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// ==UserScript== // @name Google Image Direct View // @version 3.6 // @namespace Google_Image_Direct_View // @description A different take on Google direct image viewer // @author navchandar // @include*tbm=isch* // @include* // @include*/*tbm=isch* // @include*/search?tbm=isch* // @match* // @include* // @run-at document-end // @license MIT // @grant none // @homepage // @homepage // @homepageURL // @contributionURL // @contributionAmount $5.00 // @copyright 2019+, navchandar ( // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @setupURL // @icon  // ==/UserScript== // If your device/extension is not running the script on Image search, try adding this above: // @include* // Check out this link: for more details. // Updated image xpath locator to work on Google Images and Google Lens var img_locator = "//c-wiz[@jsname]/parent::div[not(contains(@style, 'display: none'))]//a[(contains(@jsaction, 'focus'))]//img[not(contains(@src, '')) and not(contains(@style, 'hidden'))] | //c-wiz[@jsname]/parent::div[not(contains(@style, 'display: none'))]//a//img[contains(@jsaction, 'load') and not(contains(@src, '')) and not(contains(@style, 'hidden'))]"; var del_locator = "//c-wiz[@jsname]/parent::div[not(contains(@style, 'display: none'))]//a//img[contains(@style, 'hidden')]" var lens_locator1 = "//a/div//img[not(contains(@alt, 'tag') or contains(@alt, 'domain'))]"; var lens_locator2 = "//a/div/img"; // Function to get elements by XPath function get_elements_by_xpath(xpath, parent) { let results = []; let query = document.evaluate(xpath, parent || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (let i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; ++i) { results.push(query.snapshotItem(i)); } return results; } // Function to check if a string contains a search term function has(string, search) { try { return string.includes(search); } catch (err) { return false; } } function is_lens() { return has(window.location.href, ""); } // Function to get the XPath locator for images function get_img_locator() { return is_lens() ? (lens_locator1 + " | " + lens_locator2) : img_locator; } // Function to get the XPath locator for image links function get_img_link_locator() { if (is_lens()) { return `${lens_locator2}//../../../a[@href] | ${lens_locator1}//../../../../../a[@href]`; } else { let img_xp = `(${img_locator})`; return `${img_xp}//../../../a[@href] | ${img_xp}//../../a[@href]`; } } // Check if the attribute exists and remove function remove_attr(elem, attr) { if (elem.hasAttribute(attr)) { elem.removeAttribute(attr); } } // Function to update image elements on the page function update_elements() { var int = 0; // remove duplicate hidden image elements var del_elems = get_elements_by_xpath(del_locator); if (del_elems) { console.log(del_elems.length.toString() + " del elems items found"); for (var x = 0; x < del_elems.length; x++) { try { del_elems[x].remove(); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } } } let imgXpath = get_img_locator(); let linkXpath = get_img_link_locator() var Img_items = get_elements_by_xpath(imgXpath); console.log(Img_items.length.toString() + " Image items found"); if (Img_items.length > 0) { var Link_items = get_elements_by_xpath(linkXpath); console.log(Link_items.length.toString() + " link items found"); for (var i = 0; i < Img_items.length; i++) { try { if (Link_items && Link_items[i]) { console.log(Link_items[i].jsaction); var src = Img_items[i].src; var uri = Link_items[i].href; // Add target to open images in new tab Link_items[i].target = "_blank"; Img_items[i].target = "_blank"; if (uri != src) { int++; Link_items[i].title = "Image Loading... Wait..."; if (has(src, "data:image")) { Link_items[i].href = src; Link_items[i].download = "Base64_Image.jpg"; Link_items[i].title = "Base64 Image will be downloaded!"; } else if (is_lens() && has(src, "https://encrypted")) { Link_items[i].href = src; Link_items[i].title = "Image URL updated!"; remove_attr(Link_items[i], "jsaction"); remove_attr(Link_items[i], "download"); } else { if (!has(src, "https://encrypted")) { Link_items[i].href = src; Link_items[i].title = "Image URL updated!"; remove_attr(Link_items[i], "jsaction"); remove_attr(Link_items[i], "download"); } } } else if (!Link_items[i].title || has(Link_items[i].title, "Wait")) { // Link is already updated. Update the title. if (has(uri, "data:image")) { Link_items[i].title = "Base64 Image will be downloaded!"; } else { Link_items[i].title = "Image URL updated!"; } } } } catch (err) { console.log(err); } } if (int > 0) { console.log("Updated " + int + " image links."); } } } // Start the script and update elements every 500 milli seconds (function () { 'use strict'; setInterval(function () { update_elements(); }, 500); })()