nicologies / OctopusEnvFilter

// ==UserScript==
// @name       OctopusEnvFilter
// @namespace
// @version    0.6
// @description  Improve Octopus UI rendering performance by filtering the environments to display
// @include /https?://.*/app.*/
// @license MIT
// @require  
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict';
(function () {
    const env_config_key = "environments";
    const configId = "OctopusEnvFilterConfig";
    const env_config_elementId = configId + "_field_" + env_config_key;
    var cfg = new GM_configStruct(
            id: configId,
                            label: "Display only environments matches these regular expressions:",
                            type: 'text',
                            default: ''
            css: "#" + env_config_elementId + "{ Width : 60em; } .config_var {margin-top: 10px !important;} .field_label {font-weight: inherit !important;font-size: 14px !important;}",
            events: {
                open: function (doc) {
                    var config = this;
                    var envElement = doc.getElementById(env_config_elementId);

                    envElement.placeholder = "regular expressions, separate by comma, e.g.: Production.*,Staging.*";
            title: "Octopus Environment Filtering Configuration"

    GM_registerMenuCommand('Configure Octopus Environment Filtering!', function () {;

    try {
    } catch (error) {
        cfg.set(env_config_key, "");

    function isProjectOverviewPage() {
        return window.location.href.match(/https?:\/\/.*\/app#\/Spaces\-\d+\/projects\/.*\/deployments\/?/i)

    function isProjectResponse(respUrl) {
        return respUrl.match(/https?:\/\/.*\/api\/Spaces\-\d+\/progression\/Projects-\/?/i)

    function isEnvironmentPage() {
        return window.location.href.match(/https?:\/\/.*\/app#\/Spaces\-\d+\/infrastructure\/environments/);

    function isEnvironmentPageResponse(respUrl) {
        return respUrl.match(/https?:\/\/.*\/api\/Spaces\-\d+\/environments\/all\/?/i);

    function isEnvironmentPageSummaryResponse(respUrl) {
        return respUrl.match(/https?:\/\/.*\/api\/Spaces\-\d+\/environments\/summary\/?/i);

    function getEnvRegexes() {
        var envsRegexStr = cfg.get(env_config_key);
        var envRegexes = envsRegexStr.split(',').map(function (x) { return new RegExp(x, "i"); });
        return envRegexes;

    function modifyResponseForProjectOverviewPage(respText) {
        var resp = JSON.parse(respText);
        var envRegexes = getEnvRegexes();
        var envIds = [];
        if (resp.Environments) {
            resp.Environments = resp.Environments.filter(function (env) {
                return envRegexes.some(function (rx) { return rx.test(env.Name); });
            console.log("Filtered environments:" + (x) { return x.Name; }));
            envIds = (x) { return x.Id; });

        if (resp.ChannelEnvironments) {
            for (var channelEnv in resp.ChannelEnvironments) {
                resp.ChannelEnvironments[channelEnv] = resp.ChannelEnvironments[channelEnv].filter(function (env) {
                    return envIds.includes(env.Id);

        if (resp.Releases) {
            for (var release of resp.Releases) {
                if (release.Deployments) {
                    var envsToDelete = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(release.Deployments).filter(function (r) {
                        return !envIds.includes(r);
                    for (var del in envsToDelete) {
                        delete release.Deployments[del];
                if (release.NextDeployments) {
                    release.NextDeployments = release.NextDeployments.filter(function (dep) {
                        return envIds.includes(dep);

        return resp

    function modifyResponseForEnvironmentsPage(respText) {
        var resp = JSON.parse(respText);
        var envRegexes = getEnvRegexes();
        var newResp = resp.filter(function (env) {
            return envRegexes.some(function (rx) {
                return rx.test(env.Name);
        return newResp;

    function modifyResponseForEnvironmentsPageSummary(respText) {
        var resp = JSON.parse(respText);
        var envRegexes = getEnvRegexes();
        resp.EnvironmentSummaries = resp.EnvironmentSummaries.filter(function (summary) {
            return envRegexes.some(function (rx) {
                return rx.test(summary.Environment.Name);
        return resp;

    function modifyResponse(response) {
        if (!cfg.get(env_config_key)) {
        if (this.readyState !== 4) {
        if(! return; // octopus web site is a single page app, empty string when navigating inside
        var newResp = undefined;
        if (isProjectOverviewPage() && isProjectResponse(this.responseURL)) {
            newResp = modifyResponseForProjectOverviewPage(;

        if (isEnvironmentPage()) {
            if (isEnvironmentPageResponse(this.responseURL)) {
                newResp = modifyResponseForEnvironmentsPage(;
            } else if (isEnvironmentPageSummaryResponse(this.responseURL)) {
                newResp = modifyResponseForEnvironmentsPageSummary(;
        if (newResp !== undefined) {
            Object.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { writable: true });
            Object.defineProperty(this, "response", { writable: true });
            this.responseText = JSON.stringify(newResp);
            this.repsonse = newResp;

    function hookAjaxOpen(originalOpen) {
        return function (method, url, async) {
            this.addEventListener("readystatechange", modifyResponse);
            return originalOpen.apply(this, arguments);

    } = hookAjaxOpen(;
