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// ==UserScript== // @name EasyDelivery // @version // @namespace localhost // @author aMiTo & Campari & CLard & Heff // @edited pajtixxx // @description Easy tool to improve delivery job. // @match http://** // @match http://** // @require // @require // @require // @require // @resource myCustomCSS // @resource myQualityStar // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_addStyle // @downloadURL // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== var main = function () { // CONSTANTS var VERSION = "E.D."; var URLSCRIPT = ""; // CUSTOM IMAGE LINKS var QUALITYSTAR = "" // API var URLAPIRanks = NOO()+"/apiRanks.html"; var URLAPIRegion = NOO()+"/apiRegions.html"; var URLAPIMap = NOO()+"/apiMap.html"; // URLs var URLMain = NOO()+"/index.html"; var URLArticle = NOO()+"/article.html"; var URLNewspaper = NOO()+"/newspaper.html"; var URLEditArticle = NOO()+"/editArticle.html"; var URLMyMU = NOO()+"/myMilitaryUnit.html"; var URLMUMain = NOO()+"/militaryUnit.html?id="; var URLMUStorage = NOO()+"/militaryUnitStorage.html"; 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var IMGDMUCP = ""; var IMGMUMEMB= ""; var IMGMUCOMP= "" //var IMGBUBL = "" var IMGBUBL = "" // VARS var cachedSettings = null; // GM friendly function var currentServer = null; var selectedFood = null; var selectedGift = null; var selectedWeapon = null; var selectedCurrency = null; var idPlayer = null; var extendedMU = false; var savedWorkedList = []; // CODE function initialize() { //Insert Jquery BlockUI //$('head').append("<script src=''></script>"); var url = ""; var script1 = document.createElement("script"); script1.setAttribute("src", url); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script1); checkvalidate(); checkday(); loadConfiguration(); var previousSelection = getValue( "lastSelectionMUStorage" ); setValue( "lastSelectionMUStorage", "" ); // Do different things on diferents urls var localUrl = new String( window.location ); //alert(URLMain) if( localUrl.indexOf( URLMain, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( !isOrgAccount() ) { updateMUOrdersMain(); } // Article } else if( (localUrl.indexOf( URLArticle, 0 ) >= 0)) { if( getValue( "configBBcode" ) == "true" ) { addMoreBBCode(); 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addUpdateJobsButton( "#donateProductForm" ); addUpdateConnectionButton( "#donateProductForm" ); } if( getValue( "configMUStorageDonateCounter" ) == "true" ) { addCounterMembersMU(); } // MU money } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLMUMoney, 0 ) >= 0 ) { removeFirstBlock(); if( getValue( "configMUMoneyDonateToMe" ) == "true" ) { addDonateToMeButton( "#donateMoneyForm" ); } if( getValue( "configMUMoneyDonateImprovements" ) == "true" ) { orderMU( "#donateMoneyForm", "" ); } //addCounterMembersMU(); // Donate player to player } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLDDonatePlayerProduct, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configDonateProduct" ) == "true" ) { changeSelectPlayerToPlayer(); } if( getValue( "configDonateFastButtons" ) == "true" ) { addFastButtons( "#quantity" ); } // Donate player to MU } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLDonateMUProduct, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configDonateProduct" ) == "true" ) { changeSelectPlayerToPlayer(); } if( getValue( "configDonateFastButtons" ) == "true" ) { addFastButtons( "#quantity" ); } // Battle weapon selector } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLBattle, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( !isOrgAccount() ) { calculateBonus(); if( getValue( "configWeaponSelector" ) == "true" ) { changeWeaponBattle(); } } if( getValue( "configRoundSelector" ) == "true" ) { changeRoundSelector(); } if( getValue( "configTime" ) == "true" ) { changeTime(); } if( getValue( "configExtraEatUseButton" ) == "true" ) { extraEatUseButton(); } //Check for HideStuff hideExtraInfo(); // Contract creator } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLContract, 0 ) >= 0 ) { changeCreateContract(); // Market } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLMarket, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configProductMarketSelection" ) == "true" ) { changeProductSelection(); } if( getValue( "configProductMarketTable" ) == "true" ) { changeProductMarketTable(); } if( getValue( "configProductMarketAdvanced" ) == "true" ) { displayGoldValue(); } // Market offers } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLMarketOffers, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configProductMarketOffers" ) == "true" ) { changeMarketOffers(); 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} // Travel } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLTravel, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configTravelMenu" ) == "true" ) { changeTravelMenu(); } // Search } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLSearch, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configEBS" ) == "true" ) { addExtraButtonsToSearch(); } // Equipment } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLEquipment, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configDesignEquipment" ) == "true" ) { redesignEquipment(); } if( getValue( "configCalculateDamage" ) == "true" ) { calculateEquipmentDamage(); } // Company } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLCompany, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configCompanyRedesign" ) == "true" ) { companyImprovements(); } addCompanyButtons(); // Company work results } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLCompanyDetails, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configCompanyWorkResults" ) == "true" ) { companyWorkResults(); } // Job market } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLJobMarket, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configSkillImprovements" ) == "true" ) { jobMarketSkills(); } // List of battles } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLBattleList, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( getValue( "configBattleList" ) == "true" ) { changeBattleList(); 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} if( getValue( "configOrgAcc" ) == "true" ) {OrgAcc(); } if( getValue( "configRemoveUselessFastButtons" ) == "true" ) {removeUselessFastbuttons(); } if( getValue( "configSomeFix" ) == "true" ) {configSomeFix(); } if( getValue( "configSounds" ) == "true" ) {Sounds(); } if( getValue( "configLinkBar" ) == "true" ) {linkBar(); } if( getValue( "configHideMissionStuff" ) == "true" ) {HideMissionStuff(); } if( getValue( "configHideChat" ) == "true" ) {HideChat(); } if( getValue( "configKari" ) == "true" ) {Xmas(); } //Run Once if( getValue( "configStatisticData" ) == "false" ) {SendStatistic(); } //changeProfile(); } // Set all buttons with pointer cursor $( "body" ).find( "input[type='submit']" ).each( function() { $(this).css({ "cursor" : "pointer" }); }); $( "body" ).find( "input[type='button']" ).each( function() { $(this).css({ "cursor" : "pointer" }); }); } initialize(); // Load configuration from disk or default function loadConfiguration() { if( $( "form[action='login.html']" ).length != 0 ) { //alert("login") return; } // Global if( !getValue( "configFastLinks" ) ) { setValue( "configFastLinks", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUFastLinks" ) ) { setValue( "configMUFastLinks", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMoveNotifications" ) ) { setValue( "configMoveNotifications", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "banned" ) ) { checkforMumembers(); } if( !getValue( "configLinkBar" ) ) { setValue( "configLinkBar", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configHideMissionStuff" ) ) { setValue( "configHideMissionStuff", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configHideChat" ) ) { setValue( "configHideChat", "false" ); } if( !getValue( "configKari" ) ) { setValue( "configKari", "true" ); } //Run Once if( !getValue( "configStatisticData" ) ) { setValue( "configStatisticData", "false" ); } //HIT if( !getValue( "today_miss" ) ) { setValue( "today_miss", 0 ); } if( !getValue( "today_crit" ) ) { setValue( "today_crit", 0 ); } if( !getValue( "today_avoid" ) ) { setValue( "today_avoid", 0 ); } if( !getValue( "today_all" ) ) { setValue( "today_all", 0 ); } if( !getValue( "today_hitday" ) ) { setValue( "today_hitday", getDay() ); } //if( !getValue( "configEatButtons" ) ) { setValue( "configEatButtons", "false" ); } if( !getValue( "configSkillImprovements" ) ) { setValue( "configSkillImprovements", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configRemoveLang" ) ) { setValue( "configRemoveLang", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configOrgAcc" ) ) { setValue( "configOrgAcc", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configRemoveUselessFastButtons" ) ) { setValue( "configRemoveUselessFastButtons", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUBrodcastMsg" ) ) { setValue( "configMUBrodcastMsg", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configSomeFix" ) ) { setValue( "configSomeFix", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configSounds" ) ) { setValue( "configSounds", "true" ); } // MU storage if( !getValue( "configMUStorageDonateToMe" ) ) { setValue( "configStorageDonateToMe", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUStorageSelect" ) ) { setValue( "configMUStorageSelect", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUStorageFastButtons" ) ) { setValue( "configMUStorageFastButtons", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUStorageDonateImprovements" ) ) { setValue( "configMUStorageDonateImprovements", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUStorageDonateCounter" ) ) { setValue( "configMUStorageDonateCounter", "true" ); } // MU money if( !getValue( "configMUMoneyDonateToMe" ) ) { setValue( "configMUMoneyDonateToMe", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMUMoneyDonateImprovements" ) ) { setValue( "configMUMoneyDonateImprovements", "true" ); } // Donate if( !getValue( "configDonateProduct" ) ) { setValue( "configDonateProduct", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configDonateFastButtons" ) ) { setValue( "configDonateFastButtons", "true" ); } // Battle if( !getValue( "configRoundSelector" ) ) { setValue( "configRoundSelector", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configHideResponse" ) ) { setValue( "configHideResponse", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configBattleList" ) ) { setValue( "configBattleList", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configWeaponSelector" ) ) { setValue( "configWeaponSelector", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configExtraEatUseButton" ) ) { setValue( "configExtraEatUseButton", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configTime" ) ) { setValue( "configTime", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configWeaponTheme" ) ) { setValue( "configWeaponTheme", "default" ); } if( !getValue( "configDefaultWeapon" ) ) { setValue( "configDefaultWeapon", "1" ); } if( !getValue( "configExtraInfo" ) ) { setValue( "configExtraInfo", "true" ); } // Equipment if( !getValue( "configDesignEquipment" ) ) { setValue( "configDesignEquipment", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configCalculateDamage" ) ) { setValue( "configCalculateDamage", "true" ); } // Shares if( !getValue( "configSharesMenu" ) ) { setValue( "configSharesMenu", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configSharesProductSelection" ) ) { setValue( "configSharesProductSelection", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configStockcoEditOffers" ) ) { setValue( "configStockcoEditOffers", "true" ); } // Travel if( !getValue( "configTravelMenu" ) ) { setValue( "configTravelMenu", "true" ); } // Company if( !getValue( "configCompanyRedesign" ) ) { setValue( "configCompanyRedesign", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configCompanyWorkResults" ) ) { setValue( "configCompanyWorkResults", "true" ); } // Market if( !getValue( "configProductMarketSelection" ) ) { setValue( "configProductMarketSelection", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configProductMarketTable" ) ) { setValue( "configProductMarketTable", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configProductMarketOffers" ) ) { setValue( "configProductMarketOffers", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configProductMarketAdvanced" ) ) { setValue( "configProductMarketAdvanced", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configEditOffers" ) ) { setValue( "configEditOffers", "true" ); } // Monetary Market if( !getValue( "configMonetaryMarketSelection" ) ) { setValue( "configMonetaryMarketSelection", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configMonetaryMarketTable" ) ) { setValue( "configMonetaryMarketTable", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configEditPrice" ) ) { setValue( "configEditPrice", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configRatioPrice" ) ) { setValue( "configRatioPrice", "true" ); } //New Citizen if( !getValue( "configNCM" ) ) { setValue( "configNCM", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configNRC" ) ) { setValue( "configNRC", "true" ); } //search if( !getValue( "configEBS" ) ) { setValue( "configEBS", "true" ); } //Article if( !getValue( "configBBcode" ) ) { setValue( "configBBcode", "true" ); } // Profile if( !getValue( "configProfile" ) ) { setValue( "configProfile", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "configProfileCalc" ) ) { setValue( "configProfileCalc", "true" ); } //FastButtons if( !getValue( "config_FB_eq" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_eq", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_co" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_co", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_con" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_con", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_share" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_share", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_pm" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_pm", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_mm" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_mm", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_trav" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_trav", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_buff" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_buff", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_FB_newC" ) ) { setValue( "config_FB_newC", "true" ); } //MUFasTBUttons if( !getValue( "config_MFB_mu" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_mu", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_st" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_st", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_mm" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_mm", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_dc" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_dc", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_dp" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_dp", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_dm" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_dm", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_mc" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_mc", "true" ); } if( !getValue( "config_MFB_mumem" ) ) { setValue( "config_MFB_mumem", "true" ); } } //RUN Once // Send Statistic Data function SendStatistic() { pname = $("#userName").text(); pid=getPlayerID(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "", async: false, data: { id: pid, name: pname } }) setValue( "configStatisticData", "true" ); } //SAVE extra HITS... function checkday() { saved_day=getValue("today_hitday"); day_now=getDay(); //alert("még jó") if(day_now!=saved_day) { setValue("today_hitday",day_now) setValue( "today_miss", 0 ); setValue( "today_crit", 0 ); setValue( "today_avoid", 0 ); setValue( "today_all", 0 ); } } function getDay() { //alert($("#time2").next().next().html().split(" ")[1]) return $("#time2").next().next().html().split(" ")[1] } //HideMissionStuff function HideMissionStuff() { $("#missionTip1").hide() $("#missionTip2").hide() $("#missionTip3").hide() $("#missionTip4").hide() $("#missionTip5").hide() $("#arrowMission1").hide() $("#arrowMission2").hide() $("#arrowMission3").hide() $("#arrowMission4").hide() $("#arrowMission5").hide() } //fuck_SO() function fuck_SO() { alert("hopp") $('#container').append("<img src=''>") } //Net Or Org function NOO(){ return".") + 1); } //Sounds function Sounds(){ //alert($('#numero1').length) $("head").prepend('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">') if($('#numero1').length != 0) { playSound(1); } if($('#numero2').length != 0) { playSound(2); } if($('[href="subs.html"]').length != 0) { playSound(3); } } //XMAS function Xmas(){ //alert("hó") } // Hide chat function HideChat() { $("#chatpanel").hide() } //PLay sound function playSound(num) { switch(num) { case 1: wave="" break; case 2: wave="" break; case 2: wave="" break; } $('body').append('<audio controls autoplay style="display:none"><source src="'+wave+'" type="audio/ogg">Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio> '); } //changeProfile() function changeProfile(){ // DAILY HIT idpatt=/\d.*/; Id=location.href.match(idpatt); $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/apiCitizenById.html?id=" + Id, async: false }) .done(function( html ) { json_obj = jQuery.parseJSON(html); damageToday=json_obj.damageToday; }); $("table.smallTableFont tr:eq(2)").after('<tr> <td><b>Today damage:</b></td> <td><div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel blueLabel"><b>'+commaNumber(damageToday)+'</b></div></td> </tr>') // DAILY HIT // MENTOR BUTTON if ($("table.smallTableFont tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)").text() < 6) { $("div.citizenAction").parent().parent().append('\ <a href="mentor.html?action=REQUEST&id='+Id+'">\ <div class="citizenAction" id="iconlightbulb">\ <img title="Add to your friends list" class="help" src="'+IMGBUBL+'" style="margin: 2px;">\ </div>\ </a>\ ') } // MENTOR BUTTON } //saveMUId function saveMUId() { link=$("#unitStatusHead a").attr("href"); id=link.match(/\d{1,10}/) setValue("MUID",id) } //get MU ID function getMUId() { return getValue("MUID") } //MUBrodcastMsg function MUBrodcastMsg(){ $("div.blueLabel.unitStatusOptions:last").after('<div class="blueLabel unitStatusOptions"><a href="#" id="ED_BRC_MSG" style="font-weight: bold">ED Broadcast Message</a></div>') $("#ED_BRC_MSG").click(function() { $.blockUI({ message: $('<center><b style="font-size:17px">ED Broadcast MSG</b></center><center><div id="ED_MSG" class="foundation-style blueLabel " style="margin-bottom:15px; width:530px;"><b style="display:block">Title:</b><input type="text" style="width: 400px;" path="title" maxlength="100" minlength="1" id="titleInput"><br><script language="JavaScript">function append(textBefore, textAfter) {var yourTextarea = document.getElementById(\'messageForm\');var selectionStart = yourTextarea.selectionStart;var selectionText = yourTextarea.value.substr(yourTextarea.selectionStart, yourTextarea.selectionEnd-yourTextarea.selectionStart);var prefix = yourTextarea.value.substr(0, yourTextarea.selectionStart);var postfix = yourTextarea.value.substr(yourTextarea.selectionEnd);yourTextarea.value = prefix+""+textBefore+"" + selectionText + ""+textAfter+""+postfix;yourTextarea.selectionStart = selectionStart;yourTextarea.focus();};</script><b>Message:</b><br><textarea style="width:95%; height: 250px;" name="body" maxlength="10000" id="messageForm"></textarea><p style="display:inline"> Characters remaining: </p><p class="charsRemaining" style="display:inline;">10000</p><p></p><p style="clear: both"></p><div style="display: inline" class="bbcodebuttons"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[b]\',\'[/b]\')" value="B" id="boldButton" name="boldButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[i]\',\'[/i]\')" value="I" id="italicButton" name="italicButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[u]\',\'[/u]\')" value="U" id="underlineButton" name="underlineButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[quote]\',\'[/quote]\')" value="Quote" id="quoteButton" name="quoteButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[url=LINK]\',\'[/url]\')" value="Url" id="urlButton" name="urlButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[citizen]citizen name[/citizen]\',\'\')" value="Citizen" id="citizenButton" name="citizenButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[currency]PLN[/currency]\',\'\')" value="Currency" id="currencyButton" name="currencyButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="button" onclick="javascript: append(\'[center]\',\'[/center]\')" value="Center" id="boldButton" name="centerButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><br /><br /><a href="javascript: append(\':)\',\'\')"><img border="0" src=""> </a><a href="javascript: append(\':D\',\'\')"><img border="0" src=""> </a><a href="javascript: append(\':\\\',\'\')"><img border="0" src=""> </a><a href="javascript: append(\':P \',\'\')"><img border="0" src=""> </a><a href="javascript: append(\':( \',\'\')"><img border="0" src=""> </a><a href="javascript: append(\';) \',\'\')"><img border="0" src=""> </a></div><p style="cleat: both"></p><input type="hidden" value="REPLY" name="action"><input type="button" id="SENDMSG" value="Send" style="cursor: pointer;"> <input type="button" value="Close" id="ClosewButton" style="cursor: pointer;"><p style="clear: both"></p> </div></center>'), css: { top: "48px", left: ($(window).width() - 600) /2 + 'px', width: '600px' , border: "0px", position: "absolute", textAlign: "left" } }); 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$("#LeftMSG").text(i+1) } $.unblockUI(); }); }) } //SOme fix function configSomeFix(){ // XP needsplit=$("#xpProgress").attr("title"); needsplit=needsplit.replace(/\s+/g, ''); splited=needsplit.split("/"); newval=splited[1]-splited[0] $("#actualXp").text(commaNumber(newval)) //Rank needsplit=$("#rankProgress").attr("title"); needsplit=needsplit.replace(/\s+/g, ''); splited=needsplit.split("/"); newval=splited[1]-splited[0] $("#actualRank").text(commaNumber(newval)) //Hide missions if blank $("#startMission.blank-icon").hide(); } //Edit MM price function monetaryMarketPriceEdit(){ // Add edit quanty $(".dataTable:eq(1) tr").each(function(){ var col = $(this).parent().children().index($(this)); var row = $(this).parent().parent().children().index($(this).parent()); //alert($.isNumeric($(this).children("td:eq(0)").text())) $(this).children("td:eq(0):contains(.)").append("<a class='editQuanty'>Edit</a>"); $(this).children("td:eq(1):contains(.)").append("<a class='editPrice'>Edit</a>"); }) $(".editQuanty").click(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}.\d\d/; Quanty=$(this).parent().text().match(numberpatt); SellCC=$(this).parent().text().match(/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}/); ratio= $(this).parent().next().text().match(/\d{1,10}.\d{1,4}/); BuyCC= $(this).parent().next().text().match(/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}/g)[1]; href= $(this).parent().next().next().find('a').attr('href'); //alert(IDbyCC(SellCC)) $(this).parent().html("<input id='newQuanty' type='text' value='"+Quanty+"' min='1' style='width: 30px' class='digit quantityMyOffers' name='quantity' id='quantity'><input id='editProductMarketOfferForm' type='button' value='Edit' style='cursor: pointer;'></form>") $('#editProductMarketOfferForm').click(function() { newQuanty= $("#newQuanty").val(); $(this).parent().html("<img src='"+IMGLOAD+"' >"); //Törlés $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/monetaryMarket.html"+href, async: false, }) // Kitétel $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/monetaryMarket.html?action=post", async: false, data: { offeredMoneyId:IDbyCC(SellCC) , buyedMoneyId:IDbyCC(BuyCC) , value: newQuanty , exchangeRatio: String(ratio)} }) location.reload(); }); }) $(".editPrice").click(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}.\d\d/; Quanty=$(this).parent().prev().text().match(numberpatt); SellCC=$(this).parent().prev().text().match(/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}/); ratio= $(this).parent().text().match(/\d{1,10}.\d{1,4}/); BuyCC= $(this).parent().text().match(/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}/g)[1]; href= $(this).parent().next().find('a').attr('href'); //alert(href) $(this).parent().html("<input id='newratio' type='text' value='"+ratio+"' min='1' style='width: 30px' class='digit quantityMyOffers' name='quantity' id='quantity'><input id='editProductMarketOfferForm' type='button' value='Edit' style='cursor: pointer;'></form>") $('#editProductMarketOfferForm').click(function() { newRatio= $("#newratio").val(); $(this).parent().html("<img src='"+IMGLOAD+"' >"); //Törlés $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/monetaryMarket.html"+href, async: false, }) // Kitétel $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/monetaryMarket.html?action=post", async: false, data: { offeredMoneyId:IDbyCC(SellCC) , buyedMoneyId:IDbyCC(BuyCC) , value: String(Quanty) , exchangeRatio: String(newRatio)} }) location.reload(); }); }) } //monetaryMarketPrice&Ratio() function monetaryMarketPriceRatio(){ $(".dataTable:eq(0) tr:contains(.)").each(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}.\d{1,5}/; amounthtml=$(this).children("td:eq(1):contains(.)").html() amount=amounthtml.match(numberpatt); //alert(amount) ratiohtml=$(this).children("td:eq(2):contains(.)").html() ratio=ratiohtml.match(numberpatt); console.log("Amount: "+amount+" Ratio:"+ratio+" ALL: "+amount*ratio); SellCC= $(this).children("td:eq(2):contains(.)").html().match(/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}/g)[1]; BuyCC= $(this).children("td:eq(2):contains(.)").html().match(/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}/g)[0]; $(this).children("td:eq(1):contains(.)").append("<br/> All: <b>"+Math.round((amount*ratio*100))/100+"</b> "+SellCC); CurrencyId1=IDbyCC( BuyCC ) CurrencyId2=IDbyCC( SellCC ) //alert("/monetaryMarket.html?buyerCurrencyId="+CurrencyId2+"&sellerCurrencyId="+CurrencyId1); }); $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/monetaryMarket.html?buyerCurrencyId="+CurrencyId2+"&sellerCurrencyId="+CurrencyId1, async: false }) .done(function( html ) { /*patt="/1 "+SellCC+" = <b>\d{1,10}.\d{1,10}<\/b> "+BuyCC+"/" alert(patt) versus_offer=html.match(patt) alert(versus_offer)*/ versus_offer=$(html).find(".dataTable:eq(0) tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)").html(); $(".dataTable:eq(0) tr:contains(.)").each(function(){ $(this).children("td:eq(2):contains(.)").append("<br/>"+versus_offer) }); }); } //BB CODE PANEL function addBBCodePanel(){ $.getScript("", function(){ // add Money button $.sceditor.command.set("money", { exec: function() { this.insert("[currency]GOLD[/currency]"); }, txtExec: function() { this.insert("[currency]GOLD[/currency]"); }, tooltip: "Add money" }); // add Player button $.sceditor.command.set("citizen", { exec: function() { this.insert("[citizen][/citizen]"); }, txtExec: function() { this.insert("[citizen][/citizen]"); }, tooltip: "Add citizen" }); // add sceditor to text area $('#messageForm').sceditor({ plugins: "bbcode", toolbar:"bold,italic,underline,strike,subscript,superscript|left,center,right,justify|font,size,color,removeformat|bulletlist,orderedlist|table|code,quote|horizontalrule,image,email,link,unlink|emoticon,youtube,date,time|ltr,rtl|print,maximize,source|money,citizen", emoticonsRoot : "", style: ""}); // give to iframe $('iframe').attr("id","myframe"); 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// note: NO comma after the last entry // The matching array of strings to replace matches with $format_replace = [ '<strong>$1</strong>', '<em>$1</em>', '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">$1</span>', '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//$1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', '<font color="$1">$2</font>', '<font size="$1">$2</font>', '<font face="$1">$2</font>', '<div align="left">$1</div>', '<div align="right">$1</div>', '<div align="justify">$1</div>', '<ul>$1</ul>', '<ol>$1</ol>', '<li>$1</li>', '<sup>$1</sup>', '<sub>$1</sub>', '<s>$1</s>', '<code>$1</code>', '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>', '<blockquote><cite>$1</cite>$2</blockquote>', '<hr>', '<img width="$1" height="$2" src="$3">', '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>', '<div style="direction: ltr">$1</div>', '<div style="direction: rtl">$1</div>' ]; // Perform the actual conversion for (var i =0;i<$format_search.length;i++) { $str = $str.replace($format_search[i], $format_replace[i]); } //alert($str) $("#articleContainer div[style*='width:auto']").html($str); } //Search function addExtraButtonsToSearch(){ //alert('megy') $('.dataTable td:first-child').each(function(){ SID=0; SID = $(this).find('a:first').attr('href'); //Hide ingame built send msg if(!isChrome()){ $(this).find('a:first').hide(); } //alert(SID); if(SID != null){ SID=SID.match(/\d.*/) //alert(SID); $(this).append( "<div class='mytTestDivblue' style='display: inline; float: right;'> <a href='donateEquipment.html?id="+SID+"'><div class='citizenAction'><img title='Donate equipment' class='help' src='' style='margin: 2px;'></div></a> <a href='donateProducts.html?id="+SID+"'><div class='citizenAction'><img title='Donate items' class='help' src='' style='margin: 2px;'></div></a> <a href='donateMoney.html?id="+SID+"'><div class='citizenAction'><img title='Donate money' class='help' src='' style='margin: 2px;'></div></a><a href='composeMessage.html?id="+SID+"'><div class='citizenAction'><img title='Send an ingame message' class='help' src='' style='margin: 2px;'></div></a> <a href='friends.html?action=PROPOSE&id="+SID+"'><div class='citizenAction'><img title='Add to your friends list' class='help' src='' style='margin: 2px;'></div></a> </div>" ); } }); } //New Citizen One Click MOtivation function NCM() { $("i.icon-uniF478 ").each(function(){$(this).css("cursor","pointer")}) $('td').click(function() { var col = $(this).parent().children().index($(this)); var row = $(this).parent().parent().children().index($(this).parent()); //alert('Row: ' + row + ', Column: ' + col); //alert($(this).children().attr('class')) if($(this).children().attr('class') == "icon-uniF478 ") { motivatedHref=$(".dataTable tr:eq("+row+") td:eq(0) a").attr('href'); idpatt=/\d.*/; motivatedId=motivatedHref.match(idpatt); //alert(getCurrentServer()); $.post(getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/motivateCitizen.html?id=" + motivatedId, { id: motivatedId, type: col-3 }, function (data) { var patt = /<div style="width:400px;" class="testDivred"><img src="http:\/\/\/testura\/img\/delete.png" style="float: left"\/>/g; var result = patt.test(data); //prompt("a",data); if (result) { alert("Something is wrong! "); }else{ alert("OK! You got +1 food limit."); location.reload(); }} ); }else if($(this).children().attr('class') == "icon-uniF479"){ alert("You Can't motivate him with this pack..."); } }); } // New Registered Citizen MOtivation function NRC() { $('.dataTable td:first-child').each(function(){ RCID=0; RCID = $(this).find('a:first').attr('href'); patt_on = /<div style="width:400px;" class="testDivred"><img src="http:\/\/\/testura\/img\/delete.png" style="float: left"\/>/g; //alert(SID); if(RCID != null){ RCID=RCID.match(/\d.*/) //alert(SID); $(this).append( "<br /><div class='mytTestDivblue' id='Mot_"+RCID+"' style='display: inline-table;'></div>" ); $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/motivateCitizen.html?id=" + RCID, async: false }) .done(function( html ) { // Wep var patt = /Q1 Weapon/g; var result = patt.test(html); if (result) { divId="#Mot_"+RCID $(divId).append("<img onclick='motivate("+RCID+",1)' src='' id='mww"+RCID+"' style='cursor:pointer; padding:2px;' />") //Search_Id="mww"+RCID; //$(Search_Id).onclick = function(){ motivate(RCID,1); }; } // Food var patt = /Q3 Food/g; var result = patt.test(html); if (result) { divId="#Mot_"+RCID $(divId).append("<img src='' id='mwf"+RCID+"' style='cursor:pointer; padding:2px;' />") //$(divId).find("img").onclick = function(){ motivate(RCID,2); }; } // GIFT var patt = /Q3 Gift/g; var result = patt.test(html); if (result) { divId="#Mot_"+RCID $(divId).append("<img src='' id='mwg"+RCID+"' style='cursor:pointer; padding:2px;' />") //$(divId).find("img").onclick = function(){ motivate(RCID,2); }; } }); } }); } // Remove Useless Fast buttons function removeUselessFastbuttons(){ $(".smallHeaderSecond:last").hide(); $("#userMenu ul:last").hide(); } // Check if is Org account function isOrgAccount() { if( $("#actualXp").text() == 1 ) { return( true ); } return( false ); } // Remove useless items if its ORG function OrgAcc(){ if(isOrgAccount()){ $("#dailyButton").hide(); $("h4.smallHeaderSecond:first").hide(); $("#numero5").hide(); $(".smallHeader.plateHeader:first").hide(); $(".foundation-divider:eq(2)").hide(); } } // Check For Chrome function isChrome() { $ = /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); //alert($; if(${ return true; }else{ return false;} } //Edit Price and Quanty function editOffers(){ // Add edit quanty $(".dataTable tr").each(function(){ var col = $(this).parent().children().index($(this)); var row = $(this).parent().parent().children().index($(this).parent()); //alert($.isNumeric($(this).children("td:eq(2)").text()) if($.isNumeric($(this).children("td:eq(2)").text())) {$(this).children("td:eq(2)").append("<a class='editQuanty'>Edit</a>");} $(this).children("td:eq(3):contains(.)").append("<a class='editPrice'>Edit</a>"); }) $(".editQuanty").click(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}/; Quanty=$(this).parent().text().match(numberpatt); var nextCell2 = $(this).parent().next(); var myflag = nextCell2.children( "div" ); var CID = IDByImageCountry( myflag.attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ); qPrice=$(this).parent().next().text().match(/\d{1,30}.\d{2}/) productcell=$(this).parent().prev().prev().html() //alert(productcell) quality=productcell.match(/q\d/) quality=quality[0].match(/\d/) termek=productcell.match(/productIcons\/\D.*.png/) type=termek[0].substr(13); 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$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/citizenMarketOffers.html", async: false, data: { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_OFFER" } }) /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(qPrice), quantity: $("#newQuanty").val(), action:"POST_OFFER" })*/ //alert("countryId: "+ CID+", product:"+ quality+"-"+type+", price:" +String(qPrice)+", quantity:"+ newQuanty) $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/citizenMarketOffers.html", async: false, data: { countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(qPrice), quantity: newQuanty, action:"POST_OFFER"} }) location.reload(); }); }) $(".editPrice").click(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}/; Quanty=$(this).parent().prev().text().match(numberpatt); var nextCell2 = $(this).parent().next(); var myflag = nextCell2.children( "div" ); var CID = IDByImageCountry( myflag.attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ); qPrice=$(this).parent().text().match(/\d{1,30}.\d{2}/) productcell=$(this).parent().prev().prev().prev().html() quality=productcell.match(/q\d/) quality=quality[0].match(/\d/) termek=productcell.match(/productIcons\/\D.*.png/) type=termek[0].substr(13); type=type.substr(0,type.length-4); type=type.toUpperCase(); //alert($(this).parent().next().next().next().next().next().html()) deleteId = $(this).parent().next().next().next().next().html().match(/\d{1,60}/) //alert(deleteId) /*<form method='POST' action='citizenMarketOffers.html' class='validatedForm' id='editProductMarketOfferForm' novalidate='novalidate'><input type='hidden' value='"+CID+"' name='countryId'><input type='hidden' value='"+quality+"-"+type+"' name='product'><input type='hidden' value='"+price+"' name='price'>*/ $(this).parent().html("<input id='newPrice' type='text' value='"+qPrice+"' min='1' style='width: 30px' class='digit quantityMyOffers' name='quantity' id='quantity'><input id='editProductMarketOfferForm' type='button' value='Edit' style='cursor: pointer;'></form>") $('#editProductMarketOfferForm').click(function() { //alert("HOPP") /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_OFFER" })*/ newPrice= $("#newPrice").val(); $(this).parent().html("<img src='"+IMGLOAD+"' >"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/citizenMarketOffers.html", async: false, data: { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_OFFER" } }) /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(qPrice), quantity: $("#newQuanty").val(), action:"POST_OFFER" })*/ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/citizenMarketOffers.html", async: false, data: { countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(newPrice), quantity: Quanty[0], action:"POST_OFFER"} }) location.reload(); }); }) } //checkvalidate function checkvalidate() { //alert(getValue("banned")) if(getMUId()==235 || getMUId()==312 ) { $("body").attr("style","margin:0px;padding:0px;overflow:hidden") $("body").html('<iframe id="NYAN" src="" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden;width:100%" height="'+window.outerHeight+'" width="100%"></iframe> ') $("#NYAN").contents().find("#head").html("FUCK THAT SHIELD :D") //throw new Error('This is not an error. This is just to abort javascript'); //return false; } } //checkforMumembers() function checkforMumembers() { if(getCurrentServer()=="http://primera.") { secretnumber=2+""+3+""+5; //alert(secretnumber) $.ajax({ url: ""+secretnumber, async: false }) .done(function( html ) { //alert(html) pattern=":"+getPlayerID()+","; var re = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); var vane = re.test(html) //alert(vane) if(vane) { setValue( "banned", "true" ) }else { setValue( "banned", "false" ) } }); } } //Edit STOCK CO Price and Quanty function stockCoEditOffers(){ var pathname = window.location; var stockcoID = String(pathname).match(/\d{1,30}/); stockcoID=stockcoID[0]; //alert(stockcoID); // Add edit quanty $(".dataTable tr").each(function(){ var col = $(this).parent().children().index($(this)); var row = $(this).parent().parent().children().index($(this).parent()); //alert($.isNumeric($(this).children("td:eq(2)").text()) if($.isNumeric($(this).children("td:eq(2)").text())) {$(this).children("td:eq(2)").append("<a class='editQuanty'>Edit</a>");} $(this).children("td:eq(3):contains(.)").append("<a class='editPrice'>Edit</a>"); }) $(".editQuanty").click(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}/; Quanty=$(this).parent().text().match(numberpatt); var nextCell2 = $(this).parent().next(); var myflag = nextCell2.children( "div" ); var CID = IDByImageCountry( myflag.attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ); qPrice=$(this).parent().next().text().match(/\d{1,30}.\d{2}/) productcell=$(this).parent().prev().prev().html() quality=productcell.match(/q\d/) quality=quality[0].match(/\d/) termek=productcell.match(/productIcons\/\D.*.png/) type=termek[0].substr(13); type=type.substr(0,type.length-4); type=type.toUpperCase(); //alert($(this).parent().next().next().next().next().next().html()) deleteId = $(this).parent().next().next().next().next().next().html().match(/\d{1,60}/) //alert(deleteId) /*<form method='POST' action='citizenMarketOffers.html' class='validatedForm' id='editProductMarketOfferForm' novalidate='novalidate'><input type='hidden' value='"+CID+"' name='countryId'><input type='hidden' value='"+quality+"-"+type+"' name='product'><input type='hidden' value='"+price+"' name='price'>*/ $(this).parent().html("<input id='newQuanty' type='text' value='"+Quanty+"' min='1' style='width: 30px' class='digit quantityMyOffers' name='quantity' id='quantity'><input id='editProductMarketOfferForm' type='button' value='Edit' style='cursor: pointer;'></form>") $('#editProductMarketOfferForm').click(function() { //alert("HOPP") /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_OFFER" })*/ newQuanty= $("#newQuanty").val(); $(this).parent().html("<img src='"+IMGLOAD+"' >") $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/stockCompanyAction.html", async: false, data: { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_PRODUCT_OFFER" } }) /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(qPrice), quantity: $("#newQuanty").val(), action:"POST_OFFER" })*/ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/stockCompanyAction.html", async: false, data: { id: stockcoID, countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(qPrice), quantity:newQuanty , action:"POST_PRODUCT_OFFER"} }) location.reload(); }); }) $(".editPrice").click(function(){ numberpatt=/\d{1,30}/; Quanty=$(this).parent().prev().text().match(numberpatt); var nextCell2 = $(this).parent().next(); var myflag = nextCell2.children( "div" ); var CID = IDByImageCountry( myflag.attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ); qPrice=$(this).parent().text().match(/\d{1,30}.\d{2}/) productcell=$(this).parent().prev().prev().prev().html() quality=productcell.match(/q\d/) quality=quality[0].match(/\d/) termek=productcell.match(/productIcons\/\D.*.png/) type=termek[0].substr(13); type=type.substr(0,type.length-4); type=type.toUpperCase(); //alert($(this).parent().next().next().next().next().next().html()) deleteId = $(this).parent().next().next().next().next().html().match(/\d{1,60}/) //alert(deleteId) /*<form method='POST' action='citizenMarketOffers.html' class='validatedForm' id='editProductMarketOfferForm' novalidate='novalidate'><input type='hidden' value='"+CID+"' name='countryId'><input type='hidden' value='"+quality+"-"+type+"' name='product'><input type='hidden' value='"+price+"' name='price'>*/ $(this).parent().html("<input id='newPrice' type='text' value='"+qPrice+"' min='1' style='width: 30px' class='digit quantityMyOffers' name='quantity' id='quantity'><input id='editProductMarketOfferForm' type='button' value='Edit' style='cursor: pointer;'></form>") $('#editProductMarketOfferForm').click(function() { //alert("HOPP") /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_OFFER" })*/ newPrice= $("#newPrice").val(); $(this).parent().html("<img src='"+IMGLOAD+"' >") $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/stockCompanyAction.html", async: false, data: { id: deleteId[0], action: "DELETE_PRODUCT_OFFER" } }) /*$.post(getCurrentServer()+"", { countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(qPrice), quantity: $("#newQuanty").val(), action:"POST_OFFER" })*/ //alert(Quanty[0]); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/stockCompanyAction.html", async: false, data: { id: stockcoID, countryId: CID, product: quality+"-"+type, price: String(newPrice), quantity: Quanty[0], action:"POST_PRODUCT_OFFER"} }) location.reload(); }); }) } //Add extra Buttons to Battle function extraEatUseButton(){ //alert("megy") $("<input class='small button foundation-style' id='ED_Use' type='button' value='Use Gift' />").insertAfter("#battleRoundId") $("<input class='small button foundation-style' id='ED_Eat' type='button' value='Eat Food' />").insertAfter("#battleRoundId") $("#ED_Eat").click(function () { $("#eatButton").trigger('click'); }); $("#ED_Use").click(function () { $("#useGiftButton").trigger('click'); }); } //Change Clock function changeTime(){ if(!isChrome()){ var Clock = $("#roundCountdown").clone().wrap('<div>').parent().html() ; var Round = $("#roundCountdown").prev().clone().wrap('<div>').parent().html(); $("div .small-2").html(String(Clock)); $("#roundCountdown").parent().html(Round) $('#roundCountdown').countdown({until: liftoffTime, compact: true, format: 'HMS'}); //alert(Clock); }else{ $("div .small-2").html("<p>Clock change dont work under Chrome...</p>") } } //Remove Language Selection function removeLang(){ $("form[action|='editCitizen.html#changeLanguage']").remove(); } // Change eat food/use gift selectors function changeEatButtons() { $( "#eatLink" ).hide(); $( "#useGiftLink" ).hide(); $( "#eatMenu" ).show(); $( "#eatMenu" ).addClass( "eatMenuMod" ); $( "#useGiftMenu" ).show(); $( "#useGiftMenu" ).addClass( "useGiftMenuMod" ); if( $( "#medkitButton" ).length > 0 ) { $( "#medkitButton" ).val( $( "#medkitButton" ).val().replace( "(you have ", "(" ).replace( ")", " left)" ) ); } var maxIndexFood = 0; var maxIndexGift = 0; var vecItemsFood = []; var vecItemsGift = []; var index = 0; $( "#foodQuality" ).find( "option" ).each( function() { if( $(this).attr( "value" ) == "0" ) { index++; return; } var str = $(this).text(); var number = str.indexOf( "(", 0 ); if( number != -1 ) { str = str.substr( number + 1, str.indexOf( ")", number ) - number - 1 ); str = str.replace( "you have ", "" ); } var food = $( "<div class='foodItem' indexSelect='"+ index +"'></div>" ); food.append( "<img class='imageFood' src='"+ IMGFOOD +"' />" ); food.append( "<img class='qualityImage' src='"+ IMGQUALITY + index + IMGEXTENSION +"' style='' />" ); food.append( "<div class='numberItems'>"+ str +"</div>" ); if( str != 0 ) { maxIndexFood = index; food.bind( "mouseover", function() { if( selectedFood.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).addClass( "foodItemHover" ); } }); food.bind( "mouseout", function() { if( selectedFood.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "foodItemHover" ); } }); food.bind( "click", function() { if( selectedFood ) { selectedFood.removeClass( "foodItemSelected" ); } $(this).addClass( "foodItemSelected" ); selectedFood = $(this); $( "#foodQuality option" )[ $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ].selected = true; updateHealthButtons(); }); } else food.addClass( "itemDisabled" ); vecItemsFood.push( food ); $( "#eatMenu form" ).append( food ); index++; }); index = 0; $( "#giftQuality" ).find( "option" ).each( function() { if( $(this).attr( "value" ) == "0" ) { index++; return; } var str = $(this).text(); var number = str.indexOf( "(", 0 ); if( number != -1 ) { str = str.substr( number + 1, str.indexOf( ")", number ) - number - 1 ); str = str.replace( "you have ", "" ); } var gift = $( "<div class='foodItem' indexSelect='"+ index +"'></div>" ); gift.append( "<img class='imageFood' src='"+ IMGGIFT +"' />" ); gift.append( "<img class='qualityImage' src='"+ IMGQUALITY + index +".png' />" ); gift.append( "<div class='numberItems'>"+ str +"</div>" ); if( str != 0 ) { maxIndexGift = index; gift.bind( "mouseover", function() { if( selectedGift.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).addClass( "foodItemHover" ); } }); gift.bind( "mouseout", function() { if( selectedGift.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "foodItemHover" ); } }); gift.bind( "click", function() { if( selectedGift ) { selectedGift.removeClass( "foodItemSelected" ); } $(this).addClass( "foodItemSelected" ); selectedGift = $(this); $( "#giftQuality option" )[ $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ].selected = true; updateHealthButtons(); }); } else gift.addClass( "itemDisabled" ); vecItemsGift.push( gift ); $( "#useGiftMenu form" ).append( gift ); index++; }); // Change Eat and Use buttons var newEatButton = $( "<input type='button' id='newEatButton' value='Eat' />" ) $( "#eatMenu" ).append( newEatButton ); $( "#eatMenu form" ).append( $( "#eatButton" ) ); newEatButton.bind( "click", function() { var dataString = 'quality='+ $( "#foodQuality" ).val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "eat.html", data: dataString, success: function( msg ) { var json = jQuery.parseJSON( msg ); $( "#foodLimit" ).html( json.foodLimit ); $( "#healthProgress .ui-progressbar-value" ).css({ width: json.wellness + "%" }); $( "#q1FoodStorage" ).html( "Q1 Food ("+json.q1FoodStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q2FoodStorage" ).html( "Q2 Food ("+json.q2FoodStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q3FoodStorage" ).html( "Q3 Food ("+json.q3FoodStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q4FoodStorage" ).html( "Q4 Food ("+json.q4FoodStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q5FoodStorage" ).html( "Q5 Food ("+json.q5FoodStorage+" left)" ); //$( ".usedHealth" ).animate( { "width" : json.wellness+"%" }, 500 ); updateHealthButtons(); var divList = $( "#eatMenu form" ).children( "div" ); divList.eq(0).children( "div" ).text( json.q1FoodStorage ); divList.eq(1).children( "div" ).text( json.q2FoodStorage ); divList.eq(2).children( "div" ).text( json.q3FoodStorage ); divList.eq(3).children( "div" ).text( json.q4FoodStorage ); divList.eq(4).children( "div" ).text( json.q5FoodStorage ); if( json.error != "" ) { $( '#hiddenError' ).html( json.error ); $.blockUI({ message: $( '#eatError' ), css: { width: '400px', border: '0px', background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' } }); } } }); }); var newGiftButton = $( "<input type='button' id='newGiftButton' value='Use' />" ) $( "#useGiftMenu" ).append( newGiftButton ); $( "#useGiftMenu form" ).append( $( "#useGiftButton" ) ); newGiftButton.bind( "click", function() { var dataString = 'quality='+ $("#giftQuality").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "gift.html", data: dataString, success: function( msg ) { var json = jQuery.parseJSON( msg ); $( "#giftLimit" ).html( json.giftLimit ); $( "#healthProgress .ui-progressbar-value" ).css({ width: json.wellness + "%" }); $( "#q1GiftStorage" ).html( "Q1 Gift ("+json.q1GiftStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q2GiftStorage" ).html( "Q2 Gift ("+json.q2GiftStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q3GiftStorage" ).html( "Q3 Gift ("+json.q3GiftStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q4GiftStorage" ).html( "Q4 Gift ("+json.q4GiftStorage+" left)" ); $( "#q5GiftStorage" ).html( "Q5 Gift ("+json.q5GiftStorage+" left)" ); var divList = $( "#useGiftMenu form" ).children( "div" ); divList.eq(0).children( "div" ).text( json.q1GiftStorage ); divList.eq(1).children( "div" ).text( json.q2GiftStorage ); divList.eq(2).children( "div" ).text( json.q3GiftStorage ); divList.eq(3).children( "div" ).text( json.q4GiftStorage ); divList.eq(4).children( "div" ).text( json.q5GiftStorage ); //$( ".usedHealth" ).animate( { "width" : json.wellness+"%" }, 500 ); updateHealthButtons(); if( json.error != "" ) { $( '#hiddenError' ).html( json.error ); $.blockUI({ message: $( '#eatError' ), css: { width: '400px', border: '0px', background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' } }); } } }); }); // Redesign food and gift limits $( "#foodLimit" ).addClass( "foodLimitMod" ); $( "#giftLimit" ).addClass( "giftLimitMod" ); $( "#eatMenu form" ).append( $( "#foodLimit" ) ); $( "#useGiftMenu form" ).append( $( "#giftLimit" ) ); $( "#foodQuality" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#giftQuality" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#eatButton" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#useGiftButton" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#eatLink" ).prev().remove(); $( "#eatMenu" ).prev().remove(); $( "#useGiftLink" ).prev().remove(); $( "#useGiftLink" ).next().remove(); if( isOrgAccount() ) { $( "#eatLink" ).prev().remove(); $( "#eatLink" ).prev().remove(); $( "#useGiftLink" ).prev().remove(); } // Default max quality items if( maxIndexFood > 0 ) { vecItemsFood[ maxIndexFood-1].click(); } if( maxIndexGift > 0 ) { vecItemsGift[ maxIndexGift-1].click(); } showHideButtons(); updateHealthButtons(); if( $( "#stats" ).children( "form" ).length != 0 ) { var form = $( "#stats" ).children( "form" ); form.contents().eq(4).remove(); form.children( "img" ).css({ "margin" : "2px 7px 0px 0px" }); // Rellocate wiki help var lastDiv = $( "#stats" ).children( "div:last" ); lastDiv.css({ "float" : "right", "margin" : "6px 3px 0px 0px" }); lastDiv.children( "a" ).text( "" ).append( lastDiv.children( "img" ) ); form.children( "br" ).remove(); form.append( lastDiv ); } } // Show and hide Food/Gift buttons function showHideButtons() { // Show/Hide button var showHide = $( "<div id='showHide'></div>" ); showHide.append( "<span class='arrow'> ↓↓ </span>" ); showHide.append( "<span style='font-weight:bold; color:#3787ea;'> Eat food / Use gift </span>" ); showHide.append( "<span class='arrow'> ↓↓ </span>" ); showHide.insertBefore( $( "#eatMenu" ) ); // On battle page will be always visible var foodGiftVisible = true; var localUrl = new String( window.location ); if( localUrl.indexOf( URLBattle, 0 ) == -1 ) { foodGiftVisible = false; $( "#eatMenu" ).hide(); $( "#useGiftMenu" ).hide(); $( "#useGiftMenu" ).next().hide(); showHide.children( ".arrow" ).text( String.fromCharCode(8593) + String.fromCharCode(8593) ) } showHide.bind( "click", function() { var time = 0; foodGiftVisible = !foodGiftVisible; $( "#eatMenu" ).toggle( time ); $( "#useGiftMenu" ).toggle( time ); $( "#useGiftMenu" ).next().toggle( time ); if( foodGiftVisible ) { showHide.children( ".arrow" ).text( String.fromCharCode(8595) + String.fromCharCode(8595) ); } else showHide.children( ".arrow" ).text( String.fromCharCode(8593) + String.fromCharCode(8593) ); }); } // Update health buttons to enable or disable function updateHealthButtons() { var h = $( "#healthProgress" ).attr( "title" ); h = parseInt( h.split( "/" )[0] ); var foodLimit = parseInt( $( "#foodLimit" ).text() ); var giftLimit = parseInt( $( "#giftLimit" ).text() ); if( foodLimit == 0 ) { disableButton( $( "#newEatButton" ) ); } else { if( selectedFood ) { var eatQ = parseInt( selectedFood.attr( "indexselect" ) ) * 10; if( (eatQ + h) > 100 ) { disableButton( $( "#newEatButton" ) ); } else { enableButton( $( "#newEatButton" ) ); } } else enableButton( $( "#newEatButton" ) ); } if( giftLimit == 0 ) { disableButton( $( "#newGiftButton" ) ); } else { if( selectedGift ) { var useQ = parseInt( selectedGift.attr( "indexselect" ) ) * 10; if( (useQ + h) > 100 ) { disableButton( $( "#newGiftButton" ) ); } else { enableButton( $( "#newGiftButton" ) ); } } else enableButton( $( "#newGiftButton" ) ); } updateFightButtons(); } // Disable button function disableButton( btn ) { btn.attr( "disabled", "disabled" ); btn.addClass( "buttonDisable" ); } // Enable button function enableButton( btn ) { btn.removeAttr( "disabled" ); btn.removeClass( "buttonDisable" ); } // Update fight buttons function updateFightButtons() { // Only on battle page /*if( (new String( window.location )).indexOf( URLBattle, 0 ) >= 0 ) { // If is RW if( $( ".fightButton2" ).length == 4 ) { var btnFight1 = $( ".fightButton2" ).eq(0); var btnFight2 = $( ".fightButton2" ).eq(1); var btnBk1 = $( ".fightButton2" ).eq(2); var btnBk2 = $( ".fightButton2" ).eq(3); var h = parseInt( $( "#healthBar" ).text() ); if( h < 10 ) { disableButton( btnFight1 ); disableButton( btnFight2 ); disableButton( btnBk1 ); disableButton( btnBk2 ); } else if( h < 50 ) { enableButton( btnFight1 ); enableButton( btnFight2 ); disableButton( btnBk1 ); disableButton( btnBk2 ); } else { enableButton( btnFight1 ); enableButton( btnFight2 ); enableButton( btnBk1 ); enableButton( btnBk2 ); } } else { var btnFight = $( ".fightButton" ).eq(0); var btnBk = $( ".fightButton" ).eq(1); var h = parseInt( $( "#healthBar" ).text() ); if( h < 10 ) { disableButton( btnFight ); disableButton( btnBk ); } else if( h < 50 ) { enableButton( btnFight ); disableButton( btnBk ); } else { enableButton( btnFight ); enableButton( btnBk ); } } // Add update weapon method $.blockUI.defaults.onUnblock = function( elem, opts ) { updateHealthButtons(); } }*/ } // Add MU fast links function addMUFastLinks() { // Link to MU var linkMU = $( "<a title='Military unit' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMyMU +"'><img src='"+ IMGMU +"' /></a>" ); linkMU.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to MU storage var linkMUSt = $( "<a title='MU storage' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMUStorage +"'><img src='"+ IMGPACKAGE +"' /></a>" ); linkMUSt.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to MU money var linkMUMy = $( "<a title='MU money' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMUMoney +"'><img src='"+ IMGDOLLAR +"' /></a>" ); linkMUMy.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); //------------------------------------------------------ // Link to Donate MU money var linkDMUMy = $( "<a title='Donate money to MU' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLDMUMoney +getMUId()+"'><img src='"+ IMGDMUMy +"' /></a>" ); linkDMUMy.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to Donate MU product var linkDMUPR = $( "<a title='Donate product to MU' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLDMUProduct +getMUId()+"'><img src='"+ IMGDMUPR +"' /></a>" ); linkDMUPR.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to Donate MU Company var linkDMUCP = $( "<a title='Donate Company to MU' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLDMUComp +getMUId()+"'><img src='"+ IMGDMUCP +"' /></a>" ); linkDMUCP.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); //-------------------------------------- // Link to Mu members var linkMUMEMB = $( "<a title='MU Members' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMUMEMB +getMUId()+"'><img src='"+ IMGMUMEMB +"' /></a>" ); linkMUMEMB.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to Mu Companys var linkMUComp = $( "<a title='MU Campanies' class='button foundation-style smallhelp only-icon profileButton' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMUCOMP +getMUId()+"'><img src='"+ IMGMUCOMP +"' /></a>" ); linkMUComp.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); var content = $( "<div style= font-weight:bold; height:30px;'></div>" ); content.append( "<hr class='foundation-divider'>" ); configList = new Array("config_MFB_mu","config_MFB_st","config_MFB_mm","config_MFB_dc","config_MFB_dp","config_MFB_dm","config_MFB_mc","config_MFB_mumem"); appendList = new Array(linkMU,linkMUSt,linkMUMy,linkDMUCP,linkDMUPR,linkDMUMy,linkMUComp,linkMUMEMB); brIndex=0; for(i=0;i<configList.length;i++) { if( getValue( configList[i] ) == "true" ) { content.append( appendList[i] ); brIndex++; } if( brIndex == 3 ) {content.append( "<br />" );brIndex=0;} } /* if( getValue( "config_MFB_mu" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkMU ); } if( getValue( "config_MFB_st" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkMUSt ); } if( getValue( "config_MFB_mm" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkMUMy ); } //content.append( "<hr class='foundation-divider'>" ); content.append( "<br />" ); if( getValue( "config_MFB_dc" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkDMUCP ); } if( getValue( "config_MFB_dp" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkDMUPR ); } if( getValue( "config_MFB_dm" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkDMUMy ); } //content.append( "<hr class='foundation-divider'>" ); content.append( "<br />" ); if( getValue( "config_MFB_mc" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkMUComp ); } if( getValue( "config_MFB_mumem" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkMUMEMB ); } */ content.insertAfter( $( "#EDLinks div:first" )); } // Add other fast links function addFastLinks() { // Link to equipment var linkEquip = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks ' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLEquipment +"'></a>" ); linkEquip.append( "<img src='"+ IMGEQUIPMENT +"' />" ); linkEquip.attr( "title", "Equipment" ); linkEquip.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to my companies var linkComp = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks ' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLCompanies +"'></a>" ); linkComp.append( "<img src='"+ IMGCOMPANY +"' />" ); linkComp.attr( "title", "My companies" ); linkComp.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Future image buttons // Link to contracts var linkCT = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLContracts +"'><img src='"+ IMGCT +"' /></a>" ); linkCT.attr( "title", "Contracts" ); linkCT.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to shares var linkSH = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMyShares +"'><img src='"+ IMGSH +"' /></a>" ); linkSH.attr( "title", "Shares" ); linkSH.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to product market var linkPM = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMarket +"'><img src='"+ IMGPM +"' /></a>" ); linkPM.attr( "title", "Product market" ); linkPM.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to monetary market var linkMM = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLMonetaryMarket +"'><img src='"+ IMGMM +"' /></a>" ); linkMM.attr( "title", "Monetary market" ); linkMM.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to Travel var linkTV = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLTravel +"'><img src='"+ IMGTV +"' /></a>" ); linkTV.attr( "title", "Travel" ); linkTV.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to BUFF var linkBUF = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLBUFF +"'><img src='"+ IMGBUFF +"' /></a>" ); linkBUF.attr( "title", "Buff" ); linkBUF.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); // Link to Newbies var linkNB = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='fastLinks' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLNB +"'><img src='"+ thumbsUp +"' /></a>" ); linkNB.attr( "title", "New Citizens" ); linkNB.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipFastButton", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" } }); var content = $( "<div style='font-weight:bold; height:auto;'></div>" ); if( getValue( "config_FB_eq" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkEquip ); } if( getValue( "config_FB_co" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkComp ); } if( getValue( "config_FB_con" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkCT ); } if( getValue( "config_FB_share" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkSH ); } if( getValue( "config_FB_pm" ) == "true" ) { content.append( linkPM ); 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var optionVisible = false; vers.bind( "click", function() { /* "#maskConfig" ).show(); $( "#configScript" ).show();*/ $.blockUI({ message: $('#configScript'), css: { top: "48px", left: ($(window).width() - 600) /2 + 'px', width: '600px' , border: "0px", position: "absolute", textAlign: "left" } }); }); var content = $( "<div id='EDLinks' class='switch foundation-style' style='margin-top:5px; display:block; font-weight:bold; height:auto;'></div>" ); content.insertAfter( $( "#userMenu div div:first" ) ); content.append( vers ); } // Add configuration function addConfigurationUI() { // Add mask and config var mask = $( "<div style='background-color:black; opacity:0.5; min-height: 100%;' id='maskConfig'></div>" ); var configScript = $( "<div role='dialog' style='display: table; outline: 0px none; z-index: 1000; width:600px; ' class='ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable ui-dialog-buttons' id='configScript'></div>" ); $( "body" ).append( configScript ); // Title configScript.append( "<h2 class='titleConfig'>Configuration "+ VERSION +"</h2>" ); configScript.append( "<a href='"+ URLSCRIPT +"' target='_blank'>check new version</a>" ); configScript.append( "<br/>" ); // Global config var globalBlock = $( "<div id='globalBlock'>GLOBAL</div>" ); var configMoveNotify = createCheckBox( "Move notifications", "configMoveNotifications" ); globalBlock.append( configMoveNotify ); //var configEatButtons = createCheckBox( "Food/Gifts buttons", "configEatButtons" ); //globalBlock.append( configEatButtons ); var configSkillImprovements = createCheckBox( "Skill Improvements", "configSkillImprovements" ); globalBlock.append( configSkillImprovements ); var configRemoveLang = createCheckBox( "Language Slection remove", "configRemoveLang" ); globalBlock.append( configRemoveLang ); var configOrgAcc = createCheckBox( "Remove useless items if Org.", "configOrgAcc" ); globalBlock.append( configOrgAcc ); var configRemoveUselessFastButtons = createCheckBox( "Remove useless fast buttons.", "configRemoveUselessFastButtons" ); globalBlock.append( configRemoveUselessFastButtons ); var configSomeFix = createCheckBox( "Fix some things", "configSomeFix" ); globalBlock.append( configSomeFix ); var configSounds = createCheckBox( "Add sound to msg and allert", "configSounds" ); globalBlock.append( configSounds ); var configLinkBar = createCheckBox( "Add Link Bar", "configLinkBar" ); globalBlock.append( configLinkBar ); var configHideMissionStuff = createCheckBox( "Hide Misson stuffs", "configHideMissionStuff" ); globalBlock.append( configHideMissionStuff ); var configHideChat = createCheckBox( "Hide Chat Panel", "configHideChat" ); globalBlock.append( configHideChat ); // MU storage var muStorageBlock = $( "<div id='muStorageBlock'>MU STORAGE</div>" ); var muStorageDonateToMe = createCheckBox( "Button: Donate me", "configMUStorageDonateToMe" ); muStorageBlock.append( muStorageDonateToMe ); var muStorageSelect = createCheckBox( "Product selection", "configMUStorageSelect" ); muStorageBlock.append( muStorageSelect ); var muStorageFastButtons = createCheckBox( "Fast buttons", "configMUStorageFastButtons" ); muStorageBlock.append( muStorageFastButtons ); var muStorageDonateImprovements = createCheckBox( "Donate improvements", "configMUStorageDonateImprovements" ); muStorageBlock.append( muStorageDonateImprovements ); var muStorageItemCounter = createCheckBox( "Donate counter", "configMUStorageDonateCounter" ); muStorageBlock.append( muStorageItemCounter ); // MU money var muMoneyBlock = $( "<div id='muMoneyBlock'>MU MONEY</div>" ); var muMoneyDonateToMe = createCheckBox( "Button: Donate me", "configMUMoneyDonateToMe" ); muMoneyBlock.append( muMoneyDonateToMe ); var muMoneyDonateImprovements = createCheckBox( "Donate improvements", "configMUMoneyDonateImprovements" ); muMoneyBlock.append( muMoneyDonateImprovements ); // Donate var donateBlock = $( "<div id='donateBlock'>DONATE</div>" ); var donateProduct = createCheckBox( "Product selection", "configDonateProduct" ); donateBlock.append( donateProduct ); var donateFastButtons = createCheckBox( "Fast buttons", "configDonateFastButtons" ); donateBlock.append( donateFastButtons ); // Battle var battleBlock = $( "<div id='battleBlock'>BATTLE</div>" ); var roundSelector = createCheckBox( "Round selector", "configRoundSelector" ); battleBlock.append( roundSelector ); var battleList = createCheckBox( "Battle list", "configBattleList" ); battleBlock.append( battleList ); var weaponSelector = createCheckBox( "Weapon selector", "configWeaponSelector" ); battleBlock.append( weaponSelector ); var ExtraEatUseButton = createCheckBox( "Add Eat Button", "configExtraEatUseButton" ); battleBlock.append( ExtraEatUseButton ); var configTime = createCheckBox( "Change Clock", "configTime" ); battleBlock.append( configTime ); var configExtraInfo = createCheckBox( "Extra Info to Wep Selector", "configExtraInfo" ); battleBlock.append( configExtraInfo ); // Equipment var equipmentBlock = $( "<div id='equipmentBlock'>EQUIPMENT</div>" ); var removeInterface = createCheckBox( "Remove interface", "configDesignEquipment" ); equipmentBlock.append( removeInterface ); var calculatorDamage = createCheckBox( "Damage simulator", "configCalculateDamage" ); equipmentBlock.append( calculatorDamage ); // Shares var sharesBlock = $( "<div id='sharesBlock'>SHARES</div>" ); var sharesRedesign = createCheckBox( "Menu redesign", "configSharesMenu" ); var sharesProductSelection = createCheckBox( "Product selection", "configSharesProductSelection" ); sharesBlock.append( sharesRedesign ); sharesBlock.append( sharesProductSelection ); var configStockcoEditOffers = createCheckBox( "Editable price and quanty", "configStockcoEditOffers" ); sharesBlock.append( configStockcoEditOffers ); // Travel var travelBlock = $( "<div id='travelBlock'>TRAVEL</div>" ); var configTravelMenu = createCheckBox( "Ticket selection", "configTravelMenu" ); travelBlock.append( configTravelMenu ); // New Citizen var NewCitizenBlock = $( "<div id='NewCitizenBlock'>New Citizen</div>" ); var configNCM = createCheckBox( "One Click Motivation", "configNCM" ); NewCitizenBlock.append( configNCM ); var configNRC = createCheckBox( "One Click Motivation at New registered Citizens", "configNRC" ); NewCitizenBlock.append( configNRC ); //Article var ArticleBlock = $( "<div id='ArticleBlock'>Article</div>" ); var configBBcode = createCheckBox( "BB codes", "configBBcode" ); ArticleBlock.append( configBBcode ); // Search var SearchBlock = $( "<div id='SearchBlock'>Cititzen Search</div>" ); var configEBS = createCheckBox( "Extra Buttons to search", "configEBS" ); SearchBlock.append( configEBS ); // Company var companyBlock = $( "<div id='companyBlock'>COMPANY</div>" ); var configCompanyMenu = createCheckBox( "Menu redesign", "configCompanyRedesign" ); var configCompanyWorkResults = createCheckBox( "Work results", "configCompanyWorkResults" ); companyBlock.append( configCompanyMenu ); companyBlock.append( configCompanyWorkResults ); // Market var marketBlock = $( "<div id='marketBlock'>MARKET</div>" ); var configProductMarketSelection = createCheckBox( "Product selection", "configProductMarketSelection" ); marketBlock.append( configProductMarketSelection ); var configProductMarketTable = createCheckBox( "Product table", "configProductMarketTable" ); marketBlock.append( configProductMarketTable ); var configProductMarketOffers = createCheckBox( "My offers", "configProductMarketOffers" ); marketBlock.append( configProductMarketOffers ); var configEditOffers = createCheckBox( "Editable price and quanty", "configEditOffers" ); marketBlock.append( configEditOffers ); var configProductMarketAdvanced = createCheckBox( "Product Market Advanced", "configProductMarketAdvanced" ); marketBlock.append( configProductMarketAdvanced ); // Monetary market var monetaryMarketBlock = $( "<div id='monetaryMarketBlock'>MONETARY MARKET</div>" ); var configMonetaryMarketSelection = createCheckBox( "Money selection", "configMonetaryMarketSelection" ); monetaryMarketBlock.append( configMonetaryMarketSelection ); var configMonetaryMarketTable = createCheckBox( "Money table", "configMonetaryMarketTable" ); monetaryMarketBlock.append( configMonetaryMarketTable ); var configEditPrice= createCheckBox( "Edit Price and Quanty", "configEditPrice" ); monetaryMarketBlock.append( configEditPrice ); var configRatioPrice= createCheckBox( "Advanced Ratio and Price", "configRatioPrice" ); monetaryMarketBlock.append( configRatioPrice ); //OTHERS var OthersBlock = $( "<div id='OthersBlock'>Others</div>" ); var configProfile= createCheckBox( "Profile - Today DMG", "configProfile" ); OthersBlock.append( configProfile ); var configProfileCalc= createCheckBox( "Profile - Calculator", "configProfileCalc" ); OthersBlock.append( configProfileCalc ); OthersBlock.append( "<hr /><br />" ); var configkari= createCheckBox( "Christmass Extra", "configKari" ); OthersBlock.append( configkari ); // MU //configMUBrodcastMsg var MUBlock = $( "<div id='MUBlock'>MU Main</div>" ); var configMUBrodcastMsg = createCheckBox( "Brodcast MSG", "configMUBrodcastMsg" ); MUBlock.append( configMUBrodcastMsg ); // Theme weapon selector var weaponSel = $( "<select id='weaponSelectorTheme' class='customSelectList'></select>" ); weaponSel.append( "<option value='default'>eSim</option>" ); //weaponSel.append( "<option value='AoE'>Age of empires</option>" ); //weaponSel.append( "<option value='SW'>Star Wars</option>" ); //weaponSel.append( "<option value='Pok'>PokĂŠmon</option>" ); weaponSel.bind( "change", function() { setValue( "configWeaponTheme", $(this).val() ); }); // Selector of default weapon var defaultWeapon = $( "<select id='defaultWeapon' class='customSelectList'></select>" ); defaultWeapon.append( "<option value='0'>Unarmed</option>" ); for( var i=1; i<=5; i++ ) { defaultWeapon.append( "<option value='"+i+"'>Q"+i+"</option>" ); } defaultWeapon.bind( "change", function() { setValue( "configDefaultWeapon", $(this).val() ); }); //THEME AND WEP BLock var themeAndWep = $( "<div id='themeAndWep'>Theme And Wep<br /></div>" ); themeAndWep.append( "<b>Theme: </b>" ); themeAndWep.append( weaponSel ); weaponSel.val( getValue( "configWeaponTheme" ) ); themeAndWep.append( "<b>Default weapon: </b>" ); themeAndWep.append( defaultWeapon ); defaultWeapon.val( getValue( "configDefaultWeapon" ) ); // LInkbar Linkbar=$('<div id="linkBar"><br>LinkBar Links:</b><br/> 1 Link: <input id="LB_1" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_1" type="text" /><br/>2 Link: <input id="LB_2" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_2" type="text" /><br/>3 Link: <input id="LB_3" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_3" type="text" /><br/>4 Link: <input id="LB_4" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_4" type="text" /><br/>5 Link: <input id="LB_5" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_5" type="text" /><br/>6 Link: <input id="LB_6" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_6" type="text" /><br/>7 Link: <input id="LB_7" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_7" type="text" /><br/>8 Link: <input id="LB_8" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_8" type="text" /><br/>9 Link: <input id="LB_9" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_9" type="text" /><br/>10 Link: <input id="LB_10" type="text" /> Text:<input id="LBT_10" type="text" /><br/></div>') // Close button //configScript.append( "" ); var close = $( "<input class='postfix only-icon button foundation-style' style='margin-top:2px' type='button' value='Save and close' />" ); close.bind( "click", function() { saveLinkBarLinks();$.unblockUI(); $( "#maskConfig" ).hide(); $( "#configScript" ).hide(); }); //FAST BUTTONS var FBBlock = $( "<div id='FBBlock'></div>" ); var fastLinks = createCheckBox( "Fast Links", "configFastLinks" ); FBBlock.append( fastLinks ); FBBlock.append( "<hr />" ); var config_FB_eq = createCheckBox( "Equipment", "config_FB_eq" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_eq ); //------------- var config_FB_co= createCheckBox( "Companys", "config_FB_co" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_co); //------------- var config_FB_con = createCheckBox( "Contract", "config_FB_con" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_con ); //------------- var config_FB_share = createCheckBox( "Shares", "config_FB_share" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_share ); //------------- var config_FB_pm = createCheckBox( "Product Market", "config_FB_pm" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_pm ); //------------- var config_FB_mm = createCheckBox( "Monetary Market", "config_FB_mm" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_mm ); //------------- var config_FB_trav = createCheckBox( "Travel", "config_FB_trav" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_trav ); //------------- var config_FB_buff = createCheckBox( "Buff", "config_FB_buff" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_buff ); //------------- var config_FB_newC = createCheckBox( "New Citizens", "config_FB_newC" ); FBBlock.append( config_FB_newC ); //------------- //MUFasTBUttons FBBlock.append( "<br /><br />" ); var muFastLinks = createCheckBox( "MU Fast links", "configMUFastLinks" ); FBBlock.append( muFastLinks ); FBBlock.append( "<hr />" ); //------------- var config_MFB_mu = createCheckBox( "My Military Unit", "config_MFB_mu" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_mu ); //------------- var config_MFB_st = createCheckBox( "MU Storage", "config_MFB_st" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_st ); //------------- var config_MFB_mm = createCheckBox( "MU Money", "config_MFB_mm" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_mm ); //------------- var config_MFB_dc = createCheckBox( "MU Donate Company", "config_MFB_dc" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_dc ); //------------- var config_MFB_dp = createCheckBox( "MU Donate Product", "config_MFB_dp" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_dp ); //------------- var config_MFB_dm = createCheckBox( "MU Donate Money", "config_MFB_dm" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_dm ); //------------- var config_MFB_mc = createCheckBox( "MU Companys", "config_MFB_mc" ); FBBlock.append( config_MFB_mc ); //------------- var config_MFB_mumem= createCheckBox( "MU Members", "config_MFB_mumem" ); FBBlock.append(config_MFB_mumem ); //------------- //configScript.append( "<table align='center' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' style='width: 550px;'><tbody><tr><td id='configScripttabel_1'></td><td id='configScripttabel_2'></td><td id='configScripttabel_3'></td></tr><tr><td id='configScripttabel_4'></td><td id='configScripttabel_5'></td><td id='configScripttabel_6'></td></tr><tr><td id='configScripttabel_7'></td><td id='configScripttabel_8'></td><td id='configScripttabel_9'></td></tr><tr><td id='configScripttabel_10'></td><td id='configScripttabel_11'></td><td id='configScripttabel_12'></td></tr><tr><td id='configScripttabel_13'></td><td id='configScripttabel_14'></td><td id='configScripttabel_15'></td></tr><tr><td id='configScripttabel_16'></td><td id='configScripttabel_17'></td><td id='configScripttabel_18'></td></tr></tbody></table> " ); configScript.append( '<div id="tabs"></div>'); $("#tabs").append( '<ul>\ <li><a href="#globalBlock">Global</a></li>\ <li><a href="#FBBlock">Fast Links</a></li>\ <li><a href="#MUBlock">MU Main</a></li>\ <li><a href="#muStorageBlock">MU Storage</a></li>\ <li><a href="#muMoneyBlock">MU Money</a></li>\ <li><a href="#donateBlock">Donate</a></li>\ <li><a href="#battleBlock">Battle</a></li>\ <li><a href="#equipmentBlock">Equipment</a></li>\ <li><a href="#sharesBlock">Shares</a></li>\ <li><a href="#travelBlock">Travel</a></li>\ <li><a href="#NewCitizenBlock">New Citizen</a></li>\ <li><a href="#ArticleBlock">Article</a></li>\ <li><a href="#SearchBlock">Search</a></li>\ <li><a href="#companyBlock">Company</a></li>\ <li><a href="#marketBlock">Product Market</a></li>\ <li><a href="#monetaryMarketBlock">Monetary Market</a></li>\ <li><a href="#themeAndWep">Theme And Wep</a></li>\ <li><a href="#linkBar">LinkBar</a></li>\ <li><a href="#OthersBlock">Others</a></li>\ </ul>'); $("#tabs").append( globalBlock ); $("#tabs").append( FBBlock ); $("#tabs").append( battleBlock ); $("#tabs").append( muStorageBlock ); $("#tabs").append( donateBlock ); $("#tabs").append( equipmentBlock ); $("#tabs").append( muMoneyBlock ); $("#tabs").append( sharesBlock ); $("#tabs").append( companyBlock ); $("#tabs").append( monetaryMarketBlock ); $("#tabs").append( marketBlock ); $("#tabs").append( travelBlock ); $("#tabs").append( SearchBlock ); $("#tabs").append( NewCitizenBlock ); $("#tabs").append( ArticleBlock ); $("#tabs").append( MUBlock ); $("#tabs").append( themeAndWep ); $("#tabs").append( Linkbar ); $("#tabs").append( OthersBlock ); $( "#tabs" ).tabs().addClass( "ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix" ); $( "#tabs li" ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-left" ); /*$("#configScripttabel_1").append( globalBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_2").append( battleBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_3").append( muStorageBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_4").append( donateBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_5").append( equipmentBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_6").append( muMoneyBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_7").append( sharesBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_8").append( companyBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_9").append( monetaryMarketBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_10").append( marketBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_11").append( travelBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_12").append( SearchBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_13").append( NewCitizenBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_14").append( ArticleBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_15").append( MUBlock ); $("#configScripttabel_16").append( OthersBlock ); configScript.append( "<b>Theme: </b>" ); configScript.append( weaponSel ); weaponSel.val( getValue( "configWeaponTheme" ) ); configScript.append( "<b>Default weapon: </b>" ); configScript.append( defaultWeapon ); defaultWeapon.val( getValue( "configDefaultWeapon" ) ); configScript.append( Linkbar ); */ //Visszatöltés fillBack() configScript.append( close ); //Bezárás $( "#maskConfig" ).hide(); $( "#configScript" ).hide(); /*$.unblockUI();*/ } function fillBack() { for(i=1;i<11;i++) { sid="#LB_"+""+i; $(sid).val(getValue("LB_"+""+i)); sid="#LBT_"+""+i; $(sid).val(getValue("LBT_"+""+i)); } } //saveLinkBarLinks() function saveLinkBarLinks() { //alert("save") for(i=1;i<11;i++) { sid="#LB_"+""+i; setValue("LB_"+""+i,$(sid).val()); sid="#LBT_"+""+i; setValue("LBT_"+""+i,$(sid).val()); } } // Create checkbox and label function createCheckBox( label, configLabel ) { var div = $( "<div></div>" ); var checked = (getValue( configLabel ) == "true") ? "checked='checked'" : ""; div.append( "<input class='configCheckbox' type='checkbox' "+ checked +" />" ); div.children( "input" ).bind( "change", function() { setValue( configLabel, ($(this).attr( "checked" ) == "checked") ); }); div.append( "<span class='configLabelCheckbox'>"+ label +"</span>" ); div.children( "span" ).bind( "click", function() { div.children( "input" ).click(); div.children( "input" ).change(); }); return( div ); } // Rellocate messages notify function rellocateMessages() { // Relloacte messages var plateList = $( "#userMenu" ).children( ".plate" ); var plate = plateList.last(); plate.insertAfter( $( "#userName" ).parent().parent() ); // Remove useless fight button var localUrl = new String( window.location ); // On battle, always remove if( localUrl.indexOf( URLBattle, 0 ) >= 0 ) { if( plateList.length == 5 ) { plateList.eq(1).remove(); } } else { if( plateList.length == 5 ) { // if Org, always remove if( isOrgAccount() ) { plateList.eq(1).remove(); } else { plateList.eq(1).find( ".fightIcon" ).parent().remove(); if( plateList.eq(1).children( "div" ).children( ".button" ).length == 0 ) { plateList.eq(1).remove(); } } } } } // Update MU orders if changed on main page function updateMUOrdersMain() { $( ".testDivblue" ).each( function() { if( $(this).children( "center" ).length == 2 ) { var savedBattle = getValue( "MUSavedBattle" ); var battle = $(this).find( "a[href^='battle.html?id=']" ).attr( "href" ); if( !battle ) { return; } var side = $("#eventTeamImage b div").attr("class").split(" ")[1]; //side = side.replace( "small", "medium" ); if( savedBattle != battle ) { // alert(battle +" -- ") setValue( "MUSavedBattle", battle ); setValue( "MUSide", side ); // Open MU page to check quality and text orders $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLMyMU, success: function( data ) { var table = $( data ).find( "#militaryUnitContainer table" ); var tr = table.find( "tr" ).eq(0); var td = tr.find( "td" ).eq(1); var MURank = td.children( "div" ).first().find("table tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)").text().toLowerCase(); //alert(MURank) if( MURank == "novice" ) { setValue( "MURank", "5" ); } else if( MURank == "regular" ) { setValue( "MURank", "10" ); } else if( MURank == "veteran" ) { setValue( "MURank", "15" ); } else if( MURank == "elite" ) { setValue( "MURank", "20" ); } } }); } } }); } // Calculate bonus on battle function calculateBonus() { $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".biggerFont.blueBox" ).css({ "margin-right" : "26px" }); $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".biggerFont.redBox" ).css({ "margin-left" : "25px" }); var divBattle = $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(0); var divFight = $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(1); var plate = $( "#stats" ).parent(); var currentLocation = plate.find( "a[href^='region']" ).attr( "href" ).split( "?id=" ); if( currentLocation.length > 1 ) { currentLocation = currentLocation[1] } var divBattleLocation = $( ".testDivwhite" ).find( "a[href^='region']" ); if( divBattleLocation.length == 1 ) { var battleLocation = divBattleLocation.attr( "href" ).split( "?id=" ); if( battleLocation.length > 1 ) { battleLocation = battleLocation[1] } } var bonusMU = 0; var muSide = ""; if( getValue( "MUSavedBattle" ) ) { muSide = getValue( "MUSavedBattle" ).split( "?id=" ); if( muSide.length > 1 ) { muSide = muSide[1] } } var battleID = getUrlVars()[ "id" ]; var products = $( ".productList" ); var numberLocation = 0; var bonusSD = 0; // Get if SD is on battle if( products.length > 0 ) { products.find( "img" ).each( function() { isDS = $(this).attr( "src" ).split(" ")[0]; isDS = isDS+"" if( isDS.indexOf('Defense') != -1 ) { var str = $(this).next().attr( "src" ); str = str.replace( IMGQUALITY, "" ).substring(0, 1); bonusSD = parseInt( str ) * 5; } }); } var travelRW = $( "<div class='blueBox' style='padding:9px 2px; margin:0px 0px 15px 0px;'></div>" ); var link = $( "<a href='' id='travelLocation' style='cursor:pointer; font-size:13px;'></a>" ); link.append( "<span style='font-size:11px'>Move to RW location and get +20%</span>" ); travelRW.append( link ); var travelLeft = $( "<div class='blueBox' style='padding:6px 2px; margin:0px 0px 15px -6px; width:135px;'></div>" ); travelLeft.css({ "display" : "inline-block" }); link = $( "<a href='' id='travelLocationLeft' style='cursor:pointer; font-size:11px;'></a>" ); link.append( "<span style='font-size:10px'>Move to defender region and get +20%</span>" ); travelLeft.append( link ); var travelRight = $( "<div class='redBox' style='padding:6px 2px; margin:0px 1px 15px 0px; width:135px;'></div>" ); travelRight.css({ "display" : "inline-block", "float" : "right" }); link = $( "<a href='' id='travelLocationRight' style='cursor:pointer; font-size:11px;'></a>" ); link.append( "<span style='font-size:10px'>Move to neighbour region and get +20%</span>" ); travelRight.append( link ); // if( divFight.find( ".fightButton" ).length > 0 ) var isRW = false; var isRW = (divBattleLocation.parent().parent().text().indexOf( "Resistance war", 0 ) > -1); pos = $("#showTutorial"); if( isRW ) { if( currentLocation == battleLocation ) { numberLocation = 20; } // If can't fight, location is not correct if( $( "#weaponQuality" ).length == 0 ) { travelRW.insertBefore( pos ); setTravelLocation( battleLocation, travelRW, travelLeft, travelRight ); } var leftMU = 0; var rightMU = 0; var sides = $( ".testDivwhite" ).find( ".flags-big" ); // MU Bonus if( battleID == muSide ) { // Correct battle if( sides.length == 2 ) { // Left defender if( sides.eq(0).attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] == getValue( "MUSide" ) ) { leftMU = getValue( "MURank" ); } else if( sides.eq(1).attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] == getValue( "MUSide" ) ) { rightMU = getValue( "MURank" ); } } } var leftBlock = createBlockBonus( numberLocation, leftMU, bonusSD ); leftBlock.attr( "id", "leftBlockBonus" ); //leftBlock.css({ "margin-top" : "-10px", "margin-left" : "-24px" }); leftBlock.append("|") leftBlock.insertBefore( pos ); // Only defensive SD var rightBlock = createBlockBonus( numberLocation, rightMU, 0 ); rightBlock.attr( "id", "rightBlockBonus" ); //rightBlock.css({ "margin-top" : "-10px", "margin-left" : (pos.width()+13)+"px" }); rightBlock.insertBefore( pos ); } else { var flags = $( ".testDivwhite" ).find( ".flags-big" ); var defender = flags.eq(0).attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1]; var attacker = flags.eq(1).attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1]; var attackerId = IDByImageCountry(attacker) // If can't fight, location is not correct if( $( "#weaponQuality" ).length == 0 ) { travelLeft.insertBefore( pos ); travelRight.insertBefore( pos ); setTravelLocation( battleLocation, travelRW, travelLeft, travelRight, attackerId ); }else{ var yourSide = pos.find( ".flags-medium" ).attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1]; } bonusMU = 0; if( yourSide == attacker ) { if( (battleID == muSide) && (yourSide == getValue( "MUSide" )) ) { bonusMU = getValue( "MURank" ); } var neighbours = getRegionAPI( battleLocation, currentLocation ); if(neighbours.indexOf( parseInt(currentLocation) ) != -1){ numberLocation=20; }else{ numberLocation=0; travelRight.insertBefore( pos ); setTravelLocation( battleLocation, travelRW, travelLeft, travelRight, attackerId ); } var rightBlock = createBlockBonus( numberLocation, bonusMU, 0 ); rightBlock.attr( "id", "rightBlockBonus" ); rightBlock.addClass( "rightBonusBlock" ); //rightBlock.css({ "margin-left" : (pos.width()+7)+"px" }); rightBlock.insertBefore( pos ); } else if( yourSide == defender ) { if( (battleID == muSide) && (yourSide == getValue( "MUSide" )) ) { bonusMU = getValue( "MURank" ); } if( currentLocation == battleLocation ) { numberLocation = 20; }else{ numberLocation = 0; travelLeft.insertBefore( pos ); setTravelLocation( battleLocation, travelRW, travelLeft, travelRight, attackerId ); } var leftBlock = createBlockBonus( numberLocation, bonusMU, bonusSD ); leftBlock.attr( "id", "leftBlockBonus" ); //leftBlock.css({ "margin-top" : "-10px", "margin-left" : "-23px" }); leftBlock.insertBefore( pos ); } } } // Create bonus battle dov function createBlockBonus( location, MU, SD ) { var block = $( "<div class='bonusBattleBlock'></div>" ); var bonusLocation = $( "<div class='locationBonus'>"+ location +"%</div>" ); bonusLocation.attr( "title", "<b>Location bonus</b>" ); bonusLocation.addClass( (location == 0) ? "redBackground" : "greenBackground" ); bonusLocation.tooltip({ tipClass:"smalltooltip", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" }, onShow: function() { $( ".smalltooltip" ).css({ "text-align" : "center", "width" : "88px", "font-size" : "11px", "padding" : "3px 8px", "margin" : "0px 0px 0px 14px" }); } }); var bonusMU = $( "<div class='MUBonus'>"+ MU +"%</div>" ); bonusMU.attr( "title", "<b>Military unit bonus</b>" ); bonusMU.addClass( (MU == 0) ? "redBackground" : "greenBackground" ); bonusMU.tooltip({ tipClass:"smalltooltip", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" }, onShow: function() { $( ".smalltooltip" ).css({ "text-align" : "center", "width" : "88px", "font-size" : "11px", "padding" : "3px 8px", "margin" : "0px 0px 0px 14px" }); } }); var bonusSD = $( "<div class='DSBonus' title='<b>Defensive system bonus</b>'>"+ SD +"%</div>" ); bonusSD.attr( "title", "<b>Defensive system bonus</b>" ); bonusSD.addClass( (SD == 0) ? "redBackground" : "greenBackground" ); bonusSD.tooltip({ tipClass:"smalltooltip", position: { my: "center top+4", at: "center bottom" }, onShow: function() { $( ".smalltooltip" ).css({ "text-align" : "center", "width" : "88px", "font-size" : "11px", "padding" : "3px 8px", "margin" : "0px 0px 0px 14px" }); } }); block.append( bonusLocation ); block.append( bonusMU ); block.append( bonusSD ); return( block ); } // Change weapon battle selector function changeWeaponBattle() { // First div with selected weapon var bigWeapTable="<table id='table1'><tr><td style='width:100%;' id='WepSelect_1' colspan='3'><table><tr><td id='WepSelect_1_1' style='width:30%;'></td><td id='WepSelect_1_2' style='width:70%;'></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td id='WepSelect_3' style='width:33%;'></td><td style='width:33%;' id='WepSelect_4'></td><td style='width:33%;' id='WepSelect_5'></td></tr></table><table style='width:100%;' id='table3'><tr><td>Hit type:</td><td>Damage:</td></tr><tr><td id='lastHitType'>-</td><td id='lastdamage'>-</td></tr></table>" var bigWeap = $( "<div class='testDivwhite' id='bigWeaponBlock'>"+bigWeapTable+"</div>" ); var imgWeap = $( "<img id='bigWeaponImg' />" ); var weapInfo = $( "<div id='weaponsInfo'></div>" ); weapInfo.append( imgWeap ); weapInfo.append( "<span id='qualityWeaponInfo'></span>" ); weapInfo.append( "<span id='availableWeaponInfo'></span>" ); var dataInfo = $( "<div id='blockInfoDamage'></div>" ); dataInfo.append( "Fight:<br /><span id='minDamage'></span> / <span id='maxDamage'></span><br/>" ); dataInfo.append( "Berserk:<br/><span id='bkMinDamage'></span> / <span id='bkMaxDamage'></span>" ); var equipInfo = $( "<div id='blockEquipInfo'></div>" ); var lineCritical = $( "<div></div>" ); var playerCriticalValue = getValue( "playerCritical" ) ? getValue( "playerCritical" ) : 0; lineCritical.append( "<span class='percentBattleInfo'>"+ playerCriticalValue +" %</span> " ); lineCritical.append( "<img src='"+ IMGCRITICAL +"' /><br />" ); lineCritical.append( "<span id='criticalCounter'>"+getValue("today_crit")+"</span>" ); //equipInfo.append( lineCritical ); var lineMiss = $( "<div></div>" ); var playerMissValue = getValue( "playerMiss" ) ? getValue( "playerMiss" ) : 0; lineMiss.append( "<span class='percentBattleInfo'>"+ playerMissValue +" %</span> " ); lineMiss.append( "<img src='"+ IMGMISS +"' /><br />" ); lineMiss.append( "<span id='missCounter'>"+getValue("today_miss")+"</span>" ); //equipInfo.append( lineMiss ); var lineAvoid = $( "<div></div>" ); var playerAvoidValue = getValue( "playerAvoid" ) ? getValue( "playerAvoid" ) : 0; lineAvoid.append( "<span class='percentBattleInfo'>"+ playerAvoidValue +" %</span> " ); lineAvoid.append( "<img src='"+ IMGAVOID +"' /><br />" ); lineAvoid.append( "<span id='avoidCounter'>"+getValue("today_avoid")+"</span>" ); //equipInfo.append( lineAvoid ); /*bigWeap.append( imgWeap ); bigWeap.append( weapInfo ); bigWeap.append( dataInfo ); bigWeap.append( equipInfo );*/ //bigWeap.find("#WepSelect_1").append( imgWeap ); bigWeap.find("#WepSelect_1_1").append( weapInfo ); bigWeap.find("#WepSelect_1_2").append( dataInfo ); bigWeap.find("#WepSelect_3").append( lineCritical ); bigWeap.find("#WepSelect_4").append( lineAvoid ); bigWeap.find("#WepSelect_5").append( lineMiss ); //INFO fight_info=$("<img id='fight_info' src='' >") fight_info.bind('click', function() { $("#table1").slideUp("fast") $("#table3").slideUp("fast") $("#fight_info").slideUp("fast") $("#MUMarketBlock").slideUp("fast") $("#bigWeaponBlock").append('<table id="table2" style="width:100%; display: none;"><tbody><tr><td colspan="4">Fight Info</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">All hit</td><td colspan="2" id="all_hit"></td></tr><tr><td>Type:</td><td>Crit</td><td>Avoid</td><td>Miss</td></tr><tr><td>Hit:</td><td id="crit"></td><td id="avoid"></td><td id="miss"></td></tr><tr><td>Nominal %</td><td id="critN"></td><td id="avoidN"></td><td id="missN"></td></tr><tr><td>Real %</td><td id="critR"></td><td id="avoidR"></td><td id="missR"></td></tr></tbody></table>') $('#all_hit').text(getValue("today_all")) $("#crit").text(getValue("today_crit")); $("#avoid").text(getValue("today_avoid")); $("#miss").text(getValue("today_miss")); $("#critN").text(playerCriticalValue); $("#avoidN").text(playerAvoidValue); $("#missN").text(playerMissValue); $("#critR").text(((getValue("today_crit")/getValue("today_all"))*100).toFixed(2)); $("#avoidR").text(((getValue("today_avoid")/getValue("today_all"))*100).toFixed(2)); if(playerMissValue == 0){ $("#missR").text("0.00"); }else{ $("#missN").text(((getValue("today_miss")/getValue("today_all"))*100).toFixed(2)); } back=$("<img id='fight_back' src=''>") back.bind('click', function() { $("#table2").slideUp("fast") $("#fight_back").slideUp("fast") $("#fight_back").remove(); $("#table1").slideDown("slow") $("#table3").slideDown("slow") $("#fight_info").slideDown("slow") $("#MUMarketBlock").slideDown("slow") }); $("#bigWeaponBlock").append(back) $("#table2").slideDown("slow") }); bigWeap.append( fight_info ); //Select Hide/Show fight response var HideSelectorBlock = $( "<div id='MUMarketBlock'><br /></div>" ); var configHideResponse = createCheckBox( "Select Hide/Show fight response", "configHideResponse" ); HideSelectorBlock .append( configHideResponse ); bigWeap.append( HideSelectorBlock ); bigWeap.insertBefore( "#weaponQuality" ); var selectedTheme = getValue( "configWeaponTheme" ); var defaultWeapon = getValue( "configDefaultWeapon" ); var index = 0; var content = $( "<div id='weaponSelector'></div>" ); $( "#weaponQuality" ).find( "option" ).each( function() { var weapQ = $( "<div class='weaponQualityNewSelector'></div>" ); if( index == 0 ) { if( selectedTheme == "default" ) { weapQ.append( "<img class='defaultWeaponQ0' src='"+ IMGWEAPON +"' />" ); } else weapQ.append( "<img class='"+ selectedTheme +"WeaponQ0' src='"+ eval( selectedTheme+"weaponQ0" ) +"' />" ); weapQ.addClass( "Q0weaponBox" ); } else { if( selectedTheme == "default" ) { weapQ.append( "<img class='defaultWeaponQX' src='"+ IMGWEAPON +"' />" ); } else weapQ.append( "<img class='"+ selectedTheme +"WeaponQX' src='"+ eval( selectedTheme+"weaponQ"+index ) +"' />" ); weapQ.addClass( "QXweaponBox" ); } var nWeap = ""; var str = $(this).text();; var pos = str.indexOf( "-50%", 0 ); if( pos < 0 ) { nWeap = str.match(/ [0-9]{1,10}/g); weapQ.append( "<div class='QXweaponString'>"+ (index * 20) +"%</div>" ); } else { weapQ.css({ "margin-top" : "0px" }); weapQ.append( "<div class='Q0weaponString'> -50%<br/> Unarmed </div>" ); } weapQ.attr( "indexselect", index ); weapQ.attr( "numWeapons", nWeap ); weapQ.append( "<div class='selectorNumWeapons'>"+ nWeap + "</div>" ); if( (nWeap == "") || (nWeap > 0) ) { /*weapQ.bind( "mouseover", function() { if( selectedWeapon.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).css({ "box-shadow" : "0px 1px 3px 2px #6baef8" }); } }); weapQ.bind( "mouseout", function() { if( selectedWeapon.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).css({ "box-shadow" : "0px 1px 3px 1px #9bbef8" }); } });*/ weapQ.bind( "click", function() { var quality = parseInt( $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ); if( selectedWeapon ) { selectedWeapon.removeClass( "selectedWeapon" ); selectedWeapon.removeClass( "selectedUnarmedWeapon" ); } if( quality == 0 ) { $( "#qualityWeaponInfo" ).text( "Unarmed" ); $( "#availableWeaponInfo" ).text( "" ); if( selectedTheme == "default" ) { $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).attr( "src", IMGWEAPON ); $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).addClass( "bigWeaponDefault" ); } else { $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).attr( "src", eval( selectedTheme + "weaponQ0Big" ) ); $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).addClass( "bigWeapon" + selectedTheme ); } } else { $( "#qualityWeaponInfo" ).text( "Q" + quality ); $( "#availableWeaponInfo" ).text( $(this).attr( "numWeapons" ) + " left" ); if( selectedTheme == "default" ) { $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).attr( "src", IMGWEAPON ); $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).addClass( "bigWeaponDefault" ); } else { $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).attr( "src", eval( selectedTheme + "weaponQ" + quality + "Big" ) ); $( "#bigWeaponImg" ).addClass( "bigWeapon" + selectedTheme ); } } selectedWeapon = $(this); selectedWeapon.addClass( (quality == 0) ? "selectedUnarmedWeapon" : "selectedWeapon" ); $( "#weaponQuality option" ).removeAttr( "selected" ); $( "#weaponQuality option" )[ quality ].selected = true; updateDamage(); }); } else weapQ.addClass( "disabledWeapon" ); // default Q0 if( (index == 0) || (index == defaultWeapon) ) {; } index++; content.append( weapQ ); }); content.insertAfter( "#weaponQuality" ); $( "#weaponQuality" ).parent().children( "b" ).first().remove(); $( "#weaponQuality" ).parent().children( "br" ).first().remove(); $( "#weaponQuality" ).parent().children( "br" ).first().remove(); $( "#weaponQuality" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); // Add update weapon method, copied from the original method $( ".fightButton" ).each( function() { var input = $( "<input class='newFightButton' type='submit' />" ); input.attr( "value", $(this).val() ); input.attr( "name", $(this).attr( "name" ) ); input.attr( "style", $(this).attr( "style" ) ); input.insertBefore( $(this) ); $(this).hide(); input.bind( "click", function() { var side = $(this)[0].name; var value = $(this)[0].value; mySendFightRequest(side, value); if(getValue("configHideResponse")=="true"){ //alert(getValue("configHideResponse")) $.blockUI({ message: $('#fightStatus'), css: { width: '400px', top: ($(window).height() - 400) /2 + 'px', left: ($(window).width() - 400) /2 + 'px', border: '0px', background: '#F2F2F2' } }); }else{ //alert(getValue("configHideResponse")) //updateWeaponsNumber(); } return( false ); }); }); } // HIDE EXTRA INFOs function hideExtraInfo() { if(getValue("configExtraInfo")=="false") { alert(getValue("configExtraInfo")) $("#table1").hide() $("#fight_info").hide() } } function hit_type(type,multip) { if(type=="crit") { sv = getValue("today_crit") setValue("today_crit",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) $("#criticalCounter").text(getValue("today_crit")) sv = getValue("today_all") setValue("today_all",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) $("#lastHitType").html('<span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:18px;font-style:normal;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;font-variant:small-caps;color:00FF00;">Critical!!!</span>') } if(type=="miss") { sv = getValue("today_miss") setValue("today_miss",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) $("#missCounter").text(getValue("today_miss")) sv = getValue("today_all") setValue("today_all",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) $("#lastHitType").html('<span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:18px;font-style:normal;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;font-variant:small-caps;color:FF0000;">Miss!!!</span>') } if(type=="avoid") { sv = getValue("today_avoid") setValue("today_avoid",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) $("#avoidCounter").text(getValue("today_avoid")) sv = getValue("today_all") setValue("today_all",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) $("#lastHitType").html('<span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:18px;font-style:normal;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;font-variant:small-caps;color:00FF00;">Avoid!!!</span>') $("#lastHitType").effect( "shake" ) } if(type=="normal") { sv = getValue("today_all") setValue("today_all",Number(sv)+Number(multip)) //$("#avoidCounter").text(getValue("today_avoid")) $("#lastHitType").html('<span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:18px;font-style:normal;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;font-variant:small-caps;color:000000;">Normal...</span>') } } // sendFightRequest from the original page copied and improved function mySendFightRequest(side, val) { var dataString = 'weaponQuality='+ $("#weaponQuality").val() + '&battleRoundId=' + $("#battleRoundId").val() + '&side='+side+'&value='+val; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "fight.html", data: dataString, success: function( msg ) { $( "#fightResponse > div" ).replaceWith( msg ); $( "#fightResponse > div" ).append("<br /><br /><button id='unblockButton' type='submit' class='button foundation-style'>Ok</button><br /><br />") //alert(msg) // CHECK HIT TYPE multip=$(msg).find("#xpGain").text(); if(multip!=""){ pattcrit=/Critical hit!/; var crit= pattcrit.test(msg); pattmiss = /Miss!/ var miss= pattmiss.test(msg); pattavoid=/absorbed/; var avoid= pattavoid.test(msg); pattnormal=/Normal hit/; var normal= pattnormal.test(msg); if(normal) hit_type("normal",multip); if(crit) hit_type("crit",multip); if(miss) hit_type("miss",multip); if(avoid) hit_type("avoid",multip); //AVOID AND CRIT if(avoid && crit){ $("#lastHitType").html('<span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:18px;font-style:normal;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:blink;text-transform:none;color:00FF00;">AVOID/CRITICAL</span>'); $("#lastHitType").effect( "shake" ) } //REFRESH LAST DMG $("#lastdamage").text(commaNumber($("#DamageDone").text())); // Check HIT TYPE var healthText = $( "#healthUpdate" ).text(); if( healthText != "" ) { var healthUpdated = healthText.substr( 0, healthText.length-3 ); if( healthUpdated < 100 ) { $( "#healthProgress div.ui-corner-right" ).removeClass( 'ui-corner-right' ); } $( "#healthProgress .ui-progressbar-value" ).animate({ width: healthUpdated + "%" },{ queue: false }); $( "#healthProgress" ).attr( 'title',healthUpdated+' / 100' ); $("#actualHealth").text(healthUpdated); } var rank = parseInt( $("#rankUpdate").text() ); var rankNext = parseInt( $("#nextLevelRankUpdate").text() ); var rankCurr = parseInt( $("#currLevelRankUpdate").text() ); if(rank != null) { var rankWidth = Math.round((rank - rankCurr) / (rankNext - rankCurr) * 100); $( "#rankProgress .ui-progressbar-value" ).animate({ width: rankWidth + "%" },{ queue: false }); $( "#rankProgress" ).attr( 'title',rank+' / '+rankNext ); $("#actualRank").text(rank); } var xp = parseInt($("#xpUpdate").text()); var xpNext = parseInt($("#nextLevelXpUpdate").text()); var xpCurr = parseInt($("#currLevelXpUpdate").text()); if(xp != null) { var xpWidth = Math.round((xp - xpCurr) / (xpNext - xpCurr) * 100); $("#xpProgress .ui-progressbar-value").animate({width: xpWidth + "%"},{queue: false}); $("#xpProgress").attr('title',xp+' / '+xpNext); $("#actualXp").text(xp); } var rankText = $( "#currRankText" ).text(); var currRankText = $( "#rankText" ).text(); if( rankText != null && currRankText != null ) { if( rankText != currRankText ) { $( "#currRankText" ).text( currRankText ); $( "#rankImage img" ).attr( 'src', $( "#rankImg" ).text() ); } } //Refix xp and rank configSomeFix(); } $( "#unblockButton" ).bind( "click", function() { //alert("haha") $.unblockUI(); }); updateWeaponsNumber(); updateHealthButtons(); } }); } // Update damage function updateDamage() { var minDamage = getValue( "playerMinDamage" ); var maxDamage = getValue( "playerMaxDamage" ); var weaponBonus = parseInt( $( "#weaponQuality" ).val() ); weaponBonus = (weaponBonus == 0) ? 0.5 : (weaponBonus*20 + 100)/100; $( "#minDamage" ).text( pointNumber( parseInt(minDamage * weaponBonus) ) ); $( "#maxDamage" ).text( pointNumber( parseInt(maxDamage * weaponBonus) ) ); $( "#bkMinDamage" ).text( pointNumber( parseInt(5*minDamage * weaponBonus) ) ); $( "#bkMaxDamage" ).text( pointNumber( parseInt(5*maxDamage * weaponBonus) ) ); /*var damage = strength * rank * (quality*20 + 100)/100; if( quality == 0 ) { damage = strength * rank / 2; } var pos; var strDmg = ""; var strBk = ""; var strTotal = ""; var mubonus = 0; var locbonus = 0; var sdbonus = 0; var foodLimit = parseInt( $( "#foodLimit" ).text() ); var giftLimit = parseInt( $( "#giftLimit" ).text() ); var health = parseInt( $( "#healthBar" ).text() ); var nHits = health/10 + 5 * foodLimit + 5 * giftLimit; var divBattleLocation = $( ".testDivwhite" ).find( "a[href^='region']" ); var isRW = (divBattleLocation.parent().text().indexOf( "Resistance war", 0 ) > -1); if( $( "#leftBlockBonus" ).length == 1 ) { pos = $( "#leftBlockBonus" ).children( "div" ); mubonus = parseInt( pos.eq(0).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); locbonus = parseInt( pos.eq(1).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); sdbonus = parseInt( pos.eq(2).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); // Order, MU - location - SD damage *= (mubonus+100)/100; damage *= (locbonus+100)/100; damage *= (sdbonus+100)/100; strDmg += pointNumber( parseInt( damage ) ); strBk += pointNumber( parseInt( damage * 5 ) ); strTotal += pointNumber( parseInt( damage * nHits ) ); } damage = strength * rank * (quality*20 + 100)/100; if( quality == 0 ) { damage = strength * rank / 2; } if( $( "#rightBlockBonus" ).length == 1 ) { pos = $( "#rightBlockBonus" ).children( "div" ); mubonus = parseInt( pos.eq(0).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); locbonus = parseInt( pos.eq(1).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); sdbonus = parseInt( pos.eq(2).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); // Order, MU - location - SD damage *= (mubonus+100)/100; damage *= (locbonus+100)/100; damage *= (sdbonus+100)/100; strDmg = isRW ? strDmg + " | " : strDmg; strBk = isRW ? strBk + " | " : strBk; strTotal = isRW ? strTotal + " | " : strTotal; strDmg += pointNumber( parseInt( damage ) ); strBk += pointNumber( parseInt( damage*5 ) ); strTotal += pointNumber( parseInt( damage * nHits ) ); } $( "#dmgCurrent" ).html( "Fight: <b style='font-family:Verdana; font-size:9px;'>"+ strDmg +"</b>" ); $( "#berserkCurrent" ).html( "Berserk: <b style='font-family:Verdana; font-size:9px;'>"+ strBk +"</b>" ); $( "#totalDamage" ).html( "Max: <b style='font-family:Verdana; font-size:9px;'>"+ strTotal +"</b>" );*/ } // To add . on numbers function pointNumber( n ){ n = n + ""; var i = n.length-3; while( i > 0 ){ n = n.substring( 0, i )+ "." + n.substring( i, n.length ); i=i-3; } return( n ); } // To add , on numbers function commaNumber( n ){ n = n + ""; var i = n.length-3; while( i > 0 ){ n = n.substring( 0, i )+ "," + n.substring( i, n.length ); i=i-3; } return( n ); } // Updater number weapons value function updateWeaponsNumber() { var index = 0; $( "#weaponQuality" ).find( "option" ).each( function() { var str = $(this).text(); //alert(str); var pos = str.indexOf( "+", 0 ); if( pos > -1 ) { //nWeap = str.substr( pos + 10, str.indexOf( ")", pos ) - pos - 10 ); nWeap = str.match(/\d{1,20}\)/)[0]; nWeap = nWeap.slice(0, nWeap.length-1); //alert(nWeap); $( "#weaponSelector" ).children( "div:eq("+ index +")" ).find( ".selectorNumWeapons" ).text( nWeap ); $( "#availableWeaponsInfo" ).text( nWeap + "left" ); if( selectedWeapon.attr( "indexselect" ) == index ) { if( nWeap == 0 ) { selectedWeapon.unbind( "click" ); selectedWeapon.unbind( "mouseover" ); selectedWeapon.unbind( "mouseout" ); selectedWeapon.addClass( "disabledWeapon" ); $( "#weaponSelector" ).children( "div" ).eq( 0 ).click(); } } } index++; }); } // Change round selector function changeRoundSelector() { var block = $( "#command" ).parent(); block.children().last().remove(); block.children().last().remove(); block.children( "br" ).last().remove(); for( var i=0; i<block.contents().length; i++ ) { var item = block.contents().eq(i); if( item.text().indexOf( "Show round:" ) >= 0 ) { item.remove(); } } // Replace any link var currentRound = getUrlVars()[ "round" ]; $( "#command" ).children( "select" ).find( "option" ).each( function() { var value = $(this).attr( "value" ); var battleID = getUrlVars()[ "id" ]; var url = getCurrentServer() + URLBattle + battleID + "&round=" + value; var roundLink = $( "<a style='padding:2px' class='roundSelector' href='"+ url +"' >"+ value + "</a>" ); if( currentRound ) { if( currentRound == value ) { roundLink.css({ "color" : "#d14d4d", "font-size" : "15px" }); } } // Remove repeated block.children( "a" ).each( function() { if( $(this).text() == value ) { $(this).remove(); } }); block.append( roundLink ); }); if( currentRound == undefined ) { block.children( "a" ).last().css({ "color" : "#d14d4d", "font-size" : "15px" }); } $( "#command" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); } // Improve MU main page function changeMUMainMenu() { /*var listBlue = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ); $( "#container" ).find( ".citizenAction" ).css({ "margin-top" : "-7px" }); listBlue.eq(2).children( "br" ).remove(); listBlue.eq(2).children( "p" ).remove(); var descripDiv = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(4); var membersDiv = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(3); var ordersDiv = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(5); ordersDiv.css({ "margin-top" : "0px" }); ordersDiv.children( "br" ).first().remove(); descripDiv.css({ "margin-top" : "15px" }); var leftDiv = $( "<div style='float:left; width:340px; height:100%'></div>" ); leftDiv.append( ordersDiv ); leftDiv.append( descripDiv ); leftDiv.insertBefore( membersDiv );*/ desc = $("#militaryDescription").html() desc_cent = '<center><b style="font-size:17px">Description</b></center><br /><br />' order_cent = '<center><b style="font-size:17px">Current orders</b></center><br /><br /><b>Battle:</b>' order =$("#militaryDescription").parent().children("div").eq(1).html() $(".testDivblue").eq(4).html(order_cent+order+'<hr class="dashedLine">'+desc_cent+desc) // Get MU Rank getMURank(); } // Get MU rank function getMURank() { var listBlue = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ); var MURank = listBlue.eq(2).find( ".statsLabelRight" ).eq(1).text().toLowerCase(); if( MURank == "novice" ) { setValue( "MURank", "5" ); } else if( MURank == "regular" ) { setValue( "MURank", "10" ); } else if( MURank == "veteran" ) { setValue( "MURank", "15" ); } else if( MURank == "elite" ) { setValue( "MURank", "20" ); } } // Remove first block on MU storage and MU money function removeFirstBlock() { $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".citizenAction" ).css({ "margin-top" : "-7px" }); $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(1).next().remove(); var firstBlock = $( "#contentRow" ).find( ".testDivblue" ).eq(2);; firstBlock.remove(); } // Order MU member function orderMU( idForm, varCheck ) { var divPlayers = $( idForm ).children( "div" ).addClass( "divListPlayers" ); // Save data to order it var list = divPlayers.children(); var tickAll = list[0]; var playerList = []; var names = []; var player; // Ignore beginning BR for( var i=2; i<list.length; i++ ) { player = []; player[0] = list[i++]; player[1] = list[i++]; player[2] = list[i++]; player[3] = list[i++]; // Ignore BR names.push( player[3].textContent.toLowerCase() ); playerList.push( player ); } // Remove all children divPlayers.children().remove(); divPlayers.text( "" ); // Add tickAll button $( tickAll ).bind( "click", function() { $( ".receipments" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); saveCheckedPlayers(); return false; }); divPlayers.append( tickAll ); // Add untickAll button var untickAll = $( "<input type='submit' id='untickAll' value='Untick all' />" ); untickAll.bind( "click", function() { $( ".receipments" ).removeAttr( "checked" ); setValue( "lastSelectionMUStorage", "" ); return false; }); divPlayers.append( untickAll ); // Add other submit button divPlayers.append( "<input id='donateBtn2' type='submit' value='Donate' />" ); divPlayers.append( "<br/>" ); // Order array by name names.sort(); // Add ordered members var tr, td; var table = $( "<table class='playerTable'></table>" ); divPlayers.append( table ); for( i=0; i<names.length; i++ ) { for( var j=0; j<playerList.length; j++ ) { if( names[i] == playerList[j][3].textContent.toLowerCase() ) { tr = $( "<tr></tr>" ); tr.append( $( "<td class='checkPlayer'></td>" ).append( playerList[j][0] ) ); tr.append( $( "<td class='flagPlayer'></td>" ).append( playerList[j][1] ) ); tr.append( "<td class='noSkill'></td>" ); tr.append( $( "<td class='avatarPlayer'></td>" ).append( playerList[j][2] ) ); tr.append( $( "<td class='namePlayer'></td>" ).append( playerList[j][3] ) ); tr.append( "<td class='companyName'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day6'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day5'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day4'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day3'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day2'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day1'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td class='day0'></td>" ); tr.append( "<td></td>" ); table.append( tr ); tr.children( ".namePlayer" ).children( "a" ).attr( "name", playerList[j][3].textContent ); // Resize player name var name = tr.children( ".namePlayer" ); while( name.height() > (parseInt( name.css( "line-height" ).replace( "px", "" ) ) + 1) ) { var str = name.children( "a" ).text().replace( "...", "" ); name.children( "a" ).text( str.slice( 0, -1 ) + "..." ); } } } } // Check for URL vars if( varCheck ) { setValue( "lastSelectionMUStorage", varCheck ); $( ".playerTable" ).find( ".receipments" ).each( function() { if( varCheck.length > 0 ) { if( varCheck[0] == "1" ) { $(this).attr( "checked", "checked" ); } varCheck = varCheck.substr( 1, varCheck.length-1 ); } }); } // Set Checked players $( ".playerTable" ).find( ".receipments" ).bind( "change", function() { saveCheckedPlayers(); }); } // Set value of checked people on MU storage function saveCheckedPlayers() { var check = ""; $( ".playerTable" ).find( ".receipments" ).each( function() { check += ($(this).attr( "checked" )) ? "1" : "0"; }); setValue( "lastSelectionMUStorage", check ); } // Add donate me button function addDonateToMeButton( idForm ) { // Donate me button var pos = $( idForm ).children( "center" ); var donateMe = $( "<input type='submit' id='donateMe' value='Donate me' />" ); pos.append( donateMe ); var id; var link = $( "#userName" ).attr( "href" ); var split = link.split( "?id=" ); if( split.length > 1 ) { id = split[1]; donateMe.bind( "click", function() { $( ".receipments" ).removeAttr( "checked" ); $( ".receipments[value='"+ id +"']" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); }); } } // Update MU storage donation function changeSelectMUStorage( idForm ) { var select = $( "#product" ); var pos = $( ".testDivwhite" ); var dest = $( "#quantity" ); // Remove all childrens and add help text pos.children().remove(); pos.addClass( "storageSelectMU" ); pos.append( "One click to select <b>ONE item</b>.<br/>Double click to select <b>ALL items</b>.<br/>" ); pos.css({"width":"200px"}) select.prev().remove(); //select.css({ "display" : "none" }); orderSelect( select ); changeSelect( select, pos, dest, "#aaaaaa" ); } // Change select from params function changeSelect( select, placeToAdd, dest, color ) { // Add my items var selectDonate; var index = 1; select.find( "option" ).each( function() { if( $(this).attr( "value" ) == "" ) { return; } var str = $(this).text(); //alert(str) var number = str.indexOf( "(", 0 ); if( number != -1 ) { str = str.substr( number + 1, str.indexOf( ")", number ) - number - 1 ); mypatttofindnum=/\d{1,45}/g; //alert(str) str = mypatttofindnum.exec(str); } var product = $( "<div class='storage productMU'>" ); product.append( "<div>"+ str +"</div>" ); var image = $( "<div></div>" ) product.append( image ); var storageMU = $( "<div class='storageButton' selectIndex='"+ index +"'></div>" ); //storageMU.css({ "box-shadow" : "0px 1px 5px 1px " + color }); storageMU.append( product ); // Raw resource var split = $(this).attr( "value" ).split( "-" ); if( split.length == 1 ) { if( split[0] == "IRON" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGIRON +"' />" ); } else if( split[0] == "OIL" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGOIL +"' />" ); } else if( split[0] == "GRAIN" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGGRAIN +"' />" ); } else if( split[0] == "DIAMONDS" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGDIAMONDS +"' />" ); } else if( split[0] == "WOOD" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGWOOD +"' />" ); } else if( split[0] == "STONE" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGSTONE +"' />" ); } product.css({ "height" : "67px" }); storageMU.css({ "margin" : "10px 4px 8px 10px" }); } else if( split.length = 2 ) { if( split[1] == "WEAPON" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGWEAPON +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "FOOD" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGFOOD +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "TICKET" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGTICKET +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "GIFT" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGGIFT +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "HOUSE" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGHOUSE +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "DEFENSE_SYSTEM" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGDS +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "HOSPITAL" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGHOSPITAL +"' />" ); } else if( split[1] == "ESTATE" ) { image.append( "<img src='"+ IMGESTATE +"' />" ); } image.append( "<img class='qualityMU' src='"+ IMGQUALITY + split[0] + IMGEXTENSION +"' />" ); product.css({ "height" : "77px" }); storageMU.css({ "margin" : "6px 4px 2px 10px" }); } // Events storageMU.bind( "mouseover", function() { if( selectDonate != $(this).attr( "selectIndex" ) ) { $(this).addClass( "storageButtonHover" ); } }); storageMU.bind( "mouseout", function() { if( selectDonate != $(this).attr( "selectIndex" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonHover" ); } }); // Click storageMU.bind( "click", function() { // Deselect current selection if( selectDonate == $(this).attr( "selectIndex" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonClick" ); $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonDblClick" ); select.find( "option" ).removeAttr( "selected" ); selectDonate = null; dest.val( "1" ); } else { // Deselect last item if( selectDonate ) { var selectedItem = placeToAdd.find( ".storageButton[selectIndex='" + selectDonate + "']" ); selectedItem.removeClass( "storageButtonClick" ); selectedItem.removeClass( "storageButtonDblClick" ); dest.val( "1" ); } $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonHover" ); $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonDblClick" ); $(this).addClass( "storageButtonClick" ); selectDonate = $(this).attr( "selectIndex" ); select.find( "option" ).removeAttr( "selected" ); select.find( "option" )[ selectDonate ].selected = true; } }); // Doubleclick storageMU.bind( "dblclick", function() { $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonHover" ); $(this).removeClass( "storageButtonClick" ); $(this).addClass( "storageButtonDblClick" ); selectDonate = $(this).attr( "selectIndex" ); select.find( "option" ).removeAttr( "selected" ); select.find( "option" )[ selectDonate ].selected = true; dest.val( $(this).text().trim() ); return( false ); }); placeToAdd.append( storageMU ); index++; }); } // Reorder select items function orderSelect( select ) { var listOptions = []; select.find( "option" ).each( function() { listOptions.push( $(this) ); $(this).remove(); }); // Order is... Weapons, Food, Gifts, Tickets, Raw and rest var newOptionList = new Array(46); newOptionList[0] = listOptions[0]; var rawIndex = 0; var otherIndex = 0; for( var i=1; i<listOptions.length; i++ ) { var item = listOptions[i].attr( "value" ).split( "-" ); if( item.length == 2 ) { var q = parseInt( item[0] ) - 1; if( item[1] == "WEAPON" ) { // Index 0 + quality newOptionList[ 1 + q ] = listOptions[i]; } else if( item[1] == "FOOD" ) { // Index 5 + quality newOptionList[ 6 + q ] = listOptions[i]; } else if( item[1] == "GIFT" ) { // Index 10 + quality newOptionList[ 11 + q ] = listOptions[i]; } else if( item[1] == "TICKET" ) { // Index 15 + quality newOptionList[ 16 + q ] = listOptions[i]; } else { newOptionList[ 27 + otherIndex ] = listOptions[i]; otherIndex++; } } else { newOptionList[ 21 + rawIndex ] = listOptions[i]; rawIndex++; } } // Add ordered items for( var i=0; i<newOptionList.length; i++ ) { if( newOptionList[i] ) { select.append( newOptionList[i] ); } } select.find( "option" )[ 0 ].selected = true; } // Add fast buttons function addMUFastButtons( idDest ) { var firstFastButton = true; $( idDest ).css({ "text-align" : "center" }); var btn1 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButtonLeft' type='button' value='1' />" ); btn1.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "1" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 1 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn5 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButtonLeft' type='button' value='5' />" ); btn5.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "5" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 5 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn10 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButtonLeft' type='button' value='10' />" ); btn10.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "10" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 10 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn15 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButtonRight' type='button' value='15' />" ); btn15.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "15" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 15 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn25 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButtonRight' type='button' value='25' />" ); btn25.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "25" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 25 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn50 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButtonRight' type='button' value='50' />" ); btn50.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "50" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 50 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn75 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButton2' type='button' value='75' />" ); btn75.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "75" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 75 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn100 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButton2' type='button' value='100' />" ); btn100.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "100" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 100 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn125 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButton2' type='button' value='125' />" ); btn125.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "125" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 125 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn150 = $( "<input class='fastBtn MUfastButton2' type='button' value='150' />" ); btn150.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "150" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 150 ); firstFastButton = false; }); // OLD /*$( "<br />" ).insertAfter($("#quantity.digit")); btn1.insertAfter( idDest ); btn5.insertAfter( idDest ); btn10.insertAfter( idDest ); btn150.insertAfter( idDest ); btn125.insertAfter( idDest ); btn100.insertAfter( idDest ); btn75.insertAfter( idDest ); //$( "<br/>" ).insertAfter( idDest ); btn50.insertAfter( idDest ); btn25.insertAfter( idDest ); btn15.insertAfter( idDest );*/ // NEW $( "<br id='divider' />" ).insertAfter($("#quantity.digit")); btn25.insertAfter($("#divider") ); btn15.insertAfter($("#divider") ); btn10.insertAfter($("#divider") ); btn5.insertAfter( $("#divider") ); btn1.insertAfter( $("#divider") ); $( "<br id='divider2' />" ).insertAfter($("#donateProductForm input[value='25']")); btn150.insertAfter( $("#divider2") ); btn125.insertAfter( $("#divider2") ); btn100.insertAfter( $("#divider2") ); btn75.insertAfter( $("#divider2") ); btn50.insertAfter( $("#divider2") ); } // Add update jobs button function addUpdateJobsButton( idForm ) { savedWorkedList = []; // Add button to see more days var extended = $( "<input type='button' id='extendedDays' value='Extended'/>" ); extended.insertAfter( $( "#donateBtn2" ) ); disableButton( extended ); extended.bind( "click", function() { extendedMU = !extendedMU; if( extendedMU ) { $( ".companyName" ).hide(); $( ".day0" ).show(); $( ".day1" ).show(); $( ".day2" ).show(); $( ".day3" ).show(); $( ".day4" ).show(); $( ".day5" ).show(); $( ".day6" ).show(); } else { $( ".companyName" ).show(); $( ".day0" ).show(); $( ".day1" ).show(); $( ".day2" ).hide(); $( ".day3" ).hide(); $( ".day4" ).hide(); $( ".day5" ).hide(); $( ".day6" ).hide(); } }); // Add update button var update = $( "<input type='button' id='updateWork' value='Update jobs'/>" ); update.insertAfter( ".testDivwhite" ); update.bind( "click", function() { $(this).val( "Updating... " ); disableButton( $(this) ); enableButton( extended ); // Clean previous results $( idForm ).find( ".skill" ).children().remove(); $( idForm ).find( ".skill" ).addClass( "noSkill" ); $( idForm ).find( ".skill" ).removeClass( "skill" ); $( ".companyName" ).children().remove(); $( ".day0" ).children().remove(); $( ".day1" ).children().remove(); $( ".day2" ).children().remove(); $( ".day3" ).children().remove(); $( ".day4" ).children().remove(); $( ".day5" ).children().remove(); $( ".day6" ).children().remove(); var idMU = $( ".citizenAction" ).eq(0).children( "a" ).attr( "href" ); var split = idMU.split( "?id=" ); if( split.length > 1 ) { idMU = split[1]; // Find every player what company works // First MU companies $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLMUCompanies + idMU, success: function( data ) { // Special case var cp = $( data ).find( "a[href^='company.html']" ); if( cp.length == 0 ) { enableButton( $( "#updateWork" ) ); $( "#updateWork" ).val( "Update jobs" ); } else { $( "#updateWork" ).val( "Updating... "+cp.length ); $( "#updateWork" ).attr( "counter", cp.length ); } for( var i=0; i<cp.length; i++ ) { var split = $( cp[i] ).attr( "href" ).split( "?id=" ); if( split.length > 1 ) { checkCompany( idForm, split[1], i, cp.length-1 ) } } } }); } return( false ); }); var needUpdate = false; var lastUpdateTime = $( "<div id='lastUpdateTime'></div>" ); lastUpdateTime.insertAfter( update ); if( getValue( "muStorageSaveLastTime") ) { lastUpdateTime.text( getValue( "muStorageSaveLastTime") ); var currentDate = (new Date).getDate(); var lastDate = new Date( getValue( "muStorageSaveLastTime" ) ).getDate(); var needUpdate = (lastDate != currentDate); } if( getValue( "muStorageSaveWorkedList") && !needUpdate ) { enableButton( extended ); var workedList = getValue( "muStorageSaveWorkedList").split( "&&" ); for( var i=0; i<workedList.length; i++ ) { var splitList = workedList[i].split( "," ); var pos = $( idForm ).find( "a[name='"+ splitList[0] +"']" ); var tr = pos.parent().parent(); addSkill( tr, splitList[1] ); tr.find( ".companyName" ).append( "<a href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLCompany + splitList[2] +"'>"+ splitList[3] +"</a>" ); var day; for( j=0; j<7; j++ ) { var t = "-" + j; if( j == 0 ) { t = ""; } if( splitList[4+j] == "true" ) { day = $( "<div class='dayOk' day='"+ j +"'>"+ t +"</div>" ); tr.find( ".day" + j ).append( day ); tr.find( "input" ).attr( "workday" + j, "true" ); } else { day = $( "<div class='dayFail' day='"+ j +"'>"+ t +"</div>" ); tr.find( ".day"+j ).append( day ); tr.find( "input" ).attr( "workday" + j, "false" ); } // Select only who worked day.bind( "click", function() { $( ".receipments" ).removeAttr( "checked" ); $( ".receipments[workday"+ $(this).attr( "day" ) +"='true']" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); setCounterText(); saveCheckedPlayers(); }); if( !extendedMU && (j > 1) ) { tr.find( ".day" + j ).hide(); } } } } } // Check each company function checkCompany( idForm, idComp, i, n ) { setTimeout( function() { $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLCompanyDetails + idComp, success: function( data ) { checkWorkResults( idComp, idForm, data ); if( i == n ) { enableButton( $( "#updateWork" ) ); $( "#updateWork" ).val( "Update jobs" ); $( "#updateWork" ).removeAttr( "counter" ); setValue( "muStorageSaveWorkedList", savedWorkedList.join( "&&" ) ); $( "#lastUpdateTime" ).text( new Date().toUTCString() ); setValue( "muStorageSaveLastTime", new Date().toUTCString() ); } else { var count = parseInt( $( "#updateWork" ).attr( "counter" ) ) - 1; $( "#updateWork" ).val( "Updating... " + count ); $( "#updateWork" ).attr( "counter", count ); } } }); }, 1000*i ); } // Check every company function checkWorkResults( idComp, idForm, data ) { var table = $( data ).find( "#productivityTable" ); var original = $( data ).find( "h1" ).text(); var company = original.substr(original.indexOf(" ") + 1); var rows = table.find( "tbody tr" ); for( var i=1; i<rows.length; i++ ) { var player = ""; var cols = $( rows[i] ).find( "td" ); if( cols.length > 0 ) { var name = $( cols[0] ).find( "a" ).text(); player = name; var pos = $( idForm ).find( "a[name='"+ name +"']" ); var tr = pos.parent().parent(); tr.find( ".companyName" ).append( "<a href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLCompany + idComp +"'>"+ company +"</a>" ); if( cols.length == 12 ) { var skillValue = parseInt( $( cols[1] ).text() ); addSkill( tr, skillValue ); player += "," + skillValue + "," + idComp + "," + company; // View last 7 days var day; for( var j=0; j<7; j++ ) { var t = "-" + j; if( j == 0 ) { t = ""; } if( $( cols[11-j] ).find( "img" ).length == 0 ) { day = $( "<div class='dayOk' day='"+ j +"'>"+ t +"</div>" ); tr.find( ".day" + j ).append( day ); tr.find( "input" ).attr( "workday" + j, "true" ); player += "," + "true"; } else { day = $( "<div class='dayFail' day='"+ j +"'>"+ t +"</div>" ); tr.find( ".day"+j ).append( day ); tr.find( "input" ).attr( "workday" + j, "false" ); player += "," + "false"; } // Select only who worked day.bind( "click", function() { $( ".receipments" ).removeAttr( "checked" ); $( ".receipments[workday"+ $(this).attr( "day" ) +"='true']" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); setCounterText(); saveCheckedPlayers(); }); if( !extendedMU && (j > 1) ) { tr.find( ".day" + j ).hide(); } } } savedWorkedList.push( player ); } } } // Add skill in MU storage list function addSkill( tr, skillVal ) { var posSkill = tr.find( ".noSkill" ); posSkill.removeClass( "noSkill" ); posSkill.addClass( "skill" ); posSkill.append( "<div>"+ skillVal +"</div>" ); posSkill.bind( "click", function() { var v = $(this).text(); $( ".skill" ).each( function() { if( v == $(this).text() ) { $(this).parent().find( "input" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); } }); setCounterText(); saveCheckedPlayers(); }); } // Add update connection button function addUpdateConnectionButton( idForm ) { var $online = $( "<input type='submit' id='onlinePlayer' value='Online players' />" ); $online.insertAfter( ".testDivwhite" ); $online.bind( "click", function() { $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLMyMU, success: function( data ) { // First clean $( idForm ).find( "img[src='"+ IMGOFFLINE +"']" ).remove(); $( idForm ).find( "img[src='"+ IMGONLINE +"']" ).remove(); // Add All offline $( idForm ).find( "a[href^='profile.html']" ).each( function() { var flag = $(this).parent().parent().find( ".currencyFlag" ); flag.attr( "src", IMGOFFLINE ); flag.addClass( "imgPlayerOnline" ); }); // Replace online players $( data ).find( ".tip[src='"+ IMGONLINE +"']" ).each( function() { var player = $( idForm ).find( "a[href='"+ $(this).prev().attr( "href" ) + "']" ); player.parent().parent().find( ".currencyFlag" ).attr( "src", IMGONLINE ); }); // Add events $( idForm ).find( ".currencyFlag" ).bind( "click", function() { $( idForm ).find( ".receipments" ).removeAttr( "checked" ); $( idForm ).find( "img[src='"+ $(this).attr( "src" ) +"']" ).each( function() { $(this).parent().parent().find( "input" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); }); saveCheckedPlayers(); }); } }); return( false ); }); } // Add update connection button function addDebuffCheck( idForm ) { var $online = $( "<input type='submit' id='debuffPlayer' value='Debuffed players' />" ); $online.insertAfter( ".testDivwhite" ); $online.bind( "click", function() { $('.namePlayer').each(function() { pUrl=getCurrentServer()+$(this).attr('href') $.ajax({ url: pUrl, success: function( data ) { // First clean $( idForm ).find( "img[src='"+ IMGOFFLINE +"']" ).remove(); $( idForm ).find( "img[src='"+ IMGONLINE +"']" ).remove(); // Add All offline $(this).parent().find("td:first").after("<td class='debuff'><img id='noDebuff' src="+noDebuff+" ></td>") // Replace online players $( data ).find( ".tip[src='"+ IMGONLINE +"']" ).each( function() { var player = $( idForm ).find( "a[href='"+ $(this).prev().attr( "href" ) + "']" ); player.parent().parent().find( ".currencyFlag" ).attr( "src", IMGONLINE ); }); // Add events $( idForm ).find( ".currencyFlag" ).bind( "click", function() { $( idForm ).find( ".receipments" ).removeAttr( "checked" ); $( idForm ).find( "img[src='"+ $(this).attr( "src" ) +"']" ).each( function() { $(this).parent().parent().find( "input" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); }); saveCheckedPlayers(); }); } }); }) return( false ); }); } // Count selected members on MU list function addCounterMembersMU() { var counterDiv = $( "<div style='width:150px; text-align: center; display:inline; padding:2px' id='counterCheck'>No members selected.</div>" ) counterDiv.insertAfter( ".testDivwhite" ); var totalDiv = $( "<div style='width:150px; text-align: center; display:inline-block; padding:2px' id='totalDonate'></div>" ); totalDiv.insertAfter( "#counterCheck" ); // Add events $( ".receipments" ).bind( "change", setCounterText ); $( "#tickAll" ).bind( "click", setCounterText ); $( "#untickAll" ).bind( "click", setCounterText ); $( "#quantity" ).bind( "change", setCounterText ); $( ".fastBtn" ).bind( "click", setCounterText ); setCounterText(); } // Set counter checks text function setCounterText() { var qty = $( "#quantity" ).attr( "value" ); var n = $( ".receipments:checked" ).length; if( n == 0 ) { $( "#counterCheck" ).text( "No members selected." ); $( "#totalDonate" ).text( "" ); } else if( n == 1 ) { $( "#counterCheck" ).text( "Selected 1 member." ); if( qty > 0 ) { if( n*qty == 1 ) { $( "#totalDonate" ).text( "Total donate: "+ (n*qty) +" item." ); } else $( "#totalDonate" ).text( "Total donate: "+ (n*qty) +" items." ); } else $( "#totalDonate" ).text( "" ); } else { $( "#counterCheck" ).text( "Selected "+n+" members." ); if( qty > 0 ) { $( "#totalDonate" ).text( "Total donate: "+ (n*qty) +" items." ); } else $( "#totalDonate" ).text( "" ); } } // Update player to player donation function changeSelectPlayerToPlayer( idForm ) { var select = $( "#product" ); var dest = $( "#quantity" ); var pos = $( ".testDivblue" ).eq(2); var posSelect = $( ".testDivblue" ).eq(4); pos.children().remove(); pos.append( "One click to select <b>ONE item</b>. Double click to select <b>ALL items</b>.<br/><br/>" ); pos.addClass( "playerToPlayerItem" ); posSelect.children().first().remove(); posSelect.children().first().remove(); posSelect.children().last().remove(); orderSelect( select ); changeSelect( select, pos, dest, "#8baed8" ); } // Add fast buttons function addFastButtons( idDest ) { var firstFastButton = true; $( idDest ).css({ "text-align" : "center" }); var btn1 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='1' />" ); btn1.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "1" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 1 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn5 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='5' />" ); btn5.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "5" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 5 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn10 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='10' />" ); btn10.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "10" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 10 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn15 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='15' />" ); btn15.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "15" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 15 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn25 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='25' />" ); btn25.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "25" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 25 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn50 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='50' />" ); btn50.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "50" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 50 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn75 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='75' />" ); btn75.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "75" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 75 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn100 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='100' />" ); btn100.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "100" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 100 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn125 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='125' />" ); btn125.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "125" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 125 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn150 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='150' />" ); btn150.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "150" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 150 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn500 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='500' />" ); btn500.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "500" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 500 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn1k = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='1K' />" ); btn1k.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "1000" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 1000 ); firstFastButton = false; }); btn1.insertBefore( idDest ); btn5.insertBefore( idDest ); btn10.insertBefore( idDest ); btn15.insertBefore( idDest ); btn25.insertBefore( idDest ); btn50.insertBefore( idDest ); btn1k.insertAfter( idDest ); btn500.insertAfter( idDest ); btn150.insertAfter( idDest ); btn125.insertAfter( idDest ); btn100.insertAfter( idDest ); btn75.insertAfter( idDest ); } // Change create contract page function changeCreateContract() { // Redesign $( "#contractsForm" ).parent().css({ "width" : "550px" }); //$( "#contractsForm" ).next().remove(); $( "#contractsForm" ).children( "div" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#offererSide" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#itemTypeList" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); $( "#contractsForm" ).children( "br" ).remove(); $( "#contractsForm" ).children( "b" ).remove(); // Clean some elements from Form var input = $( "#contractsForm" ).children( "input" ).eq(2); var player = $( "<div id='player' style='float:left; width:49%; height:30px'></div>" ); player.css({ "background-color" : "#fff", "border-radius" : "4px", "cursor" : "pointer" }); player.css({ "box-shadow" : "0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" }); var imgPlayerSrc = $( ".testDivwhite" ).eq(0).find( "img" ).eq(1).attr( "src" ); player.append( "<img src='"+ imgPlayerSrc +"' style='width:30px;' />" ); var name = $( ".testDivwhite" ).eq(0).find( "a[href^='profile.html']" ).text(); player.append( "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; margin-left:5px; position:relative; top:-10px'>"+ name +"</span>" ); var dummy = $( "<div id='dummy' style='float:right; width:49%; height:30px'></div>" ); dummy.css({ "margin" : "0px 0px 0px 1%" }); dummy.css({ "background-color" : "#fff", "border-radius" : "4px", "cursor" : "pointer" }); dummy.css({ "box-shadow" : "0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" }); var imgDummySrc = $( ".testDivwhite" ).eq(1).find( "img" ).eq(1).attr( "src" ); dummy.append( "<img src='"+ imgDummySrc +"' style=' width:30px;' />" ); dummy.append( "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; margin-left:5px; position:relative; top:-10px'>Dummy</span>" ); var playerBlock = createContractBlock(); var dummyBlock = createContractBlock(); player.bind( "click", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#ddd" }); $("#dummy").css({ "background-color" : "#fff" }); $("#eqTab").fadeIn() $("#offererSide option[value=true]").attr("selected", true); $("#offererSide option[value=false]").attr("selected", false); }); dummy.bind( "click", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#ddd" }); $("#player").css({ "background-color" : "#fff" }); $("#eqTab").fadeOut() $("#offererSide option[value=true]").attr("selected", false); $("#offererSide option[value=false]").attr("selected", true); }); player.insertBefore( input ); dummy.insertBefore( input ); dummyBlock.css({ "float" : "right" }); playerBlock.insertBefore( input ); //dummyBlock.insertBefore( input ); player.trigger("click"); } // Create contract block function createContractBlock() { var block = $( "<div id='the_block' style='float:left; width:100%; height:200px;'></div>" ); block.css({ "background-color" : "#fff", "margin" : "9px 0px 10px 0px", "border-radius" : "4px" }); block.css({ "box-shadow" : "0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" }); var options = $( "<div style='font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer; width:510px; height: 23px;margin:auto;'></div>" ); var moneyTab = $( "<div style='float:left; width:130px; padding:5px 0px; '>MONEY</div>" ); var productTab = $( "<div style='float:left; width:130px; padding:5px 0px;'>PRODUCT</div>" ); var debtTab = $( "<div style='float:left; width:125px; padding:5px 0px;'>DEBT</div>" ); var eqTab = $( "<div id='eqTab' style='float:left; width:125px; padding:5px 0px;'>EQUIPMNET</div>" ); //------------------------------------------------- moneyTab.bind( "mouseover", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#ddd" }); }); moneyTab.bind( "mouseout", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#fff" }); }); moneyTab.bind( "click", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#00AA33" }); $("#the_block").css({"height":"200px"}); $("#itemTypePosition1").attr("selected", true); $("#itemTypePosition2").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition3").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("disabled", true); product.hide() debt.hide() eq.hide() }); //------------------------------------------------- productTab.bind( "mouseover", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#ddd" }); }); productTab.bind( "mouseout", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#fff" }); }); productTab.bind( "click", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#00AA33" }); $("#the_block").css({"height":"230px"}); $("#itemTypePosition1").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition2").attr("selected", true); $("#itemTypePosition3").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("disabled", true); money.hide() debt.hide() eq.hide() }); //-------------------------------------------------//------- debtTab.bind( "mouseover", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#ddd" }); }); debtTab.bind( "mouseout", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#fff" }); }); debtTab.bind( "click", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#00AA33" }); $("#the_block").css({"height":"200px"}); $("#itemTypePosition1").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition2").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition3").attr("selected", true); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("disabled", true); money.hide() product.hide() eq.hide() }); //-------------------------------------------------//---------- eqTab.bind( "mouseover", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#ddd" }); }); eqTab.bind( "mouseout", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#fff" }); }); eqTab.bind( "click", function() { $(this).css({ "background-color" : "#00AA33" }); $("#the_block").css({"height":"200px"}); $("#itemTypePosition1").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition2").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition3").attr("selected", false); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("selected", true); $("#itemTypePosition4").attr("disabled", false); money.hide() product.hide() debt.hide() }); //------------------------------------------------- var money = $( "#MONEYParameters" ); money.css({ "margin" : "10px auto auto", "border" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-radius" : "4px" }); money.css({ "background-color" : "#eee", "width" : "360px", "height" : "97px", "padding" : "60px 0px 0px 0px" }); var product = $( "#PRODUCTParameters" ); product.css({ "margin" : "10px auto auto", "border" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-radius" : "4px" }); product.css({ "background-color" : "#eee", "width" : "360px","height" : "180px"}); var debt = $( "#DEBTParameters" ); debt.css({ "margin" : "10px auto auto", "border" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-radius" : "4px" }); debt.css({ "background-color" : "#eee", "width" : "360px", "height" : "155px" }); var eq = $( "#EQUIPMENTParameters" ); eq.css({ "margin" : "10px auto auto", "border" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-radius" : "4px" }); eq.css({ "background-color" : "#eee", "width" : "360px", "height" : "155px" }); options.append( moneyTab ); options.append( productTab ); options.append( debtTab ); options.append( eqTab ); block.append( options ); block.append( money ); block.append( product ); block.append( debt ); block.append( eq ); money.trigger("click"); return( block ); } // Change market selectors function changeProductSelection() { // Remove extra br at the begining $( "#contentRow" ).children( "td" ).eq(1).children().eq(1).remove(); // Redesign product selection in one row var divBlock = $( "#productMarketViewForm" ).parent(); divBlock.addClass( "productMarketViewFormMod" ); divBlock.children( ":lt(2)" ).remove(); // Remove useless tags $( "#marketProducts" ).children( "p" ).remove(); $( "#marketProducts" ).addClass( "marketProductsMod" ); $( "#productMarketViewForm > .productList" ).hide(); var selectProductMarketItem = null; var mycounter=0; $( "#marketProducts .productList" ).each( function() { mycounter++; var related = $(this); var product = $( "<div class='productMarketItem'></div>" ); product.append( "<img src='"+ $(this).find( "img" ).attr( "src" ) +"' />" ); product.append( "<div class='productLabel'>"+ $(this).find( "label" ).text() +"</div>" ); $(this).parent().append( product ); product.bind( "mouseover", function() { if( selectProductMarketItem ) { if( $(this).text() != selectProductMarketItem.text() ) { $(this).addClass( "productMarketItemHover" ); } } else $(this).addClass( "productMarketItemHover" ); }); product.bind( "mouseout", function() { if( selectProductMarketItem ) { if( $(this).text() != selectProductMarketItem.text() ) { $(this).removeClass( "productMarketItemHover" ); } } else $(this).removeClass( "productMarketItemHover" ); }); product.bind( "click", function() { if( selectProductMarketItem && ($(this).text() == selectProductMarketItem.text()) ) { $(this).removeClass( "productMarketItemSelected" ); $( "#resource1" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); selectProductMarketItem = null; } else { if( selectProductMarketItem ) { selectProductMarketItem.removeClass( "productMarketItemHover" ); selectProductMarketItem.removeClass( "productMarketItemSelected" ); } $(this).addClass( "productMarketItemSelected" ); selectProductMarketItem = $(this); related.find( "input" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); } }); $(this).hide(); if( $(this).find( "input" ).attr( "checked" ) ) {; } if(mycounter==7) { } }); $( "#countryId" ).addClass( "countryIdSelect" ); $( "#countryId" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); // Change quality selection var selectedQuality = parseInt( $( "#quality :selected" ).val() ); var newQuality = $( "<div class='qualityProduct'></div>" ); $( "#quality option" ).each( function() { var v = parseInt( $(this).val() ); if( v != 0 ) { var star = $( "<div class='qualityStar' quality='"+ v +"' ></div>" ); if( v > selectedQuality ) { star.addClass( "qualityStarHover" ); } newQuality.append( star ); star.bind( "click", function() { var q = parseInt( $(this).attr( "quality" ) ); $(this).parent().children().addClass( "qualityStarHover" ); if( selectedQuality == q ) { selectedQuality = 0; } else { var current = $(this); for( var i=0; i<=q; i++ ) { current.removeClass( "qualityStarHover" ); current = current.prev(); } selectedQuality = q; } $( "#quality" ).val( selectedQuality ); }); } }); newQuality.insertBefore( "#quality" ); $( "#quality" ).hide(); $( "#productMarketViewForm" ).children( "br" ).remove(); // Rellocate help wiki and my offers link $( "#productMarketViewForm .biggerFont a" ).addClass( "linkMyOffersProductMarket" ); var imgWiki = $( "#quality" ).next().next(); imgWiki.addClass( "imgWikiProductMarket" ); var linkWiki =; linkWiki.addClass( "linkWikiProductMarket" ); var imgLinkWiki = $( "<a href='"+ linkWiki.attr( "href" ) +"' target='_blank'></a>" ); imgLinkWiki.append( imgWiki ); imgLinkWiki.insertAfter( $( "#productMarketViewForm" ) ); linkWiki.insertAfter( $( "#productMarketViewForm" ) ); // Add buy As button on top var buyAs = $( "<div class='buyAsSelect'></div>" ); var select = $( "<select class='customSelectList' ></select>" ); if( $( "#command" ).first().children( "select" ).length > 0 ) { buyAs.append( $( "#command" ).first().contents().eq(0).text() ); $( "#command" ).first().children( "select" ).children().each( function() { select.append( "<option value='"+ $(this).attr( "value" ) +"'>"+ $(this).text() +"</option>" ); }); } else { buyAs.append( "Buy as:" ); select.append( "<option value=''> Citizen </option>" ); select.attr( "disabled", "disabled" ); } buyAs.append( select ); buyAs.insertAfter( $( "#productMarketViewForm" ).children( "p" ) ); select.bind( "change", function() { $( ".dataTable" ).find( "select" ).val( $(this).val() ); if( getValue( "configProductMarketTable" ) == "true" ) { var color = ($(this).val() != "" ) ? "#fcecec" : "#ecffec"; var t = $(this).find( ":selected" ).text(); $( ".dataTable" ).find( "select" ).each( function() { $( ".toRemove" ).parent().parent().css({ "background-color" : color }); $( ".toRemove" ).text( "Buy as "+ t ); }); } }); select.first().selected(); } // Change product market table function changeProductMarketTable() { $( ".dataTable" ).find( "input[type='text']" ).addClass( "inputTextTable" ); var submit = $( ".dataTable" ).find( "input[type='submit']" ).addClass( "inputSubmitTable" ); $( ".dataTable" ).find( "input[type='text']" ).bind( "keyup", function() { var td = $(this).parent().parent(); var priceUnit = parseFloat( td.prev().prev().children( ".linkMonetaryMarket" ).next().text() ); var value = parseFloat( $(this).val() ); td.prev().children( ".inputPrice" ).text( Math.round( priceUnit * value * 100 ) / 100 ); }); // Add buy all button var buyAll = $( "<input class='buyAllSubmit' type='submit' value='All' />" ); buyAll.bind( "click", function() { var v = $(this).parent().parent().prev().prev().prev().text(); $(this).parent().children( "input[type='text']" ).val( v ); return( false ); }); buyAll.insertBefore( submit ); // Hide buyAs select $( ".dataTable" ).find( "select" ).each( function() { var cell = $(this).parent(); var buyAs = $( "<div class='toRemove buyAsTable'>Buy as Citizen</div>" ); if( getValue( "configProductMarketSelection" ) == "true" ) { buyAs.insertBefore( cell.children().first() ); cell.parent().css({ "background-color" : "#ecffec" }); cell.contents().eq(0).remove(); cell.children( "br" ).remove(); $(this).hide(); } else $(this).addClass( "customSelectList" ); }); // Add help message var divT = $( "<div class='helpFlagMessage'>Click on country flag to open the monetary market (only price column)</div>" ); divT.insertBefore( ".dataTable" ); // Resize table $( ".dataTable" ).addClass( "dataTableMod" ); // Redesign table // Headers $( ".dataTable > tbody > tr:first-child > td" ).addClass( "dataTableHeaders" ); var trHead = $( ".dataTable" ).find( "tr" ).eq(0).children(); trHead.eq(0).css({ "width" : "70px" }); trHead.eq(3).text( "Price/unit" ); $( "<td class='dataTableHeaders'>Price</td>" ).insertAfter( trHead.eq(3) ); // Product list //resizeProductImage( $( ".dataTable" ).find( ".product" ) ); // Name list and total price $( ".dataTable" ).find( "a" ).each( function() { // Name redesign var cell = $(this).parent(); cell.children( ".currencyFlag" ).next().remove(); // Remove BR cell.children( ".currencyFlag" ).addClass( "dataTableNameFlag" ); var div = $( "<div class='blockSeller'></div>" ); var imgSeller = cell.children( "img" ).eq(1); imgSeller.addClass( "dataTableSeller" ); div.append( imgSeller ); var playerName = $( "<div class='playerName'></div>" ).append( cell.children( ":lt(2)" ) ); div.append( playerName ); if( cell.children().length > 0 ) { playerName.css({ "margin-top" :"3px" }); cell.children().eq(0).remove(); var stockName = $( "<div class='stockName'></div>" ).append( cell.children().eq(0) ); div.append( stockName ); } cell.append( div ); var nextCell =; var flag = nextCell.children( "div" ); flag.addClass( "monetaryMarketFlag" ); // Add link to monetary market var url = getCurrentServer() + URLMonetaryMarket + "?buyerCurrencyId="+ IDByImageCountry( flag.attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ) +"&sellerCurrencyId=0"; var link = $( "<a class='linkMonetaryMarket' href='"+ url +"' target='_blank'></a>" ); link.insertBefore( flag ); link.append( flag ); // Total price var priceItem = parseFloat( nextCell.children( "b" ).text() ); var n = ( parseInt( parseInt( ) * priceItem * 100 ) )/100; var money = nextCell.contents().last().text(); var newCell = $( "<td class='totalPriceProductMarket'><b>"+ n +"</b> "+ money +"</td>" ); newCell.insertAfter( nextCell ); newCell.append( "<br/ > Total: <div style='display:inline;width:10px' class='inputPrice'>0</div>" + money ); }); } //Advanced by CLard function calcValueInGold(id, callback) { _MM_C_URL = _MM_C_URL.replace("{1}", id); jQuery.get(getCurrentServer()+_MM_C_URL, function(data) { try { //get first row of the dataTable var $content = jQuery(data); var $table = jQuery(".dataTable", $content); if ($table.length > 0) { $table = jQuery($table[0]); } //get the currency var c = $table[0].rows[1].cells[2].textContent.trim(); c = c.substr(c.indexOf("=") + 1, c.indexOf("Gold") - c.indexOf("=") - 1); _currencyValue = parseFloat(c); //jQuery("#monetaryOfferPost #exchangeRatio").get(0).value = _currencyValue; if (callback) { callback(); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); _currencyValue = 0; } }); } function displayGoldValue() { var $table = jQuery(".dataTable"); var s = ""; var id = jQuery("#productMarketViewForm #countryId"); if (id.length > 0) { id = id[0].value; } else { id = _currencyId; } calcValueInGold(id, displayGoldValue.bind(this, id)); //console.log("##### Values ######"); try { if ($table.length > 0) { //need to get the tax for the selected country .... GET_URL=getCurrentServer()+_COUNTRY_URL.replace("{1}", id) jQuery.get(GET_URL, function(data) { try { var taxes = []; var dt = jQuery(".dataTable", jQuery(data))[1]; for (var j=1; j<dt.rows.length;j++) { var row = dt.rows[j]; taxes[j-1] = {"name": dt.rows[j].cells[0].innerHTML.toUpperCase().trim(), "value": parseFloat(row.cells[2].innerHTML.toUpperCase().replace("&NBSP;", "").replace("&NBSP;", "").trim()) + parseFloat(row.cells[1].innerHTML.toUpperCase().replace("&NBSP;", "").replace("&NBSP;", "").trim()) }; } for (var k=1; k< $table[0].rows.length; k++) { var $row = $table[0].rows[k]; var totalProduct = parseFloat($row.cells[2].textContent.trim()); s = $row.cells[3].textContent.trim(); if (s.indexOf("GOLD") >= 0) { break; } var price = parseFloat(s.substr(0,s.indexOf(" ")).trim()); var priceInGold = Math.round((price * _currencyValue)*100000)/100000; var totalPrice = Math.round(totalProduct * price * 1000)/1000; var totalPriceInGold = Math.round((totalProduct * price * _currencyValue)*100000)/100000; //console.log("price:" + price + " ; price in gold:" + priceInGold + " ; total price:" + totalPrice + " ; total in gold:" + totalPriceInGold); $row.cells[3].innerHTML = $row.cells[3].innerHTML + " <br> <img src=''><b>" + priceInGold + "</b> GOLD"; $row.cells[4].innerHTML = " <b>" + totalPriceInGold + "</b> Gold <br/>" + $row.cells[4].innerHTML //+ //"<br> Total in "+ s.substr(s.indexOf(" ")).trim() +": <b>" + totalPrice + "</b>" //$row.cells[5].innerHTML = $row.cells[5].innerHTML +"<br><a style='cursor: pointer;color: #3787EA; font-weight: bold;' id='buyAllYouCan'>Buy All You Can</a>"; //console.log(taxes); for (var h=0;h<taxes.length;h++) { //alert(taxes[h].value) if ($row.cells[0].innerHTML.toUpperCase().indexOf(taxes[h].name) >= 0) { console.log("tx:" + (parseFloat(taxes[h].value) / 100)); $row.cells[3].innerHTML = $row.cells[3].innerHTML + "<br> <hr class='foundation-divider'> Price without tax: <b>" + (Math.round(((parseFloat(price) / (1 + parseFloat(taxes[h].value) / 100) )) *100000)/100000) + "</b>"; $row.cells[3].innerHTML = $row.cells[3].innerHTML + " <br> Price(G) without tax: <b>" + (Math.round(((priceInGold / (1 + parseFloat(taxes[h].value) / 100) )) *100000)/100000) + "</b>"; break; } } jQuery("#buyAllYouCan", jQuery($row)).hover( function () { $(this).css("color", "#FF3344"); }, function () { $(this).css("color", "#3787EA"); } ); jQuery("#buyAllYouCan", jQuery($row)).bind("click", function() { try { var $this_tr = jQuery(this).closest("tr")[0]; var totalProd = parseFloat($this_tr.cells[2].textContent.trim()); var ss = $this_tr.cells[3].textContent.trim(); var pr = parseFloat(ss.substr(0,ss.indexOf(" ")).trim()); var $usersAllMoney = jQuery(jQuery("#userMenu .plate")[1]); var usersMoney = -1; var currency = ss.substr(ss.indexOf(" "), (ss.indexOf("Price") - ss.indexOf(" ")) ).trim(); var foundIt = false; for (var k=1;k<$usersAllMoney[0].childNodes.length;k++) { var e = $usersAllMoney[0].childNodes[k]; if (e.nodeName == "B") { usersMoney = e.innerHTML; } if (e.nodeName == "#text" && e.nodeValue.trim() == currency) { foundIt = true; break; } } if (!foundIt) { usersMoney = -1; } usersMoney = parseFloat(usersMoney); var buyingProds = 0; if (usersMoney > 0) { buyingProds = parseInt(usersMoney / pr); if (buyingProds > totalProd) { buyingProds = totalProd; } } jQuery("input[name=quantity]", $this_tr.cells[4]).get(0).value = buyingProds; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Redesign product image function resizeProductImage( productList ) { productList.each( function() { var cell = $(this).parent(); var img = cell.find( "img" ); cell.children().remove() var block = $( "<div style='url('') repeat scroll 0 0 #3D6571'></div>" ); //block.append( "<img class='blockProduct 'src='"+ IMGPRODBG +"' />" ); block.append( img.eq(0).addClass( "productImage" ) ); if( img.length > 1 ) { block.append( img.eq(1).addClass( "productQuality" ) ); } cell.append( block ); }); } // Relationship between country images and IDs /*function ImagesCountryByID( id ) { switch( id ) { case 1: return( POLAND ); case 2: return( RUSSIA ); case 3: return( GERMANY ); case 4: return( FRANCE ); case 5: return( SPAIN ); case 6: return( UK ); case 7: return( ITALY ); case 8: return( HUNGARY ); case 9: return( ROMANIA ); case 10: return( BULGARIA ); case 11: return( SERBIA ); case 12: return( CROATIA ); case 13: return( BOSNIA ); case 14: return( GREECE ); case 15: return( FYROM ); case 16: return( UKRAINE ); case 17: return( SWEDEN ); case 18: return( PORTUGAL ); case 19: return( LITHUANIA ); case 20: return( LATVIA ); case 21: return( SLOVENIA ); case 22: return( TURKEY ); case 23: return( BRAZIL ); case 24: return( ARGENTINA ); case 25: return( MEXICO ); case 26: return( USA ); case 27: return( CANADA ); case 28: return( CHINA ); case 29: return( INDONESIA ); case 30: return( IRAN ); case 31: return( SOUTHKOREA ); case 32: return( TAIWAN ); case 33: return( ISRAEL ); case 34: return( INDIA ); case 35: return( AUSTRALIA ); case 36: return( NETHERLANDS ); case 37: return( FINLAND ); case 38: return( IRELAND ); case 39: return( SWITZERLAND ); case 40: return( BELGIUM ); case 41: return( PAKISTAN ); case 42: return( MALAYSIA ); case 43: return( NORWAY ); case 44: return( PERU ); case 45: return( CHILE ); case 46: return( COLOMBIA ); case 51: return( CZECH ); case 52: return( BELARUS ); case 53: return( ESTONIA ); case 54: return( PHILIPPINES ); } }*/ function IDByImageCountry( img ) { switch( img ) { case POLAND: return( 1 ); case RUSSIA: return( 2 ); case GERMANY: return( 3 ); case FRANCE: return( 4 ); case SPAIN: return( 5 ); case UK: return( 6 ); case ITALY: return( 7 ); case HUNGARY: return( 8 ); case ROMANIA: return( 9 ); case BULGARIA: return( 10 ); case SERBIA: return( 11 ); case CROATIA: return( 12 ); case BOSNIA: return( 13 ); case GREECE: return( 14 ); case FYROM: return( 15 ); case UKRAINE: return( 16 ); case SWEDEN: return( 17 ); case PORTUGAL: return( 18 ); case LITHUANIA: return( 19 ); case LATVIA: return( 20 ); case SLOVENIA: return( 21 ); case TURKEY: return( 22 ); case BRAZIL: return( 23 ); case ARGENTINA: return( 24 ); case MEXICO: return( 25 ); case USA: return( 26 ); case CANADA: return( 27 ); case CHINA: return( 28 ); case INDONESIA: return( 29 ); case IRAN: return( 30 ); case SOUTHKOREA: return( 31 ); case TAIWAN: return( 32 ); case ISRAEL: return( 33 ); case INDIA: return( 34 ); case AUSTRALIA: return( 35 ); case NETHERLANDS: return( 36 ); case FINLAND: return( 37 ); case IRELAND: return( 38 ); case SWITZERLAND: return( 39 ); case BELGIUM: return( 40 ); case PAKISTAN: return( 41 ); case MALAYSIA: return( 42 ); case NORWAY: return( 43 ); case PERU: return( 44 ); case CHILE: return( 45 ); case COLOMBIA: return( 46 ); case CZECH: return( 51 ); case BELARUS: return( 52 ); case ESTONIA: return( 53 ); case PHILIPPINES: return( 54 ); default: return( 0 ); } } function IDbyCC( CC ) { //prompt("a",CC) switch( String(CC) ) { case "PLN": return( 1 ); case "RUB": return( 2 ); case "DEM": return( 3 ); case "FRF": return( 4 ); case "ESP": return( 5 ); case "GBP": return( 6 ); case "ITL": return( 7 ); case "HUF": return( 8 ); case "RON": return( 9 ); case "BGN": return( 10 ); case "RSD": return( 11 ); case "HRK": return( 12 ); case "BAM": return( 13 ); case "GRD": return( 14 ); case "MKD": return( 15 ); case "UAH": return( 16 ); case "SEK": return( 17 ); case "PTE": return( 18 ); case "LTL": return( 19 ); case "LVL": return( 20 ); case "SIT": return( 21 ); case "TRY": return( 22 ); case "BRL": return( 23 ); case "ARS": return( 24 ); case "MXN": return( 25 ); case "USD": return( 26 ); case "CAD": return( 27 ); case "CNY": return( 28 ); case "IDR": return( 29 ); case "IRR": return( 30 ); case "KRW": return( 31 ); case "TWD": return( 32 ); case "NIS": return( 33 ); case "INR": return( 34 ); case "AUD": return( 35 ); case "NLG": return( 36 ); case "FIM": return( 37 ); case "IEP": return( 38 ); case "CHF": return( 39 ); case "BEF": return( 40 ); case "PRK": return( 41 ); case "MYR": return( 42 ); case "NOK": return( 43 ); case "PEN": return( 44 ); case "CLP": return( 45 ); case "COP": return( 46 ); case "CZK": return( 51 ); case "BYR": return( 52 ); case "EEK": return( 53 ); case "PHP": return( 54 ); default: return( 0 ); } } // Change market oferrs function changeMarketOffers() { var select = $( "#resourceInput" ); var pos = $( ".storage" ).parent(); var dest = $( "#quantity" ); var leftDiv = $( "#productMarketOfferForm" ).parent(); leftDiv.children().first().remove(); leftDiv.children().first().remove(); leftDiv.addClass( "leftDivMyOffers" ); // Remove all childrens and add help text pos.children().remove(); pos.addClass( "myOffersProduct" ); pos.append( "One click to select <b>ONE item</b>.<br/>Double click to select <b>ALL items</b>.<br/>" ); var divBlue = $( "#countryInput" ).parent().parent(); divBlue.find( "b" ).eq(0).css({ "display" : "inline" }); divBlue.find( "b" ).eq(1).css({ "display" : "inline" }); $( "#countryInput" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); select.addClass( "customSelectList" ); firstFastButton = true; dest.addClass( "quantityMyOffers" ); $( "#priceInput" ).addClass( "priceInputMyOffers" ); var btn10 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='10' />" ); btn10.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "10" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 10 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn50 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='50' />" ); btn50.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "50" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 50 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn100 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='100' />" ); btn100.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "100" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 100 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn1000 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='1K' />" ); btn1000.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "1000" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 1000 ); firstFastButton = false; }); btn10.insertBefore( dest ); btn50.insertBefore( dest ); btn1000.insertAfter( dest ); btn100.insertAfter( dest ); orderSelect( select ); changeSelect( select, pos, dest, "#aaaaaa" ); $( ".storage" ).bind( "click", function() { setTimeout( mySendPreviewRequest, 500 ); }); $( "#countryInput" ).unbind( "change" ); $( "#countryInput" ).bind( "change", function() { mySendPreviewRequest(); }); $( "#resourceInput" ).unbind( "change" ); $( "#resourceInput" ).bind( "change", function() { mySendPreviewRequest(); }); $( "#priceInput" ).unbind( "change" ); $( "#priceInput" ).bind( "change", function() { mySendPreviewRequest(); }); $( "#priceInput" ).bind( "keydown", function() { setTimeout( mySendPreviewRequest, 1000 ); }); } // Replace sendPreviewRequest to restyle function mySendPreviewRequest() { if( !isFormCorrect() ) { return; } // If is in the player or in the Stock var csFlag; var localUrl = new String( window.location ); if( localUrl.indexOf( URLMarketOffers, 0 ) >= 0 ) { csFlag = $( "a[href='pendingCitizenshipApplications.html']" ).prev(); } else if( localUrl.indexOf( URLStockProducts, 0 ) >= 0 ) { csFlag = $("a[href*='stockCompanyAssets.html?id=']").prev().prev().prev().prev().prev().prev(); //alert(csFlag) } var citizenship = IDByImageCountry( csFlag.attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ); //alert(citizenship) var dataString = 'country=' + $("#countryInput").val() + '&resource=' + $("#resourceInput").val(); dataString += '&price=' +$("#priceInput").val() + '&citizenship=' + citizenship; var resourceType = $("#resourceInput option:selected").text(); $( "#preview" ).html( "<div class ='previewMyOffers'>Loading tax resource...</div >" ); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "productTaxes.html", data: dataString, dataType: "html", success: function( data ) { var preview = $( "#preview" ); preview.html( data ); preview.children( ".dataTable" ).addClass( "previewDataTable" ); var res = $( "<div class='resourceMyOffers'>"+ resourceType + "</div>" ); var link = getCurrentServer() + URLMarket + "?resource="; var splitItem = $("#resourceInput").val().split( "-" ); if( splitItem.length == 1 ) { link += splitItem[0] + "&countryId=" + $("#countryInput").val(); } else link += splitItem[1] + "&countryId=" + $("#countryInput").val() + "&quality=" + splitItem[0]; res.append( "<br /><a class='textMyOffers' href='"+ link +"' target='_blank'>Market</a>" ); link = getCurrentServer() + URLMonetaryMarket + "?buyerCurrencyId="+ $("#countryInput").val() +"&sellerCurrencyId=0"; res.append( " | <a class='MMMyOffers' href='"+ link +"' target='_blank'>MM link</a>" ); var flag = preview.find( ".currencyFlag" ).first(); flag.addClass( "flagMyOffer" ); // Remove all flags preview.find( ".currencyFlag" ).remove(); res.insertBefore( preview.children().first() ); flag.insertBefore( preview.children( "b" ).first() ); preview.children( "b" ).addClass( "titleMyOffers" ); var thead = preview.children( ".dataTable" ).find( "tr" ).eq(0); preview.children( ".dataTable" ).find( "tr" ).eq(1).children().css({ "height" : "25px" }); thead.children().css({ "height" : "22px" }); thead.children().eq(0).text( "Gross" ); thead.children().eq(1).text( "Net" ); thead.children().eq(3).text( "Tax" ); } }); } // Change monetary market view function changeMonetaryMarket() { if( $( "#container" ).children().length == 3 ) { $( "#container" ).children().last().remove(); } var listBlue = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ); var currentOffersTitle = listBlue.eq(2); listBlue.eq(2).hide(); var currentOffers = listBlue.eq(3); var yourOffersTitle = listBlue.eq(4); var yourOffers = listBlue.eq(5); currentOffers.addClass( "currentOffersMM" ); yourOffers.addClass( "yourOffersMM" ); yourOffers.children().last().remove(); // Custom Selects $( "#buy" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); $( "#sell" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); $( "#offeredMoneyId" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); // Create new blocks BR var block1 = $( "<div class='monetaryMarketTitleBlock'></div>" ); block1.insertBefore( currentOffersTitle ); //block1.append( currentOffers ); block1.append( currentOffersTitle ); // New button in current offers var swapView = $( "<input class='swapView' type='button' value='Swap & View' />" ); swapView.insertAfter( "#swap2" ); swapView.bind( "click", function() { $( "#swap2" ).click(); $( "#monetaryMarketView" ).submit(); }); $( "#swap2" ).addClass( "swapView" ); $( "#swap2" ).bind( "click", function() { var temp = $( "#offeredMoneyId" ).val(); $( "#offeredMoneyId" ).val( $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).val() ); $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).val( temp ); var currency = "Gold"; if ( $( "#buyedMoneyId > option:selected" ).text() != "Gold" ) { currency = $( "#buyedMoneyId > option:selected" ).text().substr( 0, 3 ); } $( "#offeredRate2" ).text( currency ); currency = "Gold"; if ( $( "#offeredMoneyId > option:selected" ).text() != "Gold" ) { currency = $( "#offeredMoneyId > option:selected" ).text().substr( 0, 3 ); } $( "#offeredCurrency" ).text( currency ); $( "#offeredRate1" ).text( currency ); }); // Redesign in your offers var block2 = $( "<div class='monetaryMarketTitleBlock'></div>" ); block2.insertBefore( currentOffersTitle ); block2.append( yourOffersTitle ); block2.append( currentOffers ); block2.append( yourOffers ); $( "#swap1" ).addClass( "swapYourOffers" ); $( "#swap1" ).bind( "click", function() { var temp = $( "#buy" ).val(); $( "#buy" ).val( $( "#sell" ).val() ); $( "#sell" ).val( temp ); if( $( "#offeredMoneyId" ).val() == "0" ) { var cc = $( ".monetaryMarketCurrencyBlock" ).find( ".currencySelector[id='"+ $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).val() +"']" ); var v = "0.0"; if( cc.length != 0 ) { v = cc.children( "b" ).text(); } $( "#value" ).val( v ); } else $( "#value" ).val( "0.0" ); }); $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).next().remove(); $( "#value" ).addClass( "priceInputMM" ); $( "#exchangeRatio" ).addClass( "priceInputMM" ); var blockCurrency = $( "<div class='monetaryMarketCurrencyBlock'></div>" ); blockCurrency.addClass( "testDivblue" ); //blockCurrency.append( block1 ); block1.append( blockCurrency ); // Add currency block var plate = $( "#hiddenMoney" ).parent(); plate.find( ".flags-small" ).each( function() { var id = IDByImageCountry( $(this).attr( "class" ).split(" ")[1] ); var itemCC = $( "<div class='currencySelector'></div>" ); itemCC.attr( "id", id ); if( id == 0 ) { selectedCurrency = itemCC; } itemCC.append( "<div class='"+$(this).attr( "class" )+"'></div>" ); itemCC.append( "<b>"+ $(this).next().text() +" </b>" ); var currencyName = $( "#buy" ).children( "option[value='"+ id +"']" ).text().split( " " ); itemCC.append( currencyName[0] ); blockCurrency.append( itemCC ); itemCC.bind( "click", function() { var idC = $(this).attr( "id" ); if( (idC != "0") && (idC != selectedCurrency.attr( "id" )) ) { if( selectedCurrency ) { selectedCurrency.removeClass( "selectedCurrency" ); } if( $( "#buy" ).val() == "0" ) { $( "#sell" ).val( idC ); } else $( "#buy" ).val( idC ); if( $( "#offeredMoneyId" ).val() == "0" ) { $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).val( idC ); } else $( "#offeredMoneyId" ).val( idC ); $(this).addClass( "selectedCurrency" ); selectedCurrency = $(this); var currency = "Gold"; if ( $( "#buyedMoneyId > option:selected" ).text() != "Gold" ) { currency = $( "#buyedMoneyId > option:selected" ).text().substr( 0, 3 ); } $( "#offeredRate2" ).text( currency ); currency = "Gold"; if ( $( "#offeredMoneyId > option:selected" ).text() != "Gold" ) { currency = $( "#offeredMoneyId > option:selected" ).text().substr( 0, 3 ); } $( "#offeredCurrency" ).text( currency ); $( "#offeredRate1" ).text( currency ); if( $( "#buyedMoneyId" ).val() == "0" ) { $( "#value" ).val( $(this).children( "b" ).text() ); } else $( "#value" ).val( "0.0" ); } }); }); // Add fast buttons var idDest = "#value"; var firstFastButton = true; var btn1 = $( "<input class='priceFastButton' type='button' value='1' />" ); btn1.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "1" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 1 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn5 = $( "<input class='priceFastButton' type='button' value='5' />" ); btn5.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "5" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 5 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn10 = $( "<input class='priceFastButton' type='button' value='10' />" ); btn10.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "10" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 10 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn50 = $( "<input class='priceFastButton' type='button' value='50' />" ); btn50.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "50" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 50 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn100 = $( "<input class='priceFastButton' type='button' value='100' />" ); btn100.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "100" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 100 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn500 = $( "<input class='priceFastButton' type='button' value='500' />" ); btn500.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { $( idDest ).attr( "value", "500" ); } else $( idDest ).attr( "value", parseInt( $( idDest ).attr( "value" ) ) + 500 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var pos = $( "#offeredRate2" ).next(); btn1.insertBefore( pos ); btn5.insertBefore( pos ); btn10.insertBefore( pos ); btn50.insertBefore( pos ); btn100.insertBefore( pos ); btn500.insertBefore( pos ); // Add confirm option var postButton = $( "<input class='postOfferButton' type='button' value='Post new offer' />" ); var pos = $( "#monetaryOfferPost" ).children( "center" ).children( "input" ); postButton.insertBefore( pos ); pos.hide(); "click", function() { var value = parseFloat( $( "#value" ).val() ); var change = parseFloat( $( "#exchangeRatio" ).val() ); var res = confirm( "Sell "+ value +" "+ $( "#offeredCurrency" ).text() +" for "+ (value*change) +" "+ $( "#offeredRate2" ).text() ); if( res ) { $( "#monetaryOfferPost" ).submit(); } }); } // Change monetary market product table function changeMonetaryMarketTable() { $( ".dataTable" ).find( "input[type='text']" ).addClass( "inputTextTable" ); var submit = $( ".dataTable" ).find( "input[type='submit']" ).addClass( "inputSubmitTable" ); // Add buy all button var buyAll = $( "<input class='buyAllSubmit' type='submit' value='All' />" ); buyAll.bind( "click", function() { var v = $(this).parent().parent().prev().prev().text().match(/\d{1,10}.\d{1,5}/); //alert(v) $(this).parent().children( "input[type='text']" ).val( v ); return( false ); }); buyAll.insertBefore( submit ); // Resize table $( ".dataTable" ).addClass( "dataTableMod" ); // Redesign table // Headers $( ".dataTable > tbody > tr:first-child > td" ).addClass( "dataTableHeaders" ); } // Add extra links in the shares menu function addSharesExtraLinks() { var firstRow = true; var firstPlate = $( ".testDivwhite" ).first(); firstPlate.css({ "width" : "570px" }); firstPlate.children( ".dataTable" ).css({ "width" : "550px" }); firstPlate.children( ".dataTable:first" ).find( "tr" ).each( function() { var td = $( "<td></td>" ); td.insertAfter( $(this).children().first() ); if( firstRow ) { firstRow = false; td.append( "Fast links" ); } else { var idStock = $(this).children().first().find( "a" ).attr( "href" ); var imgStock = $(this).children().first().find( "img" ).eq(1); var linkStock = $( "<a href='"+ idStock +"'></a>" ).insertBefore( imgStock ); linkStock.append( imgStock ); var split = idStock.split( "?id=" ); if( split.length > 1 ) { idStock = split[1]; } td.append( "<a style='display:block' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLStockMM + idStock +"'>MM offers</a>" ); td.append( "<a style='display:block' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLStockProducts + idStock +"'>Product offers</a>" ); td.append( "<a style='display:block' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLStockDonateMoney + idStock +"'>Donate money</a>" ); td.append( "<a style='display:block' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLStockDonateCompany + idStock +"'>Donate company</a>" ); td.append( "<a style='display:block' href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLStockLogs + idStock +"&importance=TRIVIAL '>Logs</a>" ); } }); } // Change stock main div function changeStockMainMenu() { var listBlue = $( "#contentRow" ).children( "td" ).eq(1).find( ".testDivblue" ); $( "#contentRow" ).children( "td" ).eq(1).children().eq(1).remove(); var mainStockInfo = listBlue.eq(0); mainStockInfo.children( "br" ).remove(); mainStockInfo.children( "p" ).remove(); var rightBlock = mainStockInfo.find( "td" ).eq(1); rightBlock.css({ "width" : "350px" }); rightBlock.children().eq(2).css({ "width" : "70px" }); rightBlock.children().eq(3).css({ "width" : "275px" }); var linkWiki = $( "<div class='linkWiki'></div>" ); var linkImg = $( "<a href='"+ mainStockInfo.children( "a" ).attr( "href" ) +"'></a>" ); linkWiki.append( linkImg.append( mainStockInfo.children( "img" ) ) ); linkWiki.append( mainStockInfo.children( "a" ) ); mainStockInfo.append( linkWiki ); } // Change stock floating divs in the main menu function changeStockFloatingDivs() { var listWhite = $( "#contentRow" ).children().eq(2).find( ".testDivwhite" ); var listBlue = $( "#contentRow" ).children().eq(2).find( ".testDivblue" ); var companyStatute = listWhite.eq(0); companyStatute.addClass( "divShareMenu divShareMenuHide" ); companyStatute.bind( "click", function() { if( $(this).hasClass( "divShareMenuHide" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "divShareMenuHide" ); } else $(this).addClass( "divShareMenuHide" ); }); var stockPrice = listWhite.eq(1); stockPrice.addClass( "divShareMenu divShareMenuHide" ); stockPrice.bind( "click", function() { if( $(this).hasClass( "divShareMenuHide" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "divShareMenuHide" ); } else $(this).addClass( "divShareMenuHide" ); }); var acts = listBlue.eq(1); acts.addClass( "divShareMenu divShareMenuMediumHide" ); acts.bind( "click", function() { if( $(this).hasClass( "divShareMenuMediumHide" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "divShareMenuMediumHide" ); } else $(this).addClass( "divShareMenuMediumHide" ); }); var staff = listBlue.eq(2); staff.addClass( "divShareMenu divShareMenuMediumHide" ); staff.bind( "click", function() { if( $(this).hasClass( "divShareMenuMediumHide" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "divShareMenuMediumHide" ); } else $(this).addClass( "divShareMenuMediumHide" ); }); var companies = listBlue.eq(3); var shouts = listBlue.eq(4); shouts.insertBefore( companies ); companies.insertBefore( stockPrice ); var sharesMarket = listWhite.eq(2); stockPrice.insertBefore( sharesMarket ); $( "<br/>" ).insertAfter( stockPrice ); companies.addClass( "divShareMenuFixed" ).css({ "width" : "340px" }); shouts.addClass( "divShareMenuFixed" ); sharesMarket.addClass( "divShareMenuFixed" ); listWhite.eq(3).addClass( "divShareMenuFixed" ); } // Change product selection in a stock company function changeStockProductSelection() { var pos = $( ".testDivwhite" ); var select = $( "#resourceInput" ); if( select.length == 0 ) { pos.addClass( "storageUnselectStock" ); pos.children( "br" ).remove(); } else { var dest = $( "#resourceInput" ).next().next(); // Remove all childrens and add help text pos.children().remove(); pos.addClass( "storageSelectStock" ); pos.append( "One click to select <b>ONE item</b>. Double click to select <b>ALL items</b>.<br/>" ); var divBlue = $( "#countryInput" ).parent().parent(); divBlue.addClass( "formSelectStock" ); divBlue.find( "b" ).eq(0).css({ "display" : "inline" }); divBlue.find( "b" ).eq(1).css({ "display" : "inline" }); divBlue.insertAfter( pos ); $( "#countryInput" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); select.addClass( "customSelectList" ); orderSelect( select ); changeSelect( select, pos, dest, "#aaaaaa" ); firstFastButton = true; dest.val( "1" ); dest.addClass( "quantityMyOffers" ); $( "#priceInput" ).val( "1.0" ); $( "#priceInput" ).addClass( "priceInputMyOffers" ); var btn10 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='10' />" ); btn10.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "10" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 10 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn50 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonLeft' type='button' value='50' />" ); btn50.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "50" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 50 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn100 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='100' />" ); btn100.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "100" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 100 ); firstFastButton = false; }); var btn1000 = $( "<input class='fastBtn FastButtonRight' type='button' value='1K' />" ); btn1000.bind( "click", function() { if( firstFastButton ) { dest.attr( "value", "1000" ); } else dest.attr( "value", parseInt( dest.attr( "value" ) ) + 1000 ); firstFastButton = false; }); btn10.insertBefore( dest ); btn50.insertBefore( dest ); btn1000.insertAfter( dest ); btn100.insertAfter( dest ); $( ".storage" ).bind( "click", function() { setTimeout( mySendPreviewRequest, 500 ); }); $( "#countryInput" ).unbind( "change" ); $( "#countryInput" ).bind( "change", function() { mySendPreviewRequest(); }); $( "#resourceInput" ).unbind( "change" ); $( "#resourceInput" ).bind( "change", function() { mySendPreviewRequest(); }); $( "#priceInput" ).unbind( "change" ); $( "#priceInput" ).bind( "change", function() { mySendPreviewRequest(); }); $( "#priceInput" ).bind( "keydown", function() { setTimeout( mySendPreviewRequest, 1000 ); }); } } // Change travel menu function changeTravelMenu() { var minTicket = 0; var vecItems = []; var plate = $( "#citizenTravelForm" ).parent().addClass( "citizenTravelFormMod" ); $( "#citizenTravelForm" ).children( "input" ).addClass( "citizenTravelFormInput" ); $( "#citizenshipSelect" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); $( "#regionId" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); $( "<br/>" ).insertBefore( $( "#regionId" ).parent() ); var marginBlock = $( "<div class='centerBlockTravel'></div>" ); var block = $( "<table class='blockTravel testDivwhite'></table>" ); marginBlock.append( block ); var selectedTicket = null; $( "#ticketQuality" ).find( "option" ).each( function() { var q = $(this).attr( "value" ); //alert(q) var ticket = $( "<td class='ticketTravel' indexselect='"+ q +"'></td>" ); ticket.append( "<img src='"+ IMGTICKET +"' class='imageTicket' />" ); ticket.append( "<div class='healthTicket'>- "+ (40 - ((q-1) * 10)) +"</div>" ); ticket.append( "<img src='"+ IMGQUALITY + $(this).attr( "value" ) +".png' class='imageQuality' />" ); block.append( ticket ); // Find number of items var n = 0; $( "#userMenu" ).find( ".storageMini" ).each( function() { var prod = $(this).find( "div:eq(1)" ); //alert(prod.find("img:eq(1)").attr( "src" ).replace( IMGQUALITY, "" ).replace( IMGEXTENSION, "" )) if( prod.find("img:eq(0)").attr("src") == IMGTICKET ) { if( q == prod.find("img:eq(1)").attr( "src" ).replace( IMGQUALITY, "" ).replace( IMGEXTENSION, "" ) ) { n = parseInt( $(this).text()); //alert($(this).text()); } } }); ticket.append( "<div class='numberItems'>"+ n +"</div>" ); if( n > 0 ) { if( minTicket == 0 ) { minTicket = q; } ticket.bind( "mouseover", function() { if( selectedTicket.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).addClass( "ticketHover" ); } }); ticket.bind( "mouseout", function() { if( selectedTicket.attr( "indexselect" ) != $(this).attr( "indexselect" ) ) { $(this).removeClass( "ticketHover" ); } }); ticket.bind( "click", function() { if( selectedTicket ) { selectedTicket.removeClass( "ticketSelected" ); } selectedTicket = $(this); $(this).addClass( "ticketSelected" ); $( "#ticketQuality option" )[ $(this).attr( "indexselect" )-1 ].selected = true; }); } else ticket.addClass( "disabledTicket" ); vecItems.push( ticket ); }); // Default min ticket if( minTicket > 0 ) { vecItems[ minTicket-1].click() } $( "<br/>" ).insertAfter( $( "#ticketQuality" ).parent() ); $( "#ticketQuality" ).prev().remove(); $( "#ticketQuality" ).prev().remove(); $( "#ticketQuality" ).css({ "display" : "none" }); block.insertBefore( $( "#ticketQuality" ) ); // Check GET vars var urlVars = getUrlVars(); if( (urlVars[ "idc" ] != undefined) && (urlVars[ "idr" ] != undefined) ) { $( "#citizenshipSelect" ).val( urlVars[ "idc" ] ); $.ajax({ url: "countryRegions.html", context: document.body, type: "POST", data: { countryId : urlVars[ "idc" ] }, success: function( data ) { $( "#regionId" ).find( "option" ).remove(); var json = jQuery.parseJSON( data ); for( var i=0; i<json.length; i++ ) { $( "#regionId" ).append( "<option value='"+ json[i][0] +"'>"+ json[i][1] +"</option>" ); } $( "#regionId" ).val( urlVars[ "idr" ] ); } }); } } // Redesign equipment function redesignEquipment() { var block = $( ".equipmentName" ).parent(); var remove = "<div class='removeItem'>CLICK TO REMOVE</div>" var formHelmet = $( ".equipmentBox" ).last().next(); var formVision =; var formArmor =; var formWeapon =; var formOffhand =; // Rellocate equipment interaction var helmet = $( ".equipmentName" ).eq(0).addClass( "helmetTitle" ); $( ".equipmentBox" ).eq(0).append( helmet ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(0).children().first().append( remove ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(0).bind( "click", function() { if( "form" ) ) { formHelmet.children( "input" ).last().click(); } }); var vision = $( ".equipmentName" ).eq(1).addClass( "visionTitle" ); $( ".equipmentBox" ).eq(1).append( vision ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(1).children().first().append( remove ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(1).bind( "click", function() { if( "form" ) ) { formVision.children( "input" ).last().click(); } }); var armor = $( ".equipmentName" ).eq(2).addClass( "armorTitle" ); $( ".equipmentBox" ).eq(2).append( armor ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(2).children().first().append( remove ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(2).bind( "click", function() { if( "form" ) ) { formArmor.children( "input" ).last().click(); } }); var weapon = $( ".equipmentName" ).eq(3).addClass( "weaponTitle" ); $( ".equipmentBox" ).eq(3).append( weapon ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(3).children().first().append( remove ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(3).bind( "click", function() { if( "form" ) ) { formWeapon.children( "input" ).last().click(); } }); var offhand = $( ".equipmentName" ).eq(4).addClass( "offhandTitle" ); $( ".equipmentBox" ).eq(4).append( offhand ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(4).children().first().append( remove ); $( ".equipmentBack" ).eq(4).bind( "click", function() { if( "form" ) ) { formOffhand.children( "input" ).last().click(); } }); // Change remove mode $( ".equipmentBack" ).each( function() { if( !$(this).hasClass( "q0" ) ) { $(this).css({ "cursor" : "pointer" }); $(this).bind( "mouseover", function() { $(this).find( ".removeItem" ).css({ "visibility" : "visible" }); }); $(this).bind( "mouseout", function() { $(this).find( ".removeItem" ).css({ "visibility" : "hidden" }); }); } }); block.hide(); } // Calculate equipment damage function calculateEquipmentDamage() { $( "#profileEquipment" ).parent().css({ "margin-left" : "11px", "height" : "220px" }); // Get values var n = 1000; var hitList = [ 0, 50, 100, 155 ]; var damageSplit = $( "#hitHelp" ).text().split( "/" ); var minDamage = parseInt( damageSplit[0].replace( ",", "" ) ); var maxDamage = parseInt( damageSplit[1].replace( ",", "" ) ); var critical = parseFloat( $( "#criticalHelp" ).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); var miss = parseFloat( $( "#missHelp" ).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); var avoid = parseFloat( $( "#avoidHelp" ).text().replace( "%", "" ) ); // Save all data to use it in the battle page setValue( "playerMinDamage", minDamage ); setValue( "playerMaxDamage", maxDamage ); setValue( "playerCritical", critical ); setValue( "playerMiss", miss ); setValue( "playerAvoid", avoid ); // Default bonus settins, MU and location active var muBonus = 1; var locBonus = 1.2; var sdBonus = 1; var hBonus = 1; // Create block var block = $( "<div id='blockDamage' class='testDivwhite'></div>" ); block.append( "<div class='titleDamage'>Average damage in "+ n +" simulations</div>" ); block.insertBefore( $( "#profileEquipment" ).parent() ); // Damage block var configDamage = $( "<div class='configDamage'></div>" ); // MU bonus var MUCheck = $( "<input id='MUCheck' type='checkBox' class='itemBonus' title='No MU data' />" ); configDamage.append( "<div class='labelLeftConfig'>MU</div>" ); configDamage.append( MUCheck ); // Stupid idea to disable MU tooltip if( getValue( "MURank" ) ) { muBonus = parseInt( getValue( "MURank" ) ); } else configDamage.append( "<div style='width:15px; height:15px; position:absolute; margin:-22px 0px 0px 25px;'></div>" ); // Location bonus var locationCheck = $( "<input id='locCheck' type='checkBox' class='itemBonus' checked='checked' />" ); configDamage.append( "<div class='labelRightConfig'>LOCATION</div>" ); configDamage.append( locationCheck ); configDamage.append( "<br/>" ); // SD bonus var sdCheck = $( "<select id='sdCheck' class='itemBonus customSelectList'></select>" ); for( var i=0; i<=5; i++ ) { sdCheck.append( "<option value='"+ 5*i +"'>Q"+ i +"</option>" ); } configDamage.append( "<div class='labelLeftConfig'>SD</div>" ); configDamage.append( sdCheck ); // Hospital bonus var hCheck= $( "<select id='hCheck' class='itemBonus customSelectList'></select>" ); for( var i=0; i<=5; i++ ) { hCheck.append( "<option value='"+ 5*i +"'>Q"+ i +"</option>" ); } configDamage.append( "<div class='labelRightConfig'>HOSPITAL</div>" ); configDamage.append( hCheck ); // Calculate button var calculate = $( "<input class='calculateBonus' type='button' value='Calculate' />" ); configDamage.append( calculate ); // Fill table var tableDamage = $( "<table class='tableDamage'></table>" ); for( var i=0; i<=5; i++ ) { var tr = $( "<tr></tr>" ); for( var j=0; j<hitList.length; j++ ) { if( hitList[j] == 0 ) { if( i != 0 ) { tr.append( "<td class='tableQuality'>Q"+ i +"</td>" ); } else tr.append( "<td></td>" ); } else if( i == 0 ) { if( hitList[j] != 0 ) { var input = $( "<input class='hitList' type='text' value='"+ hitList[j] +"' maxlength='3' />" ); var td = $( "<td class='tableHits' title='You can edit this number!'></td>" ); td.tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipHitDamage", position: { my: "center bottom", at: "center top" } }); td.append( input ); tr.append( td ); } else tr.append( "<td></td>" ); } else tr.append( "<td class='dataDamage'>0</td>" ); } tableDamage.append( tr ); } block.append( tableDamage ); block.append( configDamage ); if( getValue( "MURank" ) ) { muBonus = 1 + (parseInt( getValue( "MURank" ) ) / 100); $( "#MUCheck" ).attr( "checked", "checked" ); } else { $( "#MUCheck" ).prev().css({ "text-decoration" : "line-through" }); $( "#MUCheck" ).attr( "disabled", "disabled" ); } updateDamageTable( minDamage, maxDamage, muBonus, locBonus, sdBonus, hBonus, critical, miss, avoid, hitList, n ); configDamage.find( ".itemBonus" ).bind( "change", function() { updateDamageTable( minDamage, maxDamage, muBonus, locBonus, sdBonus, hBonus, critical, miss, avoid, hitList, n ); }); configDamage.find( ".calculateBonus" ).bind( "click", function() { updateDamageTable( minDamage, maxDamage, muBonus, locBonus, sdBonus, hBonus, critical, miss, avoid, hitList, n ); }); } // Calculate iteration damage function calculateHitsDamage( min, max, mu, loc, sd, h, cr, miss, avoid, weapon, hits, n ) { hits = hits * h; // Hospital hits // We do it for Berserks var nBK = parseInt( hits / 5 ); var mod = hits % 5; var averageDamage = 0; var bonus = 100 + (weapon * 20); var maxDamage = 0; var minDamage = Number.MAX_VALUE; for( var j=0; j<n; j++ ) { var totalDmg = 0; for( var i=0; i<nBK; i++ ) { var damage = (min + parseInt((max-min)/2))*5 * bonus/100; totalDmg += damage * mu * loc * sd; // Critical if( Math.random()*100 < cr ) { totalDmg += damage; } // Miss if( Math.random()*100 < miss ) { totalDmg -= damage; } // Avoid if( Math.random()*100 < avoid ) { i--; } } if( mod != 0 ) { totalDmg += (mod * totalDmg / (nBK*5)); } maxDamage = maxDamage > totalDmg ? maxDamage : totalDmg; minDamage = minDamage < totalDmg ? minDamage : totalDmg; averageDamage += totalDmg; } return( [ parseInt( averageDamage/n ), pointNumber( parseInt( minDamage ) ), pointNumber( parseInt( maxDamage ) ) ] ); } // Update table data function updateDamageTable( minDamage, maxDamage, muBonus, locBonus, sdBonus, hBonus, critical, miss, avoid, hitList, n ) { locBonus = $( "#locCheck" ).attr( "checked" ) ? 1.2 : 1; sdBonus = 1 + parseInt( $( "#sdCheck" ).val() )/100; hBonus = 1 + parseInt( $( "#hCheck" ).val() )/100; if( $( "#MUCheck" ).attr( "checked" ) ) { if( getValue( "MURank" ) ) { muBonus = 1 + (parseInt( getValue( "MURank" ) ) / 100); } } else muBonus = 1; var table = $( ".tableDamage" ); for( var i=1; i<=5; i++ ) { var tr = table.find( "tr" ).eq(i); for( var j=1; j<hitList.length; j++ ) { var hits = parseInt( table.find( ".hitList" ).eq(j-1).val() ); var dmg = calculateHitsDamage( minDamage, maxDamage, muBonus, locBonus, sdBonus, hBonus, critical, miss, avoid, i, hits, n ); tr.children( "td" ).eq( j ).text( pointNumber( dmg[0] ) ); tr.children( "td" ).eq( j ).tooltip({ tooltipClass: "tooltipHitDamage", position: { my: "center bottom", at: "center top" } }); tr.children( "td" ).eq( j ).attr( "title", "<b>"+ dmg[1] +" - "+ dmg[2] +"</b>" ); } } } // Add update salaries in the company menĂş function addCompanyButtons() { // Get the country ID var countryId = IDByImageCountry( $( "a[href^='region.html']" ).prev().attr('class').split(' ')[1]); var workerList = $( ".workerListDiv" ); var offerList = $( ".offerListDiv" ); var updateSalaries = $( "<input class='updateSalariesButton' type='button' value='Update salaries'/>" ); updateSalaries.insertBefore( workerList.children().first() ); updateSalaries.bind( "click", function() { // Clean previous results workerList.find( ".redText" ).remove(); workerList.find( ".greenText" ).remove(); var i=0; var checkedSkills = []; workerList.find( ".tableRow" ).each( function() { // First get the skill number var tdList = $(this).find( "td" ); var skill = parseInt( tdList.eq(1).text() ); if( checkedSkills.indexOf( skill ) == -1 ) { checkedSkills.push( skill ); setTimeout( function() { $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLJobMarket + "?countryId="+ countryId +"&minimalSkill="+ skill, success: function( data ) { var trList = $( data ).find( ".dataTable" ).find( "tr" ); // We take the first row var salary = trList.eq(1).find( "td" ).eq(4).children( "b" ).text(); salary = parseFloat( salary ); workerList.find( ".workerSkill" + skill ).each( function() { var classColor; var percent; var workerSalary = parseFloat( $(this).children( ".salary" ).children( "b" ).text() ); if( workerSalary < salary ) { classColor = "redText"; percent = "-" + parseInt((salary / workerSalary -1) * 10000) / 100; } else { classColor = "greenText"; percent = "+" + parseInt((workerSalary / salary - 1) * 10000) / 100; } $(this).append( "<b class='"+ classColor +"'>"+ salary +" ("+ percent +"%)</b>" ); }); } }); }, 500*i ); i++; } }); }); var updateJobs = $( "<input class='updateJobsButton' type='button' value='Update jobs'/>" ); updateJobs.insertBefore( workerList.children().first() ); updateJobs.bind( "click", function() { var id = getUrlVars()[ "id" ]; $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLCompanyDetails + id, success: function( data ) { $( data ).find( "#productivityTable" ).find( "tr" ).each( function() { var td = $(this).children( "td" ).last(); var player = $(this).find( "a" ); if( player ) { var place = workerList.find( "a[href='"+ player.attr( "href" ) +"']" ).parent(); if( td.children( "div" ).length == 2 ) { place.append( "<br/>" ); place.append( "<b>"+ td.children().eq(1).text().replace( "(", "" ).replace( ")", "" ) +"</b>" ); place.addClass( "greenBackgroundCompany" ); } else place.addClass( "redBackgroundCompany" ); } }); } }); }); } // Improve company interface function companyImprovements() { if( $( "#minimalSkill option" ).length == 14 ) { $( "#minimalSkill" ).append( "<option value='15'>15</option>" ); $( "#minimalSkill" ).append( "<option value='16'>16</option>" ); } var listBlue = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivblue" ); var mainMenu = listBlue.eq(2).find( "table" ).eq(1); var rowRemove = mainMenu.find( "tr" ).first().children( "td" ).first();{ "max-width" : "100%" }); rowRemove.remove(); // Get the country ID var countryId = IDByImageCountry( $( "a[href^='region.html']" ).prev().attr('class').split(' ')[1] ); // Rellocate some items if( listBlue.length == 6 ) { var workerList = listBlue.eq(5); var offerList = listBlue.eq(4); var uglyBox = listBlue.eq(3); var createJob = uglyBox.children().first(); uglyBox.children().first().remove(); createJob.insertBefore( uglyBox ); $( "<br/>" ).insertBefore( uglyBox ); var divBlock = $( "<div style='display:inline-block; width:100%'></div>" ) divBlock.insertBefore( uglyBox ); divBlock.append( offerList ); divBlock.append( workerList ); uglyBox.css({ "margin-top" : "15px" }); createJob.removeClass( "testDivwhite" ); createJob.addClass( "testDivblue" ).css({ "width" : "680px" }); createJob.children( "p" ).remove(); var selectedSkill = null; $( "#minimalSkill option" ).each( function() { var skill = $( "<div class='skillSelector'>"+ $(this).val() +"</div>" ); skill.insertBefore( "#minimalSkill" ); skill.bind( "click", function() { if( selectedSkill ) { selectedSkill.removeClass( "skillSelectorSelected" ); } selectedSkill = $(this); selectedSkill.addClass( "skillSelectorSelected" ); $( "#minimalSkill" ).val( selectedSkill.text() ); var link = getCurrentServer() + URLJobMarket + "?countryId="+ countryId +"&minimalSkill="+ $(this).text(); $( ".companyLinkOffers" ).attr( "href", link ); }); }); $( "#minimalSkill" ).hide(); var firstLine = $( "#minimalSkill" ).parent(); firstLine.attr( "colspan", "4" ); createJob.find( "table" ).css({ "width" : "100%" }); var tr = $( "<tr></tr>" ); tr.append({ "width" : "33%" }) ); var td = $( "<td style='width:18%;'></td>" ); var link = $( "<a class='companyLinkOffers' href='' target='_blank'>View skill offers</a>" ); tr.append( td.append( link ) ); tr.append({ "width" : "17%" }) ); tr.append({ "width" : "26%" }) ); firstLine.parent().parent().append( tr ); $( ".skillSelector" ).first().click(); $( "#price" ).addClass( "priceInputCompany" ); $( "#price" ).bind( "focus", function() { $(this).select(); }); $( "#quantity" ).addClass( "quantityMyOffers" ); $( "#quantity" ).bind( "focus", function() { $(this).select(); }); } else { var workerList = listBlue.eq(4); var offerList = listBlue.eq(3); } workerList.addClass( "workerListDiv" ); offerList.addClass( "offerListDiv" ); // Remove useless space mainMenu.children( "p" ).remove(); // Edit image size mainMenu.find( ".productLabelRight" ).css({ "height" : "auto", "width" : "40px" }); //resizeProductImage( mainMenu.find( ".product" ) ); // Add extra links to check salaries workerList.find( ".tableRow" ).each( function() { var tdList = $(this).find( "td" ); // First get the skill number var skill = parseInt( tdList.eq(1).text() ); var viewLink = $( "<a href='"+ getCurrentServer() + URLJobMarket + "?countryId="+ countryId +"&minimalSkill="+ skill +"'>View</a>" ); tdList.eq(1).append( "<br/>" ); tdList.eq(1).append( viewLink ); tdList.eq(2).addClass( "workerSkill" + skill ); }); $( "input[name=newSalary]" ).addClass( "priceInputCompany" ); $( "input[name=newSalary]" ).bind( "focus", function() { $(this).select(); }); $( "input[name=salary]" ).addClass( "priceInputCompany" ); $( "input[name=salary]" ).bind( "focus", function() { $(this).select(); }); } // Improve company work results function companyWorkResults() { // Redesign first block var listBlue = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivwhite " ); var mainMenu = listBlue.find( "table" ); mainMenu.find( ".productLabelRight" ).css({ "height" : "auto", "width" : "40px" }); resizeProductImage( mainMenu.find( ".product" ) ); //var rowRemove = mainMenu.find( "tr" ).first().children( "td" ).first(); //{ "max-width" : "100%" }); //rowRemove.remove(); // Add button to get salary var divConfig = $( "<div class='testDivblue' style='width:500px;'></div>" ); var buttonUpdate = $( "<input class='companyGetSalary' type='button' value='Calculate'/>" ); divConfig.append( buttonUpdate ); divConfig.insertAfter( listBlue.prev() ); var mainBlock = $( "#container" ).find( ".testDivwhite" ); var idCompany = getUrlVars()[ "id" ]; buttonUpdate.bind( "click", function() { // Remove previous col $( "td.playerSalary" ).remove(); // Add new col var index = 0; mainBlock.find( "tr" ).each( function() { var td = $( "<td class='playerSalary'></td>" ); if( index == 0 ) { td.append( "Salary" ); } $(this).append( td ); index++; }); mainBlock.css({ "width" : "785px" }); mainBlock.find( "table" ).css({ "width" : "100%" }); $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLCompany + idCompany, success: function( data ) { var blue = $(data).find( ".testDivblue" ); //alert(blue.length) if( blue.length == 6 ) { var playerList = blue.eq(5).find( ".tableRow" ); } else var playerList = blue.eq(4).find( ".tableRow" ); checkPlayersSalary( playerList, mainBlock ); } }); }); } // Check player salary function checkPlayersSalary( playerList, block ) { playerList.each( function() { var player = $(this).find( "a[href^='profile.html']" ); var content = $(this).find( ".salary" ); content.removeClass( "salary" ); if( content.children().length == 3 ) { content.children().last().remove(); } block.find( "tr" ).each( function() { if( $(this).find( "a[href='"+ player.attr( "href" ) +"']" ).length == 1 ) { $(this).find( ".playerSalary" ).append( content ); $( "<br/>" ).insertBefore( content.children( "b" ) ); var currency = content.contents().eq(5).text(); var salary = parseFloat( content.children( "b" ).text() ); $(this).find( "td" ).each( function() { if( $(this).children().length == 2 ) { $(this).children().eq(1).css({ "color" : "#009900" }); var numItems = $(this).children( "div" ).eq(1).text(); numItems = numItems.replace( "(", "" ).replace( ")", "" ); numItems = parseFloat( numItems ); var finalPrice = $( "<div class='finalPrice'>"+ (parseInt( (salary / numItems)*1000 ) / 1000) +"</div>" ); finalPrice.append( "<br/>" ); finalPrice.append( "<span> "+ currency +"</span>" ); $(this).append( finalPrice ); } }); } }); }); trNumber=block.find( "tr" ).length //alert(trNumber) if($('#sum_1').length == 0){ $('#productivityTable > tbody:last').append('<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Sum:</b></td><td id="sum_1"></td><td id="sum_2"></td><td id="sum_3"></td><td id="sum_4"></td><td id="sum_5"></td><td id="sum_6"></td><td id="sum_7"></td><td id="sum_8"></td><td id="sum_9"></td><td id="sum_10"></td><td id="sum_11"></td></tr>'); $('#productivityTable > tbody:last').append('<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Avarage:</b></td><td id="avg_1"></td><td id="avg_2"></td><td id="avg_3"></td><td id="avg_4"></td><td id="avg_5"></td><td id="avg_6"></td><td id="avg_7"></td><td id="avg_8"></td><td id="avg_9"></td><td id="avg_10"></td><td id="avg_11"></td></tr>'); }else{ $('#productivityTable > tbody tr:last td:last').remove() $('#productivityTable > tbody tr:eq(-2) td:last').remove() } for(i=3;i<13;i++) { col=$('#productivityTable tr>td:nth-child('+i+')').text() col=col.replace(/\t/g, ''); Productivity=col.match(/[\n\r]\d{3}\.\d{0,2}/g); Product=col.match(/\(\d{0,10}\.\d{0,2}\)/g); price_one=col.match(/\d{1,5}\.\d{0,3} .../g); //alert(Productivity) if(Productivity != null) { Productivity= Productivity.join().match(/\d{0,10}\.\d{0,2}/g); //alert(Productivity) Sum_productivity=0; for(var x = 0; x < Productivity.length; x++) { Sum_productivity = Sum_productivity + Number(Productivity[x]); //or Sum += scores[x]; } average_productivity = Sum_productivity / Productivity.length; }else{ Sum_productivity=0 average_productivity=0; } if(Product != null) { Product= Product.join().match(/\d{0,10}\.\d{0,2}/g); Sum_product=0; for(var x = 0; x < Product.length; x++) { Sum_product = Sum_product + Number(Product[x]); //or Sum += scores[x]; } average_product = Sum_product / Product.length; //alert(average_product) }else{ Sum_product=0 average_product=0; } if(price_one != null) { price_one= price_one.join().match(/\d{1,5}\.\d{0,3}/g); Sum_price_one=0; for(var x = 0; x < price_one.length; x++) { Sum_price_one = Sum_price_one + Number(price_one[x]); //or Sum += scores[x]; } average_price_one = Sum_price_one / price_one.length; }else{ Sum_price_one=0 average_price_one=0; } $('#sum_'+(i-2)).html("<div>"+Sum_productivity.toFixed(2)+"</div><div style='color: rgb(0, 153, 0);font-weight:normal;'>"+Sum_product.toFixed(2)+"</div>") $('#avg_'+(i-2)).html("<div>"+average_productivity.toFixed(2)+"</div><div style='color: rgb(0, 153, 0);'>"+average_product.toFixed(2)+"</div><div class='finalPrice'>"+average_price_one.toFixed(4)+"</div>") } col_sal=$('#productivityTable tr>td:nth-child(13)').text(); sal=col_sal.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2}/g) Sum_sal=0; for(var x = 0; x < sal.length; x++) { Sum_sal = Sum_sal + Number(sal[x]); //or Sum += scores[x]; } average_sal = Sum_sal / sal.length; $('#avg_11').html("<div style='color: rgb(0, 153, 0);'>"+average_sal.toFixed(2)+"</div>") $('#sum_11').html("<div style='color: rgb(0, 153, 0);'>"+Sum_sal.toFixed(2)+"</div>") // } // Replace job skill selector function jobMarketSkills() { if( $( "#minimalSkill option" ).length == 14 ) { $( "#minimalSkill" ).append( "<option value='15'>15</option>" ); $( "#minimalSkill" ).append( "<option value='16'>16</option>" ); } $( "#countryId" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); $( "#jobMarketForm" ).parent().css({ "width" : "550px" }); $( "#jobMarketForm" ).contents().eq(4).remove(); var selectedSkill = null; $( "#minimalSkill option" ).each( function() { var skill = $( "<div class='skillSelector'>"+ $(this).val() +"</div>" ) skill.insertBefore( "#minimalSkill" ); skill.bind( "click", function() { if( selectedSkill ) { selectedSkill.removeClass( "skillSelectorSelected" ); } selectedSkill = $(this); selectedSkill.addClass( "skillSelectorSelected" ); $( "#minimalSkill" ).val( selectedSkill.text() ); var link = getCurrentServer() + URLJobMarket + "?countryId="+ countryId +"&minimalSkill="+ $(this).text(); $( ".companyLinkOffers" ).attr( "href", link ); }); if( $(this).val() == $( "#minimalSkill" ).val() ) {; } }); $( "#minimalSkill" ).hide(); $( "#jobMarketForm" ).children( "input" ).insertAfter( "#countryId" ); $( "#jobMarketForm" ).children( "input" ).addClass( "showButton" ); $( "#jobMarketForm" ).parent().children( ":lt(2)" ).remove(); } // Improve battle list interface function changeBattleList() { var url = ""; var script2 = document.createElement("script"); script2.setAttribute("src", url); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script2); $( "#countryId" ).addClass( "customSelectList" ); //$( "#sorting" ).prev().remove(); //$( "#sorting" ).prev().remove(); var selectedOption = null; $( "#sorting option" ).each( function() { var sort = $( "<div class='sortTypeSelector'>"+ $(this).text().replace( "Sorting ", "" ) +"</div>" ); sort.attr( "type", $(this).val() ); sort.insertBefore( "#sorting" ); sort.bind( "click", function() { if( selectedOption ) { selectedOption.removeClass( "sortTypeSelectorSelected" ); } selectedOption = $(this); selectedOption.addClass( "sortTypeSelectorSelected" ); $( "#sorting" ).val( selectedOption.attr( "type" ) ); }); if( $(this).val() == $( "#sorting" ).val() ) {; } }); $( "#sorting" ).hide(); $( "#battlesViewForm" ).parent().children().last().remove(); var updateTime = $( "<input class='updateTimeListBattle' type='button' value='Update Battle List'/>" ); updateTime.insertAfter( $( "#battlesViewForm" ).parent() ); updateTime.bind( "click", function() { var i=0; var y=0; $( "#battlesTable" ).find( "tr" ).each( function() { var related = $(this); var href = $(this).find( "a[href^='battle.html?id=']" ); if( href.length == 1 ) { setTimeout( function() { $.ajax({ url: href.attr( "href" ), success: function( data ) { // Battle Time related.find( ".roundTimeRemain" ).remove(); var timeremain = ""; regexp =/liftoffTime\.setHours\(liftoffTime.getHours\(\) \+ (\d{1,2})\)/g var hour = regexp.exec(data) var hour = hour[1] regexp =/liftoffTime\.setMinutes\(liftoffTime.getMinutes\(\) \+ (\d{1,2})\)/g var min = regexp.exec(data) var min = min[1] regexp =/liftoffTime\.setSeconds\(liftoffTime.getSeconds\(\) \+ (\d{1,2})\)/g var sec = regexp.exec(data) var sec = sec[1] hour = "0" + hour; min = (min < 10) ? "0"+min : min; sec = (sec < 10) ? "0"+sec : sec; var lastTD = related.children().last(); lastTD.removeClass( "roundClean" ); lastTD.removeClass( "roundLastHour" ); lastTD.removeClass( "roundLastHalfHour" ); if( hour == 0 ) { if( min < 30 ) { lastTD.addClass( "roundLastHalfHour" ); } else lastTD.addClass( "roundLastHour" ); } else lastTD.addClass( "roundClean" ); //hour = "0" + hour; //min = (min < 10) ? "0"+min : min; //sec = (sec < 10) ? "0"+sec : sec; related.children().last().append( "<div class='roundTimeRemain'>"+ hour +":"+ min +":"+ sec +"</div>" ); //Mini Info firstTD = related.children().first(); subsidy = firstTD.find(".battleDiv").find("div").last().html(); info = $(data).find("#roundCountdown").parent().parent().parent().html(); topDef1 = $(data).find("#topDefender1").html(); topDef2 = $(data).find("#topDefender2").html(); topDef3 = $(data).find("#topDefender3").html(); topAtt1 = $(data).find("#topAttacker1").html(); topAtt2 = $(data).find("#topAttacker2").html(); topAtt3 = $(data).find("#topAttacker3").html(); firstTD.html(info+subsidy) firstTD.find("#fb-root").parent().prev().html(topDef1+topDef2+topDef3); firstTD.find("#fb-root").parent().next().html(topAtt1+topAtt2+topAtt3); firstTD.find("#fb-root").parent().remove(); firstTD.find(".attackerHit").parent().attr("class","foundation-style column-margin-vertical column small-5") firstTD.find(".attackerHit").attr("style","float: left; width: 75px; margin-right: 5px") firstTD.find(".defenderHit").parent().attr("class","foundation-style column-margin-vertical column small-5") firstTD.find(".defenderHit").attr("style","float: right; width: 75px; margin-right: 5px") firstTD.find("#defenderScore").parent().parent().attr("class","foundation-style column-margin-vertical column small-5 foundation-text-center") firstTD.find("#attackerScore").parent().parent().attr("class","foundation-style column-margin-vertical column small-5 foundation-text-center") firstTD.find("a[href*='region.html?id=']").attr("href",href.attr( "href" )) firstTD.find('#roundCountdown').attr("id","roundCountdown"+y) firstTD.find('#roundCountdown'+y).attr("class","roundCountdown") firstTD.find('#roundCountdown'+y).html(hour +":"+ min +":"+ sec) /* var eval(liftoffTime+y) = new Date(); eval(liftoffTime+y).setHours(liftoffTime.getHours() + hour); eval(liftoffTime+y).setMinutes(liftoffTime.getMinutes() + min); eval(liftoffTime+y).setSeconds(liftoffTime.getSeconds() + sec); firstTD.find('#roundCountdown'+y).countdown({until: eval(liftoffTime+y), compact: true, format: 'HMS'}); */ y++ } }); }, 500*i ); i++; } }); }); } //GET URL PARAMETER function getURLParameter(url, name) { return (RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(url)||[,null])[1]; } // motivate function motivate(RCID,Type){ $.post(getCurrentServer()+NOO()+"/motivateCitizen.html?id=" + RCID, { id: RCID, type: Type }, function (data) { var patt = /<div style="width:400px;" class="testDivred"><img src="http:\/\/\/testura\/img\/delete.png" style="float: left"\/>/g; var result = patt.test(data); //prompt("a",data); if (result) { alert("Something is wrong! "); }else{ alert("OK! You got +1 food limit."); location.reload(); }} ); } // getValue as GM_getValue of GM functions function getValue( name ) { name = getPlayerID() + getCurrentServer() + name; var value = (cachedSettings === null ? localStorage.getItem(name) : cachedSettings[name]); if( !value || (value === undefined) ) { return( null ); } return( value ); } // setValue as GM_setValue of GM functions function setValue( name, value ) { name = getPlayerID() + getCurrentServer() + name; if (cachedSettings === null) { localStorage.setItem( name, value ); } else { cachedSettings[name] = value; chrome.extension.sendRequest( { name: name, value: value } ); } } // Convert location to travel function setTravelLocation( id, travelRW, travelLeft, travelRight, attackerId ) { var currentDate = (new Date).getDate(); var lastDate = getValue( "LastUpdateAPIRegion" ); var needUpdate = (lastDate != currentDate); finded=false; var value = getValue( "APIRegionJSON" ); var value2 = getValue( "APIMapJSON" ); if( value && !needUpdate && value2 ) { var json = $.parseJSON( value ); for( var i=0; i<json.length; i++ ) { if( json[i].id == id ) { travelRW.children( "a" ).attr( "href", getCurrentServer()+URLTravel+"?idc="+json[i].homeCountry+"&idr="+json[i].id ); travelRW.children( "a" ).append( "<br/><b>"+ json[i].name +"</b>" ); travelLeft.children( "a" ).attr( "href", getCurrentServer()+URLTravel+"?idc="+json[i].homeCountry+"&idr="+json[i].id ); travelLeft.children( "a" ).append( "<br/><b>"+ json[i].name +"</b>" ); //alert(json[i].neighbours); //alert(attackerId); //alert("cache") // Check neighbours for( var j=0; j<json.length; j++ ) { if( $.inArray( json[j].id, json[i].neighbours ) != -1 ) { //alert(json[j].id+"----"+ json[i].neighbours) var json2 = $.parseJSON( value2 ); for( var x=0; x<json2.length; x++ ) { if(json[j].id==json2[x].regionId) { // alert(json[j].id+"=="+json2[x].regionId) if(json2[x].occupantId == attackerId) { // alert(json2[x].occupantId +"---"+ attackerId) travelRight.children( "a" ).attr( "href", getCurrentServer()+URLTravel+"?idc="+json2[x].occupantId+"&idr="+json[j].id ); travelRight.children( "a" ).append( "<br/><b>"+ json[j].name +"</b>" ); finded=true; break; } } } //alert(json[j].name) if(finded) break; } } } } } else { // alert("NET") $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLAPIRegion, async: false, success: function( data ) { setValue( "APIRegionJSON", data ); setValue( "LastUpdateAPIRegion", currentDate ); var json = $.parseJSON( data ); for( var i=0; i<json.length; i++ ) { if( json[i].id == id ) { travelRW.children( "a" ).attr( "href", getCurrentServer()+URLTravel+"?idc="+json[i].homeCountry+"&idr="+json[i].id ); travelRW.children( "a" ).append( "<br/><b>"+ json[i].name +"</b>" ); travelLeft.children( "a" ).attr( "href", getCurrentServer()+URLTravel+"?idc="+json[i].homeCountry+"&idr="+json[i].id ); travelLeft.children( "a" ).append( "<br/><b>"+ json[i].name +"</b>" ); // Check neighbours for( var j=0; j<json.length; j++ ) { if( $.inArray( json[j].id, json[i].neighbours ) != -1 ) { $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLAPIMap, async: false, success: function( data2 ) { setValue( "APIMapJSON",data2 ); var json2 = $.parseJSON( data2 ); for( var x=0; x<json2.length; x++ ) { if(json[j].id==json2[x].regionId) { if(json2[x].occupantId == attackerId) { travelRight.children( "a" ).attr( "href", getCurrentServer()+URLTravel+"?idc="+json2[x].occupantId+"&idr="+json[j].id ); travelRight.children( "a" ).append( "<br/><b>"+ json[j].name +"</b>" ); finded=true; break; } } } }}) //alert(json[j].name) if(finded) break; } } } } } }); } } //Profile Calc function ProfileCalc() { { //design var des = ' \ <table> \ <tbody> \ <tr> \ <td> \ <div style="width:70px; height:45px"> \ <b>Weapons:</b> \ <br> \ <select class="foundation-style" id="weaponQ"> \ <option value="0.5">None</option> \ <option value="1.2">Q1</option> \ <option value="1.4">Q2</option> \ <option value="1.6">Q3</option> \ <option value="1.8">Q4</option> \ <option value="2.0">Q5</option> \ </select> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div style="width:120px; height:45px"> \ <b style="float:center">Region Building:</b> \ <br> \ <select class="foundation-style" id="buildingType" style=""> \ <option value="1">None</option> \ <option value="2">DS</option> \ <option value="3">Hosp.</option> \ </select> \ <select class="foundation-style" id="buildingQ" style=""> \ <option value="0"> </option> \ <option value="1">Q1</option> \ <option value="2">Q2</option> \ <option value="3">Q3</option> \ <option value="4">Q4</option> \ <option value="5">Q5</option> \ </select> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div style="width:50px; height:45px"> \ <b style="float:center">Food:</b> \ <br> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="number" min="0" id="foodNum" value="15" style="max-width : 30px"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div style="width:50px; height:45px"> \ <b style="float:center">Gift:</b> \ <br> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="number" min="0" id="giftNum" value="15" style="max-width : 30px"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div style=" width:60px; height:45px"> \ <b style="float:center">Health:</b> \ <br> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="0.5" id="healthNum" value="50" style="max-width : 40px"> \ </div> \ </td> \ </tr> \ <tr> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel greenLabel" style=""> \ <b>Region:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="regionBonus" value="1.2"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel greenLabel" style="width:105px"> \ <b>MU:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="muBonus" value="1"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel greenLabel" style=""> \ <b>Sewer/Bunker:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="swrbunkBonus" value="1.25"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel greenLabel" style=""> \ <b>Tank:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="tankBonus" value="1.2"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel greenLabel" style=""> \ <b>Steroids:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="steroidBonus" value="1.2"> \ </div> \ </td> \ </tr> \ <tr> \ <td></td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel redLabel" style=""> \ <b style="; padding-top:3px">Surrounded:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="surroundDebuff" value="0.8" style=""> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel redLabel" style=""> \ <b>Sewer/Bunker:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="swrbunkDebuff" value="0.8"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel redLabel" style=""> \ <b>Tank:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="tankDebuff" value="1"> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td> \ <div class="statsLabel smallStatsLabel redLabel" style=""> \ <b>Steroids:</b> \ <input class="foundation-style" type="checkbox" id="steroidDebuff" value="0.8"> \ </div> \ </td> \ </tr> \ <tr> \ <td colspan="2"> \ <div style=""> \ <b>Est. Berserk:</b> \ <br> \ <div class="help equipmentBlueBox" style="float:none;margin:auto; width:100px"> \ <b id="estBerserk">9001</b> \ </div> \ </div> \ </td> \ <td></td> \ <td colspan="2"> \ <div style=" "> \ <b>Est. Damage:</b> \ <br> \ <div class="help equipmentBlueBox" style="margin:auto; width:100px;float:none;"> \ <b id="estTotal">9001</b> \ </div> \ </div> \ </td> \ </tr> \ </tbody> \ </table> \ '; } $.fn.exists = function () { return this.length !== 0; } $( "#profileEquipment" ).parent().css({ "height" : "370px" }); $( "#profileEquipment" ).parent().append(des); var minDmg = parseInt($('#hitHelp b').first().text().replace(',','')); var maxDmg = parseInt($('#hitHelp b').last().text().replace(',','')); var avgHit = (minDmg + maxDmg) / 2; var crit = $('#criticalHelp .equipmentStats').first().text(); crit = parseFloat(crit.replace('%','')) / 100.0; var miss = $('#missHelp .equipmentStats').first().text(); miss = parseFloat(miss.replace('%','')) / 100.0; var avoid = $('#avoidHelp .equipmentStats').first().text(); avoid = parseFloat(avoid.replace('%','')) / 100.0; var muValue = 1.0; if($('a[href^="militaryUnit.html?id="]').exists()) { var muID = $('a[href^="militaryUnit.html?id="]').first().attr('href').replace('militaryUnit.html?id=', ''); var query = 'apiMilitaryUnitById.html?'; var json = $.getJSON(query, "id="+muID).done(function (data) { switch(data.militaryUnitType) { case "Novice": muValue = 1.05; break; case "Regular": muValue = 1.1; break; case "Veteran": muValue = 1.15; break; case "Elite": muValue = 1.2; break; } }); } function calcMissAvoid( numHits, depth ) { depth++; var numHits = numHits * (1 - miss); var newHits = numHits * avoid; if( depth == 10 ) { return numHits; } else { return numHits + arguments.callee( newHits, depth ); } } function calc() { var hit = avgHit * parseFloat($("#weaponQ").val()); if($("#buildingType").val() == 2) { hit = hit * (1 + parseInt($("#buildingQ").val()) * 0.05); } if($("#steroidBonus").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 1.2; } else if($("#steroidDebuff").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 0.8; } if($("#tankBonus").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 1.2; } if($("#swrbunkBonus").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 1.25; } else if($("#swrbunkDebuff").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 0.8; } if($("#muBonus").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * muValue; } //FIX! if($("#regionBonus").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 1.2; } if($("#surroundDebuff").is(":checked")) { hit = hit * 0.8; } hit = hit * (1 + crit); $("#estBerserk").html(commaNumber(Math.round(hit*5))); var totalHealth = parseFloat($("#healthNum").val()); totalHealth += parseInt($("#foodNum").val()) * 50; totalHealth += parseInt($("#giftNum").val()) * 50; var healthPerHit = 10; if($("#buildingType").val() == 3) { healthPerHit -= (parseInt($("#buildingQ").val()) * 0.5); } var totalHits = Math.floor(totalHealth / healthPerHit); totalHits = calcMissAvoid( totalHits, 0 ); var totalDamage = totalHits * hit; $("#estTotal").html(commaNumber(Math.round(totalDamage))); } function cssSetDisabled(item) { $( item ).parent().css( "background-color", "rgb(219, 219, 219)" ); $( item ).parent().css( "border", "1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)" ); $( item ).parent().css( "box-shadow", "0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0 -12px 12px rgba(144, 169, 1156, 0.2) inset" ); $( item ).parent().css( "webkit-box-shadow", "0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0 -12px 12px rgba(144, 169, 1156, 0.2) inset" ); } function cssSetEnabled(item) { $( item ).parent().removeAttr("style"); $( item ).parent().attr("style", ""); if (item == "#surroundDebuff") $( item ).parent().attr("style", "; width:125px"); } cssSetDisabled("#tankBonus"); $("#tankBonus").prop("disabled", true); $("#buildingQ").prop("disabled", true); calc(); $("#weaponQ").change( function(){ if($("#weaponQ").val() != 2.0) { cssSetDisabled("#tankBonus"); $("#tankBonus").prop("disabled", true); if($("#tankBonus").is(":checked")) { $("#tankBonus").attr('checked', false); cssSetEnabled("#tankDebuff"); $("#tankDebuff").prop("disabled", false); } } else { cssSetEnabled("#tankBonus"); $("#tankBonus").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); $("#buildingType").change( function(){ if($("#buildingType").val() == 1) { $("#buildingQ").prop("disabled", true); $("#buildingQ").val("0"); } else { $("#buildingQ").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); $("#buildingQ").change( function(){ calc(); }); $("#foodNum").change( function(){ if(parseInt($("#foodNum").val()) < 0) { $("#foodNum").val("0"); } calc(); }); $("#giftNum").change( function(){ if(parseInt($("#giftNum").val()) < 0) { $("#giftNum").val("0"); } calc(); }); $("#healthNum").change( function(){ if(parseFloat($("#healthNum").val()) < 0) { $("#healthNum").val("0.0"); } else if (parseFloat($("#healthNum").val()) > 100.0) { $("#healthNum").val("100.0"); } calc(); }); $("#regionBonus").change( function(){ calc(); }); $("#muBonus").change( function(){ calc(); }); $("#swrbunkBonus").change( function(){ if($("#swrbunkBonus").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#swrbunkDebuff"); $("#swrbunkDebuff").prop("disabled", true); cssSetDisabled("#surroundDebuff"); $("#surroundDebuff").prop("disabled", true); } else { cssSetEnabled("#swrbunkDebuff"); $("#swrbunkDebuff").prop("disabled", false); cssSetEnabled("#surroundDebuff"); $("#surroundDebuff").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); $("#tankBonus").change( function(){ if($("#tankBonus").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#tankDebuff"); $("#tankDebuff").prop("disabled", true); } else { cssSetEnabled("#tankDebuff"); $("#tankDebuff").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); $("#steroidBonus").change( function(){ if($("#steroidBonus").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#steroidDebuff"); $("#steroidDebuff").prop("disabled", true); } else { cssSetEnabled("#steroidDebuff"); $("#steroidDebuff").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); $("#surroundDebuff").change( function(){ if($("#surroundDebuff").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#swrbunkBonus"); $("#swrbunkBonus").prop("disabled", true); } else { if(!$("#swrbunkDebuff").is(":checked")) { cssSetEnabled("#swrbunkBonus"); $("#swrbunkBonus").prop("disabled", false); } } calc(); }); $("#swrbunkDebuff").change( function(){ if($("#swrbunkDebuff").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#swrbunkBonus"); $("#swrbunkBonus").prop("disabled", true); } else { if(!$("#surroundDebuff").is(":checked")) { cssSetEnabled("#swrbunkBonus"); $("#swrbunkBonus").prop("disabled", false); } } calc(); }); $("#tankDebuff").change( function(){ if($("#tankDebuff").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#tankBonus"); $("#weaponQ").prop("disabled", true); $("#tankBonus").prop("disabled", true); $("#weaponQ").val("0.5"); } else { $("#weaponQ").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); $("#steroidDebuff").change( function(){ if($("#steroidDebuff").is(":checked")) { cssSetDisabled("#steroidBonus"); $("#steroidBonus").prop("disabled", true); } else { cssSetEnabled("#steroidBonus"); $("#steroidBonus").prop("disabled", false); } calc(); }); } // Return Region list from API function getRegionAPI( region, current ) { var currentDate = (new Date).getDate(); var lastDate = getValue( "LastUpdateAPIRegion" ); var needUpdate = (lastDate != currentDate); var value = getValue( "APIRegionJSON" ); if( value && !needUpdate ) { var json = $.parseJSON( value ); for( var i=0; i<json.length; i++ ) { if( json[i].id == region ) { return( json[i].neighbours ); } } } else { $.ajax({ url: getCurrentServer() + URLAPIRegion, success: function( data ) { setValue( "APIRegionJSON", data ); setValue( "LastUpdateAPIRegion", currentDate ); var numberLocation = 0; var neighbours = []; var json = $.parseJSON( data ); for( var i=0; i<json.length; i++ ) { if( json[i].id == region ) { neighbours = json[i].neighbours; numberLocation = (neighbours.indexOf( parseInt(current) ) != -1) ? 20 : 0; } } /*var location = $( "#rightBlockBonus" ).find( ".locationBonus" ); location.text( numberLocation + "%" ); var color = (numberLocation == 0) ? "#e67171" : "#bed7ba"; location.css({ "background-color" : color }); location = $( "#leftBlockBonus" ).find( ".locationBonus" ); location.text( numberLocation + "%" ); location.css({ "background-color" : color });*/ } }); } return []; } // Get URL Vars function getUrlVars() { var vars = {}; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function( m, key, value ) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } }; function createResourceVar( name ) { var input = document.createElement( "input" ); input.type = "hidden"; = name; input.value = GM_getResourceURL( name ); document.body.appendChild( input ); } // Only execute on same frame (iframes with advertisments) if( == window.self ) { // Inject our CSS GM_addStyle( GM_getResourceText( "myCustomCSS" ) ); // Resources createResourceVar( "myQualityStar" ); var URLBattle = "/battle.html?id="; var localUrl = new String( window.location ); if( localUrl.indexOf( URLBattle, 0 ) >= 0 ) { createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ0" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ1" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ2" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ3" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ4" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ5" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ0Big" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ1Big" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ2Big" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ3Big" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ4Big" ); createResourceVar( "AoEweaponQ5Big" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ0" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ1" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ2" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ3" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ4" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ5" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ0Big" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ1Big" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ2Big" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ3Big" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ4Big" ); createResourceVar( "SWweaponQ5Big" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ0" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ1" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ2" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ3" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ4" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ5" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ0Big" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ1Big" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ2Big" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ3Big" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ4Big" ); createResourceVar( "PokweaponQ5Big" ); } // Inject our main script var script = document.createElement( "script" ); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.textContent = '(' + main.toString() + ')();'; document.body.appendChild( script ); }