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// ==UserScript== // @name Spoilered IMDb Episodes // @namespace // @homepageURL // @icon // @description Hide spoilers on IMDb. Accidentally spoiling if a character leaves halfway through a show really sucks! // @include ** // @include ** // @require // @version 1.2.2 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // Dedicated to @freddefripp. // CSS for button states var epButtonCss = ".epButton, .allEpButton { \n\ display: inline-block; \n\ float: right; \n\ height: 14px; \n\ padding: 2px; \n\ border-radius: 2px; \n\ background-color: #FFFFFF; \n\ font-size: 0.8em; \n\ cursor: pointer; \n\ \n\ -webkit-touch-callout: none; \n\ -webkit-user-select: none; \n\ -khtml-user-select: none; \n\ -moz-user-select: none; \n\ -ms-user-select: none; \n\ user-select: none; \n\ }\n"; var ebPressedCss = ".ebPressed { \n\ background-color: rgb(246, 246, 245); \n\ }\n"; var charEpCss = ".charEpText { \n\ display: inline; \n\ }\n"; var allEpConCss = "#allEpContainer { \n\ display: inline-block; \n\ float: right; \n\ overflow: hidden; \n\ }\n"; var cssArr = [epButtonCss, ebPressedCss, charEpCss, allEpConCss] var filmselector = '#filmography .filmo-category-section .filmo-row'; var charselector = '.cast_list tbody tr .character'; var fadeNHide = function($peekaboo) { $peekaboo.fadeTo(400, 0, function(){ $peekaboo.css('visibility', 'hidden'); // For browsers that don't do opacity }); } var fadeNShow = function($peekaboo) { $peekaboo.css('visibility', 'visible'); // Same here $peekaboo.fadeTo(400, 1); } $(document).ready(function() { $('html > head').append('<style type="text/css">' + cssArr.join('') + '</style>') var $tvEntries = $(filmselector + ' .filmo-episodes').parent(); var $charEntries = $(charselector); var $epButton = $("<div></div>", {"class": "epButton", "text": "EPISODES",}); var $allEpButton = $("<div></div>", {"class": "allEpButton", "text": "ALL EPISODES",}); var seriesNotMovie = ($('#title-overview-widget #title-overview-widget-layout tbody tr #overview-top .infobar').text().toLowerCase().match('tv series') || $('#sidebar .nobr').text().toLowerCase().match('tv series')) var epCountRe = /\([0-9]+\sepisode[^)]+\)/ if (window.location.pathname.match('/name/')) { // Actor pages // Lets the button take up space and resize show entries $tvEntries.css("overflow", "hidden"); // Adds toggle to every TV series entry $tvEntries.find('.filmo-episodes:first-of-type').before($epButton) if (!($('#jumpto').length)) { // Adds #jumpto div needed for .allEpsButton on actor pages $('#filmography').before($('<div></div>', {'id': 'jumpto'})); } $('#jumpto').css({'overflow': 'hidden'}); $('#jumpto').append($allEpButton); $($tvEntries).children('.filmo-episodes').hide() // Starts spoilered $('.epButton').click(function() { // Shows and hides the episode list var $epDiv = $(this).parent().children('.filmo-episodes'); // All single-episode divs in the current filmo-row if ($':visible') && !($':animated'))) { $epDiv.hide(400); $(this).toggleClass('ebPressed'); } else if (!($':animated'))) { $; $(this).toggleClass('ebPressed'); } var allChecked = false; if ($('.epButton.ebPressed').length == $('.epButton').length) { allChecked = true; } if (allChecked) {$('.allEpButton').addClass('ebPressed')} else {$('.allEpButton').removeClass('ebPressed')} // Checks allEpButton if every epButton is checked }) $('.allEpButton').click(function() { if (!($('.filmo-episodes:animated').length)) { if ($('.epButton').length > 50) { // Too many simultaneous animations cause lag. var fadeHide = function($o) { $o.hide(); } var fadeShow = function($o) { $; } } else { var fadeHide = function($o) { $o.hide(400); } var fadeShow = function($o) { $; } } if (!($(this).hasClass('ebPressed'))) { $('.epButton').not('.ebPressed').addClass('ebPressed'); fadeShow($('.filmo-episodes')); $('.allEpButton').addClass('ebPressed'); } else { $('.epButton.ebPressed').removeClass('ebPressed'); fadeHide($('.filmo-episodes')); $('.allEpButton').removeClass('ebPressed'); } } }); } else if (window.location.pathname.match('/title/') && seriesNotMovie) { // TV show pages // Only for TV series, not movies var $nameAndEps = $charEntries.children('div:first-of-type'); $nameAndEps.css({'display': 'inline', 'overflow': 'hidden',}); // Puts episode button next to episodes, not under $charEntries.append($epButton); $charEntries.parent().parent().find('.castlist_label').css({'padding-right': '6px', 'padding-bottom': '8px'}); $charEntries.parent().parent().find('.castlist_label').append($allEpButton); $nameAndEps.each(function() { var curEpText = $(this).text().match(epCountRe); if (curEpText) { // Puts number of episodes text in its own hideable div curEpText = curEpText[0] $(this).text($(this).text().replace(epCountRe, '')); $(this).append($("<div></div>", {'text': curEpText, 'class': 'charEpText'})); $(this).children('.charEpText').css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'opacity': '0'}); } }); $('.epButton').click(function() { var $textDiv = $(this).parent().find('.charEpText'); if ($textDiv.css('visibility') == 'visible' && !($':animated'))) { fadeNHide($textDiv); $(this).toggleClass('ebPressed'); } else if (!($':animated'))) { fadeNShow($textDiv); $(this).toggleClass('ebPressed'); } var allChecked = true; $('.epButton').each(function() { // Toggles .allEpButton if all are selected if (!($(this).hasClass('ebPressed'))) { allChecked = false; return false; } }); if (allChecked) {$('.allEpButton').addClass('ebPressed')} else {$('.allEpButton').removeClass('ebPressed')} }); $('.allEpButton').click(function() { if (!($charEntries.find('.charEpText:animated').length)) { if ($('.epButton').length > 20) { var fadeNShowTemp = function($o) {$o.css({'visibility': 'visible', 'opacity': '1'})} var fadeNHideTemp = function($o) {$o.css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'opacity': '0'})} } else { var fadeNShowTemp = fadeNShow; // So apparently JS doesn't like duplicate var fadeNHideTemp = fadeNHide; // function names. I don't know, scope, man. } // Unlike in the actor pages, these animations are very cheap (processing-wise). // No checking for number of divs is needed. if (!($(this).hasClass('ebPressed'))) { // Shows all episode number divs $('.epButton').not('.ebPressed').addClass('ebPressed'); fadeNShowTemp($('.charEpText')); $('.allEpButton').addClass('ebPressed'); } else { // Hides all episode number divs $('.epButton.ebPressed').removeClass('ebPressed'); fadeNHideTemp($('.charEpText')); $('.allEpButton').removeClass('ebPressed'); } } }); } });