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// ==UserScript== // @name DiasPlus // @namespace diasplus // @description Userscript that adds tweaks to diaspora*. // @include * // @version 2.0.0 // @copyright 2016 Armando Lüscher // @author Armando Lüscher // @oujs:author noplanman // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant window // @require // @homepageURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== // Make sure we're on a diaspora* pod. if (typeof unsafeWindow.Diaspora === 'undefined') { throw 'Not a diaspora* pod, move along...'; } var DiasPlus = {}; DiasPlus.gon = unsafeWindow.gon; = true; DiasPlus.domain = ''; /** * Get the pod URL (protocol + domain). * * @return {string} The pod URL. */ DiasPlus.getPodURL = function () { return 'http' + ( ? 's' : '') + '://' + DiasPlus.domain; }; /** * Get the pod info from the GM settings. */ DiasPlus.loadPodInfo = function () { DiasPlus.setPodInfo(GM_getValue('dplus-pod-url', '')); }; /** * Set the pod info and save it to the DiasPlus object and the GM settings. * * @param {string} podURL Pod URL to save. * * @return {boolean} */ DiasPlus.setPodInfo = function (podURL) { var info = podURL.split('://'); if (info.length === 2) { = info[0] === 'https'; DiasPlus.domain = info[1]; GM_setValue('dplus-pod-url', DiasPlus.getPodURL()); return true } return false; }; /** * Add the settings button to the top right navbar. */ DiasPlus.addSettingsButton = function () { // Add settings button. $('<li class="dplus-settings-button" title="DiasPlus Settings"><a><i class="entypo-cog"></i>D+</a></li>') .click(function () { var p = prompt('Modify your pod URL (eg.', DiasPlus.getPodURL()); DiasPlus.setPodInfo(p) && DiasPlus.addOompButton(); }) .appendTo('ul.navbar-right:first'); }; /** * Add the "Open on my pod" button to the top right navbar. */ DiasPlus.addOompButton = function () { // Remove the existing button if it already exists. $('.dplus-oomp-button').remove(); // If we are not logged into this pod, it must be a foreign one. if (!('user' in DiasPlus.gon) && location.hostname !== DiasPlus.domain) { var $button = $('<li class="dplus-oomp-button" title="Open on my pod"><a target="_self"><i class="entypo-export"></i></a></li>') // Is this the first time we're setting the pod URL? if ('' === DiasPlus.domain) { $ () { var p = prompt('Your pod has not been defined yet!\n\nEnter your pod domain (eg.', DiasPlus.getPodURL()); DiasPlus.setPodInfo(p) && DiasPlus.addOompButton(); }); } else { var url = DiasPlus.getPodURL(); if ('post' in DiasPlus.gon) { url += '/posts/' +; } else { url += location.pathname; } $('a', $button).attr('href', url); } $button.appendTo('ul.navbar-right'); } }; /** * Add the "Liked" and "Commented" links to the stream selection menu. */ DiasPlus.addExtraMenuLinks = function () { var $streamSelection = $('#stream_selection'); $('li:nth-child(2)', $streamSelection).after( '<li><a class="hoverable" href="/liked">Liked</a></li>' + '<li><a class="hoverable" href="/commented">Commented</a></li>' ); // Highlight the background of the active nav item's page. $streamSelection.find('li').each(function () { var navHref = $('a', this).attr('href'); if (navHref === location.href.substring(location.href.length - navHref.length)) { $(this).addClass('selected'); } }); }; /** * Add button that reverses the order of conversation messages. */ DiasPlus.addMessageSortingButton = function () { if ($('body').hasClass('page-conversations')) { var revMessages = function () { $('<a class="dplus-reverse-messages" title="Reverse message order"><i class="entypo-switch"></i></a>') .click(function () { $('#conversation-show .stream').html($('#conversation-show .stream-element').get().reverse()); }) .prependTo('.control-icons'); }; revMessages(); DiasPlus.Observer.add('#conversation-show', revMessages); } }; // Time when the mouse button was pressed, or false if not pressed. var md = false; /** * Initialise the "long click tags" feature. */ DiasPlus.initLongClickTags = function () { // MouseDown and MouseUp actions for the post entry field. $('#status_message_fake_text') .mousedown(function () { md =; DiasPlus.makeTag($(this)); }) .mouseup(function () { md = false; }); }; /** * Check if the passed character is not a space or new line character. * * @param {string} c The character to check. * * @return {boolean} True if not a space or new line, else False. */ DiasPlus.isValidChar = function (c) { return undefined !== c && !/\s/.test(c); }; /** * Convert the currently selected word of the passed text area to a tag. * * @param {jQuery} $textArea The text area to be handled. */ DiasPlus.makeTag = function ($textArea) { try { // Mouse has been released early. if (!md) { return; } // Mouse button down long enough? Loop with timeouts until yes. if (md + 500 > { setTimeout(function () { DiasPlus.makeTag($textArea); }, 50); } else if ($textArea instanceof jQuery && $'textarea')) { // Make sure we have been passed a text area. var textAreaText = $textArea.val(); var cPos1 = $textArea[0].selectionStart; var cPos2 = $textArea[0].selectionEnd; // Only if there is no selection. if (cPos1 === cPos2) { // Search for the word end backwards. while (--cPos1 >= 0 && DiasPlus.isValidChar(textAreaText[cPos1])); cPos1++; // Let's handle the tag. if (DiasPlus.isValidChar(textAreaText[cPos1])) { if (textAreaText[cPos1] === '#') { // Looks like we're removing the tag. if (DiasPlus.isValidChar(textAreaText[cPos1 + 1]) && textAreaText[cPos1 + 1] !== '#') { $textArea.val(textAreaText.substring(0, cPos1) + textAreaText.substring(cPos1 + 1)); // If we're removing the tag from the left, compensate for the # character. (textAreaText[cPos2] === '#') || cPos2--; } } else { // Looks like we're adding the tag. $textArea.val(textAreaText.substring(0, cPos1) + '#' + textAreaText.substring(cPos1)); cPos2++; } // Set new caret positions. $textArea[0].selectionStart = $textArea[0].selectionEnd = cPos2; } } md = false; } } catch (e) { DiasPlus.doLog('Error while making tag.', 'e', false, e); md = false; } }; /** * Make a log entry. * * @param {string} logMessage Message to write to the log console. * @param {string} logLevel Level to log ([l]og,[i]nfo,[w]arning,[e]rror). * @param {boolean} alsoAlert Also echo the message in an alert box. * @param {Error} e If an exception is passed too, add that info. */ DiasPlus.doLog = function (logMessage, logLevel, alsoAlert, e) { // Default to "log" if nothing is provided. logLevel = logLevel || 'l'; // Add exception details if available. if (e instanceof Error) { logMessage += ' (' + + ': ' + e.message + ')'; } logLevel === 'l' && console.log(logMessage); logLevel === 'i' &&; logLevel === 'w' && console.warn(logMessage); logLevel === 'e' && console.error(logMessage); alsoAlert && alert(logMessage); }; /** * Start the party. */ DiasPlus.init = function () { // Add the global CSS rules. GM_addStyle( '.dplus-settings-button, .dplus-oomp-button { cursor: pointer; }' + '.dplus-oomp-button { background: #0c0; }' + '.dplus-oomp-button a { color: #fff !important; }' + '.page-conversations .control-icons a { cursor: pointer; display: inline-block !important; }' + '.page-conversations .control-icons .dplus-reverse-messages i { font-size: 20px; }' ); // Load the pod infos from the GM settings. DiasPlus.loadPodInfo(); // Load all the features. DiasPlus.addSettingsButton(); DiasPlus.initLongClickTags(); DiasPlus.addExtraMenuLinks(); DiasPlus.addOompButton(); DiasPlus.addMessageSortingButton(); }; // source: if (/(?!.*?compatible|.*?webkit)^mozilla|opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // Feeling dirty yet? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', DiasPlus.init, false); } else { window.setTimeout(DiasPlus.init, 0); } /** * The MutationObserver to detect page changes. */ DiasPlus.Observer = { // The mutation observer objects. observers: [], /** * Add an observer to observe for DOM changes. * * @param {string} queryToObserve Query string of elements to observe. * @param {function} cb Callback function for the observer. */ add: function (queryToObserve, cb) { // Check if we can use the MutationObserver. if ('MutationObserver' in window) { var toObserve = document.querySelector(queryToObserve); if (toObserve) { var mo = new MutationObserver(cb); DiasPlus.Observer.observers.push(mo); // Observe child changes. mo.observe(toObserve, { childList: true }); } } } };