onepisya / GPT-4 Mobile


Version: 0.9+f5f8e2d updated

Summary: Due to some special reasons, this script will no longer be updated and will be transferred to [talk-to-gpt-4-mobile]( for code updates, together with Unintendedz.

License: MIT


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Due to some special reasons, this script will no longer be updated and will be transferred to talk-to-gpt-4-mobile for code updates, together with Unintendedz.

Brief Explanation (EN)

gpt-4 and gpt-4 mobile are exclusively available for plus users. If you don't have a plus account, don't download this script unless you're interested in the gpt-3.5 and gpt-3.5 mobile models.

You can use GPT-4 Mobile in the same way as you would use GPT-3.5.

"Enhance your conversations" with the gpt-4-mobile model using a userscript. You can achieve this by combining the resources available at and By utilizing the Tampermonkey script, you can engage in conversations with the gpt-4-mobile model, removing the restriction of 25 messages every 3 hours, and set GPT-4 Mobile as the default model. Furthermore, the gpt-3.5 mobile option has also been incorporated.

Currently, a permission check has been added. Users without a "plus" subscription can easily switch between 3.5 mobile and 3.5 versions. However, for "plus" users, I have disabled 3.5 mobile. If you really want to use mobile 3.5, you can directly enter in the address bar and press enter. This URL will allow you to use 3.5 mobile for conversations.

Thank you to both authors for the majority of the code contributions.

My job in this script was simply to stitch together two scripts and make them work seamlessly together. However, if you need to use the two scripts separately, perhaps you can download each of them separately as well.

This project aims to optimize and improve the user experience of OpenAI's chat model, addressing two main issues:

Default model selection: This Tampermonkey script automatically sets the user's specified default chat model, eliminating the need to manually select a model every time a new conversation is started. Users can enhance their efficiency by setting a default model based on their own needs and preferences.

Inclusion of mobile models: This script enables users to utilize OpenAI's mobile models (such as GPT-4 Mobile v2) even on non-mobile devices. This expands the range of model options, allowing users to choose a more suitable model based on their network environment and computational capabilities.

This project is written in JavaScript and runs through the Tampermonkey extension, enabling convenient and efficient usage directly within the browser.

Tips: GPT-4 and GPT-4 Mobile are available exclusively for Plus users.

Tips: This tool also supports GPT-3.5 mobile.

Differences between GPT-4 and GPT-4 Mobile V2

Here are some observations and speculations found online:

Some users have noticed that GPT-4 Mobile V2 is used when creating chats in mobile applications, and they believe that this version is not as intelligent as the original GPT-4.

A few users have noticed that this model is also labeled as GPT-3, leading them to suspect that this version might just be another replica of GPT-3.5.

There are users who view this as deceptive behavior. They believe that when creating conversations on both mobile and web platforms and selecting GPT-4, there are noticeable differences. They perceive it as a way to consume GPT-4 credits while actually using the GPT-3 model.

Some users have observed that GPT-4 Mobile V2 appears to lack a limiter, speculating that this might be similar to the advancements between the older and newer versions of GPT-3.

Others speculate that OpenAI may have managed to shrink the model while maintaining its performance, making it less costly to operate.

However, these are all user speculations and observations, as OpenAI has not provided any official explanations.

Reference link: gpt4 vs gpt4 mobile v2

Here is the table summarized by GPT-4.

Number Model Name Description Speed (0-100) Inference Ability (0-100) Simplicity (0-100) Drawbacks
1 GPT-3.5 Mobile Fastest model, suitable for most daily tasks 100 60 40 Suitable for daily tasks, limited inference capability for complex tasks
2 GPT-3.5 Fast speed, suitable for most daily tasks 90 60 40 Suitable for daily tasks, limited inference capability for complex tasks
3 GPT-4 Mobile Optimized model, better for innovative and advanced reasoning tasks 80 100 80 Slower speed, but strong inference capability
4 GPT-4 Most capable model, suitable for innovative and advanced reasoning tasks 70 100 80 Slower speed, but strong inference capability
5 GPT-4 Browsing Experimental model that knows when and how to browse the internet 60 Unknown Unknown Experimental model, effectiveness unknown
6 GPT-4 Plugins Experimental model that knows when and how to use plugins 50 Unknown Unknown Experimental model, effectiveness unknown

Possible Issues

Due to modifications in some registered script information, it is possible that customers who installed the script early may encounter difficulties in updating. If you encounter this problem, clearing the project's cookies will enable you to update or reinstall this script.

Contact me

因为一些特殊原因,此脚本不再更新,将转到 talk-to-gpt-4-mobile与 Unintendedz 一起更新代码


gpt-4 和 gpt-4 mobile 仅限 plus 用户使用。 没有 plus 账号的别下这个脚本,除非你是冲着 gpt-3.5 和 gpt-3.5 mobile 模型来的。

在本文中的无限指的是你可以像使用 gpt-3.5 一样使用 gpt-4 mobile

通过使用用户脚本,您可以提升与 gpt-4-mobile 模型的对话体验。您可以将位于 的资源结合起来实现这一目标。通过利用 Tampermonkey 脚本,您可以与 gpt-4-mobile 模型进行 "对话",消除每3小时25条消息的限制,并将 GPT-4 Mobile 设置为默认模型。此外,还包含了 gpt-3.5 mobile 选项。

目前添加了判断权限,没有 plus 的用户可以方便的切换 3.5 mobile 和 3.5 ,不过对于 plus 用户来说,我将 3.5 mobile 屏蔽了,如果你确实想要使用 mobile 3.5 那么可以直接在地址栏中输入
此网址敲下回车即可使用 3.5 mobile 进行对话。





添加移动模型的问题:该脚本能够使用户在非移动设备上也能使用OpenAI发布的移动模型(如GPT-4 Mobile v2)。这增加了模型的选择范围,使用户可以根据自己的网络环境和计算能力选择更适合的模型。


tips: gpt-4 和 gpt-4 mobile 仅限 plus 用户使用。

tips: 本工具也支持式 gpt-3.5 mobile

关于 GPT-4 和 GPT-4 mobile v2 之间的区别


有些用户发现在移动应用中创建聊天时会使用GPT-4 Mobile V2,他们认为这个版本并不像原版的GPT-4那样智能。



也有用户观察到GPT-4 Mobile V2似乎没有限制器,他们猜测这可能与GPT-3的旧版和新版之间的进步类似。



参考连接 gpt4 vs gpt4 mobile v2

下面是 gpt-4 总结的表格

序号 模型名称 描述 速度(0-100分) 推理能力(0-100分) 简洁度(0-100分) 缺点
1 GPT-3.5 Mobile 最快的模型,适用于大部分日常任务 100 60 40 适用于日常任务,但对于复杂任务的推理能力有限
2 GPT-3.5 速度很快,适用于大部分日常任务 90 60 40 适用于日常任务,但对于复杂任务的推理能力有限
3 GPT-4 Mobile 优化后的模型,对于需要创新和高级推理的任务更优 80 100 80 速度较慢,但推理能力强
4 GPT-4 最有能力的模型,适合需要创新和高级推理的任务 70 100 80 速度较慢,但推理能力强
5 GPT-4 Browsing 知道何时如何浏览互联网的实验性模型 60 不明 不明 实验性模型,效果未知
6 GPT-4 Plugins 知道何时如何使用插件的实验性模型 50 不明 不明 实验性模型,效果未知


因为修改一些脚本注册的信息,所以可能导致早期安装的客户无法更新,如果遇到此问题,清除本项目的cookie 即可更新或者重新安装此脚本。


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Here is my WeChat Video account. If you're interested, you can scan the code to follow me. If you use wechat.

Rating: 0