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// ==UserScript== // @name Images from Google books preview // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Provides a button to open an auto updating page containing only images from the book preview of Google books // @author Umesh Mohan // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var imgsrcL, imgWindow, br, viewport, link; function updateimgList() { var imgL = viewport.getElementsByTagName("img"), imgN, imgsrc, img; for (imgN in imgL) { imgsrc = imgL[imgN].src; if (imgsrc == undefined || imgsrc == "") {continue;} if (imgsrcL.indexOf(imgsrc) == -1) { imgsrcL.push(imgsrc); img = imgWindow.document.createElement("img"); = "100%"; img.src = imgsrc; imgWindow.document.body.appendChild(img); imgWindow.document.body.appendChild(br); } } } function Refresh() { viewport = document.getElementById("viewport") viewport.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified",updateimgList,false); imgWindow =; br = imgWindow.document.createElement("br"); imgsrcL = []; updateimgList(); imgWindow.document.title = document.title; } link = document.createElement("a"); link.innerHTML = "😇"; = "pointer"; link.onclick = Refresh; document.getElementsByClassName("kd-appname")[0].appendChild(link);