mmtf / Google Translation for LNMTL

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Google Translation for LNMTL
// @namespace    gtlnmtl
// @version      0.7.1
// @description  Neither machine learning-based nor phrase-based translation is optimal for light novels. Enjoy the best of both worlds!
// @author       mmtf
// @match*
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @require
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

// Just to reduce the warnings in the editor
var $ = jQuery;

// Constants
const errorModal = `<div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" id="error-modal" role="dialog" style="display: block; padding-right: 16px;"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document"> <div class="modal-content">  <div class="modal-body"> <div>  <div class="well well-lg v-cloak--hidden"> <p class="lead">An error has occurred with the Google Translate for LNMTL Userscript. Your error reporting status: </p> <p>Loading</p> </div>  </div>      <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button></div> </div> </div> </div>`

const themes = {
    Default: ".gt { color:white; font-size: 2.3rem; margin-bottom:42px; font-family: Roboto }",
    LNMTL_EN: "",
    LNMTL_ZN: ".gt {font-size: 150%;}",
    Custom: "customStyleSheet"

// Variables for tracking application status

var state = new Object();
    let rawsReplaced = false;
    Object.defineProperty(state, 'rawsReplaced', { enumerable:true, configurable:true, set: function(newVal){rawsReplaced = newVal; if (this.resolve && newVal) this.resolve();}, get: function () {return rawsReplaced}});
state.testing = false;
var disclaimerShown = false;

// User options
let customStyleSheet = GM_SuperValue.get('customStyleSheet', "");
let autoSwitchOn = GM_SuperValue.get('autoSwitchOn', false);
let selectedTheme = GM_SuperValue.get('selectedTheme', 'Default');
let autoSwitchLNMTL = GM_SuperValue.get('autoSwitchLNMTL', false);
/* TODO in 0.7
let advancedSettings = GM_SuperValue.get('advancedSettings', false);
let waitForUGMTL = GM_SuperValue.get('waitForUGMTL', 50);
let waitInBetweenReq = GM_SuperValue.get('waitInBetweenReq', 350);

// Main functionality

function main() {
    state.waited = true;
    rawsReplacedPromise().then(() => {
        let chunks = seperateInto5KChunks(getRawParagraphs());
        let translatedChunks = [];
        let translatePromises = [];
        chunks.forEach((chunk, id) => {
            setTimeout(() => translatePromises.push(translateText(chunk).then((tchunk) => {
                translatedChunks[id] = tchunk
            })), 350 * id);
        setTimeout(() => Promise.all(translatePromises).then(() => createUI(getMTLParagraphs(), seperateChunksIntoPars(translatedChunks))), 350 * chunks.length);

function addGTSettings() {
    let title = $('<h3> Google Translate Settings </h3>');
    let checked = autoSwitchOn ? 'checked' : '';
    let optionAutoswitch = $('<sub><input id="autoSwitchOn" type="checkbox" ' + checked + '></sub> <label for="autoSwitchOn">Automatically show the Google Translation after loading</label>')
    .on('change', function () {
        autoSwitchOn = $('#autoSwitchOn')[0].checked;
        GM_SuperValue.set('autoSwitchOn', autoSwitchOn);

    let checked2 = autoSwitchLNMTL ? 'checked' : '';
    let optionAutoswitchLNMTL = $('<sub><input id="autoSwitchLNMTL" type="checkbox" ' + checked + '></sub> <label for="autoSwitchLNMTL">Automatically hide English LNMTL Translation after loading</label>')
    .on('change', function () {
        autoSwitchOn = $('#autoSwitchLNMTL')[0].checked;
        GM_SuperValue.set('autoSwitchLNMTL', autoSwitchOn);

    let row = $('<div class="row"/>');
    let label1 = $('<label class="control-label">Theme:</label>');
    let br = $('<br>');
    let label2 = $('<label class="control-label">Custom Stylesheet(choose the theme Custom to use):</label>');
    let col = $('<div class="col-xs-12"></div>');
    let textarea = $('<textarea placeholder=".gt { color:white; font-size: 2.3rem; margin-bottom:42px; font-family: Roboto }" class="form-control" id="custom-stylesheet" rows="2" input type="text" name="custom-stylesheet" wrap="soft">').val(customStyleSheet).attr('disabled', selectedTheme != 'Custom')
    .on('change paste keyup', function () {
        customStyleSheet = $(this).val();
        GM_SuperValue.set('customStyleSheet', customStyleSheet);

    let selectTheme = $(`<select class="form-control" id="selectTheme">
    selectTheme.find('option:contains(' + selectedTheme + ')').attr('selected', true);
    selectTheme.on('change', function () {
        selectedTheme = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
        GM_SuperValue.set('selectedTheme', selectedTheme);
        textarea.attr('disabled', selectedTheme != 'Custom');

    $("#chapter-display-options-modal .modal-body").append(title).append(optionAutoswitch).append('<br>').append(optionAutoswitchLNMTL).append(row);


function createUI(mtlpars, gtpars) {
    gtpars.forEach((par, index) => {
        $('.translated').eq(index).after("<div class='gt' tab-index=0><sentence data-index=" + index + ">" + par + "</sentence></div>")
    let div = $('.gt');
    let styleSheetToUse = selectedTheme == 'Custom' ? customStyleSheet : themes[selectedTheme];
    $('<style type="text/css"/>').text(styleSheetToUse).appendTo('head');
    div.attr('data-title', function () {
        return mtlpars[$(this).children().first().data('index')]
        animation: true,
        container: '.chapter-body',
        placement: 'top',
        trigger: 'click'
    $('.js-toggle-gt').click(function () {
            'height': 'toggle',
            'opacity': 'toggle'
    if (autoSwitchOn) {
            'height': 'toggle',
            'opacity': 'toggle'
    if (autoSwitchLNMTL) {
            'height': 'toggle',
            'opacity': 'toggle'

// Utilities

function disclaimerChangesApplyAfterReload() {
    if (disclaimerShown) return;
    let disclaimer = $(`<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Note:</span>
Changes apply after reloading the page.
    disclaimerShown = true;

function getRawParagraphs() {
    return $('.original').text().trim().split('\n')

function getMTLParagraphs() {
    return $('.translated').text().trim().split('\n');

function isUGMTLReplacingRaws() {
    if ($('#replaceInOriginal')[0] && $('#replaceInOriginal')[0].checked) {
        return true;
    return false;

function observerCallback(mutationList, observer) {
    mutationList.forEach((mutation) => {
        switch (mutation.type) {
            case 'attributes':
                if (mutation.attributeName == "data-title") {
                    setTimeout(function(){state.rawsReplaced = true}, 50);

function rawsObserver() {
    var observerOptions = {
        childList: false,
        attributes: true

    var observer = new MutationObserver(observerCallback);
    if($('.original t').get(-1)!=undefined) {
        observer.observe($('.original t').get(-1), observerOptions);
    if(window.sessionStorage.getItem('userjs_UGMTLComplete') && window.sessionStorage.getItem('userjs_UGMTLComplete') > window.performance.timing.fetchStart) {
        state.rawsReplaced = true;
        state.UGMTLUpdated = true;

function observeDocument() {
    document.addEventListener('userjs_UGMTLComplete', function(){ devLog('userjs_UGMTLComplete'); state.rawsReplaced = true; state.UGMTLUpdated = true; }, false);

function rawsReplacedPromise() {
    if (isUGMTLReplacingRaws()) {
        if (state.rawsReplaced) {
            return Promise.resolve(true);
        else {
            return new Promise(function(res) {state.resolve = res});
    else {
        return new Promise((res) => {

function translateText(text) {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => $.ajax('', {
        method: 'POST',
        data: {
            q: text
        dataType: "json"
    }).done((t) => {
        let paragraph = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < t[0].length; i++) {
            paragraph += t[0][i][0];
        return res(paragraph);
    }).fail((err) => {
        state.errorCode = 1;
        console.log( "An error occurred while fetching the translations:" + err );

function seperateInto5KChunks(paragraphs) {
    let chunks = [];
    let currentchunk = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
        if ((currentchunk + paragraphs[i]).length >= 5000) {
            currentchunk = paragraphs[i];
        else {
            currentchunk = currentchunk + "\n\n" + paragraphs[i];
    if (paragraphs.length != 0) {
    return chunks;

function seperateChunksIntoPars(chunks) {
    let pars = [];
    chunks.forEach((chunk) => chunk.split('\n\n').forEach((par) => pars.push(par)));
    return pars;

function rawsReplace() {
    $('.original t').each(function () {
        let mytext = $(this).text();
        $(this).text($(this).attr('data-title').replace(/\(\w+\)/g, ''));
        $(this).attr('data-title', mytext);
    // add whitespace between two english words
    $('.original').find('t').filter(function (index) {
        var prev = $(this).get(0).previousSibling;
        return prev ? $(this).get(0).previousSibling.nodeName == 'T' : false;
    }).each(function () {
        $(this).text(' ' + $(this).text());

function UGMTLUpdatedWarning(){
    devLog(state.UGMTLUpdated, isUGMTLReplacingRaws());
    if (!state.UGMTLUpdated && isUGMTLReplacingRaws()) {
            let disclaimer = $(`<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Warning:</span>
Please update UGMTL to 1.6.8+ for better and stabler integration between the two extensions.
        $('#chapter-display-options-modal > div > div > div.modal-body > h3:nth-child(10)').after(disclaimer);

function devLog(message) {
    return state.testing ? console.log(message) : false;

function reportError(error) {
    if($('#error-modal').get(0)) {
        return postForm(error);
    let errmodal = $(errorModal);
    $('.js-toggle-gt').on('click', errmodal.modal.bind(errmodal, 'toggle'));
    postForm(error).always(() => {
        errmodal.find('p').eq(1).text('Your error has been reported');

function postForm(error) {
    return $.ajax({
        url: "",
        data: {"entry.1958338513": isUGMTLReplacingRaws()?"true" : (state.waited?"false":"not waited"), "entry.743789703": state.UGMTLUpdated?"true":"false", "entry.879260605":state.rawsReplaced?"true":"false", "entry.1237602720":state.errorCode, "entry.765414833": +"\n"+ error.message},
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "xml"

(function () {
    try {
        // Add UI indicator for loading
        $('.js-toggle-original').after('<button class="btn btn-disabled js-toggle-gt">Waiting for UGMTL...</button>');
        // Observe the phrases to see if they change

        // Wait for UGMTL and then start the program
        setTimeout(main, 50);

    catch (error) {

/* Reconsider using the inherent google translate api instead of API. (Requires CORS-bypass/GM_xmlHttpRequest)
let onload = function (res) {console.log(res)};
let request = {method:"GET", url:"", onload:onload};