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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name 네이버 블로그 검색결과 캡쳐도구 // @description 네이버 블로그에서 발행한 포스팅의 검색결과를 손쉽게 캡쳐하는 도구입니다. // @copyright 2021, myso ( // @license Apache-2.0 // @version 1.0.11 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @author Won Choi // @connect // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author myso // ==/OpenUserJS== async function inject_js(opt) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.type = 'text/javascript'; function resolved() { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); resolve(); } if(typeof opt === 'string') { el.onload = resolved; el.src = opt; } if(typeof opt === 'object') { el.onload = resolved; el.src = opt.src; el.integrity = opt.integrity; el.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous'); } if(typeof opt === 'function') el.innerHTML = `(${opt})();`; if(el.src || el.innerHTML) { el.onerror = reject; document.head.prepend(el); }else reject(); if(typeof opt === 'function') resolved(); }); } async function main_search() { if( !== 'nblog_screenshot') return; document.title = '스크린샷 촬영 중입니다. 종료하지 말아주세요.'; const uri = new URL(location.href), highlight = uri.searchParams.get('highlight'), query = uri.searchParams.get('query'); const dst = new URL(highlight), logNo = dst.searchParams.get('logNo') || /^\/([a-z0-9\-\_\.]+)\/([\d]+)/.exec(dst.pathname)[2]; GM_addStyle(` a[href*="${highlight}"], a[href*="logNo=${logNo}"] { display:block; position: relative; } a[href*="${highlight}"]:after, a[href*="logNo=${logNo}"]:after { content:''; position: absolute; z-index: 1; background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3); border: 3px solid red; margin: auto; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; } `); async function screenshot() { screenshot.timer = clearTimeout(screenshot.timer); screenshot.timer = setTimeout(async () => { if(!document.querySelector('#naver-splugin-wrap, #wrap')) return screenshot(); await inject_js(async function () { window.alert = function(){}; }); await inject_js({ src: '', integrity: 'sha256-c3RzsUWg+y2XljunEQS0LqWdQ04X1D3j22fd/8JCAKw=' }); await inject_js(async function () { async function screenshot() { return new Promise((resolve)=>html2canvas(document.body, { allowTaint: false, onrendered: resolve })); } const canvas = await screenshot(), dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); const uri = new URL(location.href), query = uri.searchParams.get('query'); const filename = `screenshot_${query}_${}_${location.hostname}_${uri.searchParams.get('where') || 'all'}.png` window.close(); window.opener.focus(); window.opener.postMessage({ action:'screenshot.dataURL', dataURL, filename }, ''); }); }, 1000); } screenshot(); } async function main_article() { window.addEventListener('message', (e)=>{ const { action, dataURL, filename } =; if(action === 'screenshot.dataURL') { GM_download(dataURL, filename); } }); async function screenshot(url) { return new Promise((resolve)=>{ const win =, 'nblog_screenshot', 'width=640, height=1'); (function delay() { screenshot.timer = clearTimeout(screenshot); screenshot.timer = setTimeout(() => { if(!win.closed) return delay(); setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000); }, 100); })(); }); } const wrappers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-post-editor-version]')); => { const container = wrapper.querySelector('.lyr_overflow_menu'); const target = wrapper.querySelector('.copyTargetUrl').value; const anchor = document.createElement('a'); anchor.href = '#'; anchor.innerText = '상위노출 캡처'; anchor.onclick = async function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const query = prompt('검색 할 키워드를 입력하세요.'); if(!query) return; const uri_m = new URL(''); uri_m.searchParams.set('query', query); uri_m.searchParams.set('highlight', target); await screenshot(uri_m.toString()); const uri_mv = new URL(''); uri_mv.searchParams.set('query', query); uri_mv.searchParams.set('highlight', target); uri_mv.searchParams.set('where', 'm_view'); await screenshot(uri_mv.toString()); const uri_d = new URL(''); uri_d.searchParams.set('query', query); uri_d.searchParams.set('highlight', target); await screenshot(uri_d.toString()); const uri_dv = new URL(''); uri_dv.searchParams.set('query', query); uri_dv.searchParams.set('highlight', target); uri_dv.searchParams.set('where', 'post'); await screenshot(uri_dv.toString()); } container.prepend(anchor); }); } async function main() { if(location.hostname.endsWith('')) { await main_search(); } else { await main_article(); } } function _requestIdleCallback(callback) { if(typeof requestIdleCallback == 'undefined') return setTimeout(callback, 1000); return requestIdleCallback(callback); } function checkForDOM() { return (document.head) ? main() : _requestIdleCallback(checkForDOM); } _requestIdleCallback(checkForDOM);