mmtf / Reaction Customizer


Version: 0.2+7c2eb5d updated

Summary: requires React Devtools to be installed!

License: MIT

Reactions Customizer for Whatsapp Web

Requires React Devtools to be installed


  1. Install the React Devtools extension:
  2. Install this script to your favorite userscript extension (eg. Tampermonkey).


Simple and Fast Method

  1. Open the reaction prompt for the script to hook into it.
  2. Open the emoji picker and right click on the emoji you want to react with
  3. The last emoji in the reaction panel will become the emoji you right clicked. Enjoy

Manual method

A white input box will appear on the top left after installing. Enter the emoji/text you want to react with there and press enter.

Keep in mind that custom text reactions will appear as a blank box in every client. You can't react with characters either.

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