n3kgalm / BlueCat Address Manager Direct Actions (Deploy)


Version: 5+dd0b6d6 updated

Summary: Add direct buttons for Deploy Actions in BlueCat Address Manager

Copyright: 2018, Marius Galm

License: MIT

Hello to all BlueCat Administrators out there.

Doing stuff over and over again always costs time, why not save some clicks.
This will add additional buttons next to the actions menu, where you can directly access the Deployment functions in the Server List:

Here a picture worth a thousand words

The Quick Deployment will also be more accessable in the Network Page and Zone Page:

Here a picture worth a thousand words
Here a picture worth a thousand words

With the latest version the deployment action (normally only available on the "Details" tab) is available on all subtabs of the Server page:

Here a picture worth a thousand words

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