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// ==UserScript== // @name IMDB - Highlight movies with 400 checks on lists // @description Adds movie check counts from ICM to IMDb lists // @namespace bobbybrown // @author monk-time // @copyright 2017, monk-time ( // @license MIT; // @homepageURL // @updateURL // @include https://** // @icon // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @connect // @version 1.4.1 // ==/UserScript== /* Changelog: * 2017.09.01 [1.2.0]: Switched from YQL to GM_xmlhttpRequest for cross-origin requests. * 2017.11.24 [1.3.0]: Fixed GM_xmlhttpRequest for GM4/other engines compatibility. * 2018.15.02 [1.3.1]: Enabled on HTTPS pages. * 2021.04.12 [1.4.0]: Removed jQuery dependency and GM4 polyfill. * 2021.04.12 [1.4.1]: Added a warning about working only in compact view. */ 'use strict'; const getChecks = html => { try { const numStr = html.match(/id="movieChecks">[^<]+?</g)[0].replace(/\D/g, ''); return Number(numStr); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while parsing ICM - ${}: ${e.message}`); return null; } }; const addChecks = (elMovie, { icmUrl, checks }) => { const elTarget = elMovie.querySelector('.col-watchlist-ribbon'); elTarget.innerHTML = ` <a class="ihm-icm ${checks >= 400 ? 'ihm-above' : ''}" href="${icmUrl}"> ${checks} </a> `; }; const icmQuery = ''; const imdb2icm = elMovie => { const [imdbId] = elMovie.querySelector('.col-title a').href.match(/\d+/) || []; if (!imdbId) { console.error('Can\'t extract IMDb id from a list item'); return; } GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: `${icmQuery}tt${imdbId}`, onload(response) { const icmUrl = response.finalUrl; if (response.status !== 200) { console.error(`Can't load ${icmUrl}: server returned ${response.status}`); return; } const checks = getChecks(response.responseText); if (checks === null) { console.error(`Can't load ${icmUrl}`); return; } addChecks(elMovie, { icmUrl, checks }); }, }); }; const attachTriggerButton = () => { const elContainer = document.querySelector('.overflow-menu'); // For some reason the script runs a few times before the page is ready if (!elContainer) return; elContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ` <button id="ihm-button" class="btn small">Add checks</button> `); const elButton = document.querySelector('#ihm-button'); elButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (elButton.classList.contains('disabled')) return; if (!document.querySelector('')) { alert('The script works only in compact view. Please switch and try again.'); return; } elButton.classList.add('disabled'); const elMovies = document.querySelectorAll('.lister-item'); elMovies.forEach(imdb2icm); }); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style> #ihm-button { float: right; } a.ihm-above { color: red; font-weight: bold; } </style>`); }; attachTriggerButton();