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// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit Plus // @namespace reddit // @description Additional little features for Reddit. // @include* // @version 1.2 // @copyright 2015 Armando Lüscher // @author Armando Lüscher // @oujs:author noplanman // @grant GM_addStyle // @require // @homepageURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== var RedditPlus = {}; /** * The MutationObserver to detect page changes. */ RedditPlus.Observer = { // The mutation observer object. observer : null, // The elements that we are observing. queryToObserve : '#siteTable', /** * Start observing for DOM changes. */ init : function() { // Check if we can use the MutationObserver. if ('MutationObserver' in window) { var toObserve = document.querySelector(RedditPlus.Observer.queryToObserve); if (toObserve) { = new MutationObserver(function() { RedditPlus.addCommentToggles(); }); // Observe child changes., { childList: true }); } } } }; /** * Fetch the comments and fill them into the appropriate div. * @param {jQuery} $div DIV of the comment area. * @param {string} url URL of the entry to load the comments from. */ RedditPlus.loadComments = function($div, url) { // Let the user know that it's loading the comments. $div.html('loading...'); // Get the comments page and extract the info we need. $.get(url, function(response) { // Get rid of all images first, no need to load those. var $post = $(response.replace(/<img[^>]*>/g, '')); // Also fetch the text telling us how many comments there are. var numOfCommentsText = $post.find('.flat-list .first .comments').html(); $div.prevAll('.flat-list').find('.first .comments').html(numOfCommentsText); // Find the comments area. var $commentArea = $('.commentarea', $post); // Remove the title and comment filter menu. $commentArea.find('.panestack-title, .menuarea').remove(); // Hide the input field to add a comment and add a button to show it. var $commentForm = $('.usertext.cloneable', $commentArea).hide(); var $textArea = $('textarea', $commentForm); // Add a button at the top to add a new comment. $('<a/>', { class : 'rp-button', html : '<button>add new comment</button><button style="display:none;">cancel</button>', click : function() { // Switch the "Add new comment" and "Cancel" buttons. $('button', this).toggle(); // Show or Hide the comment form. $commentForm.toggle(); // Set the focus on the comment input field. $textArea.focus(); } }).prependTo($commentArea); $('', $commentArea).click(function() { $textArea.focus(); }); // Add a link at the bottom to close the comments. $('<a/>', { class : 'rp-link', html : '<span>close comments [-]</span>', click : function() { // Scroll the window to the correct position. $(window).scrollTop($(window).scrollTop() - $div.height()); // Hide the comments. RedditPlus.toggleComments($div, url); } }).appendTo($commentArea); // Add a button at the top to reload the comments. $('<a/>', { class : 'rp-button', html : '<button>reload comments</button>', click : function() { // Reload all the comments. RedditPlus.loadComments($div, url); } }).prependTo($commentArea); // Add the freshly loaded comments to the DIV. $div.html($commentArea); }); }; /** * Toggle the comments area below the link. * * @param {jQuery} $div DIV of the comment area. * @param {string} url URL of the entry to load the comments from. */ RedditPlus.toggleComments = function($div, url) { // Show / Hide the comments area div. $div.toggle(); // Switch the "[+]" and "[-]" buttons. $div.closest('.entry').find('.rp-comments-toggle span').toggle(); // If we aren't loading / haven't loaded the comments yet, do this now. if (!$div.attr('data-loading')) { $div.attr('data-loading', true); RedditPlus.loadComments($div, url); } }; /** * Add the toggles next to the comment links. */ RedditPlus.addCommentToggles = function() { // Don't execute on comment pages. if ($('body.comments-page').length > 0) { return; } // Add toggles next to the comment links that haven't been handled yet. $('.comments').not('.rp-comments-toggle-added').each(function() { var $commentsLink = $(this); // Remember the url of the post page, cause that's where we load the comments from. var url = this.href; // The div that will contain the loaded comments. var $div = $('<div/>', { class : 'rp-comments-div', html : 'loading...' }) .hide() .appendTo($commentsLink.closest('.entry')); // Link to expand / reduce the comments. $('<a/>', { class : 'rp-comments-toggle', style : 'cursor: pointer;', html : '<span title="show comments">[+]</span><span title="close comments" style="display:none">[-]</span>', click : function() { // Show or Hide the comments. RedditPlus.toggleComments($div, url); } }).insertAfter($commentsLink); // Add a class to remember which ones have already been added. $commentsLink.addClass('rp-comments-toggle-added'); }); }; /** * Start the party. */ RedditPlus.init = function() { // Add the global CSS rules. GM_addStyle( '.rp-comments-div .rp-button { display: inline-block; margin: 4px; }' + '.rp-comments-div .rp-link { cursor: pointer; }' ); // Start the observer. RedditPlus.Observer.init(); // Initial load. RedditPlus.addCommentToggles(); }; // source: if (/(?!.*?compatible|.*?webkit)^mozilla|opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // Feeling dirty yet? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', RedditPlus.init, false); } else { window.setTimeout(RedditPlus.init, 0); }