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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name Mute Spotify Ads // @description Mute advertisements on Spotify. // @license MIT // @version 1.0.0 // @match *://** // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== const $title = document.head.querySelector('title'); const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); const observerOptions = { childList: true, attributes: false, subtree: true } observer.observe($title, observerOptions); function callback(mutationList, observer) { mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { const text = mutation.addedNodes[0].nodeValue; if (text.startsWith('Advertisement')) { const $mute = document.querySelector('.spoticon-volume-16'); $mute?.click(); } else { const $unmute = document.querySelector('.spoticon-volume-off-16'); $unmute?.click(); } }); }