' Step: ' + String(minL).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segL).padStart(2,'0'); clickCounter.textContent = '🖱️: ' + clickCount; } function wrapperobs(){ instxt = stpwrapper.querySelector('#currentStep'); if(instxt){ if(instxt.textContent != previnst){ previnst = instxt.textContent; minL = 0; segL = 0; while (clickCount>0) { dots = document.querySelector('div[class*="dots"]'); dots.remove(); clickCount = clickCount - 1; } } } else chronoG.textContent = "didn't find the currrent step."; } var openOverlay = function(){ = "100%"; }; var closeOverlay = function(){ = "0%"; }; function printMousePos(e) { var topLoc = e.pageY - 5; var leftLoc = e.pageX - 5; clickCount += 1; var point = document.createElement('div'); point.textContent = clickCount; = topLoc + 'px'; = leftLoc + 'px'; point.classList.add("dots"); clickOverlay.appendChild(point); } var audio = new Audio(''); var timerCDiv = document.createElement('div'); var timerC = document.createElement('spam'); = "center"; = "absolute"; "1999999"; if(font_white) = "white"; = '23%'; var minCD = 4 var segCD = 0 var din function myStopFunction() { clearInterval(din); segCD = 0 minCD = 4 timerC.textContent = ' ' + String(minCD).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segCD).padStart(2,'0'); playBtn.disabled = false; } function myStartFunction() { din = setInterval(updateCountDown, 1000); playBtn.disabled = true; } function updateCountDown(){ if ((segCD<=0 && minCD<=0) || (minCD<0)) { myStopFunction() return; } segCD--; if(segCD <= 0){ minCD--; segCD = 59; } timerC.textContent = ' ' + String(minCD).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segCD).padStart(2,'0'); } var plusBtn = document.createElement('button'); var minusBtn = document.createElement('button'); var playBtn = document.createElement('button'); var stopBtn = document.createElement('button'); playBtn.textContent = "▶"; stopBtn.textContent = "■"; minusBtn.textContent = "-"; plusBtn.textContent = "+"; playBtn.onclick = myStartFunction; stopBtn.onclick = myStopFunction; minusBtn.onclick = lessMin; plusBtn.onclick = moreMin; function moreMin() { minCD++; timerC.textContent = ' ' + String(minCD).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segCD).padStart(2,'0'); } function lessMin() { minCD--; timerC.textContent = ' ' + String(minCD).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segCD).padStart(2,'0'); } clickOverlay = document.createElement('div'); clickOverlay.classList.add("overlay"); document.body.appendChild(clickOverlay); closeBtn = document.createElement('button'); closeBtn.textContent = "X"; closeBtn.classList.add("Cbtn"); closeBtn.addEventListener('click', closeOverlay); clickOverlay.appendChild(closeBtn); clickCounter = document.createElement('a'); clickCounter.addEventListener('click', openOverlay); tbox = document.createElement('div'); = "tbox"; chronoG = document.createElement('spam'); chronoL = document.createElement('spam'); = "center"; = "absolute"; "1999999"; if(font_white) = "white"; = '15%'; spacer = document.createElement('span'); spacer.textContent = " "; tbox.appendChild(clickCounter); tbox.appendChild(spacer); tbox.appendChild(chronoG); tbox.appendChild(spacer); tbox.appendChild(chronoL); timerCDiv.appendChild(playBtn); timerCDiv.appendChild(stopBtn); timerCDiv.appendChild(plusBtn); timerCDiv.appendChild(minusBtn); timerCDiv.appendChild(spacer); timerCDiv.appendChild(timerC); function screenShotModule() { var screenshotOverlay = document.createElement('div'); screenshotOverlay.classList.add("Soverlay"); var container = document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add("container"); var imgText = document.createElement('div'); = "imgtext"; imgText.classList.add("imgtext") container.appendChild(imgText); var screenshotbtn = document.createElement('button'); screenshotbtn.classList.add("Ssbtn"); screenshotbtn.innerText = "📷"; screenshotbtn.addEventListener('click', screenshot); document.body.appendChild(screenshotbtn); var expandedImg = document.createElement('img'); = "expandedImg"; expandedImg.classList.add("image-class") container.appendChild(expandedImg); var row = document.createElement('div'); row.classList.add("row"); var rowWrapper = document.createElement('div'); rowWrapper.appendChild(row); screenshotOverlay.appendChild(rowWrapper); var copybtn = document.createElement('button'); copybtn.classList.add("Ssbtn"); copybtn.innerText = "Copy IMG"; screenshotOverlay.appendChild(copybtn); var sScounter = 0; var addRow = function(count) { var row = document.createElement('div'); row.classList.add("row"); rowWrapper.appendChild(row); for (var i = count; i < count + 10; i++) { var columnBtn = document.createElement('button'); columnBtn.classList.add("column"); = i; columnBtn.onclick = myFunction; row.appendChild(columnBtn); }; }; for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) { var columnBtn = document.createElement('button'); columnBtn.classList.add("column"); = i; columnBtn.onclick = myFunction; row.appendChild(columnBtn); }; function screenshot() { var vm = document.querySelector('div[class*="terminal_trackingContainer"]'); html2canvas(vm).then(function(canvas) { var newimg = convertCanvasToImage(canvas); = "IMG " + sScounter; newimg.classList.add("img"); var column = document.getElementById(sScounter); if (!column) {addRow(sScounter); column = document.getElementById(sScounter);}; column.appendChild(newimg); }) sScounter += 1; }; function myFunction(e) { var imgs = document.getElementById(; // Get the expanded image var expandImg = document.getElementById("expandedImg"); // Get the image text var imgText = document.getElementById("imgtext"); // Use the same src in the expanded image as the image being clicked on from the grid expandImg.src = e.srcElement.currentSrc; // Use the value of the id attribute of the clickable image as text inside the expanded image imgText.innerHTML =; // Show the container element (hidden with CSS) = "block"; } function convertCanvasToImage(canvas) { let image = new Image(); image.src = canvas.toDataURL(); return image; } var openOverlay = function(){ = "100%"; }; var closeOverlay = function(){ = "0%"; }; var copyIMG = function(event) { // Select the email link anchor text const copyImgBtn = copybtn; const canWriteEl = document.getElementById('can-write'); const img = expandedImg; const errorEl = document.getElementById('errorMsg') async function askWritePermission() { try { const { state } = await navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'clipboard-write', allowWithoutGesture: false }) return state === 'granted' } catch (error) { errorEl.textContent = `Compatibility error (ONLY CHROME > V66): ${error.message}` console.log(error) return false } } const setToClipboard = blob => { const data = [new ClipboardItem({ [blob.type]: blob })] return navigator.clipboard.write(data) } copyImgBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => { try { const response = await fetch(img.src) const blob = await response.blob() await setToClipboard(blob) } catch (error) { console.error('Something wrong happened') console.error(error) } }) }; copyIMG() var closebtn = document.createElement('button'); closebtn.classList.add("closebtn"); closebtn.innerText = "Close"; closebtn.addEventListener('click', closeOverlay); screenshotOverlay.appendChild(closebtn); var openbtn = document.createElement('button'); openbtn.classList.add("closebtn"); openbtn.innerText = "Open"; openbtn.addEventListener('click', openOverlay); document.body.appendChild(openbtn); screenshotOverlay.appendChild(container); document.body.appendChild(screenshotOverlay); } function addStuff() { toolBar = document.querySelector("div.terminal_toolbar_3Z6dn") if (toolBar){ toolBar.appendChild(tbox); toolBar.appendChild(timerCDiv); } timerC.textContent = String(minCD).padStart(2,'0') + ':' + String(segCD).padStart(2,'0'); var vm = document.querySelector('div[class*="terminal_trackingContainer"]'); if (vm){ vm.onclick = printMousePos; } }; function StartScript(){ addStuff() screenShotModule() page = document.querySelector('#page'); if(page){ var pobs = new MutationObserver(function(){ stpwrapper = page.querySelector('#stepHolder'); if(stpwrapper){ wrapperobs(); wObserver = new MutationObserver(wrapperobs); wObserver.observe(stpwrapper, {subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: true}); tim = setInterval(updateChrono, 1000); this.disconnect(); } }); pobs.observe(page, {subtree: true, childList: true}); } }; StartScript(); })();