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// ==UserScript== // @name MouseHunt AutoBot REVAMP // @author NobodyRandom, Ooi Keng Siang // @version 2.2.0a // @description Currently the most advanced script for automizing MouseHunt and MH BETA UI. Supports ALL new areas and FIREFOX. Revamped of original by Ooi // @icon // @require // @require // @namespace, // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @license GPL-3.0+; // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @exclude http://** // @exclude https://** // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // == Basic User Preference Setting (Begin) == // // The variable in this section contain basic option will normally edit by most user to suit their own preference // // Reload MouseHunt page manually if edit this script while running it for immediate effect. // // ERROR CHECKING ONLY: Script debug var debug = false; // // Extra delay time before sounding the horn. (in seconds) // // Default: 10 - 360 var hornTimeDelayMin = 10; var hornTimeDelayMax = 360; // // Bot aggressively by ignore all safety measure such as check horn image visible before sounding it. (true/false) // // Note: Highly recommended to turn off because it increase the chances of getting caught in botting. // // Note: It will ignore the hornTimeDelayMin and hornTimeDelayMax. // // Note: It may take a little bit extra of CPU processing power. var aggressiveMode = false; // // Enable trap check once an hour. (true/false) var enableTrapCheck = false; // // Trap check time different value (00 minutes - 45 minutes) // // Note: Every player had different trap check time, set your trap check time here. It only take effect if enableTrapCheck = true; // // Example: If you have XX:00 trap check time then set 00. If you have XX:45 trap check time, then set 45. var trapCheckTimeDiff = 15; // // Extra delay time to trap check. (in seconds) // // Note: It only take effect if enableTrapCheck = true; var checkTimeDelayMin = 15; var checkTimeDelayMax = 120; // // Play sound when encounter king's reward (true/false) var isKingWarningSound = false; // // Which sound to play when encountering king's reward (need to be .mp3) var kingWarningSound = ''; // // Which email to send KR notiff to (leave blank to disable feature) var kingRewardEmail = ''; // // Play sound when no more cheese (true/false) var isNoCheeseSound = false; // // Reload the the page according to kingPauseTimeMax when encountering King Reward. (true/false) // // Note: No matter how many time you refresh, the King's Reward won't go away unless you resolve it manually. var reloadKingReward = false; // // Duration of pausing the script before reload the King's Reward page (in seconds) // // Note: It only take effect if reloadKingReward = true; var kingPauseTimeMax = 18000; // // The script will pause if player at different location that hunt location set before. (true/false) // // Note: Make sure you set showTimerInPage to true in order to know what is happening. var pauseAtInvalidLocation = false; // // Popup on KR or not, the script will throw out an alert box if true. var autoPopupKR = false; // == Basic User Preference Setting (End) == // == Advance User Preference Setting (Begin) == // // The variable in this section contain some advance option that will change the script behavior. // // Edit this variable only if you know what you are doing // // Reload MouseHunt page manually if edit this script while running it for immediate effect. // // Display timer and message in page title. (true/false) var showTimerInTitle = true; // // Embed a timer in page to show next hunter horn timer, highly recommended to turn on. (true/false) // // Note: You may not access some option like pause at invalid location if you turn this off. var showTimerInPage = true; // // Display the last time the page did a refresh or reload. (true/false) var showLastPageLoadTime = true; // // Default time to reload the page when bot encounter error. (in seconds) var errorReloadTime = 60; // // Time interval for script timer to update the time. May affect timer accuracy if set too high value. (in seconds) var timerRefreshInterval = 1; // // Addon code default (empty string) var addonCode = ""; // == Advance User Preference Setting (End) == // WARNING - Do not modify the code below unless you know how to read and write the script. // All global variable declaration and default value var scriptVersion = GM_info.script.version; var fbPlatform = false; var hiFivePlatform = false; var mhPlatform = false; var mhMobilePlatform = false; var secureConnection = false; var lastDateRecorded = new Date(); var hornTime = 900; var hornTimeDelay = 0; var checkTimeDelay = 0; var isKingReward = false; var lastKingRewardSumTime; var kingPauseTime; var baitQuantity = -1; var huntLocation; var currentLocation; var today = new Date(); var checkTime = (today.getMinutes() >= trapCheckTimeDiff) ? 3600 + (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()) : (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()); today = undefined; var hornRetryMax = 10; var hornRetry = 0; var nextActiveTime = 900; var timerInterval = 2; // element in page var nextHornTimeElement; var checkTimeElement; var kingTimeElement; var lastKingRewardSumTimeElement; var travelElement; var hornButton = 'hornbutton'; var campButton = 'campbutton'; var header = 'header'; var hornReady = 'hornready'; var isNewUI = false; // NOB vars var NOBhasPuzzle; var NOBtickerTimout; var NOBtickerInterval; var NOBpage = false; var mapRequestFailed = false; var clockTicking = false; var clockNeedOn = false; var NOBadFree = false; var LOCATION_TIMERS = [ ['Seasonal Garden', { first: 1283616000, length: 288000, breakdown: [1, 1, 1, 1], name: ['Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter', 'Spring'], color: ['Red', 'Orange', 'Blue', 'Green'], effective: ['tactical', 'shadow', 'hydro', 'physical'] }], ['Balack\'s Cove', { first: 1294680060, length: 1200, breakdown: [48, 3, 2, 3], name: ['Low', 'Medium (in)', 'High', 'Medium (out)'], color: ['Green', 'Orange', 'Red', 'Orange'] }], ['Forbidden Grove', { first: 1285704000, length: 14400, breakdown: [4, 1], name: ['Open', 'Closed'], color: ['Green', 'Red'] }], ['Relic Hunter', { url: '' }], ['Toxic Spill', { url: '' }] ]; // start executing script if (debug) console.log('STARTING SCRIPT - ver: ' + scriptVersion); if ( != window.self) { if (debug) console.log('In IFRAME - may cause firefox to error, location: ' + window.location.href); //return; } else { if (debug) console.log('NOT IN IFRAME - will not work in fb MH'); } exeScript(); function exeScript() { if (debug) console.log('RUN exeScript()'); try { var titleElm = document.getElementById('titleElement'); if (titleElm) { titleElm.parentNode.remove(); } } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log('No past title elements found.'); } finally { titleElm = null; } try { var time = document.getElementsByClassName('passive')[0].getElementsByClassName('journaldate')[0].innerHTML; time = time.substr(time.indexOf(':') + 1, 2); trapCheckTimeDiff = parseInt(time); setStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset", trapCheckTimeDiff); time = null; } catch (e) { console.debug('Class element "passive" not found'); trapCheckTimeDiff = getStorage('TrapCheckTimeOffset'); if (trapCheckTimeDiff == null) { trapCheckTimeDiff = 0; setStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset", trapCheckTimeDiff); } } try { // check the trap check setting first if (trapCheckTimeDiff == 60) { trapCheckTimeDiff = 0; } else if (trapCheckTimeDiff < 0 || trapCheckTimeDiff > 60) { // invalid value, just disable the trap check enableTrapCheck = false; } if (showTimerInTitle) { // check if they are running in iFrame var contentElement, breakFrameDivElement; if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { contentElement = document.getElementById('pagelet_canvas_content'); if (contentElement) { breakFrameDivElement = document.createElement('div'); breakFrameDivElement.setAttribute('id', 'breakFrameDivElement'); breakFrameDivElement.innerHTML = "Timer cannot show on title page. You can <a href=''>run MouseHunt without iFrame (Facebook)</a> to enable timer on title page"; contentElement.parentNode.insertBefore(breakFrameDivElement, contentElement); } contentElement = undefined; } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { contentElement = document.getElementById('apps-canvas-body'); if (contentElement) { breakFrameDivElement = document.createElement('div'); breakFrameDivElement.setAttribute('id', 'breakFrameDivElement'); breakFrameDivElement.innerHTML = "Timer cannot show on title page. You can <a href=''>run MouseHunt without iFrame (Hi5)</a> to enable timer on title page"; contentElement.parentNode.insertBefore(breakFrameDivElement, contentElement); } contentElement = breakFrameDivElement = undefined; } } // check user running this script from where if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { // from facebook fbPlatform = true; } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { // need to check if it is running in mobile version var version = getCookie("switch_to"); if (version != null && version == "mobile") { // from mousehunt game mobile version mhMobilePlatform = true; } else { // from mousehunt game standard version mhPlatform = true; } version = undefined; } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { // from hi5 hiFivePlatform = true; } // check if user running in https secure connection, true/false secureConnection = (window.location.href.indexOf("https://") != -1); if (fbPlatform) { if (window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { // page to execute the script! // make sure all the preference already loaded loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage(); // this is the page to execute the script if (!checkIntroContainer() && retrieveDataFirst()) { // embed a place where timer show embedTimer(true); // embed script to horn button embedScript(); // start script action action(); } else { // fail to retrieve data, display error msg and reload the page document.title = "Fail to retrieve data from page. Reloading in " + timeformat(errorReloadTime); window.setTimeout(function () { reloadPage(false); }, errorReloadTime * 1000); } } else { // not in hunters camp, just show the title of autobot version embedTimer(false); } } else if (mhPlatform) { if (window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { // page to execute the script! // make sure all the preference already loaded loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage(); // this is the page to execute the script if (!checkIntroContainer() && retrieveDataFirst()) { // embed a place where timer show embedTimer(true); // embed script to horn button embedScript(); // start script action action(); } else { // fail to retrieve data, display error msg and reload the page document.title = "Fail to retrieve data from page. Reloading in " + timeformat(errorReloadTime); window.setTimeout(function () { reloadPage(false); }, errorReloadTime * 1000); } } else { // not in hunters camp, just show the title of autobot version embedTimer(false); } } else if (mhMobilePlatform) { // execute at all page of mobile version //if (true) { // page to execute the script! // make sure all the preference already loaded loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage(); // embed a place where timer show embedTimer(false); //} } else if (hiFivePlatform) { if (window.location.href == "" || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 || window.location.href == "" || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf("") != -1) { // page to execute the script! // make sure all the preference already loaded loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage(); // this is the page to execute the script if (!checkIntroContainer() && retrieveDataFirst()) { // embed a place where timer show embedTimer(true); // embed script to horn button embedScript(); // start script action action(); } else { // fail to retrieve data, display error msg and reload the page document.title = "Fail to retrieve data from page. Reloading in " + timeformat(errorReloadTime); window.setTimeout(function () { reloadPage(false); }, errorReloadTime * 1000); } } else { // not in hunters camp, just show the title of autobot version embedTimer(false); } } } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log('exeScript error - ' + e) } } function checkIntroContainer() { if (debug) console.log('RUN checkIntroContainer()'); var gotIntroContainerDiv = false; var introContainerDiv = document.getElementById('introContainer'); if (introContainerDiv) { introContainerDiv = undefined; gotIntroContainerDiv = true; } else { gotIntroContainerDiv = false; } try { return gotIntroContainerDiv; } finally { gotIntroContainerDiv = undefined; } } function retrieveDataFirst() { if (debug) console.log('RUN retrieveDataFirst()'); try { var gotHornTime = false; var gotPuzzle = false; var gotBaitQuantity = false; var retrieveSuccess = false; var scriptElementList = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); if (scriptElementList) { var i; for (i = 0; i < scriptElementList.length; ++i) { var scriptString = scriptElementList[i].innerHTML; // get next horn time var hornTimeStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("next_activeturn_seconds"); if (hornTimeStartIndex >= 0) { var nextActiveTime = 900; hornTimeStartIndex += 25; var hornTimeEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(",", hornTimeStartIndex); var hornTimerString = scriptString.substring(hornTimeStartIndex, hornTimeEndIndex); nextActiveTime = parseInt(hornTimerString); hornTimeDelay = hornTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (hornTimeDelayMax - hornTimeDelayMin)); if (!aggressiveMode) { // calculation base on the js in Mousehunt var additionalDelayTime = Math.ceil(nextActiveTime * 0.1); // need to found out the mousehunt provided timer interval to determine the additional delay var timerIntervalStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("hud.timer_interval"); if (timerIntervalStartIndex >= 0) { timerIntervalStartIndex += 21; var timerIntervalEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(";", timerIntervalStartIndex); var timerIntervalString = scriptString.substring(timerIntervalStartIndex, timerIntervalEndIndex); var timerInterval = parseInt(timerIntervalString); // calculation base on the js in Mousehunt if (timerInterval == 1) { additionalDelayTime = 2; } timerIntervalStartIndex = undefined; timerIntervalEndIndex = undefined; timerIntervalString = undefined; timerInterval = undefined; } // safety mode, include extra delay like time in horn image appear //hornTime = nextActiveTime + additionalDelayTime + hornTimeDelay; hornTime = nextActiveTime + hornTimeDelay; lastDateRecorded = undefined; lastDateRecorded = new Date(); additionalDelayTime = undefined; } else { // aggressive mode, no extra delay like time in horn image appear hornTime = nextActiveTime; lastDateRecorded = undefined; lastDateRecorded = new Date(); } gotHornTime = true; hornTimeStartIndex = undefined; hornTimeEndIndex = undefined; hornTimerString = undefined; nextActiveTime = undefined; } // get is king's reward or not var hasPuzzleStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("has_puzzle"); if (hasPuzzleStartIndex >= 0) { hasPuzzleStartIndex += 12; var hasPuzzleEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(",", hasPuzzleStartIndex); var hasPuzzleString = scriptString.substring(hasPuzzleStartIndex, hasPuzzleEndIndex); isKingReward = (hasPuzzleString != 'false'); gotPuzzle = true; hasPuzzleStartIndex = undefined; hasPuzzleEndIndex = undefined; hasPuzzleString = undefined; } // get cheese quantity var baitQuantityStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("bait_quantity"); if (baitQuantityStartIndex >= 0) { baitQuantityStartIndex += 15; var baitQuantityEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf(",", baitQuantityStartIndex); var baitQuantityString = scriptString.substring(baitQuantityStartIndex, baitQuantityEndIndex); baitQuantity = parseInt(baitQuantityString); gotBaitQuantity = true; baitQuantityStartIndex = undefined; baitQuantityEndIndex = undefined; baitQuantityString = undefined; } var locationStartIndex; var locationEndIndex; locationStartIndex = scriptString.indexOf("location\":\""); if (locationStartIndex >= 0) { locationStartIndex += 11; locationEndIndex = scriptString.indexOf("\"", locationStartIndex); var locationString = scriptString.substring(locationStartIndex, locationEndIndex); currentLocation = locationString; locationStartIndex = undefined; locationEndIndex = undefined; locationString = undefined; } scriptString = undefined; } i = undefined; } scriptElementList = undefined; if (gotHornTime && gotPuzzle && gotBaitQuantity) { // get trap check time if (enableTrapCheck) { var today = new Date(); checkTimeDelay = checkTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (checkTimeDelayMax - checkTimeDelayMin)); checkTime = (today.getMinutes() >= trapCheckTimeDiff) ? 3600 + (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()) : (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()); checkTime += checkTimeDelay; today = undefined; } // get last location var huntLocationCookie = getStorage("huntLocation"); if (huntLocationCookie == undefined || huntLocationCookie == null) { huntLocation = currentLocation; setStorage("huntLocation", currentLocation); } else { huntLocation = huntLocationCookie; setStorage("huntLocation", huntLocation); } huntLocationCookie = undefined; // get last king reward time var lastKingRewardDate = getStorage("lastKingRewardDate"); if (lastKingRewardDate == undefined || lastKingRewardDate == null) { lastKingRewardSumTime = -1; } else { var lastDate = new Date(lastKingRewardDate); lastKingRewardSumTime = parseInt((new Date() - lastDate) / 1000); lastDate = undefined; } lastKingRewardDate = undefined; retrieveSuccess = true; } else { retrieveSuccess = false; } // clean up gotHornTime = undefined; gotPuzzle = undefined; gotBaitQuantity = undefined; return retrieveSuccess; } catch (e) { console.log('retrieveDataFirst ERROR - ' + e); } finally { retrieveSuccess = undefined; } } function retrieveData() { if (debug) console.log("Run retrieveData()"); try { var browser = browserDetection(); // get next horn time if (browser == "firefox") { nextActiveTime = unsafeWindow.user.next_activeturn_seconds; isKingReward = unsafeWindow.user.has_puzzle; baitQuantity = unsafeWindow.user.bait_quantity; currentLocation = unsafeWindow.user.location; NOBhasPuzzle = unsafeWindow.user.has_puzzle; } else if (browser == "opera") { nextActiveTime = user.next_activeturn_seconds; isKingReward = user.has_puzzle; baitQuantity = user.bait_quantity; currentLocation = user.location; } else if (browser == "chrome") { nextActiveTime = parseInt(getPageVariableForChrome("user.next_activeturn_seconds")); isKingReward = (getPageVariableForChrome("user.has_puzzle").toString() != "false"); baitQuantity = parseInt(getPageVariableForChrome("user.bait_quantity")); currentLocation = getPageVariableForChrome("user.location"); NOBhasPuzzle = user.has_puzzle; } else { window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Browser not supported. Reloading...", false); }, 60000); } browser = undefined; if (nextActiveTime == "" || isNaN(nextActiveTime)) { // fail to retrieve data, might be due to slow network // reload the page to see it fix the problem window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to retrieve data. Reloading...", false); }, 5000); } else { // got the timer right! // calculate the delay hornTimeDelay = hornTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (hornTimeDelayMax - hornTimeDelayMin)); if (!aggressiveMode) { // calculation base on the js in Mousehunt var additionalDelayTime = Math.ceil(nextActiveTime * 0.1); if (timerInterval != "" && !isNaN(timerInterval) && timerInterval == 1) { additionalDelayTime = 2; } // safety mode, include extra delay like time in horn image appear //hornTime = nextActiveTime + additionalDelayTime + hornTimeDelay; hornTime = nextActiveTime + hornTimeDelay; lastDateRecorded = undefined; lastDateRecorded = new Date(); additionalDelayTime = undefined; } else { // aggressive mode, no extra delay like time in horn image appear hornTime = nextActiveTime; lastDateRecorded = undefined; lastDateRecorded = new Date(); } } // get trap check time if (enableTrapCheck) { var today = new Date(); checkTimeDelay = checkTimeDelayMin + Math.round(Math.random() * (checkTimeDelayMax - checkTimeDelayMin)); checkTime = (today.getMinutes() >= trapCheckTimeDiff) ? 3600 + (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()) : (trapCheckTimeDiff * 60) - (today.getMinutes() * 60 + today.getSeconds()); checkTime += checkTimeDelay; today = undefined; } } catch (e) { console.log("retrieveData() ERROR - " + e); } } function checkJournalDate() { var reload = false; var journalDateDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('journaldate'); if (journalDateDiv) { var journalDateStr = journalDateDiv[0].innerHTML.toString(); var midIndex = journalDateStr.indexOf(":", 0); var spaceIndex = journalDateStr.indexOf(" ", midIndex); if (midIndex >= 1) { var hrStr = journalDateStr.substring(0, midIndex); var minStr = journalDateStr.substring(midIndex + 1, 2); var hourSysStr = journalDateStr.substring(spaceIndex + 1, 2); var nowDate = new Date(); var lastHuntDate = new Date(); if (hourSysStr == "am") { lastHuntDate.setHours(parseInt(hrStr), parseInt(minStr), 0, 0); } else { lastHuntDate.setHours(parseInt(hrStr) + 12, parseInt(minStr), 0, 0); } if (parseInt(nowDate - lastHuntDate) / 1000 > 900) { reload = true; } hrStr = undefined; minStr = undefined; nowDate = undefined; lastHuntDate = undefined; } else { reload = true; } journalDateStr = undefined; midIndex = undefined; spaceIndex = undefined; } journalDateDiv = undefined; if (reload) { reloadWithMessage("Timer error. Try reload to fix.", true); } try { return (reload); } finally { reload = undefined; } } function action() { if (debug) console.log("Run action()"); try { if (isKingReward) { kingRewardAction(); notifyMe('KR NOW - ' + getPageVariable('user.username'), '', "Kings Reward NOW"); } else if (pauseAtInvalidLocation && (huntLocation != currentLocation)) { // update timer displayTimer("Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location..."); if (fbPlatform) { if (secureConnection) { displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } else { displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } } else if (hiFivePlatform) { if (secureConnection) { displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } else { displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } } else if (mhPlatform) { if (secureConnection) { displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } else { displayLocation("<span style='color: red; '>" + currentLocation + "</span> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } } displayKingRewardSumTime(null); // pause script } else if (baitQuantity == 0) { // update timer displayTimer("No more cheese!", "Cannot hunt without the cheese...", "Cannot hunt without the cheese..."); displayLocation(huntLocation); displayKingRewardSumTime(null); // Notify no more cheese noCheeseAction(); // pause the script } else { // update location displayLocation(huntLocation); var isHornSounding = false; // check if the horn image is visible nobTestBetaUI(); var headerElement = document.getElementById(header); if (headerElement) { if (isNewUI) { headerElement = headerElement.firstChild; } var headerStatus = headerElement.getAttribute('class'); if (headerStatus.indexOf(hornReady) != -1) { // if the horn image is visible, why do we need to wait any more, sound the horn! soundHorn(); // make sure the timer don't run twice! isHornSounding = true; } headerStatus = undefined; } headerElement = undefined; if (isHornSounding == false) { // start timer window.setTimeout(function () { countdownTimer() }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000); } isHornSounding = undefined; } if (!isKingReward) { window.setTimeout(function () { runAddonCode(); }, 1000); } } catch (e) { console.log("action() ERROR - " + e); } } function countdownTimer() { if (isKingReward) { // update timer displayTimer("King's Reward!", "King's Reward!", "King's Reward"); displayKingRewardSumTime("Now"); // record last king's reward time var nowDate = new Date(); setStorage("lastKingRewardDate", nowDate.toString()); nowDate = undefined; lastKingRewardSumTime = 0; // reload the page so that the sound can be play // simulate mouse click on the camp button fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName(campButton)[0].firstChild, 'click'); // reload the page if click on camp button fail window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on camp button. Reloading...", false); }, 5000); } else if (pauseAtInvalidLocation && (huntLocation != currentLocation)) { // update timer displayTimer("Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location...", "Out of pre-defined hunting location..."); if (fbPlatform) { if (secureConnection) { displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } else { displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } } else if (hiFivePlatform) { if (secureConnection) { displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } else { displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } } else if (mhPlatform) { if (secureConnection) { displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } else { displayLocation("<font color='red'>" + currentLocation + "</font> [<a onclick='window.localStorage.removeItem(\"huntLocation\");' href='\'>Hunt Here</a>] - <i>Script pause because you had move to a different location recently, click hunt here to continue hunt at this location.</i>"); } } displayKingRewardSumTime(null); // pause script } else if (baitQuantity == 0) { // update timer displayTimer("No more cheese!", "Cannot hunt without the cheese...", "Cannot hunt without the cheese..."); displayLocation(huntLocation); displayKingRewardSumTime(null); // pause the script } else { var dateNow = new Date(); var intervalTime = timeElapsed(lastDateRecorded, dateNow); lastDateRecorded = undefined; lastDateRecorded = dateNow; dateNow = undefined; if (enableTrapCheck) { // update time hornTime -= intervalTime; checkTime -= intervalTime; if (lastKingRewardSumTime != -1) { lastKingRewardSumTime += intervalTime; } } else { // update time hornTime -= intervalTime; if (lastKingRewardSumTime != -1) { lastKingRewardSumTime += intervalTime; } } intervalTime = undefined; if (hornTime <= 0) { // blow the horn! soundHorn(); } else if (enableTrapCheck && checkTime <= 0) { // trap check! trapCheck(); } else { if (enableTrapCheck) { // update timer if (!aggressiveMode) { displayTimer("Horn: " + timeformat(hornTime) + " | Check: " + timeformat(checkTime), timeformat(hornTime) + " <i>(included extra " + timeformat(hornTimeDelay) + " delay & +/- 5 seconds different from MouseHunt timer)</i>", timeformat(checkTime) + " <i>(included extra " + timeformat(checkTimeDelay) + " delay)</i>"); } else { displayTimer("Horn: " + timeformat(hornTime) + " | Check: " + timeformat(checkTime), timeformat(hornTime) + " <i>(lot faster than MouseHunt timer)</i>", timeformat(checkTime) + " <i>(included extra " + timeformat(checkTimeDelay) + " delay)</i>"); } } else { // update timer if (!aggressiveMode) { displayTimer("Horn: " + timeformat(hornTime), timeformat(hornTime) + " <i>(included extra " + timeformat(hornTimeDelay) + " delay & +/- 5 seconds different from MouseHunt timer)</i>", "-"); // check if user manaually sounded the horn var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode"); if (scriptNode) { var isHornSounded = scriptNode.getAttribute("soundedHornAtt"); if (isHornSounded == "true") { // sound horn function do the rest soundHorn(); // stop loopping return; } isHornSounded = undefined; } scriptNode = undefined; } else { displayTimer("Horn: " + timeformat(hornTime), timeformat(hornTime) + " <i>(lot faster than MouseHunt timer)</i>", "-"); // agressive mode should sound the horn whenever it is possible to do so. var headerElement = document.getElementById(header); if (headerElement) { if (isNewUI) headerElement = headerElement.firstChild; // the horn image appear before the timer end if (headerElement.getAttribute('class').indexOf(hornReady) != -1) { // who care, blow the horn first! soundHorn(); headerElement = undefined; // skip all the code below return; } } headerElement = undefined; } } // set king reward sum time displayKingRewardSumTime(timeFormatLong(lastKingRewardSumTime)); window.setTimeout(function () { (countdownTimer)() }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000); } } } function reloadPage(soundHorn) { // reload the page if (fbPlatform) { // for Facebook only if (secureConnection) { if (soundHorn) { window.location.href = ""; } else { window.location.href = ""; } } else { if (soundHorn) { window.location.href = ""; } else { window.location.href = ""; } } } else if (hiFivePlatform) { // for Hi5 only if (secureConnection) { if (soundHorn) { window.location.href = ""; } else { window.location.href = ""; } } else { if (soundHorn) { window.location.href = ""; } else { window.location.href = ""; } } } else if (mhPlatform) { // for mousehunt game only if (secureConnection) { if (soundHorn) { window.location.href = ""; } else { window.location.href = ""; } } else { if (soundHorn) { window.location.href = ""; } else { window.location.href = ""; } } } soundHorn = undefined; } function reloadWithMessage(msg, soundHorn) { // display the message displayTimer(msg, msg, msg, msg); // reload the page setTimeout(function () { reloadPage(soundHorn) }, 1000); msg = undefined; soundHorn = undefined; } // ################################################################################################ // Timer Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function embedTimer(targetPage) { try { if (showTimerInPage) { var headerElement; if (fbPlatform || hiFivePlatform || mhPlatform) { headerElement = document.getElementById('noscript'); } else if (mhMobilePlatform) { headerElement = document.getElementById('mobileHorn'); } if (headerElement) { var timerDivElement = document.createElement('div'); //var hr1Element = document.createElement('hr'); //timerDivElement.appendChild(hr1Element); //hr1Element = null; // show bot title and version var titleElement = document.createElement('div'); titleElement.setAttribute('id', 'titleElement'); if (targetPage && aggressiveMode) { titleElement.innerHTML = "<b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MouseHunt AutoBot REVAMP (version " + scriptVersion + ")</a> + MouseHunt AutoBot Additional thing" + (isNewUI ? " ~ Beta UI" : "" ) + "</b> - <font color='red'>Aggressive Mode</font>"; } else { titleElement.innerHTML = "<b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MouseHunt AutoBot REVAMP (version " + scriptVersion + ")</a> + MouseHunt AutoBot Additional thing" + (isNewUI ? " ~ Beta UI" : "" ) + "</b>"; } timerDivElement.appendChild(titleElement); titleElement = null; if (targetPage) { var updateElement = document.createElement('div'); updateElement.setAttribute('id', 'updateElement'); timerDivElement.appendChild(updateElement); updateElement = null; var NOBmessage = document.createElement('div'); NOBmessage.setAttribute('id', 'NOBmessage'); timerDivElement.appendChild(NOBmessage); NOBmessage = null; nextHornTimeElement = document.createElement('div'); nextHornTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'nextHornTimeElement'); nextHornTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Hunter Horn Time:</b> Loading..."; timerDivElement.appendChild(nextHornTimeElement); checkTimeElement = document.createElement('div'); checkTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'checkTimeElement'); checkTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Trap Check Time:</b> Loading..."; timerDivElement.appendChild(checkTimeElement); if (pauseAtInvalidLocation) { // location information only display when enable this feature travelElement = document.createElement('div'); travelElement.setAttribute('id', 'travelElement'); travelElement.innerHTML = "<b>Target Hunt Location:</b> Loading..."; timerDivElement.appendChild(travelElement); } var lastKingRewardDate = getStorage("lastKingRewardDate"); var lastDateStr; if (lastKingRewardDate == undefined || lastKingRewardDate == null) { lastDateStr = "-"; } else { var lastDate = new Date(lastKingRewardDate); lastDateStr = lastDate.toDateString() + " " + lastDate.toTimeString().substring(0, 8); lastDate = null; } kingTimeElement = document.createElement('div'); kingTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'kingTimeElement'); kingTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Last King's Reward:</b> " + lastDateStr + " "; timerDivElement.appendChild(kingTimeElement); lastKingRewardSumTimeElement = document.createElement('font'); lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'lastKingRewardSumTimeElement'); lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.innerHTML = "(Loading...)"; kingTimeElement.appendChild(lastKingRewardSumTimeElement); lastKingRewardDate = null; lastDateStr = null; if (showLastPageLoadTime) { var nowDate = new Date(); // last page load time var loadTimeElement = document.createElement('div'); loadTimeElement.setAttribute('id', 'loadTimeElement'); loadTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Last Page Load: </b>" + nowDate.toDateString() + " " + nowDate.toTimeString().substring(0, 8); //timerDivElement.appendChild(loadTimeElement); loadTimeElement = null; nowDate = null; } var timersElementToggle = document.createElement('a'); var text = document.createTextNode('Toggle timers'); timersElementToggle.href = '#'; timersElementToggle.setAttribute('id', 'timersElementToggle'); timersElementToggle.appendChild(text); timersElementToggle.onclick = function (e) { var timersElementStyle = document.getElementById('loadTimersElement'); if ( == 'block' || == '') { = 'none'; } else { = 'block'; } timersElementStyle = null; }; var holder = document.createElement('div'); holder.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;'); var temp = document.createElement('span'); temp.innerHTML = ' ~ '; holder.appendChild(timersElementToggle); holder.appendChild(temp); timerDivElement.appendChild(holder); holder = null; text = null; temp = null; var loadTimersElement = document.createElement('div'); loadTimersElement.setAttribute('id', 'loadTimersElement'); loadTimersElement.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); timerDivElement.appendChild(loadTimersElement); //timerDivElement.appendChild(/*document.createElement('br')*/document.createTextNode(' ~ ')); var loadLinkToUpdateDiv = document.createElement('div'); loadLinkToUpdateDiv.setAttribute('id', 'gDocArea'); loadLinkToUpdateDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;'); var tempSpan2 = document.createElement('span'); var loadLinkToUpdate = document.createElement('a'); text = document.createTextNode('Submit to GDoc'); loadLinkToUpdate.href = '#'; loadLinkToUpdate.setAttribute('id', 'gDocLink'); loadLinkToUpdate.appendChild(text); loadLinkToUpdate.addEventListener('click', nobScript, false); text = null; tempSpan2.appendChild(loadLinkToUpdate); loadLinkToUpdateDiv.appendChild(tempSpan2); timerDivElement.appendChild(loadLinkToUpdateDiv); text = ' ~ <a href="\'\');" target=_blank>Go to GDoc</a>'; var tempDiv = document.createElement('span'); tempDiv.innerHTML = text; text = ' ~ <a id="nobRaffle" href="#" title="Sends back the raffle ticket in inventory.">Return raffle tickets</a>'; tempSpan2 = document.createElement('span'); tempSpan2.innerHTML = text; var tempSpan3 = document.createElement('span'); tempSpan3.innerHTML = ' ~ <a id="nobPresent" href="#" title="Sends back the presents in inventory.">Return presents</a>'; var tempSpan = document.createElement('span'); tempSpan.innerHTML = ' ~ <a href="\'\');" target=_blank>Submit a bug report/feedback</a>'; loadLinkToUpdateDiv.appendChild(tempDiv); loadLinkToUpdateDiv.appendChild(tempSpan2); loadLinkToUpdateDiv.appendChild(tempSpan3); loadLinkToUpdateDiv.appendChild(tempSpan); text = null; tempDiv = null; tempSpan = null; tempSpan2 = null; tempSpan3 = null; loadLinkToUpdateDiv = null; timersElementToggle = null; loadTimersElement = null; loadLinkToUpdate = null; } else { if (isNewUI || nobTestBetaUI()) { // try check if ajax was called if (doubleCheckLocation()) { exeScript(); nobInit(); return; } else { var ajaxPageSwitchEvent = function (e) { setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('titleElement').parentNode.remove(); exeScript(); nobInit(); }, 3000); $('.camp a')[0].removeEventListener('click', ajaxPageSwitchEvent); ajaxPageSwitchEvent = null; }; $('.camp a')[0].addEventListener('click', ajaxPageSwitchEvent); } } // player currently navigating other page instead of hunter camp var helpTextElement = document.createElement('div'); helpTextElement.setAttribute('id', 'helpTextElement'); if (fbPlatform) { if (secureConnection) { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity."; } else { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity."; } } else if (hiFivePlatform) { if (secureConnection) { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity."; } else { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity."; } } else if (mhPlatform) { if (secureConnection) { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity."; } else { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> MouseHunt AutoBot will only run at <a href=''>Hunter Camp</a>. This is to prevent the bot from interfering user's activity."; } } else if (mhMobilePlatform) { if (secureConnection) { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> Mobile version of Mousehunt is not supported currently. Please use the <a href=''>standard version of MouseHunt</a>."; } else { helpTextElement.innerHTML = "<b>Note:</b> Mobile version of Mousehunt is not supported currently. Please use the <a href=''>standard version of MouseHunt</a>."; } } timerDivElement.appendChild(helpTextElement); helpTextElement = null; } var showPreference = getStorage('showPreference'); if (showPreference == undefined || showPreference == null) { showPreference = false; setStorage("showPreference", showPreference); } var showPreferenceLinkDiv = document.createElement('div'); showPreferenceLinkDiv.setAttribute('id', 'showPreferenceLinkDiv'); showPreferenceLinkDiv.setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right'); timerDivElement.appendChild(showPreferenceLinkDiv); var showPreferenceSpan = document.createElement('span'); var showPreferenceLinkStr = '<a id="showPreferenceLink" name="showPreferenceLink" onclick="if (document.getElementById(\'showPreferenceLink\').innerHTML == \'<b>[Hide Preference]</b>\') { document.getElementById(\'preferenceDiv\').style.display=\'none\'; document.getElementById(\'showPreferenceLink\').innerHTML=\'<b>[Show Preference]</b>\'; } else { document.getElementById(\'preferenceDiv\').style.display=\'block\'; document.getElementById(\'showPreferenceLink\').innerHTML=\'<b>[Hide Preference]</b>\'; }">'; if (showPreference == true) showPreferenceLinkStr += '<b>[Hide Preference]</b>'; else showPreferenceLinkStr += '<b>[Show Preference]</b>'; showPreferenceLinkStr += '</a>'; showPreferenceLinkStr += ' '; showPreferenceSpan.innerHTML = showPreferenceLinkStr; showPreferenceLinkDiv.appendChild(showPreferenceSpan); showPreferenceLinkStr = null; showPreferenceSpan = null; showPreferenceLinkDiv = null; var hr2Element = document.createElement('hr'); timerDivElement.appendChild(hr2Element); hr2Element = null; var preferenceHTMLStr = '<table border="0" width="100%">'; if (aggressiveMode) { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Bot aggressively by ignore all safety measure such as check horn image visible before sounding it">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<b>Aggressive Mode</b>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="AggressiveModeInputTrue" name="AggressiveModeInput" value="true" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInputTrue\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'disabled\';}" checked="checked"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="AggressiveModeInputFalse" name="AggressiveModeInput" value="false" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInputFalse\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'\';}"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Extra delay time before sounding the horn (in seconds)">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<b>Horn Time Delay</b>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="HornTimeDelayMinInput" name="HornTimeDelayMinInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + hornTimeDelayMin.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' ~ '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" name="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + hornTimeDelayMax.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } else { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Bot aggressively by ignore all safety measure such as check horn image visible before sounding it">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<b>Aggressive Mode</b>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="AggressiveModeInputTrue" name="AggressiveModeInput" value="true" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInputTrue\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'disabled\';}"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="AggressiveModeInputFalse" name="AggressiveModeInput" value="false" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInputFalse\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'\';}" checked="checked"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Extra delay time before sounding the horn (in seconds)">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<b>Horn Time Delay</b>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</a> : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="HornTimeDelayMinInput" name="HornTimeDelayMinInput" value="' + hornTimeDelayMin.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' ~ '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" name="HornTimeDelayMaxInput" value="' + hornTimeDelayMax.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } if (enableTrapCheck) { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Enable trap check once an hour"><b>Trap Check</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="TrapCheckInputTrue" name="TrapCheckInput" value="true" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInputTrue\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput\').disabled=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'\';}" checked="checked"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="TrapCheckInputFalse" name="TrapCheckInput" value="false" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInputFalse\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'disabled\';}"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Trap check time different value (00 minutes - 45 minutes)"><b>Trap Check Time Offset</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput" name="TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput" value="' + trapCheckTimeDiff.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Extra delay time to trap check (in seconds)"><b>Trap Check Time Delay</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput" name="TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput" value="' + checkTimeDelayMin.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' ~ '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput" name="TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput" value="' + checkTimeDelayMax.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } else { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Enable trap check once an hour"><b>Trap Check</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="TrapCheckInputTrue" name="TrapCheckInput" value="true" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInputTrue\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput\').disabled=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'\';}"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="TrapCheckInputFalse" name="TrapCheckInput" value="false" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInputFalse\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').disabled=\'disabled\';}" checked="checked"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Trap check time different value (00 minutes - 45 minutes)"><b>Trap Check Time Offset</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput" name="TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + trapCheckTimeDiff.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Extra delay time to trap check (in seconds)"><b>Trap Check Time Delay</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput" name="TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + checkTimeDelayMin.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' ~ '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput" name="TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + checkTimeDelayMax.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } if (isKingWarningSound) { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Play sound when encounter king\'s reward"><b>Play King Reward Sound</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PlayKingRewardSoundInputTrue" name="PlayKingRewardSoundInput" value="true" checked="checked"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PlayKingRewardSoundInputFalse" name="PlayKingRewardSoundInput" value="false" /> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } else { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Play sound when encounter king\'s reward"><b>Play King Reward Sound</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PlayKingRewardSoundInputTrue" name="PlayKingRewardSoundInput" value="true" /> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PlayKingRewardSoundInputFalse" name="PlayKingRewardSoundInput" value="false" checked="checked"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Play which sound when encountering king\'s reward"><b>King Reward Sound</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="KingRewardSoundInput" name="KingRewardSoundInput" value="' + kingWarningSound + '" />'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Which email to send king\'s reward to"><b>Email to send King Reward</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="KingRewardEmail" name="KingRewardEmail" value="' + kingRewardEmail + '" />'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; if (reloadKingReward) { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Reload the the page according to King Reward Resume Time when encount King Reward"><b>King Reward Resume</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="KingRewardResumeInputTrue" name="KingRewardResumeInput" value="true" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeInputTrue\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeTimeInput\').disabled=\'\'; }" checked="checked"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="KingRewardResumeInputFalse" name="KingRewardResumeInput" value="false" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeInputFalse\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeTimeInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; }"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Duration of pausing the script before reload the King\'s Reward page (in seconds)"><b>King Reward Resume Time</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="KingRewardResumeTimeInput" name="KingRewardResumeTimeInput" value="' + kingPauseTimeMax.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } else { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Reload the the page according to King Reward Resume Time when encounter King Reward"><b>King Reward Resume</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="KingRewardResumeInputTrue" name="KingRewardResumeInput" value="true" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeInputTrue\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeTimeInput\').disabled=\'\'; }"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="KingRewardResumeInputFalse" name="KingRewardResumeInput" value="false" onchange="if (document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeInputFalse\').checked == true) { document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeTimeInput\').disabled=\'disabled\'; }" checked="checked"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Duration of pausing the script before reload the King\'s Reward page (in seconds)"><b>King Reward Resume Time</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="text" id="KingRewardResumeTimeInput" name="KingRewardResumeTimeInput" disabled="disabled" value="' + kingPauseTimeMax.toString() + '"/> seconds'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } if (pauseAtInvalidLocation) { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="The script will pause if player at different location that hunt location set before"><b>Remember Location</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PauseLocationInputTrue" name="PauseLocationInput" value="true" checked="checked"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PauseLocationInputFalse" name="PauseLocationInput" value="false" /> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } else { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="The script will pause if player at different location that hunt location set before"><b>Remember Location</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PauseLocationInputTrue" name="PauseLocationInput" value="true"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="PauseLocationInputFalse" name="PauseLocationInput" value="false" checked="checked"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } if (autoPopupKR) { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Auto Popup on KR"><b>Auto KR Popup</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="autopopkrTrue" name="autopopkrInput" value="true" checked="checked"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="autopopkrFalse" name="autopopkrInput" value="false" /> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } else { preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="Auto Popup on KR"><b>Auto KR Popup</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' : '; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="autopopkrTrue" name="autopopkrInput" value="true"/> True'; preferenceHTMLStr += ' '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="radio" id="autopopkrFalse" name="autopopkrInput" value="false" checked="checked"/> False'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; } preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<a title="FOR DEVS ONLY" onclick="if(confirm(\'Are you sure you want to inject code?\'))$(\'#addonCode\').toggle();"><b>Click here if you would like to inject code.</b></a>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<textarea id="addonCode" name="addonCode" style="display:none;">'; preferenceHTMLStr += addonCode; preferenceHTMLStr += '</textarea>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '<td style="height:24px; text-align:right;" colspan="2">'; preferenceHTMLStr += '(Changes only take place after user save the preference) '; preferenceHTMLStr += '<input type="button" id="PreferenceSaveInput" value="Save" onclick=" \ if (document.getElementById(\'AggressiveModeInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'AggressiveMode\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'AggressiveMode\', \'false\'); } \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'HornTimeDelayMin\', document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMinInput\').value); window.localStorage.setItem(\'HornTimeDelayMax\', document.getElementById(\'HornTimeDelayMaxInput\').value); \ if (document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheck\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheck\', \'false\'); } \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeOffset\', document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeOffsetInput\').value); \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMin\', document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMinInput\').value); window.localStorage.setItem(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMax\', document.getElementById(\'TrapCheckTimeDelayMaxInput\').value); \ if (document.getElementById(\'PlayKingRewardSoundInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PlayKingRewardSound\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PlayKingRewardSound\', \'false\'); } \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardSoundInput\', document.getElementById(\'KingRewardSoundInput\').value); \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardEmail\', document.getElementById(\'KingRewardEmail\').value); \ if (document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardResume\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardResume\', \'false\'); } \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'KingRewardResumeTime\', document.getElementById(\'KingRewardResumeTimeInput\').value); \ if (document.getElementById(\'PauseLocationInputTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PauseLocation\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'PauseLocation\', \'false\'); } \ if (document.getElementById(\'autopopkrTrue\').checked == true) { window.localStorage.setItem(\'autoPopupKR\', \'true\'); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(\'autoPopupKR\', \'false\'); } \ window.localStorage.setItem(\'addonCode\', document.getElementById(\'addonCode\').value);\ '; if (fbPlatform) { if (secureConnection) preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>'; else preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>'; } else if (hiFivePlatform) { if (secureConnection) preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>'; else preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>'; } else if (mhPlatform) { if (secureConnection) preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>'; else preferenceHTMLStr += 'window.location.href=\'\';"/>'; } preferenceHTMLStr += ' </td>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</tr>'; preferenceHTMLStr += '</table>'; var NOBspecialMessageDiv = document.createElement('div'); NOBspecialMessageDiv.setAttribute('id', 'nobSpecialMessage'); NOBspecialMessageDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: block; position: fixed; bottom: 0; z-index: 999; text-align: center; width: 760px;'); //var nobWhatsNewDiv = document.createElement('div'); //nobWhatsNewDiv.setAttribute('id', 'nobWhatsNew'); //nobWhatsNewDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: block; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 999; text-align: left; width: 200px; height: 100px; padding: 10px 0 10px 10px;'); var nobWhatsNewDiv = document.createElement('div'); nobWhatsNewDiv.innerHTML = "<style>" + "@-webkit-keyframes colorRotate {" + "from {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "16.6% {color: rgb(255, 0, 255);}" + "33.3% {color: rgb(0, 0, 255);}" + "50% {color: rgb(0, 255, 255);}" + "66.6% {color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}" + "83.3% {color: rgb(255, 255, 0);}" + "to {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "@-moz-keyframes colorRotate {" + "from {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "16.6% {color: rgb(255, 0, 255);}" + "33.3% {color: rgb(0, 0, 255);}" + "50% {color: rgb(0, 255, 255);}" + "66.6% {color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}" + "83.3% {color: rgb(255, 255, 0);}" + "to {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "@-o-keyframes colorRotate {" + "from {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "16.6% {color: rgb(255, 0, 255);}" + "33.3% {color: rgb(0, 0, 255);}" + "50% {color: rgb(0, 255, 255);}" + "66.6% {color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}" + "83.3% {color: rgb(255, 255, 0);}" + "to {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "@keyframes colorRotate {" + "from {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "16.6% {color: rgb(255, 0, 255);}" + "33.3% {color: rgb(0, 0, 255);}" + "50% {color: rgb(0, 255, 255);}" + "66.6% {color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}" + "83.3% {color: rgb(255, 255, 0);}" + "to {color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}" + "</style>"; var preferenceDiv = document.createElement('div'); preferenceDiv.setAttribute('id', 'preferenceDiv'); if (showPreference == true) preferenceDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: block'); else preferenceDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); preferenceDiv.innerHTML = preferenceHTMLStr; timerDivElement.appendChild(preferenceDiv); timerDivElement.appendChild(NOBspecialMessageDiv); timerDivElement.appendChild(nobWhatsNewDiv); preferenceHTMLStr = null; showPreference = null; var hr3Element = document.createElement('hr'); preferenceDiv.appendChild(hr3Element); hr3Element = null; preferenceDiv = null; NOBspecialMessageDiv = null; nobWhatsNewDiv = null; // embed all msg to the page headerElement.parentNode.insertBefore(timerDivElement, headerElement); timerDivElement = null; } headerElement = null; } targetPage = null; } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log('embedTimer error - ' + e) } } function loadPreferenceSettingFromStorage() { var aggressiveModeTemp = getStorage("AggressiveMode"); if (aggressiveModeTemp == undefined || aggressiveModeTemp == null) { setStorage("AggressiveMode", aggressiveMode.toString()); } else if (aggressiveModeTemp == true || aggressiveModeTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") { aggressiveMode = true; } else { aggressiveMode = false; } aggressiveModeTemp = undefined; var hornTimeDelayMinTemp = getStorage("HornTimeDelayMin"); var hornTimeDelayMaxTemp = getStorage("HornTimeDelayMax"); if (hornTimeDelayMinTemp == undefined || hornTimeDelayMinTemp == null || hornTimeDelayMaxTemp == undefined || hornTimeDelayMaxTemp == null) { setStorage("HornTimeDelayMin", hornTimeDelayMin); setStorage("HornTimeDelayMax", hornTimeDelayMax); } else { hornTimeDelayMin = parseInt(hornTimeDelayMinTemp); hornTimeDelayMax = parseInt(hornTimeDelayMaxTemp); } hornTimeDelayMinTemp = undefined; hornTimeDelayMaxTemp = undefined; var trapCheckTemp = getStorage("TrapCheck"); if (trapCheckTemp == undefined || trapCheckTemp == null) { setStorage("TrapCheck", enableTrapCheck.toString()); } else if (trapCheckTemp == true || trapCheckTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") { enableTrapCheck = true; } else { enableTrapCheck = false; } trapCheckTemp = undefined; var trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp = getStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset"); if (trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp == undefined || trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp == null) { setStorage("TrapCheckTimeOffset", trapCheckTimeDiff); } else { trapCheckTimeDiff = parseInt(trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp); } trapCheckTimeOffsetTemp = undefined; var trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp = getStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMin"); var trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp = getStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMax"); if (trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp == undefined || trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp == null || trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp == undefined || trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp == null) { setStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMin", checkTimeDelayMin); setStorage("TrapCheckTimeDelayMax", checkTimeDelayMax); } else { checkTimeDelayMin = parseInt(trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp); checkTimeDelayMax = parseInt(trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp); } trapCheckTimeDelayMinTemp = undefined; trapCheckTimeDelayMaxTemp = undefined; var playKingRewardSoundTemp = getStorage("PlayKingRewardSound"); if (playKingRewardSoundTemp == undefined || playKingRewardSoundTemp == null) { setStorage("PlayKingRewardSound", isKingWarningSound.toString()); } else if (playKingRewardSoundTemp == true || playKingRewardSoundTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") { isKingWarningSound = true; } else { isKingWarningSound = false; } playKingRewardSoundTemp = undefined; var kingRewardSoundTemp = getStorage('KingRewardSoundInput'); if (kingRewardSoundTemp == undefined || kingRewardSoundTemp == null || kingRewardSoundTemp == "") { kingRewardSoundTemp = ''; setStorage('KingRewardSoundInput', kingWarningSound); } else { kingWarningSound = kingRewardSoundTemp; } kingRewardSoundTemp = undefined; var kingRewardEmailTemp = getStorage('KingRewardEmail'); if (kingRewardEmailTemp == undefined || kingRewardEmailTemp == null || kingRewardEmailTemp == "") { kingRewardEmailTemp = ''; setStorage('KingRewardEmail', ''); } else { kingRewardEmail = kingRewardEmailTemp; } kingRewardEmailTemp = undefined; var kingRewardResumeTemp = getStorage("KingRewardResume"); if (kingRewardResumeTemp == undefined || kingRewardResumeTemp == null) { setStorage("KingRewardResume", reloadKingReward.toString()); } else if (kingRewardResumeTemp == true || kingRewardResumeTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") { reloadKingReward = true; } else { reloadKingReward = false; } kingRewardResumeTemp = undefined; var kingRewardResumeTimeTemp = getStorage("KingRewardResumeTime"); if (kingRewardResumeTimeTemp == undefined || kingRewardResumeTimeTemp == null) { setStorage("KingRewardResumeTime", kingPauseTimeMax); } else { kingPauseTimeMax = parseInt(kingRewardResumeTimeTemp); } kingRewardResumeTimeTemp = undefined; var pauseLocationTemp = getStorage("PauseLocation"); if (pauseLocationTemp == undefined || pauseLocationTemp == null) { setStorage("PauseLocation", pauseAtInvalidLocation.toString()); } else if (pauseLocationTemp == true || pauseLocationTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") { pauseAtInvalidLocation = true; } else { pauseAtInvalidLocation = false; } pauseLocationTemp = undefined; var autopopkrTemp = getStorage("autoPopupKR"); if (autopopkrTemp == undefined || autopopkrTemp == null) { setStorage("autoPopupKR", autoPopupKR.toString()); } else if (autopopkrTemp == true || autopopkrTemp.toLowerCase() == "true") { autoPopupKR = true; } else { autoPopupKR = false; } autopopkrTemp = undefined; var addonCodeTemp = getStorage("addonCode"); if (addonCodeTemp == undefined || addonCodeTemp === null || addonCodeTemp == "" || addonCodeTemp == "null") { setStorage('addonCode', ""); } addonCode = addonCodeTemp; addonCodeTemp = undefined; } function displayTimer(title, nextHornTime, checkTime) { if (showTimerInTitle) { document.title = title; } if (showTimerInPage) { nextHornTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Hunter Horn Time:</b> " + nextHornTime; checkTimeElement.innerHTML = "<b>Next Trap Check Time:</b> " + checkTime; } title = null; nextHornTime = null; checkTime = null; } function displayLocation(locStr) { if (showTimerInPage && pauseAtInvalidLocation) { travelElement.innerHTML = "<b>Hunt Location:</b> " + locStr; } locStr = null; } function displayKingRewardSumTime(timeStr) { if (showTimerInPage) { if (timeStr) { lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.innerHTML = "(" + timeStr + ")"; } else { lastKingRewardSumTimeElement.innerHTML = ""; } } timeStr = null; } function doubleCheckLocation() { //return true if location is camp page (this is to combat ajax loads) if (!isNewUI) { return true; } var thePage = $('#mousehuntContainer')[0]; if (thePage) { return (thePage.className == "PageCamp"); } else { return false; } } // ################################################################################################ // Timer Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // Ad Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function addGoogleAd() { // search for existing ad element and remove it try { if (debug) console.log('Trying to get rid of ad iFrame'); var adFrame = document.getElementsByClassName('googleAd')[0]; var allowAds = getStorage('allowAds'); if (allowAds != null && allowAds != undefined && allowAds != "" && allowAds != "false" && allowAds != false) { allowAds = true; } else { allowAds = false; setStorage('allowAds', 'false'); } if (!NOBadFree) { NOBadFree = nobGet('adFree'); NOBadFree = (NOBadFree == true || NOBadFree == "true"); } if (debug) console.log('addGoogleAd' + NOBadFree + allowAds); if (adFrame) { adFrame.removeChild(adFrame.firstChild); if (!NOBadFree && allowAds) { /*var newAd = document.createElement('script'); newAd.type = 'text/javascript'; newAd.src = '//'; adFrame.appendChild(document.createElement('center')); adFrame.firstChild.appendChild(newAd);*/ var newAd = document.createElement('div'); = "560px"; adFrame.appendChild(document.createElement('center')); adFrame.firstChild.appendChild(newAd); var newAdScript = document.createElement('script'); newAdScript.src = "//"; newAd.innerHTML = "<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\" style=\"display:block\" data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-3255634416502948\" data-ad-slot=\"2618509310\" data-ad-format=\"auto\"></ins>"; newAd.appendChild(newAdScript); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); var removeAdButton = document.createElement('a'); = 'removeAdLink'; removeAdButton.href = ''; removeAdButton.innerHTML = 'Click here to remove ads :*('; adFrame.firstChild.appendChild(removeAdButton); removeAdButton = null; newAd = null; } else if (!NOBadFree) { adFrame.innerHTML = "<a id=\"addAdLink\" href=\"#\" style=\"-webkit-animation: colorRotate 6s linear 0s infinite; -moz-animation: colorRotate 6s linear 0s infinite; -o-animation: colorRotate 6s linear 0s infinite; animation: colorRotate 6s linear 0s infinite; font-weight: bolder; text-align: center;\">Click here to show ads to support the development of this bot :)</a>"; } else { console.debug("Thanks for donating ^.^"); adFrame.innerHTML = ""; } } adFrame = null; allowAds = null; } catch (e) { console.log('Remove ad error: ' + e); } } // ################################################################################################ // Ad Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // Horn Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function soundHorn() { if (!isNewUI || doubleCheckLocation()) { // update timer displayTimer("Ready to Blow The Horn...", "Ready to Blow The Horn...", "Ready to Blow The Horn..."); var hornElement; var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode"); if (scriptNode) { scriptNode.setAttribute("soundedHornAtt", "false"); } scriptNode = null; if (!aggressiveMode) { // safety mode, check the horn image is there or not before sound the horn var headerElement = document.getElementById(header); if (headerElement) { if (isNewUI) headerElement = headerElement.firstChild; // need to make sure that the horn image is ready before we can click on it var headerStatus = headerElement.getAttribute('class'); if (headerStatus.indexOf(hornReady) != -1) { // found the horn image, let's sound the horn! // update timer displayTimer("Blowing The Horn...", "Blowing The Horn...", "Blowing The Horn..."); // simulate mouse click on the horn hornElement = document.getElementsByClassName(hornButton)[0].firstChild; fireEvent(hornElement, 'click'); hornElement = null; // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // double check if the horn was already sounded window.setTimeout(function () { afterSoundingHorn() }, 5000); } else if (headerStatus.indexOf("hornsounding") != -1 || headerStatus.indexOf("hornsounded") != -1) { // some one just sound the horn... // update timer displayTimer("Synchronizing Data...", "Someone had just sound the horn. Synchronizing data...", "Someone had just sound the horn. Synchronizing data..."); // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // load the new data window.setTimeout(function () { afterSoundingHorn() }, 5000); } else if (headerStatus.indexOf("hornwaiting") != -1) { // the horn is not appearing, let check the time again // update timer displayTimer("Synchronizing Data...", "Hunter horn is not ready yet. Synchronizing data...", "Hunter horn is not ready yet. Synchronizing data..."); // sync the time again, maybe user already click the horn retrieveData(); checkJournalDate(); // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // loop again window.setTimeout(function () { countdownTimer() }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000); } else { // some one steal the horn! // update timer displayTimer("Synchronizing Data...", "Hunter horn is missing. Synchronizing data...", "Hunter horn is missing. Synchronizing data..."); // try to click on the horn hornElement = document.getElementsByClassName(hornButton)[0].firstChild; fireEvent(hornElement, 'click'); hornElement = null; // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // double check if the horn was already sounded window.setTimeout(function () { afterSoundingHorn() }, 5000); } } else { // something wrong, can't even found the header... // clean up headerElement = null; // reload the page see if thing get fixed reloadWithMessage("Fail to find the horn header. Reloading...", false); } } else { // aggressive mode, ignore whatever horn image is there or not, just sound the horn! // simulate mouse click on the horn fireEvent(document.getElementsByClassName(hornButton)[0].firstChild, 'click'); // double check if the horn was already sounded window.setTimeout(function () { afterSoundingHorn() }, 3000); } } else { document.getElementById('titleElement').parentNode.remove(); embedTimer(false); } } function afterSoundingHorn() { if (debug) console.log("Run afterSoundingHorn()"); var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode"); if (scriptNode) { scriptNode.setAttribute("soundedHornAtt", "false"); } scriptNode = null; var headerElement = document.getElementById(header); if (headerElement) { if (isNewUI) headerElement = headerElement.firstChild; // double check if the horn image is still visible after the script already sound it var headerStatus = headerElement.getAttribute('class'); if (headerStatus.indexOf(hornReady) != -1) { // seen like the horn is not functioning well // update timer displayTimer("Blowing The Horn Again...", "Blowing The Horn Again...", "Blowing The Horn Again..."); // simulate mouse click on the horn var hornElement = document.getElementsByClassName(hornButton)[0].firstChild; fireEvent(hornElement, 'click'); hornElement = null; // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // increase the horn retry counter and check if the script is caught in loop ++hornRetry; if (hornRetry > hornRetryMax) { // reload the page see if thing get fixed reloadWithMessage("Detected script caught in loop. Reloading...", true); // reset the horn retry counter hornRetry = 0; } else { // check again later window.setTimeout(function () { afterSoundingHorn() }, 1000); } } else if (headerStatus.indexOf("hornsounding") != -1) { // the horn is already sound, but the network seen to slow on fetching the data // update timer displayTimer("The horn sounding taken extra longer than normal...", "The horn sounding taken extra longer than normal...", "The horn sounding taken extra longer than normal..."); // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // increase the horn retry counter and check if the script is caugh in loop ++hornRetry; if (hornRetry > hornRetryMax) { // reload the page see if thing get fixed reloadWithMessage("Detected script caught in loop. Reloading...", true); // reset the horn retry counter hornRetry = 0; } else { // check again later window.setTimeout(function () { afterSoundingHorn() }, 3000); } } else { // everything look ok // update timer displayTimer("Horn sounded. Synchronizing Data...", "Horn sounded. Synchronizing data...", "Horn sounded. Synchronizing data..."); // reload data retrieveData(); // clean up headerElement = null; headerStatus = null; // script continue as normal window.setTimeout(function () { countdownTimer() }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000); // reset the horn retry counter hornRetry = 0; } } } function embedScript() { // create a javascript to detect if user click on the horn manually var scriptNode = document.createElement('script'); scriptNode.setAttribute('id', 'scriptNode'); scriptNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); scriptNode.setAttribute('soundedHornAtt', 'false'); scriptNode.innerHTML = 'function soundedHorn() {\ var scriptNode = document.getElementById("scriptNode");\ if (scriptNode) {\ scriptNode.setAttribute("soundedHornAtt", "true");\ }\ scriptNode = null;\ }'; // find the head node and insert the script into it var headerElement; if (fbPlatform || hiFivePlatform || mhPlatform) { headerElement = document.getElementById('noscript'); } else if (mhMobilePlatform) { headerElement = document.getElementById('mobileHorn'); } headerElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptNode, headerElement); scriptNode = null; headerElement = null; nobTestBetaUI(); // change the function call of horn var hornButtonLink = document.getElementsByClassName(hornButton)[0].firstChild; var oriStr = hornButtonLink.getAttribute('onclick').toString(); var index = oriStr.indexOf('return false;'); var modStr = oriStr.substring(0, index) + 'soundedHorn();' + oriStr.substring(index); hornButtonLink.setAttribute('onclick', modStr); hornButtonLink = null; oriStr = null; index = null; modStr = null; } function nobTestBetaUI() { // Return true if beta UI header = 'header'; var testNewUI = document.getElementById(header); if (testNewUI != null) { // old UI hornButton = 'hornbutton'; campButton = 'campbutton'; header = 'header'; hornReady = 'hornready'; isNewUI = false; return false; } else { // new UI hornButton = 'mousehuntHud-huntersHorn-container'; campButton = 'camp'; header = 'mousehuntHud'; hornReady = 'hornReady'; isNewUI = true; return true; } testNewUI = null; } // ################################################################################################ // Horn Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // No Cheese Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function noCheeseAction() { notifyMe("No more cheese!!!", '', getPageVariable('user.username') + ' has no more cheese.'); playNoCheeseSound(); } function playNoCheeseSound() { if (isNoCheeseSound) { unsafeWindow.hornAudio = new Audio(kingWarningSound); unsafeWindow.hornAudio.loop = true;; var targetArea = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); var child = document.createElement('button'); child.setAttribute('id', "stopAudio"); child.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; bottom: 0;'); child.setAttribute('onclick', 'hornAudio.pause();'); child.innerHTML = "CLICK ME TO STOP THIS ANNOYING MUSIC"; targetArea[0].appendChild(child); targetArea = null; child = null; snippet = null; } } // ################################################################################################ // No Cheese Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // King's Reward Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function kingRewardAction() { // update timer displayTimer("King's Reward!", "King's Reward", "King's Reward!"); displayLocation("-"); // play music if needed playKingRewardSound(); window.setTimeout(function () { // Autopop KR if needed if (autoPopupKR) { alert("King's Reward NOW"); } // email the captcha away if needed emailCaptcha(); }, 2000); // focus on the answer input var inputElementList = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); if (inputElementList) { var i; for (i = 0; i < inputElementList.length; ++i) { // check if it is a resume button if (inputElementList[i].getAttribute('name') == "puzzle_answer") { inputElementList[i].focus(); break; } } i = null; } inputElementList = null; // record last king's reward time var nowDate = new Date(); setStorage("lastKingRewardDate", nowDate.toString()); nowDate = null; if (kingPauseTimeMax <= 0) { kingPauseTimeMax = 1; } kingPauseTime = kingPauseTimeMax; kingRewardCountdownTimer(); } function emailCaptcha() { if (kingRewardEmail != null && kingRewardEmail != undefined && kingRewardEmail != "") { if (debug) console.log('Attempting to email captcha via Parse now.'); var un = getPageVariable('user.username'); if (un == undefined) un = ""; Parse.initialize("1YK2gxEAAxFHBHR4DjQ6yQOJocIrtZNYjYwnxFGN", "LFJJnSfmLVSq2ofIyNo25p0XFdmfyWeaj7qG5c1A");'sendKRemail', { theEmail: kingRewardEmail, user: un }, { success: function (data) { if (debug) console.log(data); }, error: function (error) { if (debug) console.log(error); } }); } } function notifyMe(notice, icon, body) { if (!("Notification" in window)) { alert("This browser does not support desktop notification"); } else if (Notification.permission === "granted") { var notification = new Notification(notice, {'icon': icon, 'body': body}); notification.onclick = function () {""); notification.close(); } notification.onshow = function () { setTimeout(function () { notification.close(); }, 5000); } } else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { // Whatever the user answers, we make sure we store the information if (!('permission' in Notification)) { Notification.permission = permission; } // If the user is okay, let's create a notification if (permission === "granted") { var notification = new Notification(notice, {'icon': icon, 'body': body}); notification.onclick = function () {""); notification.close(); } notification.onshow = function () { setTimeout(function () { notification.close(); }, 5000); } } }); } } function playKingRewardSound() { if (isKingWarningSound) { unsafeWindow.hornAudio = new Audio(kingWarningSound); unsafeWindow.hornAudio.loop = true;; var targetArea = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); var child = document.createElement('button'); child.setAttribute('id', "stopAudio"); child.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; bottom: 0;'); child.setAttribute('onclick', 'hornAudio.pause();'); child.innerHTML = "CLICK ME TO STOP THIS ANNOYING MUSIC"; targetArea[0].appendChild(child); targetArea = null; child = null; snippet = null; } } function kingRewardCountdownTimer() { var dateNow = new Date(); var intervalTime = timeElapsed(lastDateRecorded, dateNow); lastDateRecorded = null; lastDateRecorded = dateNow; dateNow = null; if (reloadKingReward) { kingPauseTime -= intervalTime; } if (lastKingRewardSumTime != -1) { lastKingRewardSumTime += intervalTime; } intervalTime = null; if (kingPauseTime <= 0) { // update timer displayTimer("King's Reward - Reloading...", "Reloading...", "Reloading..."); // simulate mouse click on the camp button var campElement = document.getElementsByClassName(campButton)[0].firstChild; fireEvent(campElement, 'click'); campElement = null; // reload the page if click on the camp button fail window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on camp button. Reloading...", false); }, 5000); } else { if (reloadKingReward) { // update timer displayTimer("King's Reward - Reload in " + timeformat(kingPauseTime), "Reloading in " + timeformat(kingPauseTime), "Reloading in " + timeformat(kingPauseTime)); } // set king reward sum time displayKingRewardSumTime(timeFormatLong(lastKingRewardSumTime)); if (!checkResumeButton()) { window.setTimeout(function () { (kingRewardCountdownTimer)() }, timerRefreshInterval * 1000); } } } function checkResumeButton() { var found = false; var resumeElement; if (isNewUI) { var krFormClass = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].className; if (krFormClass.indexOf("noPuzzle") > -1) { // found resume button // simulate mouse click on the resume button resumeElement = document.getElementsByClassName('mousehuntPage-puzzle-form-complete-button')[0]; fireEvent(resumeElement, 'click'); resumeElement = null; // reload url if click fail window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on resume button. Reloading...", false); }, 6000); // recheck if the resume button is click because some time even the url reload also fail window.setTimeout(function () { checkResumeButton(); }, 10000); found = true; } krFormClass = null; } else { var linkElementList = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); if (linkElementList) { var i; for (i = 0; i < linkElementList.length; ++i) { // check if it is a resume button if (linkElementList[i].getAttribute('src').indexOf("resume_hunting_blue.gif") != -1) { // found resume button // simulate mouse click on the horn resumeElement = linkElementList[i].parentNode; fireEvent(resumeElement, 'click'); resumeElement = null; // reload url if click fail window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on resume button. Reloading...", false); }, 6000); // recheck if the resume button is click because some time even the url reload also fail window.setTimeout(function () { checkResumeButton(); }, 10000); found = true; break; } } i = null; } } linkElementList = null; try { return (found); } finally { found = null; } } // ################################################################################################ // King's Reward Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // Trap Check Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function trapCheck() { // update timer displayTimer("Checking The Trap...", "Checking trap now...", "Checking trap now..."); // simulate mouse click on the camp button /*var campElement = document.getElementsByClassName('campbutton')[0].firstChild; fireEvent(campElement, 'click'); campElement = null;*/ reloadWithMessage("Reloading page for trap check...", false); // reload the page if click on camp button fail /*window.setTimeout(function() { reloadWithMessage("Fail to click on camp button. Reloading...", false); }, 5000);*/ } // ################################################################################################ // Trap Check Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // General Function - Start // ################################################################################################ function browserDetection() { var browserName = "unknown"; var userAgentStr = navigator.userAgent.toString().toLowerCase(); if (userAgentStr.indexOf("firefox") >= 0) { browserName = "firefox"; } else if (userAgentStr.indexOf("opera") >= 0) { browserName = "opera"; } else if (userAgentStr.indexOf("chrome") >= 0) { browserName = "chrome"; } userAgentStr = null; try { return browserName; } finally { browserName = null; } } function setStorage(name, value) { // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage if ('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null) { window.localStorage.setItem(name, value); } name = undefined; value = undefined; } function removeStorage(name) { // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage if ('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null) { window.localStorage.removeItem(name); } name = undefined; } function getStorage(name) { // check if the web browser support HTML5 storage if ('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null) { return (window.localStorage.getItem(name)); } name = undefined; } function getCookie(c_name) { if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var c_start = document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "="); if (c_start != -1) { c_start = c_start + c_name.length + 1; var c_end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", c_start); if (c_end == -1) { c_end = document.cookie.length; } var cookieString = unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start, c_end)); // clean up c_name = null; c_start = null; c_end = null; try { return cookieString; } finally { cookieString = null; } } c_start = null; } c_name = null; return null; } function fireEvent(element, event) { var evt; if (document.createEventObject) { // dispatch for IE evt = document.createEventObject(); try { return element.fireEvent('on' + event, evt); } finally { element = null; event = null; evt = null; } } else { // dispatch for firefox + others evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent(event, true, true); // event type,bubbling,cancelable try { return !element.dispatchEvent(evt); } finally { element = null; event = null; evt = null; } } } function getPageVariable(name) { if (debug) console.log('RUN GPV(' + name + ')'); try { var browser = browserDetection(); if (browser == 'chrome') { if (name == "user.unique_hash") { return user.unique_hash; } else { return getPageVariableForChrome(name); } } else if (browser == 'firefox') { if (name == "user.next_activeturn_seconds") { return unsafeWindow.user.next_activeturn_seconds; } else if (name == "user.unique_hash") { return unsafeWindow.user.unique_hash; } else if (name == "user.has_puzzle") { return unsafeWindow.user.has_puzzle; } else if (name == "user.bait_quantity") { return unsafeWindow.user.bait_quantity; } else if (name == "user.location") { return unsafeWindow.user.location; } else if (name == "user.trinket_name") { return unsafeWindow.user.trinket_name; } else if (name == "user.weapon_name") { return unsafeWindow.user.weapon_name; } else if (name == "user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train") { return unsafeWindow.user.quests.QuestTrainStation.on_train; } else { if (debug) console.log('GPV firefox: ' + name + ' not found.'); } } else { if (debug) console.log('GPV other: ' + name + 'not found.'); } return 'ERROR'; } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log('GPV ALL try block error: ' + e); } finally { name = undefined; } } function getPageVariableForChrome(variableName) { if (debug) console.log('RUN GPVchrome(' + variableName + ')'); // google chrome only var scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); scriptElement.setAttribute('id', "scriptElement"); scriptElement.setAttribute('type', "text/javascript"); scriptElement.innerHTML = "document.getElementById('scriptElement').innerText=" + variableName + ";"; document.body.appendChild(scriptElement); var value = scriptElement.innerHTML; document.body.removeChild(scriptElement); scriptElement = null; variableName = null; try { return (value); } finally { value = null; } } function timeElapsed(dateA, dateB) { var elapsed = 0; var secondA = Date.UTC(dateA.getFullYear(), dateA.getMonth(), dateA.getDate(), dateA.getHours(), dateA.getMinutes(), dateA.getSeconds()); var secondB = Date.UTC(dateB.getFullYear(), dateB.getMonth(), dateB.getDate(), dateB.getHours(), dateB.getMinutes(), dateB.getSeconds()); elapsed = (secondB - secondA) / 1000; secondA = null; secondB = null; dateA = null; dateB = null; try { return (elapsed); } finally { elapsed = null; } } function timeformat(time) { var timeString; var hr = Math.floor(time / 3600); var min = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60); var sec = (time % 3600 % 60) % 60; if (hr > 0) { timeString = hr.toString() + " hr " + min.toString() + " min " + sec.toString() + " sec"; } else if (min > 0) { timeString = min.toString() + " min " + sec.toString() + " sec"; } else { timeString = sec.toString() + " sec"; } time = null; hr = null; min = null; sec = null; try { return (timeString); } finally { timeString = null; } } function timeFormatLong(time) { var timeString; if (time != -1) { var day = Math.floor(time / 86400); var hr = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600); var min = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60); if (day > 0) { timeString = day.toString() + " day " + hr.toString() + " hr " + min.toString() + " min ago"; } else if (hr > 0) { timeString = hr.toString() + " hr " + min.toString() + " min ago"; } else if (min > 0) { timeString = min.toString() + " min ago"; } day = null; hr = null; min = null; } else { timeString = null; } time = null; try { return (timeString); } finally { timeString = null; } } // ################################################################################################ // General Function - End // ################################################################################################ // ################################################################################################ // NOB Additional thing - Start // ################################################################################################ // INIT AJAX CALLS AND INIT CALLS - Function calls after page LOAD window.addEventListener("load", function () { if (window.frames['name'] != 'aswift_0') { if (debug) console.log('Running nobInit in ' + window.frames['name'] + ' frame.'); nobInit(); } }, false); function nobInit() { if (debug) console.log('RUN nobInit()'); try { if (!NOBhasPuzzle) { if (debug) console.log("RUN nobInit()"); if (window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href == '' || window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('') != -1) { NOBpage = true; } addGoogleAd(); if (NOBpage) { nobHTMLFetch(); createClockArea(); clockTick(); fetchGDocStuff(); setTimeout(function () { nobInjectFFfunctions(); }, 1000); setTimeout(function () { pingServer(); }, 30000); // Hide message after 2H :) hideNOBMessage(7200000); } } } catch (e) { console.log("nobInit() ERROR - " + e); } } function nobAjaxGet(url, callback, throwError) { if (!NOBhasPuzzle) { jQuery.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", timeout: 5000, statusCode: { 200: function () { console.log("Success get - " + url); //Success Message } }, success: callback, error: throwError }); } } function nobAjaxPost(url, data, callback, throwError, dataType) { if (!NOBhasPuzzle) { if (dataType == null || dataType == undefined) dataType = 'json'; jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: data, contentType: 'text/plain', dataType: dataType, xhrFields: { withCredentials: false }, timeout: 10000, statusCode: { 200: function () { console.log("Success post - " + url); //Success Message } }, success: callback, error: throwError }); } } function updateTimer(timeleft, inhours) { //if (debug) console.log('updateTimer(' + timeleft + ')'); var ReturnValue = ""; var FirstPart, SecondPart, Size; if (timeleft > 0) { if (inhours != null && inhours == true && timeleft > 3600) { FirstPart = Math.floor(timeleft / (60 * 60)); SecondPart = Math.floor(timeleft / 60) % 60; Size = 'hrs'; } else { FirstPart = Math.floor(timeleft / 60); SecondPart = timeleft % 60; Size = 'mins'; } if (SecondPart < 10) { SecondPart = '0' + SecondPart; } ReturnValue = FirstPart + ':' + SecondPart + ' ' + Size; } else { ReturnValue = 'Soon...'; } return ReturnValue; } function nobGDoc(items, type) { var dataSend = JSON.parse(items); dataSend.type = type; var dataSendString = JSON.stringify(dataSend); var sheet = ""; nobAjaxPost(sheet, dataSendString, function (data) { if (debug) console.log(data); }, function (a, b, c) { console.log("nobGDoc error (" + b + "): " + c); }); } function nobHTMLFetch() { var value = document.documentElement.innerHTML; if (value != null) { if (typeof value == "string") { var StartPos = value.indexOf('user = '); var EndPos = value.indexOf('};', StartPos); if (StartPos != -1) { var FullObjectText = value.substring(StartPos + 7, EndPos + 1); nobStore(JSON.parse(FullObjectText), "data"); } } else if (typeof value == "object") { nobStore(value, "data"); } } value = undefined; } function nobStore(data, type) { data = JSON.stringify(data); var name = "NOB-" + type; localStorage.setItem(name, data); } function nobGet(type) { return localStorage.getItem('NOB-' + type); } function nobMapRequest(handleData) { var url = ""; var dataSend = { 'action': 'info', 'uh': getPageVariable('user.unique_hash'), 'viewas': null }; jQuery.ajax({ url: url, data: dataSend, type: "POST", dataType: "json", timeout: 5000, success: function (data) { // console.log(data); handleData(data); }, error: function (error) { console.log("Map Request Failed"); handleData(error); } }); url = null; dataSend = null; } function nobLoading(location, name) { var element = document.getElementById(location); element.innerHTML = "<style type=\"text/css\">" + /* Universal styling */ " [class^=\"shaft-load\"] {" + " margin: 5px auto;" + " width: 60px;" + " height: 15px;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] > div {" + " float: left;" + " background: #B96CFF;" + " height: 100%;" + " width: 5px;" + " margin-right: 1px;" + " display: inline-block;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft1 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.05s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.05s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.05s;" + " animation-delay: 0.05s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft2 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.1s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.1s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.1s;" + " animation-delay: 0.1s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft3 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.15s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.15s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.15s;" + " animation-delay: 0.15s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft4 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.2s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.2s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.2s;" + " animation-delay: 0.2s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft5 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.25s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.25s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.25s;" + " animation-delay: 0.25s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft6 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.3s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.3s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.3s;" + " animation-delay: 0.3s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft7 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.35s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.35s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.35s;" + " animation-delay: 0.35s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft8 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.4s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.4s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.4s;" + " animation-delay: 0.4s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft9 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.45s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.45s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.45s;" + " animation-delay: 0.45s;" + "}" + "[class^=\"shaft-load\"] .shaft10 {" + " -webkit-animation-delay: 0.5s;" + " -moz-animation-delay: 0.5s;" + " -o-animation-delay: 0.5s;" + " animation-delay: 0.5s;" + "}" + /* Shaft 1 */ ".shaft-load > div {" + " -webkit-animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" + " -moz-animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" + " -o-animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" + " animation: loading 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;" + " -webkit-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" + " -moz-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" + " -ms-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" + " -o-transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" + " transform: scaleY(0.05) translateX(-10px);" + "}" + "@-webkit-keyframes loading {" + " 50% {" + " -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + " -moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + " -ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + " -o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + " transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + " background: #56D7C6;" + "}" + "}" + "@-moz-keyframes loading {" + "50% {" + "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "background: #56D7C6;" + "}" + "}" + "@-o-keyframes loading {" + "50% {" + "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "background: #56D7C6;" + "}" + "}" + "@keyframes loading {" + "50% {" + "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-moz-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-ms-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "-o-transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "transform: scaleY(1.2) translateX(10px);" + "background: #56D7C6;" + "}" + "}" + "</style>" + "<div class=\"shaft-load\">" + "<div class=\"shaft1\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft2\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft3\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft4\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft5\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft6\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft7\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft8\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft9\"></div>" + "<div class=\"shaft10\"></div>" + "</div>"; element = null; } function nobStopLoading(location) { var element = document.getElementById(location); //element.innerHTML = null; element = null; } // VARS DONE ******************************* COMMENCE CODE function nobScript(qqEvent) { if (NOBpage) { if (debug) console.log("RUN nobScript()"); var mapThere; try { var NOBdata = nobGet('data'); mapThere = document.getElementsByClassName('treasureMap')[0]; if (mapThere.textContent.indexOf("remaining") == -1) { mapThere = false; if (debug) console.log("No map, using HTML data now"); } else { mapThere = true; } if (NOBdata != null || NOBdata != undefined) { if (!mapRequestFailed && mapThere) { nobMapRequest(function (output) { if (output.status == 200 || output.status == undefined) { nobStore(output, "data"); nobGDoc(JSON.stringify(output), "map"); } else { console.log("Map request failed: " + output); mapRequestFailed = true; nobHTMLFetch(); output = nobGet('data'); nobGDoc(output, "user"); } }); } else { console.log("Map fetch failed, using USER data from html (" + mapRequestFailed + ", " + mapThere + ")"); nobHTMLFetch(); var output = nobGet('data'); nobGDoc(output, "user"); } } else { console.log("Data is not found, doing HTML fetch now."); nobHTMLFetch(); } } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log('nobScript error: ' + e); } finally { mapThere = null; } } } function nobTravel(location) { if (NOBpage) { var url = ""; var data = { "origin": self.getCurrentUserEnvironmentType(), "destination": location, 'uh': getPageVariable('user.unique_hash') }; nobAjaxPost(url, data, function (r) { console.log(r); }, function (a, b, c) { console.log(b, c); }); } } // Update + message fetch function fetchGDocStuff() { if (NOBpage) { var currVer = scriptVersion; var checkVer; document.getElementById('NOBmessage').innerHTML = "Loading"; nobLoading('NOBmessage'); var theData = JSON.parse(nobGet('data')); if (theData.user) { theData = theData.user; } var userID = theData.sn_user_id; Parse.initialize("1YK2gxEAAxFHBHR4DjQ6yQOJocIrtZNYjYwnxFGN", "LFJJnSfmLVSq2ofIyNo25p0XFdmfyWeaj7qG5c1A");'nobMessage', {'user': userID}, { success: function (data) { nobStopLoading(); data = JSON.parse(data); // Ad Free (returns bool) NOBadFree = data.adFree; nobStore(NOBadFree, 'adFree'); // MESSAGE PLACING message = data.message; var NOBmessage = document.getElementById('NOBmessage'); NOBmessage.innerHTML = message; // UPDATE CHECK checkVer = data.version; if (debug) console.log('Current MH AutoBot version: ' + currVer + ' / Server MH AutoBot version: ' + checkVer); if (checkVer > currVer) { var updateElement = document.getElementById('updateElement'); updateElement.innerHTML = "<a href=\"\" target='_blank'><font color='red'>YOUR SCRIPT IS OUT OF DATE, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO UPDATE IMMEDIATELY</font></a>"; } // SPECIAL MESSAGE if (data.specialMessage != "" || data.specialMessage != undefined) { var NOBspecialMessage = document.getElementById('nobSpecialMessage'); NOBspecialMessage.innerHTML = '<span style="background: chartreuse; font-size: 1.5em;">' + data.specialMessage + '</span>'; } }, error: function (error) { setTimeout(function () { fetchGDocStuff(); }, 300000); console.log(JSON.parse(error) + ' error - Parse is now not working qq... Retrying in 5 minutes'); } }); } } function pingServer() { if (NOBpage) { if (debug) console.log("Running pingServer()"); var theData = JSON.parse(nobGet('data')); if (theData.user) { theData = theData.user; } var theUsername = theData.username; var thePassword = theData.sn_user_id; Parse.initialize("1YK2gxEAAxFHBHR4DjQ6yQOJocIrtZNYjYwnxFGN", "LFJJnSfmLVSq2ofIyNo25p0XFdmfyWeaj7qG5c1A"); Parse.User.logIn(theUsername, thePassword).then(function (user) { //console.log("Success parse login"); return"Login success"); }, function (user, error) { if (debug) console.log("Parse login failed, attempting to create new user now."); var createUser = new Parse.User(); createUser.set("username", theUsername); createUser.set("password", thePassword); createUser.set("email", thePassword + ""); var usrACL = new Parse.ACL(); usrACL.setPublicReadAccess(false); usrACL.setPublicWriteAccess(false); usrACL.setRoleReadAccess("Administrator", true); usrACL.setRoleWriteAccess("Administrator", true); createUser.setACL(usrACL); createUser.signUp(null, { success: function (newUser) { if (debug) console.log(newUser); pingServer(); return Parse.Promise.error("Creating new user, trying to login now."); }, error: function (newUser, signupError) { // Show the error message somewhere and let the user try again. if (debug) console.log("Parse Error: " + signupError.code + " " + signupError.message); return Parse.Promise.error("Error in signup, giving up serverPing now."); } }); return Parse.Promise.error("Failed login, attempted signup, rerunning code"); }).then(function (success) { var UserData = Parse.Object.extend("UserData"); var findOld = new Parse.Query(UserData); findOld.containedIn("user_id", [theData.sn_user_id, JSON.stringify(theData.sn_user_id)]); return findOld.find(); }).then(function (returnObj) { var results = returnObj; var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { promises.push(results[i].destroy()); } //console.log("Done parse delete"); return Parse.Promise.when(promises); }).then(function (UserData) { UserData = Parse.Object.extend("UserData"); var userData = new UserData(); userData.set("user_id", theData.sn_user_id); userData.set("name", theData.username); userData.set("script_ver", scriptVersion); userData.set("browser", browserDetection()); userData.set("betaUI", isNewUI); userData.set("data", JSON.stringify(theData)); userData.set("addonCode", addonCode); var dataACL = new Parse.ACL(Parse.User.current()); dataACL.setRoleReadAccess("Administrator", true); dataACL.setRoleWriteAccess("Administrator", true); userData.setACL(dataACL); return; }).then(function (results) { if (debug) console.log("Success Parse"); }).then(function (message) { if (message != undefined || message != null) console.log("Parse message: " + message); if (Parse.User.current() != null) { Parse.User.logOut(); //console.log("Parse logout"); } }, function (error) { if (error != undefined || error != null) { if (debug) console.log("Parse error: " + error); } }); } } function hideNOBMessage(time) { window.setTimeout(function () { var element = document.getElementById('NOBmessage'); = 'none'; }, time); } function showNOBMessage() { document.getElementById('NOBmessage').style.display = 'block' } function nobInjectFFfunctions() { var browser = browserDetection(); var raffleDiv = document.getElementById('nobRaffle'); var presentDiv = document.getElementById('nobPresent'); var addAdDiv = document.getElementById('addAdLink'); var removeAdDiv = document.getElementById('removeAdLink'); if (browser == 'firefox') { unsafeWindow.nobRaffle = exportFunction(nobRaffle, unsafeWindow); unsafeWindow.nobPresent = exportFunction(nobPresent, unsafeWindow); unsafeWindow.addGoogleAd = exportFunction(addGoogleAd, unsafeWindow); raffleDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { unsafeWindow.nobRaffle(); return false; }); presentDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { unsafeWindow.nobPresent(); return false; }); if (addAdDiv) { addAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'true'); unsafeWindow.addGoogleAd(); }); } if (removeAdDiv) { removeAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'false'); unsafeWindow.addGoogleAd(); }); } } else { // chrome and all other raffleDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { nobRaffle(); return false; }); presentDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { nobPresent(); return false; }); if (addAdDiv) { addAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'true'); addGoogleAd(); }); } if (removeAdDiv) { removeAdDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { localStorage.setItem('allowAds', 'false'); addGoogleAd(); }); } } raffleDiv = undefined; presentDiv = undefined; addAdDiv = undefined; removeAdDiv = undefined; } function nobRaffle() { var i; var intState = 0; var nobRafGiveUp = 10; var nobRafInt = window.setInterval(function () { try { if (intState == 0 && !($('.tabs a:eq(1)').length > 0)) { $('#hgbar_messages').click(); intState = 1; return; } else if ($('')[0] != 'daily_draw') { var tabs = $(''); var theTab = ""; for (i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { if (tabs[i] == 'daily_draw') { tabs[i].click(); return; } } // If there are no raffles intState = 0; $("a.messengerUINotificationClose")[0].click(); console.log("No raffles found."); window.clearInterval(nobRafInt); nobRafInt = null; intState = null; i = null; return; } else if (intState != 2 && $('')[0] == 'daily_draw') { var ballot = $(".notificationMessageList input.sendBallot"); for (i = ballot.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ballot[i].click(); } intState = 2; return; } else if ($('')[0] == 'daily_draw') { intState = 3; } else { intState = -1; } } catch (e) { console.log("Raffle interval error: " + e + ", retrying in 2 seconds. Giving up in " + (nobRafGiveUp * 2) + " seconds."); if (nobRafGiveUp < 1) { intState = -1; } else { nobRafGiveUp--; } } finally { if (intState == 3) { $("a.messengerUINotificationClose")[0].click(); window.clearInterval(nobRafInt); nobRafInt = null; intState = null; i = null; return; } else if (intState == -1) { console.log("Present error, user pls resolve yourself"); window.clearInterval(nobRafInt); nobRafInt = null; intState = null; i = null; return; } } }, 2000); }; function nobPresent() { var intState = 0; var i; var nobPresGiveUp = 10; var nobPresInt = window.setInterval(function () { try { if (intState == 0 && !($('.tabs a:eq(1)').length > 0)) { $('#hgbar_messages').click(); intState = 1; return; } else if ($('')[0] != 'gifts') { var tabs = $(''); for (i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { if (tabs[i] == 'gifts') { tabs[i].click(); return; } } // If there are no gifts intState = 0; $("a.messengerUINotificationClose")[0].click(); console.log("No gifts found."); window.clearInterval(nobPresInt); nobPresInt = null; intState = null; i = null; return; } else if (intState != 2 && $('')[0] == 'gifts') { var presents = $('input.acceptAndSend'); for (i = presents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { presents[i].click(); } intState = 2; return; } else if ($('')[0] == 'gifts') { intState = 3; } else { intState = -1; } } catch (e) { console.log("Present interval error: " + e + ", retrying in 2 seconds. Giving up in " + (nobPresGiveUp * 2) + " seconds."); if (nobPresGiveUp < 1) { intState = -1; } else { nobPresGiveUp--; } } finally { if (intState == 3) { $("a.messengerUINotificationClose")[0].click(); window.clearInterval(nobPresInt); nobPresInt = null; intState = null; i = null; return; } else if (intState == -1) { console.log("Present error, user pls resolve yourself"); window.clearInterval(nobPresInt); nobPresInt = null; intState = null; i = null; return; } } }, 2000); }; // CALCULATE TIMER ******************************* function currentTimeStamp() { return parseInt(new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10), 10); } function createClockArea() { try { var parent = document.getElementById('loadTimersElement'); var child = []; var text; for (i = 0; i < LOCATION_TIMERS.length; i++) { child[i] = document.createElement('div'); child[i].setAttribute("id", "NOB" + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0]); text = '<span id="text_' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0] + '">'; child[i].innerHTML = text; } for (i = 0; i < LOCATION_TIMERS.length; i++) parent.insertBefore(child[i], parent.firstChild); parent.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'), parent.firstChild); } catch (e) { console.log("createClockArea() ERROR: " + e); } } function clockTick() { var temp = document.getElementById('NOBrelic'); if (clockNeedOn && !clockTicking && temp) { // Clock needs to be on, but is not ticking updateTime(); } else if (clockTicking && clockNeedOn && temp) { // Clock needs to be on and is already ticking } else { // Clock does not need to be on nobCalculateTime(); } NOBtickerInterval = window.setTimeout(function () { clockTick(); }, 15 * 60 * 1000); } function updateTime() { try { var timeLeft = JSON.parse(nobGet('relic')); if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; var element = document.getElementById('NOBrelic'); element.innerHTML = updateTimer(timeLeft, true); nobStore(timeLeft, 'relic'); nobCalculateOfflineTimers(); clockTicking = true; NOBtickerTimout = window.setTimeout(function () { updateTime(); }, 1000); } else { clockTicking = false; clockNeedOn = false; } } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log("UpdateTime error: " + e); clearTimeout(NOBtickerTimout); clearTimeout(NOBtickerInterval); } } function nobCalculateTime(runOnly) { if (debug) console.log("Running nobCalculateTime(" + runOnly + ")"); var child; if (runOnly != 'relic' & runOnly != 'toxic' & runOnly != 'none') runOnly = 'all'; Parse.initialize("1YK2gxEAAxFHBHR4DjQ6yQOJocIrtZNYjYwnxFGN", "LFJJnSfmLVSq2ofIyNo25p0XFdmfyWeaj7qG5c1A"); if ((runOnly == 'relic' || runOnly == 'all') && (typeof LOCATION_TIMERS[3][1].url != 'undefined' || LOCATION_TIMERS[3][1].url != 'undefined')) { /*'nobRelic', {}, { success: function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.result == "error") { child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[3][0]); child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + data.error + "</font>"; } else { child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[3][0]); child.innerHTML = "Relic hunter now in: <font color='green'>" + data.location + "</font> \~ Next move time: <span id='NOBrelic'>" + updateTimer(data.next_move, true); if (data.next_move > 0) { clockTicking = true; nobStore(data.next_move, 'relic'); updateTime(); clockNeedOn = true; } else { clockTicking = false; clockNeedOn = false; } } }, error: function (error) { error = JSON.parse(error); var child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[3][0]); child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + error + " error, probably hornTracker, google, or my scripts broke. Please wait awhile, if not just contact me.</font>"; } });*/ if (debug) console.log("relic hunter will be back :)"); } if ((runOnly == 'toxic' || runOnly == 'all') && (typeof LOCATION_TIMERS[4][1].url != 'undefined' || LOCATION_TIMERS[4][1].url != 'undefined')) {'nobToxic', {}, { success: function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.result == "error") { child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[4][0]); child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + data.error + "</font>"; } else { child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[4][0]); if (data.level == 'Closed') { data.level = { color: 'red', state: data.level }; } else { data.level = { color: 'green', state: data.level }; } if (data.percent < 0) { data.percent = ''; } else { data.percent = ' ~ ' + (100 - data.percent) + '% left'; } child.innerHTML = 'Toxic spill is now - <font color="' + data.level.color + '">' + data.level.state + '</font>' + data.percent; } }, error: function (error) { error = JSON.parse(error); child = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[4][0]); child.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>" + error + " error, probably hornTracker, google, or my scripts broke. Please wait awhile, if not just contact me.</font>"; } }); } if (runOnly == 'all') nobCalculateOfflineTimers(); } function nobCalculateOfflineTimers(runOnly) { //if (debug) console.log('nobCalculateOfflineTimers(' + runOnly + ')'); if (runOnly != 'seasonal' & runOnly != 'balack' & runOnly != 'fg') runOnly = 'all'; var CurrentTime = currentTimeStamp(); var CurrentName = -1; var CurrentBreakdown = 0; var TotalBreakdown = 0; var iCount2; if (runOnly == 'seasonal') { for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown.length; iCount2++) TotalBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[iCount2]; var CurrentValue = Math.floor((CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].first) / LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].length) % TotalBreakdown; for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown.length && CurrentName == -1; iCount2++) { CurrentBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[iCount2]; if (CurrentValue < CurrentBreakdown) { CurrentName = iCount2; } } var SeasonLength = (LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[CurrentName]); var CurrentTimer = (CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].first); var SeasonRemaining = 0; while (CurrentTimer > 0) { for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown.length && CurrentTimer > 0; iCount2++) { SeasonRemaining = CurrentTimer; CurrentTimer -= (LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].breakdown[iCount2]); } } SeasonRemaining = SeasonLength - SeasonRemaining; return LOCATION_TIMERS[0][1].name[CurrentName]; } else if (runOnly == 'all') { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Reset var CurrentTime = currentTimeStamp(); CurrentName = -1; CurrentBreakdown = 0; TotalBreakdown = 0; for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown.length; iCount2++) TotalBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[iCount2]; var CurrentValue = Math.floor((CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].first) / LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].length) % TotalBreakdown; for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown.length && CurrentName == -1; iCount2++) { CurrentBreakdown += LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[iCount2]; if (CurrentValue < CurrentBreakdown) { CurrentName = iCount2; } } var SeasonLength = (LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[CurrentName]); var CurrentTimer = (CurrentTime - LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].first); var SeasonRemaining = 0; while (CurrentTimer > 0) { for (iCount2 = 0; iCount2 < LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown.length && CurrentTimer > 0; iCount2++) { SeasonRemaining = CurrentTimer; CurrentTimer -= (LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].length * LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].breakdown[iCount2]); } } SeasonRemaining = SeasonLength - SeasonRemaining; var seasonalDiv = document.getElementById('NOB' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0]); var content = ""; content += LOCATION_TIMERS[i][0] + ': <font color="' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].color[CurrentName] + '">' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].name[CurrentName] + '</font>'; if (LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].effective != null) { content += ' (' + LOCATION_TIMERS[i][1].effective[CurrentName] + ')'; } content += ' ~ For ' + updateTimer(SeasonRemaining, true); seasonalDiv.innerHTML = content; } return; } } // Attempt to inject addonCode made by user function runAddonCode() { if (!NOBhasPuzzle && addonCode != "") { console.log("%cRUNNING ADDON CODE, SCRIPT IS NOW NOT SAFE DEPENDING ON WHAT YOU DID.", "color: yellow; background: red; font-size: 50pt;"); eval(addonCode); } }