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// ==UserScript== // @name youav // @namespace // @version 0.7 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function clearNode(element) { var clone = element.cloneNode(); while (element.firstChild) { clone.appendChild(element.lastChild); } element.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, element); } clearNode( document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] ); function getVid(url){ return url.match(/video\/(\d+)/)[1]; } $('.well > a').each(function(i,n){ var vid = getVid( $(n).attr('href') ); var title = $(n).find('img:first').attr('title'); $(n).parent().find('.video-added').html('<input type="text" value="'+title+'" class="form-control"><div class="btn-group text-center" id="videosav_'+vid+'"><button class="get_link btn btn-primary" data-vid="'+vid+'" data-title="'+title+'">Get Download File</button></div>'); }); if( $('#videowatch').size() ){ var vid = getVid( location.href ); $('.pull-right > .btn-group').parent().append('<div class="btn-group text-center" id="videosav_'+vid+'"><button class="get_link btn btn-primary" data-vid="'+vid+'">Get Download File</button></div>'); getVideoData(vid , $('.big-title-truncate').text()); } $('.get_link').on('click',function(e){ var vid = $(this).data('vid'), title = $(this).data('title'); $('#videosav_'+vid).html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></span>'); getVideoData(vid,title); e.preventDefault(); }); function getVideoData(vid, title) { title = typeof title == 'string' ? title :''; title = title.match(/\w+[-]\d+/)[0].toUpperCase(); $.get('/load.php?pid=' + vid,function(r){ var list = getVideoList(r); $('#videosav_'+vid).html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>'); if( $.isArray(list)) { var ret = ''; //console.log( data ); $.each(list,function(i,n){ var file = n.file; if( file.indexOf('title=') != -1 ){ var oname = file.split('title=')[1]; var new_name = oname.toUpperCase(); if( new_name.substr(new_name.length-2) == 'HK'){ new_name = new_name.substr(0,new_name.length-2); } file = file.replace(oname,new_name); }else{ console.log(title); file += '&title=' + title; } ret += '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="'+file+'" download><span>'+n.label+'</span></a>'; }); $('#videosav_'+vid).html(ret); } }); } function getVideoList(code) { code = code.match(/sources.+/)[0].replace('sources:','').replace('},],','}]'); return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(eval('('+code+')')) ); } })();