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// ==UserScript== // @name Alt Watcher v2 // @namespace // @version 2.1.2 // @description [] Добавляет ссылку на Альтернативные сайты просмотра аниме ### // @author STorn // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @require // @grant none // @license MIT // @copyright 2018, Newt300 ( // ==/UserScript== // url, name, allowed page types bitmap(0 - blocked, 1 - hentai) const selections = [ ["", "Anime 365", 1], ["", "Hentai 365", 2], ["", "VK", 3], ["", "SR", 1], ["", "AniDub", 1], ["", "Sibnet", 3], ["", "animespirit", 1], ["[title_only]=1&c[node]=20+22+21&q=", "", 1] ]; let $jq = jQuery.noConflict(true); const lang_cookie_regexp = new RegExp('(?:^|; )altWatcherLanguage=([^;]*)'); const service_cookie_regexp = [ new RegExp('(?:^|; )altWatcherPrefServiceFor1=([^;]*)'), new RegExp('(?:^|; )altWatcherPrefServiceFor2=([^;]*)') ]; function getPrefService(pageType) { let matches = document.cookie.match(service_cookie_regexp[pageType-1]); if (matches){ matches = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]); matches = selections.find(function(it){ return it[1] == matches; }); if (matches && matches[2] & pageType) return matches; } for (let idx = 0, v = selections[idx]; idx < selections.length; v = selections[++idx]) if ((v[2] & pageType) !== 0) return v; return selections[0]; } function setPrefService(pageType, value) { const d = new Date( + 1e+10); document.cookie = "altWatcherPrefServiceFor" + pageType + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; path=/; expires=" + d.toUTCString(); } function getAltWatcherLanguage() { const matches = document.cookie.match(lang_cookie_regexp); if (matches){ return decodeURIComponent(matches[1]); } return "en"; } function setAltWatcherLanguage(value) { const d = new Date( + 1e+10); document.cookie = "altWatcherLanguage=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; path=/; expires=" + d.toUTCString(); } function start(){ let watch_online_placeholer = $jq(".watch-online-placeholer"); if (watch_online_placeholer.length) { let lang_code = (getAltWatcherLanguage() == "en" ? 1 : 0); const pageType = (!!$jq('a.b-tag[href*="genre/12"]').length + 1); const animeName = $jq("#animes_show > section > div > header > h1").text().split(" / "); // [ru, en] const link = $jq('<a target="_blank"/>'); const bar = $jq('<div/>'); let service = getPrefService(pageType); // used in function scope to minimize cookie reading const barItemClicked = function (){ service = selections[$jq(this).data('service-index')]; link.attr('href', service[0] + encodeURIComponent(animeName[lang_code])).text('Смотреть на ' + service[1]); setPrefService(pageType, service[1]); bar.hide(); }; for (let idx = 0; idx < selections.length; idx++) { let v = selections[idx]; if ((v[2] & pageType) !== 0) bar.append($jq('<a/>').addClass('b-link_button dark watch-online').text(v[1]).data('service-index', idx).click(barItemClicked)); } const en = $jq('<a>').addClass(lang_code === 1 ? "b-link_button dark" : "b-link_button").text('en').attr('title', "Искать по английскому названию"); const ru = $jq('<a>').addClass(lang_code === 0 ? "b-link_button dark" : "b-link_button").text('ru').attr('title', "Искать по русскому названию"); const table = $jq('<table width="100%"/>').append($jq('<tr/>') .append($jq('<td/>').append({ ru.addClass("dark"); en.removeClass("dark"); setAltWatcherLanguage("ru"); lang_code = 0; link.attr('href', service[0] + encodeURIComponent(animeName[0])); bar.hide(); }))) .append($jq('<td/>').append({ en.addClass("dark"); ru.removeClass("dark"); setAltWatcherLanguage("en"); lang_code = 1; link.attr('href', service[0] + encodeURIComponent(animeName[1])); bar.hide(); })))); bar.append($jq('<div/>').addClass('block watch-online').css({top: "5px"}).append(table)); const pref_service = getPrefService(pageType); watch_online_placeholer.empty().append( $jq('<div/>').addClass('watch-online').append( link.addClass("b-link_button dark").css({"float": 'left', width: "calc(100% - 31px)"}) .attr('href', pref_service[0] + encodeURIComponent(animeName[lang_code])).text('Смотреть на ' + pref_service[1]) ).append( $jq('<a/>').addClass("b-link_button dark").css({width: "31px", "float": 'right', heigth: '31px'}).text('▼').click(function(){ bar.toggle(); }) ).append($jq('<div/>').addClass('clearfix')) ).append(bar.addClass('block').hide()); } } $jq(document).ready(start); $jq(document).on('page:load', start); $jq(document).on('turbolinks:load', start);