nascent / PassThePopcorn Avatar Dimmer

// ==UserScript==
// @name           PassThePopcorn Avatar Dimmer
// @namespace      PTP
// @description    Replaces the default avatar on passthepopcorn to a darker version to reduce contrast.
// @include        **
// @version     1.04
// @history	1.04 Fix: include static. prefix.
// @history	1.03 Fix: include tls. prefix.  Changed dark image host to imgur
// @history	1.02 Fix: changed include to .me
// @history	1.01 Change to .me
// @history	1.00 Initial release
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// ==/UserScript==

//Default avatar
for(var iAvatar=0;iAvatar<document.images.length;iAvatar++){
	if(document.images[iAvatar].src == "") document.images[iAvatar].src = "";
	if(document.images[iAvatar].src == "") document.images[iAvatar].src = "";
	if(document.images[iAvatar].src == "") document.images[iAvatar].src = "";
	if(document.images[iAvatar].src == "") document.images[iAvatar].src = "";
	if(document.images[iAvatar].src == "") document.images[iAvatar].src = "";