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// ==UserScript== // @name Enfeita frases bate papo uol beta // @version 0.1 // @description Enfeita frases bate papo uol beta // @author megaLucario // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; var enfeites = function(){ var scope = angular.element($('#sendBtn')).scope(); var oldSendMsg = scope.sendMsg; scope.sendMsg = function() { scope.text = "" + scope.text + ""; for(var n=0;n<400;n++) { var vt=''; var vt2=''; if(n<10) { vt=vt+'0'+n.toString(); vt2='0'+n.toString(); } else { vt=vt+n.toString(); vt2=vt2+n.toString(); } if ((scope.text).indexOf('[s'+vt+']') != -1 || (scope.text).indexOf('[a'+vt2+']') != -1) { scope.text=((scope.text).replace('[s'+vt+']', ''+vt+'.png')).replace('[a'+vt2+']', ''+vt2+'.gif'); } } oldSendMsg(); } } var enfeitesInterval = setInterval(function(){ if(document.querySelector('#chatMessageSend')){ enfeites(); clearInterval(enfeitesInterval); } }, 100);