n3kgalm / BlueCat Address Manager Color Change


Version: 1+d18f1f5

Summary: Change the color of the UI in BlueCat Address Manager

Copyright: 2018, Marius Galm

License: MIT

Hi all,

do you have a BlueCat test environment or multiple BAMs (btw. you should ideally have a test BAM ;-D)?

Ever created stuff on the wrong BAM because you had multi tabs or windows open?

Here is a small helper to make you aware of the environment by recoloring the banner when you're using configured Hostname(s):

Color Change Example

For this to work you have to help me a bit, after the installation, click the tampermonkey icon (or whatever addons you're using) and right-click the scriptname
Might also be different with other addons (the idea is to get into the script code)

Right click

Now adjust the hostnames of the redHost and/or greenHost variables for you hostnames:

Adjust hostnames

HINT: If you like to have things more comfortable feel free to use my chrome or firefox addons. Just search for "Bluecat" in the store and you should find it.

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