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// ==UserScript== // @name Oneshot expo // @namespace // @version 2024-05-23 // @description Add expedition button to the fleet page // @author n00b // @copyright 2024, n00b ( // @license MIT // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match* // @icon // ==/UserScript== const oseSendShips = (order, galaxy, system, planet, planettype, ships, additionalParams) => { let params = { mission: order, galaxy: galaxy, system: system, position: planet, type: planettype, shipCount: 0, token: token } Object.keys(ships).forEach(function (shipId) { additionalParams['am' + shipId] = ships[shipId]; fleetDispatcher.shipsOnPlanet.find(s => == shipId).number -= ships[shipId]; }); if (additionalParams && typeof additionalParams === 'object') { Object.keys(additionalParams).map(key => { if (!params[key]) { params[key] = additionalParams[key] } }) } $.ajax(miniFleetLink, { data: params, dataType: "json", type: "POST", success: (data) => { token = data.newAjaxToken; updateOverlayToken('phalanxSystemDialog', data.newAjaxToken); updateOverlayToken('phalanxDialog', data.newAjaxToken); const status = (data.response.success) ? "success" : "error" showNotification(data.response.message, status) } }) } const sendExpedition = () => { if (expeditionCount == maxExpeditionCount) { showNotification("Already at maximum expeditions", "error") return } let hasErrors = false; let expeditionFleetTemplate, message; let idx = 1; while (true) { expeditionFleetTemplate = expeditionFleetTemplates.find(template => === `oneshot-${idx}`) if (typeof expeditionFleetTemplate === undefined) { hasErrors = true message = "No oneshot expedition template found" break } let invalid = false Object.keys(expeditionFleetTemplate.ships).forEach((id) => { if (expeditionFleetTemplate.ships[id] > (fleetDispatcher.shipsOnPlanet.find(s => == id) || { number: 0 }).number) { invalid = true } }) if (invalid) { idx++ continue } break } if (hasErrors) { showNotification(message, "error") return } let additionalParams = { 'speed': expeditionFleetTemplate.fleetSpeed / 10, 'holdingtime': expeditionFleetTemplate.expeditionTime }; const cp = fleetDispatcher.currentPlanet oseSendShips(15, cp.galaxy, cp.system, 16, 1, expeditionFleetTemplate.ships, additionalParams) } (function () { 'use strict'; const a = document.createElement("a"); a.classList.add('expedition') a.classList.add('on') a.onclick = sendExpedition a.textContent = 'Send Expedition' = '16px' const fleet1 = document.querySelector("div#fleet1").append(a) document.onkeydown = (e) => { if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) return; var char = e.which; if (!char) return; if (e.which == 69) { sendExpedition() } }; })();