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// ==UserScript== // @name Jitai // @version 1.3.2 // @description Display WaniKani reviews in randomized fonts, for more varied reading training. // @author Samuel (@obskyr) // @copyright 2016-2018, obskyr // @license MIT // @namespace // @homepageURL // @icon // @include /^https?://(www\.)?wanikani\.com/review/session/?$/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* To control which fonts to choose from, edit this list. If you feel too many fonts of a certain type are showing up, remove a few of those from the list. If you've got fonts that aren't in the list that you'd like to be used, add their names and they'll be in the rotation. */ var fonts = [ // Default Windows fonts "Meiryo, メイリオ", "MS PGothic, MS Pゴシック, MS Gothic, MS ゴック", "MS PMincho, MS P明朝, MS Mincho, MS 明朝", "Yu Gothic, YuGothic", "Yu Mincho, YuMincho", // Default OS X fonts "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3", "Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro, ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W3", "Hiragino Mincho Pro, ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3", // Common Linux fonts "Takao Gothic, TakaoGothic", "Takao Mincho, TakaoMincho", "Sazanami Gothic", "Sazanami Mincho", "Kochi Gothic", "Kochi Mincho", "Dejima Mincho", "Ume Gothic", "Ume Mincho", // Other Japanese fonts people use. // You might want to try some of these! "EPSON 行書体M", "EPSON 正楷書体M", "EPSON 教科書体M", "EPSON 太明朝体B", "EPSON 太行書体B", "EPSON 丸ゴシック体M", "cinecaption", "nagayama_kai", "A-OTF Shin Maru Go Pro", "Hosofuwafont", "ChihayaGothic", "'chifont+', chifont", "darts font", "santyoume-font", "FC-Flower", "ArmedBanana", // This one is completely absurd. I recommend it. "HakusyuKaisyoExtraBold_kk", "aoyagireisyosimo2, AoyagiKouzanFont2OTF", "aquafont", // Add your fonts here! "Fake font name that you can change", "Another fake font name", "Just add them like this!", "Quotes around the name, comma after." ]; var existingFonts = []; for (var i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { var fontName = fonts[i]; if (fontExists(fontName)) { existingFonts.push(fontName); } } function fontExists(fontName) { // Approach from - thanks! // Will return false for the browser's default monospace font, sadly. var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var text = "wim-—l~ツ亻".repeat(100); // Characters with widths that often vary between fonts. context.font = "72px monospace"; var defaultWidth = context.measureText(text).width; // Microsoft Edge raises an error when a context's font is set to a string // containing certain special characters... so that needs to be handled. try { context.font = "72px " + fontName + ", monospace"; } catch (e) { return false; } var testWidth = context.measureText(text).width; return testWidth != defaultWidth; } function canRepresentGlyphs(fontName, glyphs) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = 50; canvas.height = 50; var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.textBaseline = 'top'; var blank = document.createElement('canvas'); blank.width = canvas.width; blank.height = canvas.height; var blankDataUrl = blank.toDataURL(); context.font = "24px " + fontName; var result = true; for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) { context.fillText(glyphs[i], 0, 0); if (canvas.toDataURL() === blankDataUrl) { result = false; break; } context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } return result; } var jitai = { setToRandomFont: function(glyphs) { // The font is set as a randomly shuffled list of the existing fonts // in order to always show a random font, even if the first one chosen // doesn't have a certain glyph being attempted to be displayed. var randomlyOrdered = this.getShuffledFonts(); // Some fonts don't contain certain radicals, for example, so it's best // to check that the font used can represent all the glyphs. The reason // the browser can't switch automatically is that some fonts report that // they have a glyph, when in fact they just show up blank. var currentFont; if (glyphs) { for (var i = 0; i < randomlyOrdered.length; i++) { var fontName = randomlyOrdered[i]; if (canRepresentGlyphs(fontName, glyphs)) { currentFont = fontName; break; } } } else { currentFont = randomlyOrdered.join(', '); } this.currentFont = currentFont; jitai.setHoverFont(jitai.defaultFont); this.$characterSpan.css('font-family', currentFont); }, setToDefaultFont: function() { jitai.setHoverFont(jitai.currentFont); this.$characterSpan.css('font-family', ''); }, setHoverFont: function(fontName) { this.$hoverStyle.text("#character span:hover {font-family: " + fontName + " !important;}"); }, getShuffledFonts: function() { // This shouldn't have to be part of the Jitai object, // but it uses Jitai's local copy of Math.random, so // this is pretty much the most reasonable way to do it. var fonts = existingFonts.slice(); for (var i = fonts.length; i > 0;) { var otherIndex = Math.floor(this.random() * i); i--; var temp = fonts[i]; fonts[i] = fonts[otherIndex]; fonts[otherIndex] = temp; } return fonts; }, init: function() { // Reorder scripts seem to like overwriting Math.random(!?), so this // workaround is required for Jitai to work in conjunction with them. var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.className = 'jitai-workaround-for-reorder-script-compatibility'; = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); this.random = iframe.contentWindow.Math.random; this.$characterSpan = $('#character span'); this.defaultFont = this.$characterSpan.css('font-family'); this.$hoverStyle = $('<style/>', {'type': 'text/css'}); $('head').append(this.$hoverStyle); // answerChecker.evaluate is only called when checking the answer, which // is why we catch it, check for the "proceed to correct/incorrect display" // condition, and set the font back to default if it's a non-stopping answer. var oldEvaluate = answerChecker.evaluate; answerChecker.evaluate = function(questionType, answer) { var result = oldEvaluate.apply(this, [questionType, answer]); if (!result.exception) { jitai.setToDefaultFont(); } return result; }; // $.jStorage.set('currentItem') is only called right when switching to a // new question, which is why we hook into it to randomize the font at the // exact right time: when a new item shows up. var oldSet = $.jStorage.set; $.jStorage.set = function(key, value, options) { var ret = oldSet.apply(this, [key, value, options]); if (key === 'currentItem') { jitai.setToRandomFont(value.kan || value.voc || value.rad); } return ret; }; } }; $(document).ready(function() { jitai.init(); // Make sure page doesn't jump around on hover. var $heightStyle = $('<style/>', {'type': 'text/css'}); var heightCss = ""; // The different heights here are equal to the different line-heights. heightCss += "#question #character {height: 1.6em;}"; heightCss += "#question #character.vocabulary {height: 3.21em;}"; heightCss += "@media (max-width: 767px) {"; heightCss += " #question #character {height: 2.4em;}"; heightCss += " #question #character.vocabulary {height: 4.85em;}"; heightCss += "}"; $heightStyle.text(heightCss); $('head').append($heightStyle); });