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// ==UserScript== // @name Trello Cards Hyperlinks // @namespace // @supportURL // @updateURL // @version 2.0 // @description Adds support for clickable hyperlinks in your Trello card titles. // @author Micael Levi // @copyright 2019, micalevisk ( // @license MIT // @match *://* // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function($) { // Visualize this expression here: const REGEX_URL = /\b(?:(https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?)|(www\.))([-a-z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b(?:[-a-z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*))/ig; const REGEX_LINK_LABEL = /^\s+\(([^\)]+)\)/; window.document.addEventListener('load', dispatchRender, true); window.document.addEventListener('blur', dispatchRender, true); function dispatchRender() { window.setTimeout(renderCardLinks, 0); // requestAnimationFrame(renderCardLinks); } const makeLinkMarkup = (href, title, label = title) => `<a class='tcards-title-link' onclick='event.stopPropagation();' href='${href}' title='${title}' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>${label}</a>`; function parseNode(nodeElement, placeholdersLookupRef) { if (nodeElement.nodeType !== 3) return; // only text nodes const text =; const textWithPlaceholders = text.replace(REGEX_URL, (match, protocol, www, rest, startIndex) => { const url = (protocol || '//' + www) + rest; const placeholder = `§${ - startIndex}§`; placeholdersLookupRef.push({ placeholder, makeNewMarkup: makeLinkMarkup.bind(null, url, match) // Using partial application }); return placeholder; }); nodeElement.textContent = textWithPlaceholders; } function updateNode(nodeElement) { const placeholdersLookup = []; for (const child of nodeElement.childNodes) parseNode(child, placeholdersLookup); if (!placeholdersLookup.length) return; nodeElement.innerHTML = placeholdersLookup.reduce( (withLinks, {placeholder, makeNewMarkup}) => { const placeholderStartIdx =; const contentAfterPlaceholder = withLinks.substr(placeholderStartIdx + placeholder.length); const matchLabel = contentAfterPlaceholder.match(REGEX_LINK_LABEL); if (matchLabel) { return withLinks.substr(0, placeholderStartIdx) + makeNewMarkup(matchLabel[1]) + // Usando a label definida pelo usuário withLinks.substr(placeholderStartIdx + placeholder.length + matchLabel[0].length); } return withLinks.substr(0, placeholderStartIdx) + makeNewMarkup() + // Usando a própria URL como label contentAfterPlaceholder; }, nodeElement.innerHTML); } function renderCardLinks() { $('.list-card-title:not( :has(> .tcards-title-link) )').each((_, e) => updateNode(e)); } })(jQuery || unsafeWindow.jQuery);