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// ==UserScript== // @name eBay Auto Feedback Revisited // @namespace // @license GPL-3.0+; // @copyright Dec 19, 2005, Blake West // @copyright Nov 11, 2017, moped // @author moped // @description Fetches random feedback from The eBay Feedback Generator ( and fills in the comment field on eBay feedback pages. // @include* // @include* // @version 1.0.2 // @connect // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== /* Configuration */ var frivolous = false; //set to true if you want frivolous vocabulary var quality = true; //set to true to enable content about item quality in message var packing = false; //set to true to enable content about item packaginging in message var speed = false; //set to true to enable content about item speed in message var rating = true; //set to true to enable content about rating in message /* Init */ var commentField = document.querySelectorAll('[name=OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_COMMENT]'); if(commentField) addCommentLink(); /* Fetch feedback */ function getFeedback(e) { var experience_name ='name').replace(/PARTY/,'OVERALL_EXPERIENCE'); var commentFieldId ='name').replace(/PARTY/,'pnnComment'); var mood_radio = document.querySelector('[name='+experience_name+']:checked'); var party_name ='name'); var party =; if(mood_radio === null) { alert('Please select a Positive, Negative or Neutral rating, and try fetching a message again.'); return false; } else { switch(mood_radio.value) { case 'NEGATIVE': mood = 'negative'; starRating(1); break; case 'NEUTRAL': mood = 'indifferent'; starRating(3); break; default: starRating(5); mood = 'positive'; } var currentCommentInput = document.getElementById(commentFieldId); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ''+party+(quality?'&quality=on':'')+(speed?'&speed=on':'')+(packing?'&packing=on':'')+(rating?'&rating=on':'')+'&maxlen=79&mood='+mood+(frivolous?'&vocab=frivolous':'&vocab=basic'), onreadystatechange: function(responseDetails) { currentCommentInput.value = 'Fetching comment...'; }, onerror: function(responseDetails) { currentCommentInput.value = 'Error fetching comment...'; }, onload: function(responseDetails) { var details = responseDetails.responseText; var tt = details.slice(details.indexOf('<tt>')+4,details.indexOf('</tt>')); var feedback = tt.split('<br>'); currentCommentInput.value = feedback[0].trim(); currentCommentInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); currentCommentInput.focus(); } }); } } /* Add new elements to page */ function addCommentLink() { var blocks = document.querySelectorAll('div.feedback_template'); for(i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) { var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); var item_transaction = blocks[i].getAttribute('id').replace(/single-feedback-template-module/, ''); wrapper.setAttribute('id', 'OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_PARTY-'+item_transaction); wrapper.setAttribute('class', 'section pnn_section'); wrapper.innerHTML = '<div class="grid__group grid__group-sm"><div class="grid__cell grid__cell--two-fifth grid__cell--all"></div><div class="grid__cell grid__cell--three-fifth grid__cell--all"></div></div>'; var wrapper_nodes = wrapper.firstChild.childNodes; wrapper_nodes[0].innerHTML = '<p class="section-title">Feedback is intended for?</p><p class="section-subtitle">Select who you are giving feedback to.</p>'; wrapper_nodes[1].innerHTML = '<fieldset class="no-style-fieldset otdRadioGroup">'+ '<input type="radio" value="seller" class="rating_radio" id="OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_PARTY_SELLER'+item_transaction+'" name="PARTY'+item_transaction+'">' + '<label for="OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_PARTY_SELLER'+item_transaction+'">Seller</label>' + '<input type="radio" value="buyer" class="rating_radio" id="OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_PARTY_BUYER'+item_transaction+'" name="PARTY'+item_transaction+'">' + '<label for="OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_PARTY_BUYER'+item_transaction+'">Buyer</label>' + '</fieldset>'; var current = document.querySelector('div#OVERALL_EXPERIENCE_COMMENT_MODULE'+item_transaction); current.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, current); } var radios = document.querySelectorAll('.rating_radio'); for(i=0;i<radios.length;i++) { radios[i].addEventListener('click',getFeedback,false); } } /* set star rating after selecting feedback type */ function starRating(s) { var rows = document.querySelectorAll('fieldset.starrating'); for(i=0;i<rows.length;i++) { var stars = rows[i].querySelectorAll('input'); for(j=0;j<s;j++) { stars[j].checked = true; stars[j].dispatchEvent(new Event('click')); } } }