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// ==UserScript== // @name No Resize Limited for "Open Image in..." // @version 1.14 // @description PrTimes, Twitter,, ameba blog, cloudfront/amazon aws uploads, lisani, partial natalie, stayluck, seigura/gallery server,, // @author netheoc // @license MIT // @grant none // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match ** // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match ** // @match ** // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // ==/UserScript== //TODO: reorder desc acc to number of checks at if var tR = ""; //to replace var rW = ""; //replace with var loO = document.location; //location object var oU = loO.toString(); //old URL var nU = ""; //new URL var aA; //extra var for generic use var bB; //error reporting window.onerror = function (msgStr, srcStr, lineNum, colNum, errObj){ console.log(msgStr, srcStr, errObj); }; window.addEventListener('error', function(errEv) { console.log(errEv.toString()); }); // // if (oU.includes("") && oU.includes("resize")){ tR = "resize"; rW = "orig"; repURL(oU, tR, rW); // nU = oU.replace(tR, rW); // document.location.replace(nU); // //twitter } else if (oU.includes("")){ //format=jpg&name... if (oU.includes("&name=small")){ tR =; rW = tR.slice(0, tR.indexOf("&name")); repURL(oU, tR, rW); }; //1.09 change to name=small only /*.jpg:large etc; regex for possible png if (\.[a-z]{3}:[a-z]{5,}/g)>0){ //assumes "large" or "small" only aA =\.[a-z]{3}:[a-z]{5,}/g) + 4; //need to acc for "jpeg"? nU = oU.slice(0, aA); document.location.replace(nU); }; */ // // natalie } else if (oU.includes("") && ( != "")){ tR =; rW = ""; repURL(oU, tR, rW); // // realsound, lisani } else if ((oU.includes("") || oU.includes("")) && (\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g)>-1)){ aA =\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g); bB = oU.match(/-\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g).toString().length - 1; nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(aA+bB); document.location.replace(nU); // // stayluck } else if (oU.includes("") && (\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g)>-1)){ aA =\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g); bB = oU.match(/-\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g).toString().length - 1; nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(aA+bB); document.location.replace(nU); // // cloudfront and amazonaws // regex looks for "-###(#) x ###(#)." 3-4 # per, no space } else if ((oU.includes("") || oU.includes("")) && (\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g)>-1)){ aA =\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g); bB = oU.match(/-\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g).toString().length - 1; nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(aA+bB); document.location.replace(nU); // // // copy of cloudfront regex } else if ((oU.includes("")) && (\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g)>-1)){ aA =\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g); bB = oU.match(/-\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g).toString().length - 1; nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(aA+bB); document.location.replace(nU); // //seigura -scaled (need to account for added stuff after scaled until extension name .jpg or jpeg) and dimension regex } else if (oU.includes("")){ if (oU.includes("-scaled")){ aA = oU.indexOf("-scaled"); bB = oU.indexOf(".jp"); nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(bB, oU.length); document.location.replace(nU); }; if (\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g)>-1){ aA =\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g); bB = oU.match(/-\d{3,4}x\d{3,4}\./g).toString().length - 1; nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(aA+bB); document.location.replace(nU); }; // //seigura gallery server: remove "sample" //TODO: add support for jp*g } else if (oU.includes("")){ if (oU.includes("_sample")){ aA = oU.indexOf("_sample"); bB = oU.indexOf(".jpg"); nU = oU.slice(0, aA) + oU.slice(bB, oU.length); document.location.replace(nU); }; // //ameba blog } else if (oU.includes("stat.ameba") && ( > 2)){ tR =; rW = ""; repURL(oU, tR, rW); // // } else if (oU.includes("") && ( != "")){ tR =; rW = ""; repURL(oU, tR, rW); } // else {return;}; //replace URL function repURL(o, t, r){ var n = o.replace(t, r); document.location.replace(n); // alert("no resize script replaced url"); //alert pops up before refresh return; }; /* mantan does not always go to size10: should look into history states to implement remove s for some, diff approach for others ogre= remove search animeanime uses diff hashes? okmusic?? */