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// ==UserScript== // @name orders price list // @version 0.1 // @description enter something useful // @match* // @copyright 2012+, Me // ==/UserScript== var ordersDom = $('.order'); if (ordersDom.length == 0) { console.log('No orders'); return; } var orders = ordersDom.html().split('<hr>'), users = {}, order, userAndPrice; for (var i = 0, len = orders.length - 2; i < len; i++) { userAndPrice = getUserAndPrice(orders[i]); addUser(userAndPrice[0], userAndPrice[1]); } var total = 0; var orderText = ''; for (var user in users) { orderText += user + ' ' + users[user] + '\n'; total += users[user]; } console.log(orderText); console.log(total); function addUser (name, price) { if (!users[name]) { var exists = false; for (var user in users) { if (user.indexOf(name) > -1 || name.indexOf(user) > -1) { name = user; exists = true; break; } } if (!exists) users[name] = 0; } users[name] = users[name] + parseInt(price.split(' ')[1]); } function getUserAndPrice (order) { var orderSplit = order.split(new RegExp('\n')), userAndPrice = orderSplit[orderSplit.length - 1], userAndPriceSplit = userAndPrice.split('<br>'); if (userAndPriceSplit.length == 2) { return [userAndPriceSplit[0], userAndPriceSplit[1]]; } else { return ['moje', userAndPriceSplit[0]]; } }