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// ==UserScript== // @name Wikipedia Anchors // @version 0.1 // @namespace // @description Add an anchored link to titles on Wikipedia articles // @author Pascal Heitz // @license MIT // @include http*://** // @include http*://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function createDivider() { var divider = document.createElement('span'); divider.innerHTML = ' | '; divider.classList.add('mw-editsection-divider'); = 'inline'; return divider; } function createLink(href) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.innerHTML = 'link'; = 'inline'; link.href = href; return link; } function createBracket(innerHTML) { var bracket = document.createElement('span'); bracket.innerHTML = innerHTML; bracket.classList.add('mw-editsection-bracket'); = 'inline'; return bracket; } function createEditSection() { var editSectionSpan = document.createElement('span'); editSectionSpan.classList.add('mw-editsection'); editSectionSpan.appendChild(createBracket('[')); editSectionSpan.appendChild(createBracket(']')); return editSectionSpan; } function insertBeforeLastIfPossible(containerNode, childNode) { if (containerNode.childNodes.length < 1) { return; } containerNode.insertBefore(childNode, containerNode.lastElementChild); } (function() { 'use strict'; var headers = document.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'); for (var header of headers) { var headlineSpan = header.querySelectorAll('')[0]; if (!headlineSpan) { continue; } var headlineId =; if (!headlineId) { continue; } var anchoredLink = createLink(document.location.href.match(/(^[^#]*)/)[0] + "#" + headlineId); var editsectionSpan = header.querySelectorAll('')[0]; if (editsectionSpan) { insertBeforeLastIfPossible(editsectionSpan, createDivider()); insertBeforeLastIfPossible(editsectionSpan, anchoredLink); } else { // The editsection doesnt exist, we need to create it editsectionSpan = createEditSection(); header.appendChild(editsectionSpan); insertBeforeLastIfPossible(editsectionSpan, anchoredLink); } } })();