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// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit Username Anonymizer // @description Adds a button to quickly anonymize screenshots in reddit comments for purposes of taking a screenshot. // @version 0.1 // @author mjkersey // @match https://** // @grant none // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @homepage // ==/UserScript== /** * Reddit screenshot username obscuring funcs * Some things cannot be undone without reloading the page (stripping extra classes like 'submitter', 'moderator', etc.) * This is really convoluted, because reddit doesn't set <div> IDs, so we have to use a lot of getElementsByClassName fuckery. * See here for more info: * * Also, what is a style guide */ (function() { function toggleAnonymize() { hideSubredditInfo = true; // Hides subreddit info hideSideLists = true; // Hides mod/recent links lists hideSidebar = false; // Hides the whole sidebar useDefaultStyle = true; // Unchecks the "Use subreddit style". Requires undoing to show the theme again. Don't know RES hooks for this. hideSubmitButtons = true; // Hides submit buttons to avoid giving away the subreddit. hideHeader = true; // Hides header. You know, because there might be information in there. hideUsernameMentions = true; // Not hooked up, exists for future expansion. Requires evaluating all <a> tags :( hideSubredditMentions = true; // Not hooked up, exists for future expansion. Requires evaluating all <a> tags :( hideSubredditLinks = true; // Same as above. // Declare an empty array of usernames unames = []; /** * Array of colors * The first "author" class it will find is the first one on the page - the submitter. * As a result, it needs to remain as the first item in the list. The rest are visually * distinct, moreso at first, and less so the further down the list we go. */ colors = ['blue', 'black', 'orange', 'yellow', 'olive', 'maroon', 'purple', 'fuchsia', 'lime', 'teal', 'aqua', 'navy', 'gray', // Easily distinguished/common colors 'silver', '#1cd100', '#b02ad1', '#2ad199', '#d12a2a', '#ab5b00', '#226bab', '#7c8500', '#850035', '#006a85', '#6a0085', // Less common, but still somewhat distinguishable '#1b3785', '#0d5e00', '#005e58', '#00005e', '#5e2713', '#003807', '#382d00', '#380b29']; // Can't get the top off the bottom of the barrel. Getting muddy. // Reserved classes and associated colors. reservedClasses = ['submitter', 'moderator', 'admin']; reservedColors = ['blue', 'green', 'red']; /** * Set defined color to a given element for foreground and background * @param {Object} el - DOM element * @param {string} color - An HTML color; name or #hex accepted */ function setColor(el, color) { if (color !== undefined) { // If our distinguishable color exists, set it! = color; = color; } else { // Color isn't in the array. Must be a big thread, and we're outta colors. Instead, blur it. = "-webkit-filter: blur(5px); /* Safari */"; = "filter: blur(5px)"; } } /** * Set innerHTML of elements by class name * @param {string} className - A CSS class */ function toggleClassVisibility(className) { [] document.getElementsByClassName(className), function(el) { = == 'none' ? '' : 'none'; // This is fine. Removes it from flow, also eliminating big ol' gaps } ); } /** * Toggles className between class and class-anonymized (as opposed to removing) * Prevents CSS override when we set explicit style properties * @param {Object} el - DOM element * @param {string} str name of the class to toggle */ function classToggle(el, className) { if (el.classList.contains(className + '-anonymized')) { el.classList.remove(className + '-anonymized'); el.classList.add(className); } else { el.classList.remove(className); el.classList.add(className + '-anonymized'); } } /** * Checks for reserved classes (admin, submitter, moderator) * Sets to reserved color if found * @param {Object} el - DOM element */ function checkReserved(el) { reservedFound = false; reservedClasses.forEach( function(className, index) { if(el.classList.contains(className) || el.classList.contains(className + '-anonymized')) { classToggle(el, className); setColor(el, reservedColors[index]); reservedFound = true; } } ); return reservedFound; } function hideLinks() { // This ain't skookum yet // [] // document.getElementsByTagName('a'), function(el) { // par = el.parentElement; // if (par.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'p') { // console.log('yup, in /p'); // if (el.href.indexOf('/u/') > -1) { // uname = el.textContent.replace('/u/', ''); // Get username being called - we can probably move this into its own function too. // if (unames.indexOf(uname) === -1) { // Check to see if the username is already in the array. We don't want duplicates. // unames.push(uname); // If not in array, add it. // } // uIndex = unames.indexOf(uname); // Get the index of the unique username that we've been pushing to the array. // color = colors[uIndex]; // Get the color that matches the index. // setColor(el, color); // el.classList.toggle('anonymized'); // } // if (el.href.indexOf('/r/') > -1) { // = "-webkit-filter: blur(5px); /* Safari */"; // = "filter: blur(5px)"; // el.classList.toggle('anonymized'); // } // } // } // ) } document.title = ''; /** * The meat of it all. This iterates through elements with className "author" and does the business. * Iterate through all tags with className 'author' */ [] document.getElementsByClassName('author'), function(el) { // Find all elements with class "author" if (!checkReserved(el)) { // Check whether it's a reserved class. If true, a reserved color will be set by the function. If false, continue assigning colors par = el.parentElement; // Get parent element. We only want to make changes to <a> tags within a <p> or <span> if ( ( par.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'p' // Comment author tags are in <p> tags || par.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span' // Message author tags are in <span> ) && ( par.className == 'tagline' // Means we're reading a comment || par.className == 'sender' // Means we're reading a message || par.className == 'recipient') // Ditto ) { if (el.classList.contains('anonymized')) { // Means it has already been anonymized, and we can toggle it off. Set our explicit style declaration to '' and let CSS take over setColor(el, ''); = ''; } else { uname = el.textContent; if (unames.indexOf(uname) === -1) { // Check to see if the username is already in the array. We don't want duplicates. unames.push(uname); // If not in array, add it. } uIndex = unames.indexOf(uname); // Get the index of the unique username that we've been pushing to the array. color = colors[uIndex]; // Get the color that matches the index. setColor(el, color); } el.classList.toggle('anonymized'); } } } ); // Hide link info, so that its IP can't be backtraced with Visual Basic toggleClassVisibility('linkinfo'); // Iterate through tags with class "user" (should only be the one in the header by the logout button) toggleClassVisibility('user'); // Hide the whole sidebar for privacy (maximum paranoia). If not, hide elements individually if (hideSidebar === true) { toggleClassVisibility('side'); } else { if (hideSubredditInfo === true) { // Hide all subreddit info. If not, hide elements individually // Hide subreddit info toggleClassVisibility('titlebox'); } else { // Find the "set flair", and replace the username and flair with hide text // Since this is a one-off and sets only a child element, we're not using toggleClassVisibility function here. [] document.getElementsByClassName('titlebox'), function(el) { elFlair = el.getElementsByClassName('tagline'); // Is Spanish for "The Flair". But seriously, hides the flair element. elFlair[0].style.visibility = elFlair[0].style.visibility == 'hidden' ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } ); } } if (hideHeader === true) { // An instance where a <div> has an id! toggleClassVisibility won't work here, let's do it by id. elHead = document.getElementById('header'); // More Spanish. This time it means "The head" = == 'none' ? '' : 'none'; } if (hideSideLists === true) { // Hides the moderators/recent lists toggleClassVisibility('sidecontentbox'); } if (useDefaultStyle === true) { var styleCheckbox = document.getElementById('res-style-checkbox'); if (styleCheckbox !== null) { // Make sure we're actually in a comments section; } } if (hideSubmitButtons === true) { toggleClassVisibility('sidebox submit submit-link'); // Hides "Submit Link" button. toggleClassVisibility('sidebox submit submit-text'); // Hides "Submit Text" button } if (hideUsernameMentions === true) { hideLinks(); } toggleClassVisibility('commentingAsUser'); // Hides RES "Speaking as:" box. toggleClassVisibility('flair'); // Hides flair - does not work on ::before pseudo-elements } //var commentMenu = document.getElementsByClassName('menuarea'); [] document.getElementsByClassName('menuarea'), function(el){ el.innerHTML += '<input id="anonymizeButton" type="button" value="Toggle Page Anomymization" />'; } ); document.getElementById("anonymizeButton").addEventListener("click", toggleAnonymize); })();