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// ==UserScript== // @name 淘金yearning小助手 // @namespace // @version 0.0.11 // @description 帮助快捷使用yearning! // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @require基础类库.js // @require // @author allynz // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant unsafeWindow // @license MIT // @copyright 2020, me10zyl ( // ==/UserScript== (async function() { 'use strict'; let version = "0.0.11"; let KEY_ACE_CONTENT = "zyl-key-ace-content"; let KEY_FILTER_TABLE = "zyl-key-filter-table"; let KEY_LAST_CONNECTION = "zyl-key-last-connection"; let KEY_LAST_SELECT_DB = "zyl-key-last-select-db"; let KEY_HISTORY = "zyl-key-history"; setInterval(function(){ if(location.href == ''){ location.href = '' } }, 500); let clickedDB = false; let dbInterval = setInterval(function(){ let selectDB = $(".ivu-modal-content .ivu-cell"); if(selectDB){ selectDB.unbind("click").bind("click", function(){ console.log("[helper]select : " + $(this).index()); localStorage[KEY_LAST_CONNECTION] = $(this).index(); }); console.log("[helper]LAST_CONNECTION:" + localStorage[KEY_LAST_CONNECTION]); setTimeout(function(){ if(!clickedDB){ //$(".ivu-modal-content .ivu-cell").eq(localStorage[KEY_LAST_CONNECTION]).find(".ivu-cell-link").click(); } clickedDB = true; clearInterval(dbInterval); }, 300); } }, 55); // Your code here... let ace_content = await cp.findInterval(()=>document.querySelector('.ace_content'), 100); class AjaxInterceptor { constructor() { var RealXHROpen =; var RealXHRSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; const self = this; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function (data) { let realData =, data);, realData); } = function(method, url, async, user, pass) { this._url = url; RealXHROpen.apply(this, arguments); }; } beforeAjax(){ console.log(this); } } function init(){ let ajaxInterceptor = new AjaxInterceptor(); ajaxInterceptor.beforeAjax = beforeAjax; } function getAceSelection(){ let selectListEle = document.querySelectorAll('.ace_selection'); let selectList = []; selectListEle.forEach(e=>selectList.push(e)); let aceContent = getAceContent(); let splits = aceContent.split("\n"); let result = ""; if(selectList.length == 3){ let tmp = selectList[2]; selectList[2] = selectList[1]; selectList[1] = tmp; } for(let i = 0;i < selectList.length;i++){ let selectQ = selectList[i]; let letterStart = parseInt(parseFloat(['left'])/ 7.6975); let styleElement =['width']; let height = parseInt(['height']); let skipNumber = parseInt(["top"]) / 17; if(height > 17){ let lineCount = height / 17; let j = skipNumber; for( ; j < skipNumber + lineCount;j++) { result += splits[j] + "\n"; } skipNumber = skipNumber + lineCount; i = selectList.length selectQ = selectList[selectList.length - 1]; letterStart = parseInt(parseFloat(['left'])/ 7.6975); styleElement =['width']; } let letterEnd = -1; if(styleElement != ""){ letterEnd = letterStart + parseInt((parseFloat(styleElement)) / 7.6975); } if(letterEnd == -1){ result += splits[skipNumber].substring(letterStart); }else { result += splits[skipNumber].substring(letterStart, letterEnd); } result += "\n"; } return result; } unsafeWindow.getAceContent = getAceContent; unsafeWindow.getAceSelection = getAceSelection; function beforeAjax(data){ let data2 = data; if(this._url == '/api/v2/query'){ let json = JSON.parse(data); //let s = window.getSelection().toString(); let s = getAceSelection(); if(s!=null && s.trim() != ""){ console.log('[helper]exec select sql', s) json.sql = s; } data2 = JSON.stringify(json); } return data2; } init(); function _x(STR_XPATH) { var xresult = document.evaluate(STR_XPATH, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var xnodes = []; var xres; while (xres = xresult.iterateNext()) { xnodes.push(xres); } return xnodes; } window._x = _x; function sendText(text){ $(".ace_text-input").val(text); var event = new Event("input", { "detail": "Example of an event" }); // Dispatch/Trigger/Fire the event $(".ace_text-input")[0].dispatchEvent(event); } //document.querySelector('.ace_identifier').textContent = localStorage[KEY_ACE_CONTENT]; let content = localStorage[KEY_ACE_CONTENT]; if(content){ sendText(content); } console.log('[helper]ace_content found'); function getAceContent(){ let text = ''; $($(".ace_text-layer")[0]).find(".ace_line").each(function(){ text += $(this).text() + "\n"; }); return text; } function saveAceContent(){ //console.log( $($(".ace_text-layer")[0]).text()); var text = getAceContent(); if(text){ localStorage[KEY_ACE_CONTENT] = text.substring(0, text.length-1); } } $(".ace_text-input").keyup(saveAceContent); function selectLastDB(){ var lastDB = localStorage[KEY_LAST_SELECT_DB]; if(lastDB){ console.log('[helper]selectDB:' + lastDB); $(".ivu-tree .ivu-tree-children .ivu-tree-title").each(function(){ if($(this).text().match(lastDB)){ $(this).prev().click(); } }); } } function initSearch(){ var searchInput = $("<input />"); $(".ivu-card-head").append(searchInput); function triggerFilter(){ $(".ivu-tree .ivu-tree-children").each(function(){ if($(this).text().match(new RegExp(searchInput.val()))){ $(this).show(); }else{ $(this).hide(); } }); if($(this).val()){ localStorage[KEY_FILTER_TABLE] = $(this).val() } } searchInput.keyup(triggerFilter); let content = localStorage[KEY_FILTER_TABLE]; if(content){ //searchInput.val(content); setTimeout(function(){ triggerFilter(); selectLastDB(); }, 1000); } } initSearch(); let currentTableName = ''; setInterval(function(){ $(".ivu-tree-title").each(function(){ if($(this).prev().find("i").length==0){ $(this).unbind('click').bind('click', function(){ console.log('[helper]自动获取表结构') $(_x("//button//*[text()='获取表结构']")[0]).click(); currentTableName = $(this).text(); }); } }); }, 500); let lastBtn; function getNewBtn(text){ if(!lastBtn){ lastBtn = $(_x("//button//*[text()='隐藏数据列']")[0]).parent(); } let newBtn = lastBtn.clone(); newBtn.css({'margin-left': '10px'}); newBtn.removeClass('ivu-btn-primary').addClass('ivu-btn-info') newBtn.find("i").remove(); newBtn.find("span").text(text); lastBtn.after(newBtn); return newBtn; } function getTime(fmt){ var today = new Date(); var date = today.getFullYear()+'-'+("" + (today.getMonth()+1)).padStart(2, '0')+'-'+today.getDate(); var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds(); if(fmt != null){ time = fmt; } var dateTime = date+' '+time; return dateTime; } function initModal(html){ var modal = $('<div class="zyl-modal"><div><div class="zyl-modal-content"><span class="close">×</span><p class="zyl-content"></p></div></div></div>'); modal.find(".zyl-content").html(html); $(document.body).append(modal); var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0]; span.onclick = function() { modal[0].style.display = "none"; } window.onclick = function(event) { if ( == modal) { modal[0].style.display = "none"; } } return modal; } var historyModalContent = $("<div></div>"); var historyModal = initModal(historyModalContent); getNewBtn("查看查询历史").click(function(){ if(localStorage[KEY_HISTORY]){ var arr = JSON.parse(localStorage[KEY_HISTORY]); console.log(arr); historyModalContent.html(""); for(let i = arr.length-1;i >= 0;i--){ historyModalContent.append("<div>" + arr[i] + "</div>"); } historyModal.css("display","block"); } }); getNewBtn("插入模板语句").click(function(){ if(!currentTableName){ alert('请先选择表'); return; } let text = "select * from " + currentTableName + "\n"; sendText(text); let createTime = getCreateTime(); if(createTime) { sendText('where ' + createTime + ' >= \'' + getTime('00:00:00') + '\' and ' + createTime + ' <= \'' + getTime('23:59:59') + '\''); sendText('\norder by ' + createTime + " desc limit 50 "); }else{ sendText('order by id desc'); } setTimeout(function(){ saveAceContent() }, 50); }); function getCreateTime(){ let createTime = null; $(".ivu-table-tbody tr td:first-child").each(function(){ if($(this).text().match(/create/)){ createTime = $(this).text().trim(); } }); return createTime; } function clickInsertTimeScale(){ let dateCol = getCreateTime(); if(dateCol){ let text = ' where ' + dateCol + ' >= \'' + getTime('00:00:00') + '\' and ' + dateCol + ' <= \'' + getTime('23:59:59') + '\''; sendText(text); }else{ alert('请先选择表'); } } getNewBtn("插入时间范围").click(clickInsertTimeScale); let shuoming = $("<a href='javascript:void(0)' style='margin-right:15px'>淘金yearning小助手说明(v"+ version +")</a>"); $(".header-avator-con").prepend(shuoming);{ alert("===更新日志===\n1.增加记住上次SQL功能(v0.0.1)\n2.增加筛选表功能(v0.0.1)\n3.增加上次筛选的表功能(v0.0.1)\n4.增加自动获取表结构功能(v0.0.1)\n5.增加一键插入时间范围sql功能(v0.0.1)\n6.增加一键插入模板sql功能(v0.0.1)\n7.增加自动连接最后连接功能(v0.0.2)\n8.增加自动选择最后数据库功能(v0.0.2)\n9.增加查询自动加入历史记录(v0.0.6)\n10.加入选择查询功能(v0.0.11)"); }); setInterval(function(){ var text = _x("//span[contains(text(),'当前选择的库')]")[0].textContent.match(/当前选择的库:(.+)/)[1].trim(); if(text.length != 0){ localStorage[KEY_LAST_SELECT_DB] = text; //console.log('[helper]LAST_SELECT_DB:' + text); }; }, 500); $(_x("//button//*[text()='查询']")[0]).click(function(){ if(!localStorage[KEY_HISTORY]){ localStorage[KEY_HISTORY] = JSON.stringify([]); } var array = JSON.parse(localStorage[KEY_HISTORY]); var content = getAceContent(); if(content){ if(array.length> 0){ if(array[array.length-1] != content){ array.push(content); } }else{ array.push(content); } localStorage[KEY_HISTORY] = JSON.stringify(array); } }); GM_addStyle("/* The Modal (background) */ .zyl-modal {display: none; /* Hidden by default */position: fixed; /* Stay in place */z-index: 99999; /* Sit on top */left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%; /* Full width */height: 100%; /* Full height */overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */} /* Modal Content/Box */ .zyl-modal-content {background-color: #fefefe;margin: 15% auto; /* 15% from the top and centered */padding: 20px;border: 1px solid #888;width: 80%; /* Could be more or less, depending on screen size */} /* The Close Button */ .close {color: #aaa;float: right;font-size: 28px;font-weight: bold;} .close:hover, .close:focus {color: black;text-decoration: none;cursor: pointer;}"); })();