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// ==UserScript== // @name YIFI linker for Letterboxd // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @license MIT // @description Add links for YIFI ( torrent site on the wetch services // @author Gonzalo Rocha // @match* // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Your code here... const filmName = document.querySelector('section#featured-film-header h1').innerText; const filmYear = document.querySelector('section#featured-film-header p small a').innerText; axios(''+filmName) .then(response => { let {movies} = if(movies.length){ let foundMovie = movies.filter(movie => movie.year == filmYear)[0]; addService(foundMovie.url, 'YTS', foundMovie.torrents) } }); const createEl = function (type, attrs, text){ let el = window.document.createElement(type) Object.keys(attrs) .forEach(function (key){ el.setAttribute(key,attrs[key]) }) if(text){ let txt = window.document.createTextNode(text) el.appendChild(txt) } return el; } const addService = function(link, text, torrents) { let service = window.document.querySelector('.services') let p = window.document.createElement('p') let a = createEl('a', { href: link, target:'_blank', class: 'label' }); let span = createEl('span', {class: 'name'}, text) a.appendChild(span) p.appendChild(a); torrents.forEach(torrent => { p.appendChild(createEl('a',{class: 'link track-event', target:'_blank', href:torrent.url}, torrent.quality)) }) service.appendChild(p); } })();