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// ==UserScript== // @name Ember API Meta Data // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Adds extra meta data to Ember's API page side bar items // @author Nir Elbaz // @match* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; (function ($, undefined) { var cache; // initialization: (function () { var arrDeferred; cache = getCache(); arrDeferred = scanMenu(); $.when.apply($, arrDeferred).done( function () { updateCache(); } ); })(); /** * Gets cached items statues in order to minimize http requests */ function getCache() { var strCachedItems = localStorage.getItem('ember-api-meta-data'), dtmNow = new Date(); return (strCachedItems && (dtmNow.getDate().toString() + dtmNow.getMonth().toString() === getLastUpdated()) ? JSON.parse(strCachedItems) : {}); } /** * Updates cache with latest results */ function updateCache() { localStorage.setItem('ember-api-meta-data', JSON.stringify(cache)); setLastUpdated(); } /** * Sets last updated date to today */ function setLastUpdated() { var dtmNow = new Date(); return localStorage.setItem('ember-api-meta-lastupdated', dtmNow.getDate().toString() + dtmNow.getMonth().toString()); } /** * Gets the date stamp cache was last updated */ function getLastUpdated() { return localStorage.getItem('ember-api-meta-lastupdated'); } /** * Scans Ember API side menu items */ function scanMenu() { var arrDeferred = []; $('a:contains("Classes")').next().find('li a').each( function (index, elem) { if (cache.hasOwnProperty(elem.getAttribute('href'))) { markItem(elem, cache[elem.getAttribute('href')]); } else { var promise = $.get(elem.getAttribute('href')); promise.then( function (data) { var arrStatuses = $.makeArray($(data).find('.api-header + hr ~ p').map(function (index, elem) { return elem.innerText })); markItem(elem, arrStatuses); cache[elem.getAttribute('href')] = arrStatuses; } ); arrDeferred.push(promise); } } ); return arrDeferred; } /** * Marks menu item according to its status */ function markItem(elem, arrStatuses) { arrStatuses.forEach( function (strStatus) { // set style: switch (strStatus) { case 'DEPRECATED': = 'line-through'; break; case 'PRIVATE': = 'gray'; break; } // set tooltip: elem.setAttribute('title', elem.hasAttribute('title') ? elem.getAttribute('title') + ' ' + strStatus : strStatus); } ); } })(window.jQuery);