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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name Getting Started with a User Script // @description Showing the current basic and recommended format for a User script. // @copyright 2018, neurodeep ( // @license MIT // @version 0.0.0 // @include https://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author neurodeep // ==/OpenUserJS== // Continuos Integration // Adds Like/Dislike buttons and keyboard shortcuts to fullscreen. // commit script // test It (so write tests(selenium)) // deploy to userscripts watchLater = document.querySelector('.ytp-button.ytp-watch-later-button'); like = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-toggle-button-renderer.force-icon-button')[0]; dislike = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-toggle-button-renderer.force-icon-button')[1] watchLater.parentElement.appendChild(like); watchLater.parentElement.appendChild(dislike);