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// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube To MP3 For Scratcher // @namespace nish_taka13 // @description Convert youtube video to MP3 // @include /(^https?:\/\/www\.|^https?:\/\/)youtube\.com\/watch\?v=.*/ // @include /(^https?:\/\/www\.|^https?:\/\/)\/.*/ // @include /(^https?:\/\/www\.|^https?:\/\/)\/.*/ // @include /(^https?:\/\/www\.|^https?:\/\/)\/.*/ // @version 1.4.0 // @history 1.1.0 "Offlibertyを追加" // @history 1.2.0 "ScratchDiscussの移動先サイトの変更" // @history 1.2.1 "クレジットの変更" // @history 1.3.0 "クレジットの変更,VideoGrabberの追加,OVCの削除" // @history 1.4.0 "クレジットの変更,2convの追加,VideoGrabberの削除" // @history 1.5.0 "クレジットの変更,offlibertyの削除,OVCの追加" // @license MIT // @require // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== var url = location.href; if (url.indexOf("ytmp3") >= 0) { document.getElementById("input").value = GM_getValue("youtubeLink"); } else if (url.indexOf("convert2mp3") >= 0) { waitForKeyElements( 'button', click ); waitForKeyElements( '[class*=btn-success]', getDownloadLink ); document.getElementById("urlinput").value = GM_getValue("youtubeLink"); document.getElementsByClassName("orange")[0].click(); } else if (url.indexOf("listentoyoutube") >= 0) { document.getElementsByClassName("url-form__url")[0].value = GM_getValue("youtubeLink"); document.getElementById("go-button").click(); } else if (url.indexOf("mp3fiber") >= 0) { waitForKeyElements( 'div.searchDiv > p > a[onclick]', getDownloadLink ); document.getElementsByClassName("inputbg")[0].value = GM_getValue("youtubeLink"); } else { GM_setValue("youtubeLink", url); //var title = $("#watch8-action-buttons"); var title = $("#flex"); //waitForKeyElements( "#watch8-action-buttons", addLinks ); waitForKeyElements( "", addLinks ); var getLink = url; var id = ""; if (url.indexOf("&") == -1) { encodeUrl(); id = url.substr(url.indexOf("=")+1); } else { getLink = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("&")); id = url.substring(url.indexOf("=")+1, url.indexOf("&")); encodeUrl(); } var conveter= ""; var Scratch= ""; var OVC= ""; var mp3 = '<span> </span>' + '<b>|</b><a id="mp1" target="_blank" href="' + conveter + '" ><span> conveter </span></a><span> </span>' + '<b>|</b><a id="mp1" target="_blank" href="' + OVC + '" ><span> OVC </span></a><span> </span>' + '<b>|</b><a id="mp1" target="_blank" href="' + Scratch + '" ><span> Scratch </span></a><span> </span>' ; title.append(mp3); } function encodeUrl() { getLink = getLink.replace(/&/g,"%26"); getLink = getLink.replace(/\?/g,"%3F"); getLink = getLink.replace(/=/g,"%3D"); getLink = getLink.replace(/\//g,"%2F"); getLink = getLink.replace(/:/g,"%3A"); getLink = getLink.replace(/_/g,"%5F"); getLink = getLink.replace("feature=player_embedded&",""); } function click (jNode) {; } function addLinks (jNode) { jNode.append(mp3); } function getDownloadLink (jNode) { location.replace(jNode.prop("href")); }