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// ==UserScript== // @name Kamihime Project R - Compact drops window // @description Instead of scroll, fit all drops inside window by zooming out if needed // @license MIT // @updateURL // @match // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { var interval = setInterval(function() { if (typeof kh !== 'undefined' && kh.pc && && && && { clearInterval(interval); = function(e, n) { var count /*if (n.length <= 8) { count = 4 } else */ if (n.length <= 15) { count = 5 } else if (n.length <= 18) { count = 6 } else if (n.length <= 28) { count = 7 } else if (n.length <= 40) { count = 8 } else if (n.length <= 45) { count = 9 } else if (n.length <= 60) { count = 10 } else if (n.length <= 66) { count = 11 } else if (n.length <= 84) { count = 12 } else if (n.length <= 104) { count = 13 } else if (n.length <= 112) { count = 14 } else if (n.length <= 135) { count = 15 } else if (n.length <= 144) { count = 16 } else if (n.length <= 170) { count = 17 } else if (n.length <= 198) { count = 18 } else if (n.length <= 209) { count = 19 } else if (n.length <= 240) { count = 20 } else { count = 21 } var scale = 5.0 / count var a = .53 * scale, i = count, s = cc.size(82 * scale, 83 * scale), o = cc.p(5.5, 5), u = e.getContentSize().width, l = new ccui.Widget; l.setName("top_padding"), l.setContentSize(u, o.y), e.addChild(l), _.each(n, function(t, n) { var c = new ccui.Widget; c.setName("corecard_ui"), c.setAnchorPoint(0, 0), c.setContentSize(150, 150), c.setScale(a, a); var h = (Math.floor(n / i), n % i); 0 == h && (l = new ccui.Widget, l.setName("list_row"), l.setContentSize(u, s.height), l.setAnchorPoint(0, 0), e.addChild(l)), c.setPosition(o.x + s.width * h, 0), l.addChild(c); var d = c.seekWidgetByName(this.CORECARD_WIDGET); c.setVisible(!0), d.setVisible(!0); var p = this["_create" + _.capitalize(t.treasure_type) + "CorecardHandler"](d, t); d.addChild(p.uiNode), this["_fill" + _.capitalize(t.treasure_type) + "CorecardHandler"](p, t), this["_add" + _.capitalize(t.treasure_type) + "CorecardTouchEvent"](p, t) }, this), e.setVisible(!0) } } }, 10); })();